RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Question Framing

RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Question Framing is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Question Framing.

Board RBSE
Textbook SIERT, Rajasthan
Class Class 5
Subject English Vocabulary
Chapter Name Question Framing
Number of Exercises  4
Category RBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Question Framing

अंग्रेजी में प्रश्न दो प्रकार से पूछे जाते हैं –

  1. Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया) द्वारा आरम्भ करके।
  2. “Wh’ word (Who, Whose, Whom, What, Which, How, Why, When, Where, How long, How much, How many आदि) द्वारा आरम्भ करके।

1. Helping Verb से बनने वाले प्रश्न

Helping Verb ( सहायक क्रिया) से आरम्भ होने वाले प्रश्न बनाने का तरीका है।

1. यदि उत्तर Yes या No से आरम्भ हो तो प्रश्न Helping Verb से ही आरम्भ होगा व Yes व No हट जायेंगे।
2. उत्तर जिस tense में है, प्रश्न में भी उस ही tense में प्रयोग की जाने वाली Helping Verb/ s में से किसी एक का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
3. यदि उत्तर का Subject (कर्ता), singular है तो आप भी प्रश्न में singular helping verb का प्रयोग करें और यदि subject, plural है तो plural helping verb का प्रयोग करें।
4. यदि उत्तर में pronoun (सर्वनाम), I, We हो तो प्रश्न में You कर दें, my/our को your कर दें, me/us को you कर दें। इसी प्रकार sense के अनुसार अन्य pronouns बदलें। 5. यदि उत्तर में Helping Verb नहीं है तथा Main Verb की I form है तो Helping Verb के रूप में ‘do’ तथा M.V. की I form के अन्त में ‘s’ या ‘es’ है तो Helping Verb के रूप में ‘does’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
6. यदि उत्तर में Helping Verb नहीं है तथा Main Verb की II form है तो Helping Verb के रूप में ‘did’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
7. यदि उत्तर में निम्न Helping Verbs आयें तो इन्हें निम्नानुसार लिखा जाता है –

is, am, are – is/am/are ;
have, has – have/has
have/has + been – have/has + been
was, were – was/were
had – had
had been – had been
will, shall – will/shall
will/shall + be – will/shall + be
will/shall + have – will/shall + have
will/shall + have been – will/shall + have been
modals – modals

8. जिस Helping Verb के एक से अधिक टुकड़े हो पहला टुकड़ा Subject से पहले आता है तथा दूसरा टुकड़ा Subject के बाद

Formula :
H.V. + S + M.V. + Others

उदाहरण –
1. Yes, I lived in Dabla.
Q. Did you live in Dabla?

2. No, we didn’t waste time.
Q. Did you waste time?

3. Yes, Salma is happy.
Q. Is Salma happy?

4. Yes, Kambugriva was a chatterbox.
Q. Was Kambugriva a chatterbox?

5. No, Rohit has not gone to school.
Q. Has Rohit gone to school?

6. Yes, Shivam and Nitin get up early.
Q. Do Shivam and Nitin get up early?

7. No, Manjeet will not help Raju.
Q. Will Manjeet help Raju?

8. Yes, Rohit had found some children in the garden.
Q. Had Rohit found some children in the garden?

9. Yes, Seema also chews gutkha.
Q. Does Seema also chew gutkha?

10. No, we shall not use tobacco.
Q. Shall you use tobacco?


Frame questions to get the following answers –
निम्नलिखित उत्तरों के प्रश्न बनाइए –

1. …………….. ?
Yes, I can make tea.
2. …………….. ?
Yes, he was swimming in the pond.
3. …………….. ?
No, Pooja did not take juice.
4. …………….. ?
Yes, they were beating him.
5. …………….. ?
Yes, Rajesh and Geeta have left Dabla.
6. …………….. ?
No, Pawan does not sing a song.
7. …………….. ?
Yes, I am going to school.
8. …………….. ?
Yes, Rani has beaten my brother.
9. …………….. ?
Yes, Seema was teaching English.
10. …………….. ?
No, Sapna and Abhisek were not quarrelling.
11. …………….. ?
No, Bharti had not completed the work.
12. …………….. ?
Yes, I shall do it.
13. …………….. ?
No, Alka could not attend the meeting.
14. …………….. ?
Yes, Mukesh can run fast.
15. …………….. ?
Yes, Jagdish should guide us.
16. …………….. ?
No, they do not waste time.
17. …………….. ?
Yes, Yogita beats Neeraj.
18. …………….. ?
Yes, they are swimming at the moment.
19. …………….. ?
No, she did not tease me.
20. …………….. ?
Yes, I was making a noise.


1. Can you make tea?
2. Was he swimming in the pond?
3. Did Pooja take juice?
4. Were they beating him?
5. Have Rajesh and Geeta left Dabla?
6. Does Pawan sing a song?
7. Are you going to school?
8. Has Ravi beaten your brother?
9. Was Seema teaching English?
10. Were Sapna and Abhisek quarrelling?
11. Had Bharti completed the work?
12. Will you do it?
13. Could Alka attend the meeting?
14. Can Mukesh run fast?
15. Should Jagdish guide you?
16. Do they waste time?
17. Does Yogita beat Neeraj?
18. Are they swimming at the moment?
19. Did she tease you?
20. Were you making a noise?

(Based on the textbook)

1. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, Nitin and Shivam went to a park one day in the morning.

2. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, I close my right nostril while doing rechak.

3. …………….. ?
Ans. No, the rats were not playing.

4. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, Mooshakraj realized that the elephants were in some danger.

5. …………….. ?
Ans. No, Raju and Bittu will not quarrel.

6. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, Neha is taking juice.

7. …………….. ?
Ans. No, Neha is not a good girl.

8. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, we should throw bits of paper into a dustbin.

9. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, children enjoy on Dussehra.

10. …………….. ?
Ans. No, the birds and animals in the garden do not play with Rohit.

11. …………….. ?
Ans. No, Salma will not cheat her father.

12. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, Seema has completed a job.

13. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, Kavita was suffering from fever.

14. …………….. ?
Ans. No, Seema does not chew gutkha.

15. …………….. ?
Ans. Yes, we saw the famous Vijay Stambh.


1. Did Nitin and Shivam go to a park one day in the morning?
2. Do you close your right nostril while doing rechak?
3. Were the rats playing?
4. Did Mooshakraj realize that the elephants were in some danger?
5. Will Raju and Bittu quarrel?
6. Is Neha taking juice?
7. Is Neha a good girl?
8. Should you throw bits of paper into a dustbin?
9. Do children enjoy on Dussehra?
10. Do the birds and animals in the garden play with Rohit?
11. Will Salma cheat her father?
12. Has Seema completed a job?
13. Was Kavita suffering from fever?
14. Does Seema chew gutkha?
15. Did you see the famous Vijay Stambh?

2. Question Words

इनका प्रयोग Question बनाने के लिए Interrogative pronoun के रूप में किया जाता है।

1. Why (क्यों)-‘कारण पूछने के लिए।
2. When (कब)-‘समय’ पूछने के लिए
3. Where. (कहाँ)-‘स्थान’ जानने के लिए
4. How (कैसे)-‘तरीका’ जानने के लिए।
5. Who (कौन)-व्यक्ति के लिए, कर्ता की पूर्ति करता है।
6. Whom (किसको)-व्यक्ति के लिए, Object . (कर्म) की पूर्ति करता है।
7. Which (कौनसा, कौनसी)-वस्तु, जानवर या पक्षी के लिए।
8. What (क्या)-विशेष सूचना/तथ्य जानने हेतु
9. How far (कितनी दूर-दूरी जानने के लिए।
10. How much (कितना)-मात्रा जानने के लिए।
11. How many (कितने)-संख्या जानने के लिए
12. How often (कितनी बार)-बारंबारता के लिए


Fill in the blanks with correct Question Word picking out from those given in the brackets at the end of sentence –
वाक्य के अन्त में दिए गए कोष्ठकों से उपयुक्त प्रश्नवाचक शब्द का चयन कर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें –

1. …………….. teaches you English? (Who, Which)
2. …………….. does Kapil lives? (What, Where)
3. …………….. is your teacher’s name? (What, When)
4. …………….. do the students start praying? (When, How much)
5. …………….. is your school from the temple? (How much, How far)
6. …………….. do we eat fruits? (Why, Which)
7. …………….. will take you on an educational (Whom, Who)
8. …………….. is pranayam? (How much, What)
9. …………….. did Nitin and Shivam go one day in the morning? (Who, Where)
10. …………….. do you close your right nostril while doing rechak? (How, How many)

(Based on the textbook)

1. …………….. were the elephants shouting one day? (Who, Why)
2. …………….. milk do you take daily? (How many, How much)
3. …………….. is your book? (Who, Which)
4. …………….. does Salma take to school? (Whom, Why)
5. …………….. did the rats help the elephants? (Which, How)
6. …………….. should we throw bits of paper or garbage? (Whom, Where)
7. …………….. can you get orange colour? (How, How far)
8. …………….. was Ravan’s fault? (Who, What)
9. …………….. do you broom the room? (How often, How much)
10. …………….. did Rohit find no friends in the garden to play with? (Where, Why)

Answers to Exercise : 1

1. Who
2. Where
3. What
4. When
5. How far
6. Why
7. Who
8. What
9. Where
10. How

Answers to Exercise : 2

1. Why
2. How much
3. Which
4. Whom
5. How
6. Where
7. How
8. What
9. How often
10. Why

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