RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Changing Sentences into Negative

RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Changing Sentences into Negative is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Changing Sentences into Negative.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameChanging Sentences into Negative
Number of Exercises 3
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Changing Sentences into Negative

[नोट-चूँकि आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में केवल Affirmative (सकारात्मक) वाक्यों को Negative (नकारात्मक) वाक्यों में ही बदला गया है, अतः इन्हें ही यहाँ समझाया जा रहा है।]

नियम – सकारात्मक वाक्यों को नकारात्मक वाक्यों में बदलने के लिए helping verbs (सहायक क्रियाएँ) के साथ not का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Changing Sentences into Negative image 1

नोट – दिए गए वाक्य में कोई भी helping verb (सहायक क्रिया) नहीं हो तो Main Verb (मुख्य क्रिया) की I form होने पर do not, Main Verb (मुख्य क्रिया) की I form के साथ ‘s या es’ का प्रयोग होने पर does not और Main Verb (मुख्य क्रिया) की II form होने पर did not का प्रयोग होता है।


Change the following sentences into negative sentences. –
निम्न वाक्यों को नकारात्मक वाक्यों में बदलिए –

1. The boy meets a dog
2. We play in the evening every day.
3. Mohan does his homework daily.
4. Kavita is reading a lesson.
5. Ankit has taken his school bag.
6. Rohit has been living in Beed Ramchandrapura since his birth.
7. Ravi took the luggage yesterday.
8. Sunil was taking rest under a tree.
9. Monika had taken bath.
10. Payal had been growing plants for two hours yesterday.


Change the following sentences into negative sentences –
निम्न वाक्यों को नकारात्मक वाक्यों में बदलिए –

1. Simran will water the plants tomorrow.
2. I shall teach a new topic tomorrow.
3. Payal will be sweeping the floor.
4. We shall be taking juice at this time tomorrow.
5. Kiran will have opened the door by 2022.
6. I shall have completed the topic by tomorrow.
7. Annu will have been digging the pits since 2022.
8. Tannu can swim for a long time.
9. Neesha should disobey her parents.
10. Neeshu would like to be a teacher.

(Based on the textbook)

1. Shivam and Nitin were students of class V.
2. A herd of elephants passed through that area in search of water.
3. The rats quickly started biting the ropes with their sharp teeth.
4. Raju notices some bits of paper lying on the floor.
5. Ramleela is organized during summer vacations.
6. Ravan got victory over Lord Ram.
7. Rohit sits on a bench under the big banyan tree.
8. Pankaj heard the sad cries of the genie.
9. Kambugriva was a chatterbox.
10. Nanabhai refused to close the school.

Answers to Exercise : 1

1. The boy does not meet a dog.
2. We do not play in the evening every day.
3. Mohan does not do his homework daily.
4. Kavita is not reading a lesson.
5. Ankit has not taken his school bag.
6. Rohit has not been living in Beed Ramchandrapura since his birth.
7. Ravi did not take the luggage yesterday.
8. Sunil was not taking rest under a tree.
9. Monika had not taken bath.
10. Payal had not been growing plants for two hours yesterday.

Answers to Exercise : 2

1. Simran will not water the plants tomorrow.
2. I shall not teach a new topic tomorrow.
3. Payal will not be sweeping the floor.
4. We shall not be taking juice at this time tomorrow.
5. Kiran will not have opened the door by 2022.
6. I shall not have completed the topic by tomorrow.
7. Annu will not have been digging the pits since 2022.
8. Tannu cannot swim for a long time.
9. Neesha should not disobey her parents.
10. Neeshu would not like to be a teacher.

Answers to Exercise : 3

1. Shivam and Nitin were not students of class V.
2. A herd of elephants did not pass through that area in search of water.
3. The rats did not quickly start biting the ropes with their sharp teeth.
4. Raju does not notice some bits of paper lying on the floor.
5. Ramleela is not organized during summer vacations.
6. Ravan did not get victory over Lord Ram.
7. Rohit does not sit on a bench under the big banyan tree.
8. Pankaj did not hear the sad cries of the genie.
9. Kambugriva was not a chatterbox.
10. Nanabhai did not refuse to close the school.

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