RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Preposition

RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Preposition is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Preposition.

Board RBSE
Textbook SIERT, Rajasthan
Class Class 5
Subject English Grammar
Chapter Name Preposition
Number of Exercises  3
Category RBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Grammar Preposition

अर्थ – Preposition दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है-Pre तथा Position। Pre का अर्थ है पहले तथा Position का अर्थ है स्थान (place) अर्थात् वह शब्द जो किसी Noun अथवा Pronoun से पहले प्रयोग किया जाता है। Preposition सम्बन्धसूचक शब्द होता है जो किसी वाक्य में उस noun अथवा pronoun जिससे पूर्व इसका प्रयोग होता है, का किसी दूसरे Noun अथवा Pronoun के साथ सम्बन्ध बतलाता है। जैसे –

The book is on the table.
The cat is under the chair.

ऊपर दिये गये वाक्यों में प्रथम वाक्य में preposition on, book का table के साथ सम्बन्ध बतलाता है कि पुस्तक मेज पर है। इसी प्रकार द्वितीय वाक्य में preposition under, cat का chair के साथ सम्बन्ध बताता है कि बिल्ली कुर्सी के नीचे है।

[नोट – चूँकि पाठ्यपुस्तक में Prepositions-in, on, under, over, behind, next to, in front of, between, around, through” ही दी गई हैं, अतः यहाँ भी केवल इन्हें ही समझाया जा रहा है ।]

1. on के प्रयोग (अर्थ ‘पर’) –
(i) ‘स्थिर अवस्था में एक वस्तु के ऊपर दूसरी हो और छूती हुई’ हो, के पूर्व
The books are on the table.

(ii) किसी स्थान के समीप’ से पूर्व
My house is on the main road.

(iii) यात्रा के सार्वजनिक साधन में यात्रा करते समय उससे पूर्व
I am on the train to Jaipur. (गति की स्थिति)
I am in the train. [ट्रेन स्थिर है (खड़ी है), चल नहीं रही है]

(iv) ‘साधन’ (means) बताने के लिए (किस उपकरण से कार्य हो रहा है)।
She is playing music on the guitar.
She spoke to me on the mobile.

(v) कारण (cause) बताने के लिए।
The driver stopped the car on my request.

(vi) ‘दिशा’ (direction) बताने के लिए।
She turned on the left.
The teacher has focussed on correct English.

(vii) ‘समय’ बताने के लिए (दिन, दिनांक, विशेष अवसर)।
He goes home on Sundays.
She will come back on the evening of May 11.
I go to the gym on weekends.

2. in के प्रयोग (अर्थ ‘में’) –

(i) ‘स्थान’ के लिए (within an area)
He lives in Ajmer.
They are working in the fields.

(ii) व्यवसाय दर्शाने के लिए (profession/occupation)
She is in army / politics / business.

(iii) स्थिति / दशा (विराम की) बताने के लिए (State / Condition) (Static)
He is in the hall.
Everything is in disorder.

(iv) माध्यम (medium) बताने के लिए
I write in ink.
I can speak in English.

(v) परिवहन का साधन बताने के लिए (means of travel/transport)
I go in. a car.
We went in two buses.

(vi) ‘fansit Big T1 (part of something)
There are five players in a Tennis team.

(vii) संदर्भ (reference)
He is weak in mathematics.
India is rich in manpower.

(viii) समय (time-during a period of time) (week, month, year, season)
He came back in the afternoon.
I’ll come back in a month.

3. under en train (अर्थ ‘नीचे’) –
(i) farsit 15 as (below something indicating place or position)
The files are under the table.

(ii) रैंक या प्राधिकार में नीचे (below in rank or authority)
Her name is under my name in the merit list.

(iii) एक विशेष उम्र के नीचे (below a specified age)
Entry is not for those under eighteen.

(iv) स्थिति / दशा के लिए (state of something or someone)
The road is under construction.

(v) के अनुसार (according to)
Under the rules, you can apply for it.

4. over के प्रयोग (अर्थ ‘के ऊपर’) –

(i) स्थिति (position exactly higher than the other but not in contact)
The fan is over the bed.

(ii) स्थिति (position in contact with and covering someone/something)
There is a carpet over the floor.

(iii) प्रत्येक जगह (in every part of something)
There is dirt all over the table.

(iv) कारण (cause)
Brothers quarrel over property.

(v) से अथिक (more than)
This class has over 60 students.

5. through के प्रयोग (अर्थ ‘आर-पार’, ‘के माध्यम से’, ‘शुरू से आखिर तक’) –
(i) एक तरफ से दूसरी तरफ (from one side to the other) :
The thief got in through the window.

(ii) एक गतिविधि के आरंभ से अंत तक (from beginning to the end of an activity)
Children can’t sit through the function.

(iii) एक अड़चन/अवस्था/परीक्षा से गुजरना (past a barrier/stage/test)
I have to get through the exams.

(iv) के द्वारा/के कारण (by means of 7 because of)
You can get success through hardwork.

6. “between’ के प्रयोग (अर्थ के बीच में’) –
इसका प्रयोग two persons or things (दो व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के लिए होता है।
Naresh is sitting between Neeraj and Jagdish.
Divide these mangoes between you and me.

7. in front of के प्रयोग (अर्थ के सामने’) –
(i) in front of’ का प्रयोग सामान्यतः ‘के सामने के अर्थ में वस्तु के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है।
There is a tree in front of my school.
There was a well in front of her house.

(ii) ‘in front of का प्रयोग इस प्रकार से भी होता है।
Alka is standing in front of Priya in the queue.

8. (a) round’ का प्रयोग (अर्थ ‘चारों ओर’) –
इसका प्रयोग ‘चारों ओर’ के अर्थ में वृत्ताकार पथ तथा वक्राकार पथ के लिए होता है।
The earth moves round the sun. We were sitting round the dinning table.

(b) around’ के प्रयोग –
(i) around’ का प्रयोग ‘बाहर से चारों ओर’, ‘यहाँ-वहाँ’, ‘बहुत स्थानों में’ तथा ‘के विभिन्न भागों में’ के अर्थ में होता है।
They were sitting around the school.

(ii) ‘around’ का प्रयोग ‘लगभग’ के अर्थ में होता है।
There are around six teachers in this school.

9. behind’ का प्रयोग (अर्थ के पीछे’) –
इसका प्रयोग गतिहीन स्थिति को दर्शाने के लिए ‘के पीछे के अर्थ में होता है।
Dinesh is lying behind a bush.
There is a temple behind my school.

10. ‘next to’ का प्रयोग (अर्थ ‘से अगला’) –
इसका प्रयोग ‘से अगले/अगला’ के अर्थ में होता है।
My house is next to yours.

Exercise : 1

Fill in the following blanks with prepositions choosing the correct option from the brackets below –
नीचे कोष्ठकों में से उपयुक्त विकल्प का चुनाव करते हुए निम्न रिक्त स्थानों में prepositions भरें –

1. Republic Day is celebrated ………. 26th January. (on, in, between)
2. ………. Jaipur, the main function is held. (On, Under, In)
3. India got freedom ………. a non-violent movement. (under, over, through)
4. People came ………. one roof. (under, in, through)
5. Mobiles first came ………. 1990s. (on, over, in)
6. You can browse ………. the internet. (between, on, under)
7. My mobile phone is ………. repair. (under, in, over)
8. There is a cover ………. my mobile. (under, over, through)
9. They went ………. the forest. (on, through, under)
10. You can see me ………. shops, offices etc. (in, under, between)
11. He parked himself ………. a tree. (over, under, through)
12. He climbed ………. the wall. (in, under, over)
13. The lamp was ………. the table. (through, over, on)
14. We take exams ………. April. (in, on, through)
15. Your case is ………. consideration. (on, in, under)
16. Children are playing ………. the field. (in/on)
17. One day a monkey jumped ………. the tree and broke its branches. (upon/over)

Exercise : 2
(Based on the textbook)

Choose the correct preposition

1. Some of them were running on the track ………. the park. (over, around, between)
2. Mooshakraj requested Gajraj to take his herd ………. another. (through, in, under)
3. Manjeet threw the bits of the paper ………. the dustbin. (on, around, in)
4. Dussehra occurs ………. the tenth day of ‘Ashwin month’ ‘Shukla Paksha’. (in, on, next to)
5. Dussehra is a symbol of victory of good ………. evil. (over, behind, between)
6. Many homes of the rats were destroyed ………. their big feet. (over, in, under)
7. Rohit’s house is ………. the school. (through, between, next to)
8. Mr. Roshanlal is sitting ………. Shivam and Nintin. (around, between, on)
9. Rohit is hiding ………. a big banyan tree. (at, behind, through)
10. Mooshakraj stands ………. Gajraj. (in front of, in, over)


Choose the correct preposition –
सही preposition चुनिये –

1. Where would you like to go ………. summer?
(a) on
(b) in
(c) between
(d) over

2. I found the bird sitting ………. the railing.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) through
(d) over

3. They were carrying sacks ………. their shoulders.
(a) in
(b) behind
(c) around
(d) on

4. Krita saw four men hurrying ………. the street outside.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) under
(d) over

5. The capseller was sleeping ………. a tree.
(a) in
(b) over
(c) between
(d) under

6. We should put the book ………. eyes.
(a) in front of
(b) in
(c) on
(d) over

7. We saw a tiger while passing ………. the jungle.
(a) between
(b) over
(c) on
(d) through

8. The boy resolved at once to live like a lion all ………. his life.
(a) through
(b) on
(c) between
(d) over

9. I can make sweets ………. Sunday.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) over
(d) between

10. He took one bite of the chapati ………. his plate.
(a) over
(b) through
(c) on
(d) under

11. He sold peanuts that he roasted ………. a little clay stove.
(a) on
(b) in
(c) behind
(d) next to

12. Keep all your savings ………. a bank.
(a) on
(b) under
(c) through
(d) in

Answers to Exercise : 1

1. on
2. In
3. through
4. under
5. in
6. on
7. under
8. over
9. through
10. in
11. under
12. over
13. on
14. in
15. under
16. in
17. upon

Answers to Exercise : 2

1. around
2. through
3. in
4. on
5. over
6. under
7. next to
8. between
9. behind
10. in front of

Answers to Exercise : 3

1. (b) in
2. (b) on
3. (d) on
4. (a) in
5. (d) under
6. (a) in front of
7. (d) through
8. (a) through
9. (b) on
10. (c) on
11. (a) on
12. (d) in

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