RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Correct Word / Suitable Word

RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Correct Word / Suitable Word is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Correct Word / Suitable Word.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnglish Vocabulary
Chapter NameCorrect Word / Suitable Word
Number of Exercises 5
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Correct Word / Suitable Word

Correct Word / Suitable Word
इसके अन्तर्गत बॉक्स में कुछ शब्द दिए होते हैं जो संज्ञा, विशेषण, क्रिया आदि होते हैं। कभी-कभी बॉक्स में शब्द न दिये जाकर वाक्य में ही शब्द का प्रथम अक्षर दे दिया जाता है। संज्ञा – संज्ञा, नाम वाले शब्द होते हैं। ये किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान, पशु, पक्षी, विचार आदि का नाम होते हैं। विशेषण-ये शब्द संज्ञा की विशेषता बताते हैं तथा अक्सर संज्ञा से पूर्व प्रयोग होते हैं। क्रिया-जिन शब्दों में action हो वे क्रिया कहलाते हैं। प्रत्येक वाक्य में एक क्रिया अवश्य होती है।


Exercise : 1
(Based on the textbook)
Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word from the box.
बॉक्स में से सही शब्द चुनकर निम्न वाक्यों को पूरा करें।
Rubbed, Famous, Things, Cloud, Genie.
1. Once upon a time there was a ………… .
2. But this particular genie was ………… for spoiling things up.
3. Whenever someone ………… the magic lamp, he would come out.
4. Then a great ………… of smoke appear.

Exercise : 2
Saw, Tower, Called, Victory, Held.

1. We ………… the famous Vijay Stambh.
2. It was built by Rana Kumbha after his ………… over Mahmud Khilji.
3. It has 157 steps to reach the top of this ………… .
4. A light and sound show is ………… in the evening.

Exercise : 3
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:
उचित शब्दों द्वारा रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए
1. There is a Neem ………… in front of our house.
2. There is a mango t ………… in my garden. (Model paper)
3. It was a p ………… morning.
4. Shivam and Nitin went to a p ………… for a morning walk.
5. Children were p ………… there.

Exercise : 4
1. Long long ago, a group of rats lived h ………… in a forest.
2. One day, a herd of elephant P ………… through that area in search of water.
3. Many homes of the rats were destroyed under their b ………… feet.
4. Some rats were also k ………… under their feet.

Exercise : 5
1. In India many festivals are celebrated with g ………… zeal.
2. A p ………… is dancing in the garden.
3. Dussehra is also called v ………….
4. According to Hindu calendar, Dussehra occurs on the t ………… day of Ashvion month’ Shukla Paksha.


Exercise : 1
1. genie
2. famous
3. rubbed
4. cloud

Exercise : 2
1. saw
2. victory
3. tower
4. held

Exercise : 3
1. tree
2. tree
3. pleasant
4. park
5. playing

Exercise : 4
1. happily
2. passed
3. big
4. killed

Exercise : 5
1. great
2. peacock
3. vijaydashmi.
4. tuesday

We hope the RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Correct Word / Suitable Word will help you. If you have any query regarding Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Correct Word / Suitable Word, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.