RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Connectives / Conjunctions

RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Connectives / Conjunctions is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Connectives / Conjunctions.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnglish Grammar
Chapter NameConnectives / Conjunctions
Number of Exercises 4
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Connectives / Conjunctions

Connective/Conjunction वह शब्द है, जो दो या दो से अधिक words, phrases, clauses या sentences को जोड़ता है।

इन वाक्यों को देखें –

  1. Kiran and Kavita went to market.
  2. Simran gave Neeshu a book and an inkpot.
  3. Ankit went to see Rohit but he was ‘not there.
  4. Give Tannu tea or coffee.

उपरोक्त वाक्यों में and, but, or का प्रयोग क्रमशः वाक्य (i) में Kiran और Kavita, वाक्य (ii) में a book it an inkpot, alera (iii) मे Ankit went to see Rohit और he was not there तथा वाक्य (iv) में tea और coffee को जोड़ने के लिए किया। गया है। अतः and, but एवं or यहाँ conjunctions हैं। इन्हें connecting words भी कहते हैं।

[नोट – चूँकि आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में Co-ordinative Conjunctions – and’, “but’ तथा ‘or’ ही दिए हैं, अतः यहाँ भी केवल इन्हें ही समझाया जा रहा है।

  1. ‘and’ का प्रयोग information (सूचना) को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है।
  2. ‘or’ का प्रयोग विकल्पों को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है।
  3. ‘but’ का प्रयोग different information (भिन्न सूचना) को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है।

इन वाक्यों को देखें –
RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Connectives Conjunctions image 1
RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Connectives Conjunctions image 2

उपरोक्त वाक्यों में आपने देखा कि Coordinating Conjunctions – and, but, or call प्रयोग क्रमशः दो Nouns, दो Pronouns, एक Noun और एक Pronoun, एक Pronoun और एक Noun, दो Adjectives, दो Adverbs, दो Phrases, दो Sentences तथा दो Clauses को जोड़ने के लिए किया गया है। ये समान श्रेणी/कोटि के शब्द हैं।

Exercise : 1

Join the following pairs of sentences with the connectives given in the brackets.
कोष्ठकों में दिए गए connectives की सहायता से निम्न वाक्यों के जोड़ों को जोड़िए।

1. My friend lives in Dabla. I live in Jaipur. (and)
2. Take it. Leave it. (or)
3. Work hard. You will get failed. (or)
4. She is regular. She is dull. (but)
5. I am a boy. I am a student. (and)
6. She reads is this school. He reads in this school. (and)
7. He takes tea. He takes coffee. (or)
8. She is poor. She is honest. (but)
9. Rahul took juice. Kapil took juice. (and)
10. The poor Indians think how to earn money. The rich Indians think how to invest money. (but)

Exercise : 2

Fill in the following blanks choosing the correct connectives
दिए गए रिक्त स्थानों को सही connectives से भरिए –

1. Annu ……….. Tannu are honest.
(a) and
(b) but
(c) or
(d) None of these

2. Will you take milk ……….. lassi?
(a) but
(b) and
(c) or
(d) None of these

3. Sita called Kailash ……….. he did not answer.
(a) and
(b) but
(c) or
(d) None of these

4. Jaya is eighty years old ……….. her eyes are still sharp.
(a) but
(b) or
(c) and
(d) None of these

5. We went home ……….. played Kabaddi.
(a) but
(b) and
(c) or
(d) None of these

6. Priya wanted to buy a newspaper ……….. didn’t have enough money.
(a) and
(b) or
(c) but
(d) None of these

7. On a warm summer day, will you wear a black shirt ……….. a white shirt?
(a) and
(b) but
(c) or
(d) None of these

8. The bus was crowded ……….. Mukesh managed to get in.
(a) but
(b) and
(c) or
(d) None of these

9. We went to the station ……….. the train had gone.
(a) and
(b) but
(c) or
(d) None of these

10. Mukesh ……….. Ravi are in class IV.
(a) but
(b) or
(c) and
(d) None of these

(Based on the textbook)

Fill in the blanks with correct conjunction picking out from those given in the brackets at the end of the sentence –
वाक्यों के अंत में दिए गए कोष्ठकों से उपयुक्त conjunction का चयन कर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ती करों –

1. Shivam ……….. Nitin were happy to have learnt pranayam. (but, and, or)
2. Mooshakraj was very happy ……….. pleased with Gajraj. (and, or, but)
3. There we don’t think whether our household activities are our jobs ……….. not. (but, or, and)
4. We’ll make our classroom. ……….. school clean. (or, and, but)
5. Ravan kidnapped Sita ……….. took her to Lanka. (and, or, but)
6. The effigies caught fire ……….. burnt to ashes. (but, and, or)
7. Keep your mouth shut while flying ……….. you will fall down. (but, or, and)
8. Twinkling at me from floor or wall ……….. ceiling. (or, but, and)
9. The police warned Kalibai not to run after the vehicle ……….. she did not listen to them. (and, but, or)
10. Roshanlal started the car ……….. began to move. (or, and, but)

Exercise : 4

Choose correct connectives (and/but) to complete the sentences :
वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सही connectives (and/but) चुनिये –

1. Sarita ……….. Rabia are good friends ……….. they live in different villages. They study science, Maths ……….. English together.
2. Meena ……….. Rehana are good friends ……….. they read in different classes.
3. I take rice ……….. chapatis in my lunch.
4. Mohan ……….. Sohan are brothers ……….. they live like friends. They go market ……….. school together.
5. Ram ……….. Hari live in a rented house ……….. their standard of living is different. They like to play cricket ……….. football.
6. Fireworks ……….. crackers explode in the air ……….. they can be harmful to us. The rich ……….. the poor enjoy them equally.
7. You like it or not ……….. I continue to study ……….. play with you.
8. Cows ……….. buffaloes are known of the some family ……….. they are different in their nature. I like cows ……….. buffaloes because they are very helpful for us.
9. A tortoise ……….. a rabbit were fast friends. One day they had a race together ……….. the rabbit was defeated. Now the tortoise the rabbit are enemies to each other.
10. Take it or leave it. It is your choice ……….. I like it very much. Men ……….. women have different choices.
11. Mukesh ……….. Ravi are good friends ……….. their studies’ habits ……….. other hobbies are different.
12. My grandfather is eighty years old ……….. he can read books ……….. newspapers without spectacles. I ……….. my father are
very surprised at his eye sight.

Answers to Exercise : 1

1. My friend lives in Dabla and I live in Jaipur.
2. Take it or leave it.
3. Work hard or you will get failed.
4. She is regular but dull.
5. I am a boy and a student.
6. She and he read in this school.
7. He takes tea or coffee.
8. She is poor but honest.
9. Rahul and Kapil took juice.
10. The poor Indians think how to earn money but the rich Indians think how to invest money.

Answers to Exercise : 2

1. (a) and
2. (c) or
3. (b) but
4. (a) but
5. (b) and
6. (c) but
7. (c) or
8. (a) but
9. (b) but
10. (c) and

Answers to Exercise : 3

1. and
2. and
3. or
4. and
5. and
6. and
7. or
8. or
9. but
10. and

Answers to Exercise : 4

1. and, but, and
2. and, but
3. and
4. and, but, and
5. and, but, and
6. and, but and
7. but, and
8. and, but and
9. and, but, and
10. but, and
11. and, but, and
12. but, and, and.

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