RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life

RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 10
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter 9
Chapter NameValue Based Education for Life
Number of Questions Solved17
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life

Textbook Questions Solved

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is meant by value based education for life?
Value based education is an approach towards life for promoting effective learning which underlines the continuous improvement of personal, social, moral and economic well being. It’s like an investment in individual capability and self-responsibility.

Question 2.
Who wrote the epic “Ramayana”?
Sant Valmiki wrote the Ramayana and transformed his life in a completely spiritual one by connecting his soul to the Almighty.

Question 3.
When did Swami Vivekanand gave speech in America?
Vivekanand gave speech in 1893 in the Chicago city of America at “World Parliament of Religions”.

Question 4.
Who sacrificed her life for the safe survival of trees?
Amrita Devi Bishnoi sacrificed her life along with her family to prevent the trees from being cut down. She was a perfect example for her true love towTards the motherland, India.

Question 5.
Who was truly educated-in the view of I.A.S. official?
The shepherd boy was truly educated in the view of the I.A.S. officer.

Question 6.
Which education holds most importance to succeed in his/her life?
Value based eduation is most important to succeed in life.

Class 10 Physical Education RBSE Solutions Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the importance of value-based education for life?
Due to lack of value education inner peace of a man is deteriorating. Hence, incidences of corruption, theft, robbery, murder, terrorism, black marketing can be seen in huge proportion. Therefore, to build up a pure and spiritual personality, value education is very necessary.

Value education prohibits the occurrence of disorders like anger, jealousy, selfishness, and breach of trust, because of which man progresses to humanism and moralism.

Question 2.
What are the benefits from value education?
Value based education is an approach towards life for promoting effective learning which underlines the continuous improvement of personal, social, moral and economic well being. It’s like an investment in individual capability and self-responsibility.

It creates a strong learning environment that enhances academic attainment, and develops a person’s social and relationship skills that last throughout their lives. Value-based education can be defined as, “learning about self and w’isdom of life” in a self-exploratory, systematic and scientific way through formal education.

Question 3.
What were the benefits of the teachings preached by Swami Vivekanand?
Swami Vivekanand stressed on moral values to be followed in life. He also lay great stress on discipline. Swami talked about the greatness of Hinduism, but was against blindly believing in rituals and religious dogma. He also lay great stress on Physical exercise. According to the Swami, one hour of physical regimen would do more good than analysing the scriptures. He was a great believer in the philosophy of Vedanta.

Question 4.
Does a person progress with the help of value-based education. How?

  1. Value-based education imparts social, moral, integrity, character, spirituality, and much more.
  2. It builds the qualities of humility, strength and honesty in a person.
  3. They become better citizens of a country.
  4. People with high ethical values will never cheat others.
  5. People are taught to co-operate with each other.
  6. They make their life happier and work hard to make others happy.
  7. The feeling of unity and communal harmony helps build values in children. Value-based education is the only means which can give our young the right direction.
  8. It provides social capacity to children, equipping them with social and relationship skills, intelligence and attitude to succeed at the primary level, as well as throughout their lives.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Solutions Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rishi Valmiki wrote –
(a) The Mahabharata
(b) The Upanishads
(c) The Ramayana
(d) The Bhagwad Gita
Answer: (c)

2. Which lady sacrificed her life for saving the trees from being cut?
(a) Amrita Devi
(b) Munni Bai
(c) Shanti Devi
(d) Panna Dhai
Answer: (a)

3. In the view of I.A.S. official, who was truly educated –
(a) The shepherd boy
(b) I.A.S. himself
(c) Other officials
(d) The Philosopher
Answer: (a)

4. Who left his princely life in search of true knowledge?
(a) Amrit Sagar
(b) Lord Buddha
(c) Sant Valmiki
(d) Vivekananda
Answer: (c)

RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you know about Amrita Devi Bishnoi?
This is an incidence of Khejarli village near Jodhpur in which a local woman called Amrita Devi protested against the felling of trees. She along with her family and 363 more local people sacrificed their life for the safe survival of trees. This shows her true love for the motherland, India.

Question 2.
Why did Swami Vivekanand go to USA?
Swami Vivekanand went to USA in 1893 to address the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago city, U.S.A.

Class 10 Physical Education Rajasthan Board Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain how our ancient culture promotes morals, ethics and value education?
Since the ancient times the education of humanity and brotherhood is given in the society. In our country, even the snake is worshipped as God and milk is fed to it, as part of our tradition and rituals.

In this country-

Sarve Bhawantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niramaya
Sar’ve Bhadrani Pashyantu
Ma Kashchid Dukh Bhagbhveta

Such a great thinking is an outcome of value education.

May all be happy, healthy, look auspicious or goodness only. All evils may be abolished and good habits may be explored. Prayer that is done through thought, word and deed or education attained through it helps to build one’s character.

We hope the given RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life will help you. If you have any query regarding Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 9 Value Based Education for Life, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.