RBSE Class 11 English Speech Writing

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Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 English Speech Writing

  • विद्यार्थियों को शब्दों में भाषण लिखना है
  • भाषण की भाषा सरल, सुबोध व प्रभावशाली होनी चाहिए।
  • भाषण का प्रस्तुतीकरण आकर्षक व प्रभावी होना चाहिए।
  • भाषण में तथ्यों व आँकड़ों का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
  • भाषण में comparison व contrast करना चाहिए।
  • भाषण का अन्त प्रसिद्ध कविता/गीत की पंक्तियों से, कथनों/कहावतों से, चेतावनी से, आशा आदि से करना चाहिए।

1. भाषा का प्रारूप (Format).

Title ……………………………….
Formal Address……………………………..
Thanks for Invitation …………
Impressive Introduction……………………
Announcement of the Topic …………………….
Development 1. ……………………………………………
Development 2. …………………………………..
Conclusion ………………………………….
Formal Thanks ………………….

2. Parts of Speech

  1. Title : भाषण का शीर्षक लिखना है।
  2. Formal Address : औपचारिक रूप से सभी लोगों को सम्बोधित करना है।
  3. Thanks for Invitation : निमन्त्रण के लिए आयोजकों को धन्यवाद देना।
  4.  Impressive Introduction : प्रभावशाली प्रस्तुतीकरण दें। इसके लिए कविता/गीत की पंक्तियों, कथनों/कहावतों/मुहावरों, तथ्यों/आँकड़ों आदि का प्रयोग करें।
  5. Announcement of the Topic : जिस विषय पर भाषण देना है उसकी घोषणा करें।
  6. Development : भाषण का विकास comparison व contrast द्वारा, facts/proofs/statistics द्वारा, commissions/committees की reports द्वारा कर सकते हैं।
  7. Conclusion : निष्कर्ष में चेतावनी, सुझाव, अपील आदि की प्रयोग करें।
  8. Formal Thanks : अन्त में सभी को धन्यवाद देना है।

Examples For Speech

Question 1.
Imagine that you are Saina Nehwal. You have been invited to speak at an All India Girls’ Athletic Meet, as chief guest. Prepare a short speech to motivate the girls to “Think and Dream Big and make an effort to fulfil their dreams, not allowing difficulties or defeat to discourage them.
परिकल्पना करें कि आप साइना नेहवाल हैं। आपको मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में अखिल भारतीय बालिका एथलिटिक मीट’ में उद्बोधन के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया है। एक संक्षिप्त भाषण बालिकाओं (खिलाड़ियों) को अभिप्रेरित करने के लिए तैयार कीजिए कि वे बड़ा सोचें व बड़े स्वप्न लें और अपने स्वप्न पूरा करने के लिए प्रयत्न करें, कठिनाइयों व हारों को उनको हतोत्साहित न करने दें।
RBSE Class 11 English Report Speech Writing 1

RBSE Class 11 English Report Speech Writing 2

Question 2.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘Pets have unique care and handling requirements and should only be kept by those with the commitment to understand and meet their needs.’
Pets Need Unique Care And Handling
Honourable panel of judges, other distinguished guests and dear audience. I, Pragya Rani of XI class of Vanasthali Vidhyapeeth, Niwai, Tonk, stand to speak on : ‘Pets have unique care and handling requirements and should only be kept by those with the commitment to understand and meet their needs. Pets have limitations with regard to communication, understanding, patience, requirements and so on. Their requirements are a bit distinct. They need special care. A person with commitment can handle them properly.
Recklessness and mishandling in their requirements can cause dangerous problems. They may be angry and can turn violent. Thus, pets need unique care and handling.
Thank you.

Question 3.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘Pets Do Not Need Unique Care And Handling’.
Pets Do Not Need Unique Care And Handling
Respected judges of the panel, venerable teachers and endearing schoolmates. I, Vidhya Rani of XI class of Maheshwari Girls Sr. Sec. School, Ajmer, stand to speak on : pets do not need unique care and handling. Pets do not need unique care. They are animals. Their requirements are different from human beings. For example, in winter season, human beings need woollen clothes but a pet doesn’t have such needs. Pets don’t need unique handling too. For example, we can shake hands with fellow human beings but not with a pet bear because its claws may injure our hand.
Thus, we can say that pets don’t need unique care and handling.
Thank you.

Question 4.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘Ban the Profession of Snake Charmer’.
Ban The Profession of Snake Charmer
Good morning everybody, I, Usha Rani, the student of XI class of Hadauti Public School, Kota stand before you to speak on : ‘Ban The Profession of Snake Charmer’: The profession of snake – charmer should be: banned or they should be given the scientific and technical training of snake rearing. Today’s snake charmers are traditional. Their methods and techniques are old and outdated. Most of the snakes in their capture ultimately die. This profession is not charming today. No boy or girl likes to be a snake charmer.
Thus, we can say that profession as snake charmer will be extinct very soon.
Thank you.

Question 5.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘The Common Bond between Plants And Animals’.
The Common Bond Between Plants And Animals
Respected Principal, Worthy Teachers and My Dear Friends. Today I am going to express my views on : “The Common Bond Between Plants And Animals’. A Great scientist once said, “A tree is a standing man and a man is a walking tree”. It shows that the two represent one and the same thing. This one thing is life. Both are living beings. Sir J.C. Bose has proved that like other animals, plants also feel pain. They feel fear, love, hunger, excitement. A tree’s heart beats like the heart of animals. Poison can kill plants as it kills animals. Bose has recorded the heart beats and pulse of plants. He gave an overdose of chloroform to a plant. This is a poison. The heart of the plant slowly stopped beating. Bose dropped some caffeine in the plant water and the plant’s pulse became more rapid and violent. Bose transplanted a fully grown-up tree with the help of chloroform. Chloroform makes both plants and men unconscious. Thus, plants and animals have common bond.
Thank you.

Question 6.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘Modern Age Is The Age of Computers’.
Modern Age Is The Age Of Computers
Honourable members of the jury, worthy teachers and my dear friends. I, Richa Sharma, the student of XI class of Swadesh Sr. Sec. School, Bhopal, stand before you to speak on : Modern Age Is the Age of Computers. We are living in the age of computers. It is used in different fields. It is used in the field of medicine. In factories and industries computer is very useful in keeping records and doing calculations. It is very useful in the field of education. Computers are also being used on large scale in L.I.C., banks, railways, post offices, electricity boards, telephone exchanges and other big offices. Computers are used very much in the U.S.A., England, Germany, France, Russia, Japan and China; Now its use is increasing in India also. Thus, the modern age is the age of computers.
Thank you.

Question 7.
Write a speech in about 100 – 120 words on ‘The Village Life’.
The Village Life
Good Morning, everybody.
Today, I, Ashish, the student of XI class, would like to express my views on : “The Village Life’.
Village life is peaceful. To live in a village is to live near to nature. There are green fields outside villages. Villagers live a very simple life. They are friendly to one another. They are always ready to help one – another. In villages we get fresh air, water, milk, ghee and vegetables. Villagers are hard worker. They work hard in fields. They live a satisfied life. India lives in villages.
Now the condition of villages’ has changed. Many villages have electricity and water – taps. Now there are many brick or stone houses. Thus, village life is a good life.
Thank you.

Question 8.
Write a speech in about 100 – 120 words on ‘My Duty As A Citizen of India’.
My Duty As A Citizen Of India
Honourable members of the jury, respected teachers and dear audience.
Today, I am to express my views on : “My Duty As A Citizen of India’.
I am a student of XI Class. As such my duty lies in becoming a good student in the present a good citizen of the country in the future. As a student I should devote all of my time in acquiring knowledge. As a student I must also learn discipline. I must develop the qualities of honesty and justice in myself. Students should to be self-reliant in every way. They are useful to the nation only when they are developed in every way.
Thus, I must prepare myself to be future citizen of India.
Thank you.

Question 9.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘The Mobile Handset to Students : A Boon Or A Curse’.
The Mobile Handset To Students : A Boon Or A Curse
Good Morning, everybody.
Today, I am to express my views on : ‘The Mobile Handset to Students : A Boon Or A Curse’.
A mobile handset keeps the students always in touch with their parents, teachers friends and others. Students can serial and receive messages. By internet connection students can see their results etc. They live in the connection of outside world. A mobile handset can be a curse also. It may cause diseases. Students attention is diverted. They watch video and play games on mobile. Their study have come to occupy a secondary place. A student ceases to be a student in the true sense. Thus, it is both a boon or a curse but more depends on the user.
Thank you.

Question 10.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ‘The Importance of Newspapers’.
The Importance of Newspapers
I extend my respect to all the distinguished guests and audience.
Today, I am going to express my views on ‘The Importance of Newspapers’.
A newspaper brings us news from all four directions-North, East, West and South. They try to give us the latest news about the country and the world. Newspaper is a mirror which reflects the political, the economic and the social conditions. The government and politics are made public through newspapers.
They prepare public opinion. They bring awakening among people against social, economic and political ills. Newspapers are called the barometers of a country.
There are many advertisements.
They help increasing trade and business. Newspapers increase our general knowledge. They have educational value.
Thus, newspapers are highly important. .
Thank you.

Question 11.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on : ‘Importance of Forests/ Trees’
Importance of Forests/Trees
Good Morning everybody.
Today I am to express my views on : Importance of Forests/Trees. Forests/ Trees are unexceptionally important for human beings, birds, beast, insects and the earth. Trees give oxygen to human beings. They provide raw material for our factories. They provide firewood. They cause rain. They help in maintaining environmental balance. We get timber for furniture. They provide shelter for birds, beast and insects. Books, notebooks and clothes are indirectly received from forests/trees. They help in checking flood and soil erosion.
They help in maintain ground water level. Thus, forests/trees are highly important.
Thank you.

Question 12.
Write a speech in about 100-120 words on ; ‘Importance of Good Manners’.
Importance of Good Manners
Good Morning everybody.
Today I am to express my views on : Importance of Good Manners.
Good manners are an essential part of our personality. Politeness, simplicity and balanced behavior are symbol of good behaviour. We should be polite and simple in our day-to-day persuits. We can be called a human being in true sense if we have good manners. We must not be aggressive in our views and deeds. If we are not agree with anyone, we should put our favour with reasons. A person must not boast. There should be no hypocrisy in talks and work. We should be honest in our deeds and should always try to keep our words. Good manners and politeness are the things by which we can get anything without paying any cost. Good manners help us maintaining our social relations.
Thus, good manners are important part of our life.
Thank you.

Question 13.
Prepare a speech on Teacher’s day to be delivered in your school.
Teacher’s Day
I extend my heart-felt respect to all the distinguished guests and endearing classmates.
Today, I feel proud privilege to speak on “Teacher’s Day!.
As light can remove darkness and show us the right path. In the same way a teacher visualizes us upstairs with the help of which we reach to the goal. Only teacher can make us great and valuable in life.
A teacher makes a man perfect. He/She moulds the minds in right direction. He/She makes human beings rational. He/She can keep our mind and heart open to joys and bliss in life.
Thus respect extended to the teacher is always less than his/her worth.
Thank You.

Question 14.
Computer games and video games have become popular with children today. As a result outdoor games seem to have no place in their life anymore. You are Mukesh/Meena. You decide to write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly on your experiences about the joys of playing outdoor games in about 100-120 words.
Joys of Playing Outdoor games
Respected Principal, Worthy Teachers and Dear Fellows.
I am Mukesh, a student of class-XI, I want to tell you about my experiences about ‘The joys of playing outdoor games’.
As you know a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. Health is the first need for education and all other things. You can keep your body and health fit by playing outdoor games. Outdoor games give good exercise to every part of our body. These rejoice us. These days most of you prefer computer games and video to outdoor games. It helps nothing to make us healthy. On the other hand it makes us unhealthy and weaken our eyesight. We waste our time playing these and gain nothing.
So, please play more and more outdoor games and keep yourself joyful.
Thank you.

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