RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 18 Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Science. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | Science |
Chapter | Chapter 18 |
Chapter Name | Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements |
Number of Questions Solved | 37 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 18 Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements
Textbook Questions Solved
I. Multiple Choice Questions
RBSE Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 18 Question 1:
Dr. A. P. J. Adbul Kalam studied which of the following at Madras Institute of Technology?
(a) Computer Engineering
(b) Aeronautical Engineering
(c) Electrical Engineering
(d) Electronic Engineering
(b) Aeronautical Engineering
RBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 18 Question 2:
Sir C. V. Raman won the Nobel Prize in which year?
(a) 1928
(b) 1930
(c) 1932
(d) 1934
(b) 1930
RBSE Solution Class 10 Science Chapter 18 Question 3:
Which of the following was an ornithologist.
(a) Dr. Panchanan Maheshwari
(b) Meghnad Saha
(c) Dr. Prafullachandra Ray
(d) Dr. Salim Ali
(d) Dr. Salim Ali
RBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 18 Notes Question 4:
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is situated in which city?
(a) Chennai
(b) Delhi
(c) Kolkata
(d) Mumbai
(d) Mumbai
Ch 18 Science Class 10 RBSE Question 5:
Charak Samhita was written in which language?
(a) Hindi
(b) Persian
(c) Sanskrit
(d) Urdu
(c) Sanskrit
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Very Short Answer Type Questions
Class 10th RBSE Solution Science Question 6:
Dr. Bhabha identified which type of particles in radiations from space?
Subatomic particle (Micro particles)
RBSE Solutions For Class 10 Science Question 7:
Sushruta was a descendent of which sage?
RBSE Solution Class 10 Science Question 8:
As per Charak, what were the reasons for genetic defects in a child?
Some deficiency or defect in parents
RBSE Solutions Class 10 Science Question 9:
What was the first job for Dr. C. V. Raman?
Deputy Accountant General under government of India
Class 10 Science RBSE Solution Question 10:
Which reactors were established under the direction of Dr. Bhabha?
Apsara, Cirus and Gerlina
RBSE Solution Class 10th Science Question 11:
Which scientist contributed towards establishment of Kevla Dev Bird Sanctuary in Bharatpur?
Dr. Salim Ali
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Short Answer Type Questions
Class 10 Science RBSE Solutions Question 12:
Comment on Dr. Kalam’s contribution in defence and space technology.
Dr. Kalam worked as a senior scientist of Defence Research and Development Organisation to work on hovercraft project. In 1962, he was sent to Indian Space Research Organisation to work on various projects.
He was given the charge of SLV project and SLV-3 was successfully launched after that. Eventually, he was given the charge of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) which enabled India to successfully test fire various missiles like Prithvi, Agni, Trishul, Nag and Akash. He also lead the test explosion at Pokharan in 1958.
RBSE Solutions For Class 10th Science Question 13:
What is Raman effect? What is its significance?
Raman effect is about behaviour of light in fluids. As per this concept, when light travels through a fluid then there is an interaction between light and fluid which is called dispersion of light. Raman effect helps in explaining various natural phenomenon on, like appearance of blue sky, advanced sunrise and delayed sunset, etc. It also explains the appearance of red sky during sunrise and sunset.
RBSE Solutions Of Class 10th Science Question 14:
What is the contribution of Dr. Panchanan Maheshwari in botany?
Dr. Panchanan Maheswhari specially worked on plant embryology. He developed a new branch by combining embryology with plant physiology and with the new-found knowledge succeeded in growing different floral parts by artificial nutrition. He was so famous that not only Indians but students from America, Argentina and Australia used to come to do research work under his guidance. About 60 students completed their doctorate under his guidance.
RBSE Solution 10th Class Science Question 15:
Match the following:
Column A | Column B |
(1) Bird Man of India | (a) Sushruta |
(2) Missile Man | (b) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam |
(3) Father of Plastic Surgery | (c) Dr. Bhabha |
(4) Father of Nuclear Science in India | (d) Dr. Salim Ali |
1 → d, 2 → b, 3 → a, 4 → c
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Long Answer Type Questions
Class 10 RBSE Solutions Science Question 16:
Write about life and contributions of Sushruta.
Sushruta was born in 600 BC. He got the basic training in medicines at ashram of Dhanwantari. Sushruta was the pioneer to give knowledge of surgery to the world. In his book ‘Sushruta Samhita’ he has elaborated about surgery in painstaking detail. Sushruta proposed about deficiency syndrome. He also practiced heating the surgical instruments before surgery in order to properly sterilize the instruments.
Many books mention plastic surgery of nose, ears and lips by Sushruta. In fact, he is also known as the father of plastic surgery. He has mentioned 101 instruments for surgery. One of his tools was similar to spring forceps used by surgeons of the modern time. He also came with elaborate instructions to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in hospital.
RBSE Solution For Class 10th Science Question 17:
Write about life and contributions of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.
Dr. Abul Pakir Jainulabdin Abdul Kalam was bom on 15th October 1931. After obtaining his primary education at Rameshwararm, he moved to Schwartz Higher Secondary School in the neighbouring Ramanathpuram to study science. Then he studied Aeronautical Engineering at Madras University of Technology.
Dr. Kalam worked as a senior scientist of Defence Research and Development Organisation to work on hovercraft project. In 1962, he was sent to Indian Space Research Organisation to work on various projects.
He was given the charge of SLV project and SLV-3 was successfully launched after that. Eventually, he was given the charge of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) which enabled India to successfully test fire various missiles, like Prithvi, Agni, Trishul, Nag and Akash. He also lead the test explosion at Pokharan in 1958.
10th Class RBSE Solution Science Question 18:
Write about life and contributions of Dr. C. V. Raman.
Chandrashekhar Venkat Raman was born on 7thNovember 1888 in Tamil Nadu. He cleared M. Sc. (Physics) in 1907 at the age of 19. He started his career as Deputy Accountant General under government of India.
Raman left his job of accountant to devote time on science. After that, he joined as a professor of physics at Calcutta University. During his tenure as professor, Raman discovered his famous ‘Raman Effect’ in 1929. For this discovery, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930. ‘Raman Effect’ is also known as ‘Raman Dispersion’.
Raman explained the reason for blue colour of sea and sky. He also studied at lot about solid, liquid and gas. Additionally, he conducted valuable research on magnetism, X-rays, structure of matter, colour and sound. He died on 20th November 1970.
Class 10 RBSE Solution Science Question 19:
Write about life and contributions of Dr. Salim Ali.
Dr. Salim Ali was born on 12th November 1896. Salim Ali got his initial education from St. Xaviers College, Bombay.
He was a renowned ornithologist and naturalist. He is known as the ‘Birdman’ of India. Salim Ali was the first Indian to arrange for systematic survey of birds in India. His books on birds have helped immensely in enriching the knowledge about birds. He was conferred with the second highest civilian award of India, the Padma Vibhushan, in 1976. After becoming a member of Bombay Natural History Society in 1947, he utilized his influence to obtain government aid for this institution. He played important role in formation of Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary (Kevla Dev National Park). He also made great efforts to stop the construction of a dam project which was a threat to the Silent Valley National Park.
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Additional Questions Solved
I. Multiple Choice Questions
Science Class 10 RBSE Solutions Question 1:
Who is known as the ‘Missile Man’ of India?
(a) Dr. Salim Ali
(b) Dr. A PJ Abdul Kalam
(c) Dr. Bhabha
(d) Dr. C V Raman
(b) Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam
Science RBSE Solutions Class 10 Question 2:
An ornithologist studies which of the following?
(a) Birds
(b) Fossils
(c) Plants
(d) Reptiles
(a) Birds
Question 3:
Sushruta used which animal to prevent blood clotting during surgery?
(a) Ant
(b) Leech
(c) Prawn
(d) Earthworm
(b) Leech
Question 4:
Who started Bengal Chemical & Pharmaceutical Works?
(a) Panchanan Maheshwari
(b) C V Raman
(c) Prafullachandra Ray
(d) Dr. Homi Bhabha
(c) Prafullachandra Ray
Question 5:
Which of the following is not from the modern times?
(a) Salim Ali
(b) C V Raman
(c) Charak
(d) Bhabha
(c) Charak
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
As per Ayurveda, which are the three doshas which regulate the functioning of body?
Vata, Pitta and Kafa
Question 2:
Who was the guru of Sushruta?
Question 3:
Which book was written by Sushruta?
Sushruta Samhita
Question 4:
Which book was written by Charak?
Charak Samhita
Question 5:
Which topic was of common interest for Charak and Mendel?
Question 6:
C V Raman got Nobel Prize for which discovery?
Raman Effect
Question 7:
Who is called as the ‘Father of Indian Nuclear Programme’?
Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
Explain the fundamental aspects of any science.
Any science has two aspects, viz. fundamental science and applied science. While fundamental science facilitates our understanding about various phenomena, the applied science affects the human life and facilitates economic progress of the humankind.
Question 2:
Make a short note on education of Dr. Bhabha.
After studying at Cathedral John Canon High School and Elphinstone College, Bhabha went to the Cambridge University for higher education. After graduating from Cambridge in 1930, he began advanced study in theoretical physics. He conducted research in the field of cosmic ray and atomic energy.
Question 3:
Make a short note on education of Dr. Prafullachandra Ray.
Dr. Prafullachandra Ray got his school education from the Model School in his village, followed by the famous Albert School and Hare School of Calcutta. After clearing the entrance examination in 1879 he started his college education at Metropolitan Institute. He also had to go to the Presidency College to study science subjects. In 1882, he cleared the Gilchrist Scholarship competition and thus got entry at the Edinburgh University.
Question 4:
Write a short note on education of Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam.
Dr. Kalam got primary education at Rameshwaram. Then he moved to Schwartz Higher Secondary School in the neighbouring Ramanathpuram, to study science. After that, he studied Aeronautical Engineering at Madras University of Technology. He got entry in Madras University of Technology in 1954 to study Aeronautical Engineering.
Indian Scientists: Biography and Achievements Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
Which incident motivated Dr. j Prafullachandra Ray to start a company? What happened after that?
After coming back to India, he joined the Presidency College as Assistant Professor. At the same time some people with lesser qualification and lesser ability were working at higher posts and drawing higher salaries. When Dr. Prafullachandra complained about this to then Director of
Education Department, the British director satirically told him, “If you are such an able chemist then you should start some business”.
He was so stirred by that satire that with a meager capital of Rs. 800 he started the Bengal Chemical & Pharmaceutical Works in 1892 to produce allopathic medicines. Today, that company has progressed into a billion rupees company and has catalysed many industries in the country.
Question 2:
Write about contributions of Charak in science.
His book ‘Charak Samhita’ which was written in 200 BC is still a much revered book in the field of medicine. This is one of the oldest books in Sanskrit. This book is divided into 8 parts and has both verses and prose.
Charak was familiar with the fundamental concepts of inheritance. He also discovered the concept of sex determination of a child. He had postulated that any genetic defect in a child happens because of some deficiency or defect in parents. He was the first to claim that heart was the control centre of body and is attached with main arteries.
In Charak Samhita, he has also mentioned some instructions and oaths for the doctors and for students of medicine. He advocated that doctors should not develop enmity with their patients under any circumstance. A doctor should never leak out any personal or family matter of the patient. A doctor should always be ready to accept a new knowledge.
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