RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
ChapterChapter 15
Chapter NameThe Choice is Yours
Number of Questions20
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours

Textual Activities

Activity – I
A. Question 1.
Choose the correct alternative
सही विकल्प चुनिए
1. Mr. Roshanlal was alan….
(a) funny person
(b) intelligent person
(c) kind person
(d) impatient person ( )
1. (d)

2. God given instruments are….
(a) cars
(b) booklets
(c) body and mind
(d) cycle ( )
2. (c)

B. Question 1.
Write T for the true statements and F for the false one
sसत्य कथन के लिए T तथा असत्य कथन के लिए F लिखिए
1. Roshan lal was fond of cars. ( )
2. He listened to the guide patiently. ( )
3. People thought him to be a fool or a funny man. ( )
4. Books on religion and culture are like instruction booklets for us to lead good life.( )
5. Spiritual masters guide us to lead miserable, boring and wasteful life. ( )
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True

C. Answer the following questions in one or two lines
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक या दो लाइनों में दीजिए
Question 1.
Why did Roshanlal buy a new car?
रोशनलाल ने एक नई कार क्यों खरीदी?
Roshanlal bought a new car because his old one could run only at the speed of a cycle.
रोशनलाल ने एक नई कार खरीदी क्योंकि उसकी पुरानी कार केवल एक साइकिल की गति से चल पाती थी।

Question 2.
Why did he not pay attention to the guide?
उसने मार्गदर्शक की बात पर ध्यान क्यों नहीं दिया?
He did not pay attention to the guide because he was so impatient to drive the car himself.
उसने मार्गदर्शक की बात पर ध्यान नहीं दिया क्योंकि वह स्वयं कार चलाने के लिए बहुत धैर्यहीन हो गया था।

Question 3.
“Poor Mr. Roshanlal!” How is Mr. Roshanlal poor?
बेचारा श्री रोशनलाल ! श्री रोशनलाल किस प्रकार से बेचारा है?
Mr. Roshanlal is poor because he could not understand the people smiling at him.
श्री रोशनलाल बेचारा है क्योंकि वह लोगों का अपने ऊपर मुस्कुराना समझ नहीं पाया।

Question 4.
What happens when we ignore spiritual masters?
क्या होता है जब हमें आध्यात्मिक शिक्षकों को नकार देते हैं?
When we ignore spiritual masters, we cannot understand how to use our God-given instruments well.
जब हम आध्यात्मिक शिक्षकों को नकार देते हैं, तो हम भगवान के द्वारा दिए गए साधनों का प्रयोग करना नहीं जान पाते हैं।

Question 5.
Do you read your religious books? Which ones? What do you like in it?
क्या आप अपनी धार्मिक किताबों को पढ़ते हो? कौन-कौनसी? आपको इसमें क्या पसंद होता है?
Yes, I read my religious books. It is Ramayan. I like the obedience of Ram.
हाँ, मैं अपनी धार्मिक किताबों को पढ़ता हूँ। यह रामायण है। मैं राम की आज्ञाकारिता को पसंद करता हूँ।

Activity – II
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words from the box
बॉक्स से उपयुक्त शब्दों को चुनते हुए रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए
grand    new    old    great
1. Roshanlal used an …………… car.
2. He dressed carefully for the moment and reached the …………… showroom.
3. He thought that they were admiring his …………… car.
4. At long last the …………… day arrived!
1. old
2. grand
3. new
4. great

B. Question 1.
Look at the following words carefully
निम्न शब्दों को ध्यानपूर्वक देखिए
(i) totally = total + ly
(ii) nearly = near + ly
(iii) carefully = careful + ly
Now make new words by adding ‘-ly’ to the words given below
अब नीचे दिए गए शब्दों के ‘-ly’ लगाकर नये शब्दों को बनायें
1. bad …………………….
2. beautiful …………………….
3. hard …………………….
4. easy …………………….
5. love …………………….
6. slow …………………….
1. bad – badly
2. beautiful – beautifully
3. hard – hardly
4. easy – easily
5. love – lovely
6. slow – slowly

Activity – III
Question 1.
Look at these words and think about them.
इन शब्दों को देखिए तथा इनके बारे में सोचिए।
(i) impatient = im + patient
(ii) patiently = patient + ly
(iii) misuse = mis + use
(iv) useful = use + ful

You see here the words are being formed by adding im-, -ly, mis- and -ful. Some of these are being added in the beginning of the word and some are at the end of the word.
आप जानते हो कि इन शब्दों की रचना im-, -ly, mis- तथा -ful को जोड़कर हुई है। इनमें से कुछ को शब्द के शुरू में तथा कुछ को शब्द के अन्त में जोड़ा जाता है।

The letter/group of letters added in the beginning of a word giving it a new meaning is called PREFIX. The letter/ group of letters added at the end of a word giving it a new meaning is called SUFFIX.
शब्द के शुरू में जोड़े हुए वर्तनी के अक्षर/अक्षरों का समूह, इसे एक नया अर्थ देते हुए उपसर्ग (Prefix) कहलाता है। शब्द के अन्त में जोड़े हुए वर्तनी के अक्षर/अक्षरों का समूह एक नया अर्थ दर्शाते हुए प्रत्यय (Suffix) कहलाता है।

With the help of your teacher make new words by adding suitable prefixes and suffixes.
अपने अध्यापक की सहायता से उपयुक्त उपसर्ग तथा प्रत्यय जोड़ते हुए नए शब्दों को बनाइये ।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours image 1

Activity – IV
Read aloud with gestures.
हाव – भाव के साथ जोर सेपढ़िये।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours image 2
I have a bicycle,
I ride on it.
आइ हेव ए बाइसिकल,
आइ राइड् ऑन इट्।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours image 3
I have a car,
I drive it.
आइ हेव ए कार्,
आई ड्राइव इट् ।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours image 4
I have a boat,
I sail it.
आइ हेव ए बॉट,
आई सेल इट्।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 15 The Choice is Yours image 5
I have an aeroplane,
I fly it.
आइ हेव एन एरोप्लेन्,
आइ फ्लाइ इट्।

Activity – V
Question 1.
Which is your favourite vehicle? Write a few sentences on it. You may begin like this.
आपका पसंदीदा वाहन कौनसा है? इस पर कुछ वाक्य लिखिए। आप इस प्रकार से शुरू कर सकते हैं।
(i) I have seen a bicycle.
(ii) It is red in colour.
(iii) It runs very smooth.
(iv) I like riding on it very much.
(i) I have seen a car.
(ii) It is red in colour.
(iii) It runs at high speed.
(iv) I like riding in it very much.
(v) It is one of the fastest cars of our country.
(vi) Its cost is 8 lac rupees.
(vii) It moves smoothly.
(viii) Its name is Swift Desire.
(ix) It turns properly.
(x) It has advanced technology.

Comprehension Passages

Read the following passages and answer the questions given below :
Passage : 1
Mr. Roshanlal Swooned with delight when he saw the red, swanky sports car. Soon the paper work was over and the car was his. The guide in the showroom got into the driver’s seat to show him all the new things this car could do but Mr. Roshanlal was so impatient to drive the car himself that he wouldn’t listen to anything the guide said. He started the car and began to move. The guide yelled after him, “You did not pay attention to me. At least read the instruction booklet in the car!” Mr. Roshanlal didn’t pay attention.
1. The passage is about :
(a) paper work
(b) new cars
(c) instruction booklet
(d) Mr. Roshanlal and car

2. (i) When did Roshanlal swoon with delight?
(ii) What was over ?

3. (i) How did the guide want to help Mr. Roshanlal ?
(ii) Why couldn’t he listen to anything?

4. (i) What did the guide ask Mr. Roshanlal to do ?
(ii) For what was Mr. Roshanlal inpatient ?
1. (d) Mr. Roshanlal and car
2. (i) Mr. Roshanlal swooned with delight when he saw the red, swanky sports car.
(ii) The paper work was over.
3. (i) The guide wanted Mr. Roshanlal to read the instruction booklet.
(ii) He wanted to enjoy the ride of the car by driving it himself.
4. (i) The guide asked Mr. Roshanlal to read the instruction booklet.
(ii) Mr. Roshanlal was impatient to drive the car.

Passage : 2
So now, he was on the road, driving the country’s fastest car at the speed of a cycle! No wonder people found it funny. Many people in the world are like Mr. Roshanlal. They have wonderful bodies and minds but they do not want to listen to spiritual masters who are like the guide in the car company. Neither do they want to follow any books on religion and culture which are like instruction booklets. So they do not know how to use their God-given instruments well.
1. The passage is about
(a) people who do not use mind well
(b) the fastest car
(c) God
(d) Body ( )

2. (i) What is the speed of the country’s fastest car ?
(ii) What type of people do we find in the world?

3. (i) Who are like the guide in the car company ?
(ii) What do they not want to follow ?

4. (i) What do they not know?
(ii) To what did the people find funny ?
1. (a) people who do not use mind well
2. (i) The speed of the country’s fastest car is of a cycle.
(ii) Many people in the world are like Mr. Roshanlal.
3. (i) Spiritual masters are like the guide in the car company.
(ii) The do not want to follow any books on religion and culture which are like instruction booklets.
4. (i) They do not know how to use their God-given instruments well.
(ii) People find the speed of the fastest cur funny.

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