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Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 English Festoon Chapter 9 A Talk on Advertising
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RBSE Class 11 English Festoon Chapter 9 Textual Activities
Activity – I : Comprehension
Tick the correct alternative :
Question 1.
The creation of want or need where it is not required is
(a) a useful one
(b) a mischief
(c) praiseworthy
(d) needed to be encouraged
(b) a mischief
Question 2.
As Wouk looks around the table, he sees almost everyone earning bread through the activity called
(a) Washing
(b) Painting
(c) Advertising
(d) Singing
(c) Advertising
Question 3.
‘It has given me a chance to do a beautiful and good thing.’ The chance is to request people around him to give up the business of
(a) making clothes
(b) advertising
(c) teaching
(d) preaching
(b) advertising
B. Answer to the following questions should not exceed 10-15 words each :
Question 1.
What, according to the essayist, is money?
निबंधकार के अनुसार धन क्या है?
According to the essayist, money is nothing but an exchange token. We get things in exchange.
निबंधकार के अनुसार धन एक अदला-बदली का माध्यम है। हम धन के बदले चीजें प्राप्त करते हैं।
Question 2.
What does an advertising man do?
विज्ञापन करने वाला व्यक्ति क्या करता है?
He induces human beings to want things they don’t want.
वह मनुष्यों को उन चीजों की इच्छा करने की प्रेरणा देता है जिनकी इच्छा वे नहीं करते।
Question 3.
In case of which articles greater advertising effort is needed?
किन वस्तुओं के मामले में विज्ञापन के अधिक बड़े प्रयास की आवश्यकता होती है?
The more useless and undesirable an article is, the greater advertising effort will be needed to dispose of it.
कोई वस्तु जितनी अनुपयोगी एवं अवांछनीय होगी उसे खपाने में उतना ही अधिक प्रयास करना पड़ेगा।
Question 4.
What is the greatest evil of advertising?
विज्ञापनबाज़ी की सबसे बड़ी बुराई क्या है?
The greatest evil of advertising is that it spoils everything that is good and beautiful.
विज्ञापनबाज़ी की सबसे बड़ी बुराई यह है कि यह प्रत्येक अच्छी एवं सुन्दर वस्तु को बिगाड़ देती है।
Question 5.
What does advertising do to everything that is good and beautiful?
प्रत्येक अच्छी एवं सुन्दर चीज के साथ विज्ञापनबाज़ी क्या करती है?
It spoils and yokes in the harness of commerce every good and beautiful thing.
यह प्रत्येक अच्छी एवं सुन्दर वस्तु को बिगाड़ देती है तथा उसे व्यापार के जुए में जोत देती है।
Answer to the following questions should not exceed 30-40 words each :
Question 1.
Why is Wouk against earning livelihood through advertising?
वौक विज्ञापनबाजी से आजीविका कमाने के विरुद्ध क्यों है?
He thinks that advertising only induces people to want things they don’t want. Useless and undesirable things are sold off through clever deception to the people who don’t need them. It also gives rise to social and moral evils.
लेखक सोचता है कि विज्ञापनबाजी केवल लोगों को उन वस्तुओं को चाहने को उकसाती है जिन्हें वे नहीं चाहते। अनुपयोगी एवं अवांछनीय वस्तुएँ चातुर्यपूर्ण धोखेबाजी की मदद से उन लोगों को बेच दी जाती हैं जिनकी उनको आवश्यकता नहीं होती। विज्ञापनबाजी सामाजिक एवं नैतिक बुराइयों को भी जन्म देती है।
Question 2.
Describe, with suitable examples, the misuse of language in advertising.
विज्ञापन कार्य में भाषा के दुरुपयोग का उपयुक्त उदाहरणों सहित वर्णन कीजिए।
Advertising cheapens language to such an extent that it ceases to be an honest medium of exchange. Repetition, misuse of famous phrases and distortion of spellings play havoc with language. “Aurora Dawn” is an example of repetition and “Dubl-Bubl” is that of misuse of famous phrase.
विज्ञापनबाजी भाषा को उस सीमा तक सस्ता बना देती है कि यह विचार-विमर्श का सच्चा साधन नहीं रह पाती है। पुनरावृत्ति प्रसिद्ध कथनों का दुरुपयोग तथा शब्दों की स्पेलिंग का तोड़-मरोड़ा जाना भाषा के साथ खिलवाड़ करते हैं। ‘अरोरा डॉन’ पुनरावृत्ति का तथा ‘डब्ल-बब्ल’ प्रसिद्ध कथन के दुरुपयोग का उदाहरण है।
Question 3.
What is the aim of the occupation of advertising?
विज्ञापन के कार्य का उद्देश्य क्या होता है?
Advertising induces people to use more things than they naturally desire. It befools people into buying the most useless and undesirable articles. Thus advertising creates want where want does not exist.
विज्ञापन का कार्य लोगों को उनकी स्वाभाविक आवश्यकता से अधिक चीजें काम में लेने को प्रेरित करता है। यह लोगों को मूर्ख बनाकर उन्हें सर्वाधिक अनुपयोगी एवं अवांछनीय वस्तुएँ खरीदने को तैयार करता है। इस प्रकार विज्ञापन का कार्य वहाँ भी आवश्यकता पैदा कर देता है जहाँ आवश्यकता होती ही नहीं।
Question 4.
When does language cease to be an honest method of exchange?
भाषा विचारों के आदान-प्रदान का सच्चा तरीका होना कब बन्द कर देती है?
Language ceases to be an honest method of exchange when it is cheapened so much that people fail to differentiate between the language meant to be a lie and the language meant to be a truth. In the end, all utterance is disbelieved. Advertising · brings about such a situation.
भाषा तब आदान-प्रदान का सच्चा तरीका नहीं बनी रहती जब इसे इतना सस्ता बना दिया जाता है। कि लोग झूठ के लिए काम में ली जाने वाली भाषा तथा सत्य के लिए प्रयुक्त भाषा में अन्तर नहीं कर पाते। अन्त में समस्त भाषा ही अविश्वसनीय बन जाती है। विज्ञापनबाजी ऐसी स्थिति पैदा कर देती है।
Question 5.
How is the work of a person in advertising different from that of others?
विज्ञापन के व्यवसाय में लगे व्यक्ति का कार्य अन्य लोगों के कार्य से किस प्रकारे भिन्न होता है?
People appreciate the services done by others and gladly pay them for their services. On the other hand, an advertising person does nothing but induce people to buy unnecessary, useless and undesired things. An advertising person destroys the good and beautiful things, whereas others create them.
लोग अन्य लोगों की सेवाओं की प्रशंसा करते हैं तथा उन्हें उनकी सेवाओं के बदले प्रसन्नतापूर्वक धन चुकाते हैं। दूसरी ओर एक विज्ञापन करने वाला व्यक्ति लोगों को अनावश्यक, अनुपयोगी तथा अवांछित वस्तुएँ खरीदने हेतु लुभाने के अतिरिक्त और कुछ नहीं करता। विज्ञापन का व्यक्ति अच्छी एवं सुन्दर चीजों को नष्ट करता है किन्तु अन्य लोग इनकी रचना करते हैं।
Activity – 2 : Vocabulary
Question 1.
The word ‘subsistence’ means “the state of having just enough money or food to stay alive.” Form as many phrases as you can by using the word ‘subsistence’. One such example may be ‘subsistence wage’.
(शब्द ‘subsistence’ का अर्थ होता है, जिन्दा रहने के लिए केवल पर्याप्त धन अथवा खाद्य पदार्थों का होना।” शब्द ‘subsistence’ का प्रयोग करते हुए जितने वाक्यांश (phrases) बना सको, उतने बनाओ। एक उदाहरण है – ‘subsistence wage.’)
(a) subsistence crop
(b) subsistence level
(c) subsistence allowance
(d) subsistence farming
(e) subsistence department
(f) means of subsistence.
Question 2.
The word ‘redundancy’ has been used in two different sense in the following sentences
(i) Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy.
(ii) Natural language is characterized by ‘redundancy’.
Now differentiate between layoff and redundancy as used in (i) and ‘verbosity’ and ‘redundancy’ as used in (ii) Confirm your answer from the Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary.
(उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में ‘redundancy’ शब्द को दो भिन्न अर्थों में प्रयोग किया गया है। वाक्य (i) में इसे ‘छटनी’ के अर्थ में तथा वाक्य (ii) में इसे शब्द ‘बाहुल्य’ के अर्थ में प्रयोग किया गया है। दोनों में भेद बताइए। अपने उत्तर की पुष्टि Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary से कीजिए।)
The word ‘redundancy’ as used in sentence (i) has the meaning-superfluous, not needed.
Example : The industry is facing the problem of redundancy. (The problem of unneeded or superfluous labour). The word ‘redundancy’ in sentence
(ii) has the meaning ‘use of words which repeat the sense and, therefore, not needed’.
Example : The money he earned was adequate enough. Here the word enough’ is redundant as it has the same meaning as ‘adequate’. Hence, there is redundancy.
[वाक्य (i) में शब्द redundancy का अर्थ है, आवश्यकता से अधिक, अनावश्यक। वाक्य (ii) में इसका अर्थ है, ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग जो अर्थ को दोहराते हों और इस कारण अनावश्यक हों।]
Activity – 3 : Grammar
Part A
Study the following sentences :
- So he went to his father and said “Father, to whom will you offer me?”
- His father replied, “Son, don’t trouble me now, I am busy.”
- His father got angry and shouted “I will offer you to death.”
- “Granted”, said Yama, “ask your second boon.”
- Then Yama said “Nachiketa, ask of me your third boon.”
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में उद्धरण चिह्नों के भीतर आये शब्द सीधे रिपोर्ट किए गए हैं। लोग वस्तुतः जो बोलते हैं उसे ‘direct speech’ कहते हैं। ये direct quotations होते हैं, इन्हें उल्टे अर्द्ध विरामों अथवा उद्धरण चिह्नों के बीच रखा जाता है। Direct quotation का पहला शब्द capital होता है, कहने अथवा पूछने वाली क्रिया को comma से अलग किया जाता है। ध्यान दीजिए कि वाक्य के अंत में quotation marks को पूर्ण-विराम, अर्द्ध-विराम, प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न अथवा विस्मयबोधक चिह्न के बाद रखा जाता है।
Direct speech को काम में लेना हमेशा सुविधाजनक नहीं होता। रिपोर्ट करते समय indirect अथवा reported speech अधिक सुविधाजनक एवं स्पष्ट होता है। ऐसा बहुत कम ही होता है कि speech को उसी समय report किया जाए जब इसे बोला गया हो अथवा उसी स्थान पर report किया जाए जहाँ इसे बोला गया हो। समय, व्यक्ति तथा स्थान के बदले हुए संदर्भ में reporter को मूल वक्तव्य को बदलना पड़ता है। ये परिवर्तन मोटे तौर पर तीन प्रकार के होते हैं।
No Modification of Tense or Person
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Raman says, “Mohan has passed Raman says that Mohan
the examination.” has passed the examination.
जब reporting verb (मुख्य clause के अन्दर की क्रिया) वर्तमान काल अथवा भविष्यकाल में हो तथा noun clause के nouns तृतीय पुरुष एकवचन/बहुवचन में हों तो tense अथवा person में कोई परिवर्तन आवश्यक नहीं होता। केवल लिखित रूप में विराम-चिह्नों को बदल दिया जाता है। किए जाने वाले परिवर्तन निम्न प्रकार हैं :
Modification in Tense
Direct Indirect
1. Present Simple Perfect Continuous → Past Simple Perfect Perfect Continuous
Simple → No change / sometimes past perfect
2. Past → No change
Perfect → No change Continuous
Continuous → No change / sometimes past perfect continuous
Modification in Person (Personal Pronouns)
First person तथा second person के सर्वनाम वक्ता तथा श्रोता के अनुसार बदल दिए जाते हैं। Reported भाग में First person के सर्वनामों को Reporting verb के कर्ता के person के अनुसार बदला जाता है। Second person के सर्वनामों को Reporting verb के object (कर्म)
के अनुसार बदला जाता है। Third person के सर्वनाम प्रायः अपरिवर्तित रहते हैं।
1. (a) The woman said to the officer, “I have got a gift for you.”
The woman told the officer that she had got a gift for him.
(b) “Have you come to file a complaint?” The officer asked the young man.
The officer asked the young man whether he had come to file a complaint.
(C) “Are you joining us ?”, they asked me.
They asked me whether I was joining them.
2. (a) Mohan said to the strangers, “Mayank has killed the scorpion.”
Mohan told the strangers that Mayank (had) killed the scorpion.
(b) The actress said, “I had performed the role of maid servant in three films.”
The actress said that she had performed the role of maid servant in three films.
(c) The scooterist said, “I was driving at a speed of 30km/hr.”
The scooterist said that he was driving at a speed of 30km/hr.
हमने बताया है कि Reported speech में Present tense को Past tense में बदल दिया जाता है (जब उद्धरण चिह्नों के बाहर Past tense होता है।) ऐसा तब नहीं होता है जब direct speech किसी शाश्वत सत्य को प्रकट करता हो अथवा वर्तमान में प्रासंगिक किसी घटना की ओर संकेत करता हो।
Part – B
Example :
Mr. Dev said he was an Indian. (This is not correct since Mr. Dev is still an Indian) Mr. Dev felt that competition begins early in life. (This is better since it is relevant even today) I thought you were a gentleman. (This will mean that I now think you are not.)
जब रिपोर्टिंग स्टेटमेंट्स, प्रश्न, आदेश, सलाह आदि हों तब अच्छा रहता है कि उन्हें जिस प्रकार कहा गया अथवा पूछा गया हो उसी प्रकार उनका उल्लेख कर दिया जावे। आदेशों, सलाह आदि में योजक शब्द ‘to का प्रयोग तथा हाँ – ना वाले प्रश्नों में if/whether का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(i) Imagine that you were asked the following questions in an interview. Tell your friend what questions were asked.
Examples :
(a) How old are you?
They asked me how old I was.
(b) Are you a student?
They asked me whether I was a student.
(a) Can you type?
(b) Have you had a job before?
(c) How long have you been working in your present job?
(d) What are your interests?
(e) What made you apply for this job?
(a) They asked me whether/if I could type.
(b) They asked me if I had a job before.
(c) They asked me how long I had been working in my present job.
(d) They asked me what my interests were.
(e) They asked me what had made me apply for that job.
Part C- Language Work.
Do as Directed.
A. “Marquis, while you were talking I looked around and saw that everyone here wins subsistence through advertising.” (Change the narration.)
B. “Drop the confusing element of money from the whole process, and the question I’ve posed must confront you bleakly.” he said. (Change the narration.)
A. Addressing them he said that while they were talking he looked around and saw that everyone there won subsistence through advertising.
B. He asked them to drop the confusing element of money from the whole process and the question he had posed must confront them bleakly.
Activity – 4 : Speech Activity
Advertising ensures consumer’s access to the best product. Advertising, likewise, has become a deceptive device also. Keeping in mind this view, organize a speech activity on the following topic
‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising’
A speech can be prepared on the given topic by the students with the help of their teachers. An example of such a speech is given here –
Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising
Advertising is the backbone of today’s commercial, social, cultural and political activities. No activity, of whatever kind, in any field of life can be successful without a communication between the producer and the consumer of that activity. Unless the consumer is well-informed about a product, no manufacturer or producer will be able to sell it.
On the other hand, the consumer, must have the knowledge about the product, its good points vis-a-vis other products in the market as well as the price quoted by different manufacturers. Only then he will be able to make an informed choice. Thus, advertising becomes a necessity for both the manufacturer and the consumer. A manufacturer has to display the plus points of his product and a consumer has to be well-informed about his own needs as well as the products in the market that meet those needs. This makes advertising a two-way traffic.
Advantages of Advertising – Advantages of advertising can be briefly stated like
- Advertising informs the consumer about a product so that he can decide if it is suitable to his needs or not.
- By advertising the manufacturer comes into direct contact with the consumer and the need of the middle-man is lessened.
- Prices being advertised in advance avert the possibility of the consumer getting overcharged.
- Manufacturers have to improve the quality of their products to stay in the market.
- Consumers are benefited by better quality of products and their standard of living goes up.
- Advertising saves a lot of time of the consumer who is in access of the relative qualities of products of different brands.
- Advertising keeps the consumer informed about the new designs of products being newly launched in the market.
Disadvantages of Advertising –
- Advertising adds to the costs of the products.
- It undermines social values and often distorts them. For example, fair-skin products undermine the dignity of dark-skinned persons and mislead the society.
- It confuses the buyers.
- Inferior products are sold off through aggressive advertising.
- Some advertisements are in bad tastes. They offend sensitive people.
Activity – 5 : Composition
Draw an advertisement depicting the advantages of reading habits. It may be in any form you like.
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RBSE Class 11 English Festoon Chapter 9 Additional Questions
Short Answer Type Questions (Word Limit : 10-15 Words)
Question 1.
Whom was Herman Wouk addressing ?
हर्मन वौक किन्हें सम्बोधित कर रहा था?
The writer was addressing a group of people engaged in the activity called advertising.
लेखक लोगों के एक समूह को संबोधित कर रहा था जो विज्ञापन की गतिविधि से जुड़े थे।
Question 2.
What was Wouk’s reaction to the invitation given to him by the advertisers ?
वौक की विज्ञापनकर्ताओं द्वारा उसे दिए गए निमंत्रण के प्रति क्या प्रतिक्रिया थी?
He satirically said that he was invited as a social ornament in place of stuffed tiger heads and trophies.
उसने व्यंग्यात्मक लहजे में कहा कि उसे सामाजिक अलंकार के रूप में मृत चीतों के स्टफ्ड सिरों एवं पुरस्कारों के स्थान पर बुलाया गया था।
Question 3.
What did the writer advise the advertisers ?
लेखक ने विज्ञापनकर्ताओं को क्या सलाह दी?
He advised them to redeem their wonderful lives by giving up advertising at once.
लेखक ने उन्हें उनके शानदार जीवन को विज्ञापन कार्य को त्याग कर पुनः प्राप्त करने की सलाह दी।
Question 4.
What did the writer ask them about their right to food ?
लेखक ने उन्हें उनके भोजन के अधिकार के बारे में क्या पूछा?
He questioned their right to food by asking them what they did to deserve it.
उसने उन लोगों के भोजन के अधिकार पर यह पूछते हुए प्रश्न चिह्न लगाया कि भोजन के अधिकारी बनने हेतु वे क्या करते थे।
Question 5.
How is an advertising man different from persons belonging to other occupations?
विज्ञापन से जुड़ा व्यक्ति अन्य व्यवसाय करने वाले व्यक्तियों से किस प्रकार भिन्न होता है?
He induces people to want things they don’t want. The services given by others are useful to the society.
वह लोगों को अनचाही वस्तुओं को चाहने हेतु उकसाता है। अन्य लोगों द्वारा दी गयी सेवाएँ समाज के लिए उपयोगी होती हैं।
Question 6.
What is the worst sort of mischief according to the writer?
लेखक के अनुसार सबसे खराब प्रकार की शरारत क्या है?
According to the writer, advertising (creation of want) is the worst sort of mischief.
लेखक के अनुसार विज्ञापनबाजी (आवश्यकता को पैदा करना) सबसे खराब किस्म की शरारत है।
Question 7.
Who feeds the advertising men according to the writer?
लेखक के अनुसार विज्ञापन के लोगों को कौन भोजन उपलब्ध कराता है?
According to the writer they are fed by the makers of undesired things
लेखक के अनुसार उन्हें अनचाही वस्तुओं के निर्माता भोजन खिलाते हैं।
Question 8.
Which commodities do advertising men most richly thrive on?
विज्ञापन वाले लोग किन वस्तुओं पर सर्वाधिक फलते-फूलते हैं?
They most richly thrive on advertising for utterly useless commodities.
वे सबसे अधिक उन वस्तुओं के विज्ञापन पर फलते-फूलते हैं जो नितान्त अनुपयोगी होती हैं।
Question 9.
How does advertising spoil the language?
विज्ञापनबाजी भाषा को किस प्रकार बिगाड़ती है?
Advertising spoils language by repetition, by artificial spellings of words and by cheapening speech.
विज्ञापनबाजी पुनरावृत्ति, शब्दों की कृत्रिम स्पेलिंग तथा भाषा को तुच्छ बना कर उसे बिगाड़ती है।
Question 10.
How does advertising spoil nature?
विज्ञापनबाजी प्रकृति को किस प्रकार बिगाड़ती है?
Advertising men spoil natural beauty by putting up billboards which are ugly and out of place.
विज्ञापनबाजी करने वाले लोग प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य को साइन बोर्ड इत्यादि लगाकर बिगाड़ते हैं। ये बोर्ड भद्दे एवं असंगत होते हैं।
Question 11.
How does advertising misuse talented people?
विज्ञापनबाजी किस प्रकार प्रतिभाशाली लोगों का दुरुपयोग करती है?
It tempts people with artistic talent with gold and money and makes sellers out of them.
विज्ञापनबाजी कलात्मक प्रतिभा वाले लोगों को सोने एवं धन से ललचाती है और उन्हें सामान विक्रेता बना देती है।
Question 12.
How according to the writer advertising is a morally degrading occupation?
लेखक के अनुसार विज्ञापनबाजी किस प्रकार एक नैतिक रूप से गिराने वाला व्यवसाय है?
Advertising is morally degrading as it uses falsehood-false promises, fraud etc. and preys on sorrows of failure.
विज्ञापनबाजी नैतिक रूप से गिराती है क्योंकि यह झूठ झूठे वादे, धोखेबाजी आदि का प्रयोग करती है तथा असफलता से उत्पन्न दुःखों का लाभ उठाती है।
Question 13.
What is the aim of advertising as an occupation according to the writer?
लेखक के अनुसार व्यवसाय के रूप में विज्ञापनबाजी का उद्देश्य क्या है?
Its aim according to the writer is subtle prevarication for gain.
लेखक के अनुसार इसका उद्देश्य सूक्ष्म, इरादतन मिथ्याचार है, जो लाभ के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है।
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