RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 15 Major Games

RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 15 Major Games are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 15 Major Games.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 10
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter 15
Chapter NameMajor Games
Number of Questions Solved28
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 15 Major Games

Textbook Questions Solved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Mention the length and breadth of the football ground.
The length and breadth of the football ground is :
Length: 100 to 110 m
Breadth: 64 to 75 m

Question 2.
How many players play in a team in the game of football?
There are nine players in a team in the game of football.

Question 3.
When was Indian Wrestling Federation established?
Indian Wrestling Federation was established in 1948.

Question 4.
What is the time duration of wrestling?
The time duration in wrestling is 6 minutes. These six minutes are divided into 3-3 minutes of 2 periods. In between there is an interval of 30 seconds. In junior category, there are 3 rounds of 1 minute 50 seconds each.

Question 5.
By what name is the playground of Judo called?
The playgrotand of Judo is called by the name of Shiajo.

Question 6.
How many officials are there in the game of Judo?
There are 3 officials in the game of Judo. One is referee and the other two are judges.

Question 7.
What is the name of goal area in the game of handball?
The name of area where the goal is made is called as crease.

Question 8.
What is the duration in the game of handball? .
The duration of a standard handball match consists of 2 periods, of 30 minutes each. In between, there is an interval gap of 10 minutes.

Question 9.
How many officials are there in the game of Taekwondo?
There are 7 officials in the game of Taekwondo. One is chief judge, one is timer, 4 are corner referees and 1 is center referee.

Question 10.
What is the name of the dress worn in Taekwondo?
The name of the dress is ‘Dobok’. It is V-neck heavy cotton top with pants having an elastic waist. It is plain and white in colour.

Question 11.
Describe the particulars of a swimming pool.
The length of a swimming pool should be 50 m and breath should be atleast 21m. The depth of water should be more than 18 m inside the pool.

Question 12.
How many officials are appointed in the competition of swimming?
The officials in the competition of swimming are :
Referee – 1
Starter – 1
Time-Keeper (per lane-1)
Final Judge (per lane-1)
Turn and Stroke Inspector (per 2 lane-1)

Class 10 Physical Education RBSE Solutions Chapter 15 Major Games Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the fundamental skills in football.
Fundamental skills of Football :

(i) Kicking : Skill of kicking a ball is adopted for passing the ball to a team mate or for shooting it into the goal. Kicking, therefore, must be controlled and accurate. It can be Long-Kick or Half-kick. Long-Kick is resorted to pass the ball bouncing up or in the air, to team mate. In Football many types of kicks, are used as ‘Instep Kick’ , ‘Punt-Kick’, ‘Toe-Kick’, ‘Chip-Kick’, ‘Outstep-Kick’, ‘Drop Kick’, ‘Scissors Kick’.

(ii) Passing : ‘Pass’ is often used to escape the ball from the opponent player or to him in dodge. It is given either in the air by rolling the ball fast in the field. Pass given to the player behind, is known as Back Pass.

(iii) Trappings : It is the basis of controlling the ball from going away from the player and preventing it by trapping with chest, foot, thigh, belly or forehead.

(iv) Dribbling : Moving and guiding the ball on the field towards the opponent goal is called Dribbling. It is the art of keeping the ball almost glued to the feet while running.

(v) Dodge : It is the fundamental skill of misguiding the opponent team by the player who poses to play with another fake ball and directs the play-ball to the other direction.

(vi) Shooting : It is the skill of sending the ball in the goal by kicking it from any angle. The shooting player may use arty kick and dodge the goalkeeper.

(vii) Tackling : It is the skill of snatching the ball without committing foul and without hurting the attacking player.

Question 2.
Explain history and rules of scoring points in Wrestling.
Wrestling is believed to have born in India. By turning the pages of history of India, one can find many evidence to establish the fact. Mahabharat and Puranas are full of examples of ancient wrestling. Wrestlers of the Mahabharta and Ramayana age had established their authority and impact in the world by their expertise in the art of ancient form of wrestling. Many amateur combatants showed their skills in combats.

Score :
(i) One Point:

(a) To the player who knocks down the opponent player on the mat and with back swing holds him and while doing so one of these three parts must rest :
(a) Two knees
(b) Two palms
(c) Head

(b) The opponent is awarded 1 bonus point if a wrestler remains in the position of danger for 5 seconds.

(c) If the player lifts the opponent from the mat and knocks him down, he is awarded 1-1 point for lifting and knocking down.

(d) One point is awarded to the opponent for one warning.

(ii) Two Points : Two points are awarded to the wrestler who strikes in the sitting position and in case of danger he takes round turn.

(iii) Three Points :
(a) The player is awarded 3 points if he pounces a hit in the standing position and throws him straight at more than 90° angle, without any obstruction
(b) Three points are awarded if the player lifts the opponent from the mat, in the sitting position and knocks him dowm in the dangerous state.

(iv) Five Points : Five points are awarded to the player in case of‘Back Saito’.
(v) Decision : The match remains Draw if the difference in the scores is less than one point or no point has been scored or both the opponent wrestlers score equal points. In case the score of one wrestler is more by one point or more than the score of the . opponent wrestler, he is the winner.

Question 3.
Describe the unfavourable acts (fouls) in the game of Judo.
Fouls in Judo :

  1. Holding the opponent player by jacket or belt.
  2. Touching or holding belt or arms of the jacket without the permission of the referee.
  3. Leaving the field of contest intentionally or pushing the opponent out for no genuine reason.
  4. Unnecessary shrieking or signalling.
  5. Extending hands or feet direct towards opponent’s face.
  6. Gripping the opponent player in a way so as to damage his Vertebrae Column.
  7. Trying to threaten or harm the opponent.
  8. Attempting to touch or catch intentionally.
  9. Adopting the technique of scissoring the neck, twisting back and armpits or locking of joints of the player in the standing position, by the opponent in the lying position.
  10. Giving intentional back hit to the opponent.
  11. Pressing the belly, twisting head or neck in between the legs.
  12. Keeping the fingers interlocked for quite some time.
  13. Throwing forcefully the player lying on his back, on the mat.
  14. Holding the player’s leg with scissor grip.
  15. Pushing the opponent to the ground without adopting any technique.
  16. Speaking disrespectful language.
  17. Making indecent movements.
  18. Playing in a way as may damage the total image of the game of Judo.

Question 4.
Describe the particulars of Handball game and the use of equipments in it.
Handball is a team sport played between two teams comprising of seven players each. Out of seven players, six are field players. They run on the field and pass the ball using their hands to their team member. Their aim is to throw the ball inside the goal of the other team. The seventh player stands as a goal-keeper.

A standard match consists of two periods of 30 minutes each. There is an internal gap of 10 minutes between the two periods. The team that scores more goals wins. Modern handball is played on a court 40 by 20 metres. With a goal in the middle of each end. The goals are surrounded by a 6 m zone. Only the defending goal-keeper is allowed there. There are 2 referees—a court referee and a goal line referee. The decision of the referees is final. They are assisted by a timer and a scorer.

A goal is centered along each goal line at each end of the court. It is 3 m wide and 2 m tall, bolted to the wall or to the floor. It is 2 m deep from the goal line to the outside. The goal posts and crossbar are made of aluminium or wood, 8 cm wide in cross-section.

Question 5.
Describe the procedural steps in the Sport of Taekwon-do.
Tae means foot, kwon means hand, and Do means art. Hence, Taekwondo is the art of self defense by use of both hands and feet. Taekwondo is considered the most modern of existing self defense arts.

Taekwondo is the art of‘foot and fist’. It is exactly a battle of kicks and punches. The opponents compete on a mat inside a eight-by-eight metre zone. There are three rounds of two minutes each. The aim is to land accurate kicks and punches on the scoring area of their opponent.

The name of the ground where Taekwondo is played is called as ‘Arena’. Its diameter is 8 × 8 m. The mat on which the opponents fight is prepared of 64 mats of 1 × 1 m. There are total 7 officials appointed in this game. One is the main judge, 1-timekeeper, 4-corner referees, and 1-center referee. Centre referee starts the bout. The decision of the main judge stands as the final decision. Corner referee gives the points to the team.

Question 6.
Write about the rules and techniques of swimming.
Rules of Swimming :

  1. The competitor begins swimming with a drive from the starting Block.
  2. In all other styles except Back stroke the swimmer starts with a dive.
  3. Excluding back stroke, in all other styles the swimmers, on the call of the referee, reach the back of starting blocks of their respective lanes and on the signal by referee they start swimming. Decision of the referee is final. It is the referee who gets all the rules executed by the competitors.
  4. At the very first foul on the starting block, the competitor is disqualified.
  5. Swimmer should remain in his own lane and should not obstruct others in the adjoining lanes.
  6. Swimmer should continue with the style in which he is competiting except in case of Free Style.
  7. Swimmer should take support of any prohibited article.
  8. Swimmer can stand but not walk to cover the distance if water in the swimming pool has become less.
  9. During Relay competition the other competitor should not jump into the water till the first competitor has covered the specified distance and touched the wall.

Swimming Techniques :

  1. In Free Style Swimming competition any part of the swimmer’s body may touch the end of the swimming pool.
  2. In Back stroke there is roll over turn. It is reckoned as the roll over turn if the swimmer has touched the end of the swimming pool.
  3. In the Butterfly and the Breast stroke the turn is reckoned complete only when the swimmers may employ any technique convenient to him.
  4. In free style the swimmer takes the turn in the style with which he started the competition.
  5. In free style the swimmer can progress fast.
  6. In Back stroke it is necessary to keep back dipped in water.
  7. In Back stroke the swimmer takes one dive in water and one stroke while taking turn.
  8. In Butterfly stroke hands and feet move together.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Solutions Chapter 15 Major Games Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the Football team number of the players who play in the field is –
(a) 15
(b) 5
(c) 8
(d) 11
Answer: (d)

2. Length of the swimming pool in swimming competitions is –
(a) 50 mt
(b) 70 mt
(c) 30 mt
(d) 100 mt
Answer: (a)

3. To stop the Judo game referee uses the word –
(a) Hygime
(b) Mate
(c) Wazari
(d) Ipon
Answer: (b)

RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions Chapter 15 Major Games Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you know about dress and ball in Football game?
Ball : A ball may be made of leather or an approved material. It should be spherical with a circumference of 27 to 28 inches and its weight should be between 14 to 16 ounces.

Dress : The players wear a shirt or jersey, knickers (half pants), socks and canvas or leather shoes. They should use shoes with permissible bars or studs or combined bars and studs. Colour of dress of both the teams should be different. Goal keeper can wear gloves. Player’s Jersey or Shirt should bear numbers at the back visible from distance.

Question 2.
Write the classification of the Mahabharta period wrestling.
Mahabharta period wrestling is of four types :

  1. Bhim Sen Wrestling i.e., Wrestling by applying similar force as Bhim did.
  2. Hanumanti Wrestling i.e., Wrestling by trick and cleverness.
  3. Jamwanti Wrestling : Wrestling by use of entrapping tricks and rhythm.
  4. Jarasandhi Wrestling : Twisting of the organs which may be deformed or damaged.

Question 3.
Against which player is off side declared in Football?
Off Side : A Player is off side when he is in the half of his opponents or their goal line and when there are no opponents behind him. A player can be off side when the ball is played by his team mate and he :

  1. obstructs the game.
  2. attempts to benefit from his position in the game.

Question 4.
What is the duration of a football match?
A football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes, each with an interval of 10 minutes which may be extended by the umpire. Time lost in substitution and any sudden occurrence shall be included in the duration of the game, as prescribed.

Question 5.
What is the shape of Judo playfield and what is its measurement?
The shape of Judo playground is a square platform. It remains covered with 50 pieces of jute or canvas of 3 feet by 6 feet (1 × 2 mts) each. Colour of the mat used is green. Maximum size of the playfield is 16 × 16 mts and minimum 14 × 14 mts. It is divided into two zones and the part dividing it is known as the Danger zone and its adjoining area is known as Contest area which is 10 × 10 mts. maximum and 8 × 8 mts. minimum.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Chapter 15 Major Games Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Write violation of rules for foul in Football.
Fouls : A player who commits any of the undermentioned nine fouls is penalized by the guard of Free-Kick, Goal, Kick, Corner-Kick etc. against him to the player of the opponent team. The list of nine fouls within the penalty area, committed by the player of the defending team :

  1. Attempts to kick opponent
  2. Trips or attempts to trip opponent
  3. Jumps at an opponent
  4. Charges an opponent dangerously
  5. Charges an opponent from behind when he is not obstructing
  6. Strikes an opponent
  7. Holds an opponent
  8. Pushes an opponent
  9. Handles the ball with his hand or arm

Question 2.
Give a description of main apparatus used in Wrestling and Judo.
Wrestling Mat : Diameter of mat should be 9 by 9 mts. To avoid accidents there should be a border 1.20 to 1.50 mts, around the Mat. Height of Platform where mat is spread should be 1.10 mt colour of the corners of Mat should be red or blue. There should be a circle of 1 m dimension in the centre of Mat. Width of the Red border should be 1 mt.

Costume of Wrestling Player : One-piece Baniyan, Janghia, jersey in red or blue colour, loin cloth, sports shoes tied tightly around the ankles. He should not use high shoes with high heels and nails studded in their sole. He should not have long and freshly shaved beard.

Judo : The shape of Judo playground is a square platform. It remains covered with 50 pieces ofjute or canvas of 3 feet by 6 feet (1 × 2 mts) each. Colour of the mat used is green. Maximum size of the playfield is 16 × 16 mts and minimum 14 × 14 mts. It is divided into two zones and the part dividing it is known as the Danger zone and its adjoining area is known aS Contest area which is 10 × 10 mts. maximum and 8 × 8 mts. minimum.

Costume : The costumes worn by Judo Contestants are known as Judogi. They are one Jacket, trousers fitted at the waist with one belt which is so long as to wrap the body waist twice and after the square knot is tied, 20 to 30 cm belt on each side should be left. Jacket should also be so long as it covers the hips after being tied with the belt. Its arms should be wide. There should be a gap of 10 to 15 cm between the cuffs and arms and should upto the mid arms. Trousers should also be wide enough.

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