RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 3 The Rats and the Elephants

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 3 The Rats and the Elephants is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 3 The Rats and the Elephants.

Board RBSE
Textbook SIERT, Rajasthan
Class Class 5
Subject English
Chapter Chapter 3
Chapter Name The Rats and the Elephants
Number of Questions 20
Category RBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 3 The Rats and the Elephants

Textual Activities

Activity – I
Class 5 English Chapter 3 The Rats And The Elephants A. Question 1.
Write T for True and F for False statement.
सत्य कथन के लिए T तथा असत्य कथन के लिए F लिखिए।
1. The elephants were very hungry. They were looking for food. ( )
2. The elephants destroyed the homes of the rats because they disliked them. ( )
3. The king of the rats promised to help the elephants when needed. ( )
4. The elephants were shouting for help. ( )
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True

RBSE Class 5 English Chapter 3 B. Question 1.
Look at the following images and arrange them in correct order by numbering them.
निम्न चित्रों को देखिए तथा उन्हें संख्या देते हुए सही क्रम में व्यवस्थित करें।
Class 5 English Chapter 3 The Rats And The Elephants RBSE
Correct order (सही क्रम) :
1. (3rd image)
2. (1st image)
3. (4th image)
4. (2nd image)

C. Answer the following questions
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
The Rats And The Elephant Class 5 Question 1.
Why did the elephants pass through the area where the rats lived?
हाथी उस क्षेत्र से क्यों गुजरे जहाँ पर चूहे रहते थे?
The elephants passed through the area where the rats lived, in search of water.
हाथी उस क्षेत्र से पानी की तलाश में गुजरे जहाँ पर चूहे रहते थे।

Class 5 English Chapter 3 Question 2.
Why did the king of rats request the elephants’ chief to guide his herd through another route?
चूहों के राजा ने, हाथियों के मुखिया से अपने झुण्ड को दूसरे रास्ते से, मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए निवेदन क्यों किया?
The king of rats requested the elephants’ chief to guide his herd through another route because many homes of the rats were destroyed on that route. Some rats were also killed.
चूहों के राजा ने हाथियों के मुखिया से अपने झुण्ड को दूसरे रास्ते से मार्गदर्शन करने का निवेदन किया क्योंकि चूहों के अनेक घर उस रास्ते में नष्ट हो गये थे। कुछ चूहे मारे भी गये थे।

Class 5 English Chapter 3 Question Answer Question 3.
Why did the king of rats promise to help the elephants when needed?
चूहों के राजा ने हाथियों को आवश्यकता होने पर, सहायता करने का वादा क्यों किया?
The king of rats promised so because the elephants’ chief had accepted his request.
चूहों के राजा ने ऐसा वादा किया क्योंकि हाथियों के मुखिया ने उसके निवेदन को स्वीकार कर लिया था।

RBSE Solutions For Class 5 English Question 4.
Why were the elephants shouting one day?
एक दिन हाथी क्यों चिल्ला रहे थे?
The elephants were shouting one day because they were caught in traps kept by some hunters.
एक दिन हाथी चिल्ला रहे थे क्योंकि वे, शिकारियों द्वारा रखे गये फंदों में फँस गये थे।

Class 5th Chapter 3 English Question 5.
How did the rats help the elephants?
चूहों ने हाथियों की सहायता कैसे की?
The rats helped the elephants by biting the ropes of the traps and making them free.
चूहों ने हाथियों की सहायता फंदों की रस्सियों को दाँतों से काटकर तथा उन्हें मुक्त करके की।

Activity – II
RBSE Class 5 English Book A. Question 1.
Complete the following sentences by choosing appropriate words from the box.
बॉक्स से उपयुक्त शब्दों को चुनते हुए निम्न वाक्यों को पूर्ण कीजिए।
RBSE Class 5 English Chapter 3
1. Mahesh is always ________ to play cricket.
2. He ________ finished his homework and went out to play.
3. Yesterday, I saw a frog in the ________ behind my house.
4. My father________to take me to the fair today.
5. The fox was caught in a________.
6. Suman ________ her mistake and said sorry to Geeta.
7. I saw a ________ of sheep grazing in the field.
8. The lion was about to pounce on the zebra. But the zebra sensed the ________ and ran away.
1. ready
2. quickly
3. pond
4. promised
5. trap
6. realized
7. herd
8. danger

RBSE 5th Class English Book B. Question 1.
In the lesson, you came across two words-herd’ and ‘heard’. Did you notice what is special about them? They have different spellings and different meanings but they are spoken the same way. That is, there is no difference in their pronunciation. Such words are called ‘homophones’.
पाठ में, आपको दो शब्द ‘herd’ तथा ‘heard’ मिले। क्या आपने ध्यान दिया, इनके बारे में क्या विशेष है? इनकी वर्तनी भिन्न है तथा अर्थ भी भिन्न है लेकिन इन्हें समान तरीके से बोला जाता है। इसका तात्पर्य, इनके (उच्चारण में कोई अन्तर नहीं है। इस प्रकार के शब्दों को ‘समध्वनिक’ (homophones) कहा जाता है।
A pair of homophones is given within the brackets for each of the sentences below. Select suitable word to complete the sentences.
The Rats And The Elephant Class 5 RBSE
कोष्ठकों में ‘समध्वनिक शब्दों।’ (homophones) के जोड़े, नीचे प्रत्येक वाक्य के लिए दिए गए हैं। वाक्यों को पूर्ण करने के लिए उपयुक्त शब्द चुनिये।
1. Mr. Jain has a daughter and a ________. (sun/son)
2. There are seven days in a ________. (weak/week)
3. I couldn’t ________ what the teacher said. (here/hear)
4. The lion ran after a ________ (dear/deer)
5. My younger sister is ________(too/two) years old.
6. Raju will ________ (by/buy/bye) a new cap from the fair.
7. ________your name in bold letters. (right/ write)
8. Sunil ________ how to ride a bicycle. (nose/knows)
9. India ________ the final match. (one/won)
10. Carrot is a ________vegetable. (root/route)
11. There are two ________of plants in my garden. (rows/rose)
1. son
2. week
3. hear
4. deer
5. two
6. buy
7. Write
8. knows
9. won
10. root
11. rows

RBSE 5th Class Book English Medium Question 1.
In the lesson you read, When the rats were playing, they heard loud shouts of elephants’. This sentence talks about an action which took place when another action was in progress. Here are a few more examples, look at them and see how they are constructed. पाठ में आपने पढ़ा, ‘जब चूहे खेल रहे थे, उन्होंने हाथियों के जोर से चिल्लाने की आवाजें सुनीं। यह वाक्य एक ऐसे कार्य के बारे में बताता है जो उस समय घटित हुआ जब दूसरा कार्य चालू स्थिति में था। यहाँ कुछ और उदाहरण हैं, उनको। देखिए तथा जानें इनकी रचना कैसे हुई है।
(i) When Sumit was doing his homework, his mother called him for dinner.
(ii) When we were playing football, Mohan hurt his leg.

Now, complete the following sentences using correct form of verb, given in the bracket.
अब, कोष्ठक में दी गई क्रिया की सही form का प्रयोग करते हुए, निम्न वाक्यों को पूर्ण कीजिए।
1. When Monu was returning from school, he …………..a ten-rupee note under a tree. (find)
2. When I was doing my homework, my friend………………to meet me. (come)
3. When the students were making a noise, the teacher ………………. them in a group activity. (engage)
4. When Meenu was feeling hungry, her mother………….halwa for her. (cook)
5. When my father was taking a bath, his mobile phone………………(ring)
6. When Nidhi was learning her lesson, her younger brother ……………….. a glass of water for her. (bring)
1. found
2. came
3. engaged
4. cooked
5. rang
6. brought

Activity – IV
RBSE Solutions Class 5 English Question 1.
Form a pair with your partner. One of you will play the role of Mooshakraj and the other one will act as Gajraj. On the basis of the story you have read, pick up suitable lines from the box below and enact a dialogue between Mooshakraj and Gajraj. Your teacher will help you.
अपने सहपाठी के साथ एक जोड़ा बनायें। आप में से एक मूषकराज की भूमिका निभायेगा तथा दूसरा गजराज की तरह कार्य करेगा। पढ़ी हुई कहानी के आधार पर, नीचे दिए गए बॉक्स में से उपयुक्त पंक्तियों को लीजिए तथा मूषकराज एवं गजराज के बीच में एक नाटक का संवाद करें। आपके अध्यापक आपकी मदद करेंगे।
(i) Dear Gajraj. I urgently need your help.
(ii) Yes, Mooshakraj. Tell me how I can help you.
(iii) You and your herd passed through this way to reach the pond this afternoon, and destroyed many of our homes under your big feet. What’s more.
(iv) some of our rats were also crushed to death.
(v) That’s really sad to know Mooshakraj.
(vi) Please don’t use this way, or we will suffer more death and destruction.
(vii) But dear Mooshakraj, if we don’t drink water from the pond in this hot weather, we will all die of thirst.
(viii) Dear Gajraj, I’ve a solution. There’s another route that leads to the pond. If you guide your herd through that route, the rats will be saved, and you can quench your thirst too.
(ix) That’s a great idea Mooshakraj. I’ll tell my elephants to take the other route. Thank you so much Gajraj. I’ll not forget this kind gesture of yours.
[Note : Class activity.]

Activity – V
Let’s Learn English Class 5 Question 1.
Write five sentences describing how you help your elder brothers and sisters.
आप अपने बड़े भाइयों एवं बहिनों की सहायता किस प्रकार करते हैं, बतलाते हुए पाँच वाक्य लिखिये।

  1. I help my elder brother at our shop.
  2. I fetch water with my elder sister from a well.
  3. I clean my elder brother’s bicycle daily.
  4. I wipe the door and sweep the floor for my elder sister.
  5. I remove all the cobwebs on the wall for my elder brother.

Comprehension Passages

Read the following passages and answer the questions given below :
Passage : 1
Long long ago, a group of rats lived happily in a forest. One day, a herd of elephants passed through that area in search of water. Many homes of the rats were destroyed under their big feet. Some rats were also killed. The king of rats, Mooshakraj went to the king of elephants, Gajraj and requested him to take his herd through another route to the pond. He accepted the request and told the elephants to take the other way, without disturbing the rats.
RBSE Solution Class 5 English Questions :
1. The passage is about
(a) the Rats and the Elephants
(b) the herd of elephants
(c) elephants’ big feet
(d) the killing of rats ( )

2. (i) Why did the elephants pass through that area ?
(ii) What happened then ?

3. (i) Who went to the king of elephants ?
(ii) What request did the rats’ king Mooshakraj make do Gajraj ?

4. (i) What did Gajraj do about Mooshakraj’s request ?
(ii) What were the names of the kings of rats and elephants ?
1. (a) the Rats and the Elephants
2. (i) The elephants passed through that area in search of water.
(ii) Many homes of the rats were destroyed under their big feet. Some rats were killed.
3. (i) Mooshakraj, the king of rats went to the king of elephants, Gajraj.
(ii) Mooshakraj requested Gajraj to take his herd through another route to the pond.
4. (i) Gajraj accepted the request.
(ii) Mooshakraj and Gajraj were the names of the kings of rats and elephants.

Passage : 2
One fine day, when the rats were playing, they heard loud shouts of elephants coming from the direction of the pond. Mooshakraj realized that the elephants were in some danger. He asked some of the strong rats in his group to come along, and went in the direction of that sound. Near the pond, they saw the elephants caught in the traps kept by some hunters. The rats quickly started biting the ropes with their sharp teeth. Soon the elephents were set free.
RBSE Solution Class 5th English Questions :
1. The passage is about
(a) elephents and jungle
(b) danger of hunters
(c) elephants and water
(d) helping elephants by rats ( )

2. (i) Where were the loud shouts coming from ?
(ii) What did Mooshakraj realize ?

3. (i) What did Mooshakraj do after hearing the shouts ?
(ii) What did the rats see near the pond ?

4.(i) Who caught the elephants in the traps?
(ii) How were the elephants set free?
1. (d) helping elephants by rats
2. (i) The loud shouts were coming from the direction of the pond.
(ii) Mooshakraj realized that the elephants were in danger.
3. (i) Mooshakraj asked some of the strong rats in his group to come along.
(ii) They saw the elephants caught in the traps.
4. (i) The hunters caught the elephants in the traps.
(ii) The elephants were set free when the rats started biting the ropes.

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