RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Let’s Clean Together

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Let’s Clean Together is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Let’s Clean Together.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnvironmental Studies
ChapterChapter 4
Chapter NameLet’s Clean Together
Number of Questions60
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Let’s Clean Together

Text Book Questions

Think and answer the following (Page No. 19)

RBSE Class 5 Evs Chapter 4 Question 1.
Clean India Mission must have been run in vour school also. You contributed in what type of works? Make a list.
(i) We cleaned all over the school as well as mciuding the walls and roof.
(ii) We used dustbins to throw papers, pencil savmgs, toffee wrappers etc.
(iii) We cieaned our school toilets.
(iv) We cieaned the gardens and arranged the tiower pots properly.

RBSE Class 5th Evs Chapter 4 Question 2.
What did you experience by participating in this mission?
By participating in this mission, I experienced that we should keep our surroundings clean and garbage free.

Let’s Clean Together Question 3.
After working under the Clean India Mission, what changes have you made in your habits?
(i) I never throw paper, pencil savings, wrappers of toffees in my class.
(ii) I always clean inside and outside of my home.
(iii) I always try to reuse waste materials.
(iv) I always keep my home toilet clean.

Points for discussion (Page No. 20)

RBSE Solutions For Class 5 Evs Chapter 4 Question 1.
Maintaining cleanliness at roads, streets, colonies etc. is also our responsibility or not?
Yes, maintaining cleanliness at roads, streets, colonies etc. is also our responsibility.

Who Does The Cleaning Work In Your Locality Question 2.
What is the reason for accumulation of dirt and trash in the colonies and streets?
People are not careful about cleanliness. They throw all garbage on the road and it makes colonies dirty.

Clean Together Question 3.
What efforts can we mak ; to maintain cleanliness in our colonies, roads etc.?
(i) People should use dustbins for accumulating dirt and trash
(ii) Eeopie snould be made aware of cuseases due to dirt and dirty environment
(iii) Responsibility snould ce given 11 the cleaners.
(iv) Fine should ne cnarged ter makir % the surrounding dirty.

Explore and answer the following (Page No. 20)

Class 5 Evs RBSE Solutions Question 1.
Who does the cleaning work in your locality?
The cieaners clean our locality.

RBSE Solutions For Class 5 Evs Question 2.
What do they do with the waste collected by them and where do they tat e it?
They accumulate the wastes in a Draper place far from the city.

RBSE Solution Class 5th Evs Question 3.
What difficulties they have to face during this work?
They face the problems of deficiency of vehicles and machines. They fall sic c for working in unhealthy conditions.

Think and answer (Page No. 20)

RBSE Solution Class 5 Evs Question 1.
If the trash lying around your school or home is not cleaned continuously for 1 week, then what will happen?
If the trash around our school is not cleaned continuously for one week, it wili give bad odour in the surroundings of our school. Also, due to mosquitos and flies, disease will spread around us.

Things to do (Page No. 20)

RBSE Solutions Class 5 Evs Question 1.
Make a list of those items from the trash generated from your house, which can be reused. .
Paper, cardboard, old clothes, wrappers of chocolates, polythene, newspaper, glass bottle, containers of plastic etc. can be reused.

Class 5 Evs Chapter 4 Question Answer Question 2.
With the help of similar such items like paper, cardboard, bags etc., try to make some useful things.
(i) Making a dustbin from empty cardboard boxes used for packing.
(ii) Pen stand from plastic containers
(iii) Making dusters, ropes, mats from old clothes
(iv) Making decorative articles from wrappers of chocolates etc.

Discuss and write the answer (Page No. 21)

Chapter 4 Class 5 Evs Question 1.
Ganga’s Bhabi says that when we follow parda system inside and outside our homes, then, how can we go for defecation in the open? In your opinion, what is the relevance of this statement?
When a woman follow parda system inside and outside her home, she cannot go for defecation in the open. It is completely against her self-respect.

Class 5 Chapter 4 English Question 2.
What will be the adverse effect of open defecation?
Open defecation creates environmental pollution. Flies make our food dirty which create many diseases. By eating this food, we may catch many diseases.

Class 5 Evs Extra Questions Question 3.
Are there anyone in your locality, who goes for defecation in the open? What advice would you give them?
Yes, many people in our locality go for defecation in the open. I will request them to construct a separate toilet in their home.

RBSE Solution Class 5th Question 4.
Those who do not have their own houses and live in tents and sheds, what arrangement of toilets should be made for them?
They should use the facilities of public toilet made by the government.

RBSE Solutions For Class 5 Evs Chapter 4 Question 5.
Why is it necessary to wash your hands with soap after defecation?
Soaps remove the dirt which create disease. Hence it is necessary to wash our hands with soap after defecation.

Look at the picture below and discuss the following points (Page No. 22)

RBSE Solution Class 5 Evs English Medium Question 1.
Which equipment is the cleaner holding (page 22)? .
A cleaning machine and a modem mop.

Class 5th Evs Chapter 4 Question 2.
What will be the effect on cleanliness, if proper cleaning equipment is not available?
Proper cleanliness is not possible without proper cleaning equipment.

Think and give the answers of the following (Page No. 22)

Evs Class 5 Chapter 4 Question 1.
Cleanliness must be a part of our habit. What is your opinion regarding this?
Cleanliness must be in our habit and not show off. We should maintain cleanliness ourselves as well as in our surroundings.

Class 5th Chapter 4 Evs Question 2.
How should we behave with the persons doing cleaning work?
We should give them proper respect who are doing the cleaning work.

RBSE Class 5 Maths Chapter 4 Solutions Question 3.
What type of image will our country have if our villages and cities are not clean?
If our villages and cities are not clean, the impression of our country will be bad.

Who Will Do This Work Class 5 Evs Worksheets Question 4.
If our houses are not clean, how will it affect our lives?
If our houses are not clean, it will directly affect our health.

Learnt, understood and now tell (Page No. 25)

How Do You Keep Your House Clean For Class 5 Question 1.
How did you organise the cleanliness campaign in your school? Describe it.
We were celebrating clean India Mission campaign on 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti) in our school. We were cleaning the school under this mission. We have done many works like cleaning our playground, class rooms, selling of old materials and cleaning our school toilets etc.

Cleanliness Drive In The School Question 2.
Cleanliness must become our habit. What should be our effort for the same?
Cleanliness must be in our habit and not show off. We should maintain cleanliness ourselves as well as in our surroundings.

Question 3.
When someone went to Gandhiji’s Ashram, what did he do to create awareness about cleanliness?
Whenever anyone went to Gandhiji’s Ashram, at first he was given the work to clean the toilets as a part of daily work. If he completed that work satisfactorily, only then any other work was assigned to him. The reason for the same was that Gandhiji always gave importance to the cleanliness and tidiness.

Class 5th Chapter 4th Question 4.
Write your opinion on ‘Clean India Mission’.
‘Clean India Mission’ is a campaign started by the Government of India on a national level. The main aim of this mission is to clean the roads, streets and public places of our country. This was launched on 2nd October 2014 (Gandhi Jayanti).

Other Important Questions

Objective type questions :

5th Class Evs 4th Lesson Question 1.
When was the campaign of ‘clean india mission’ launched?
(a) 2nd october 2015
(b) 2nd october 2014
(c) 13th october 2014
(d) 12th april 2015
(b) 2nd october 2014

Class 5 Chapter 4 Question 2.
Who was not ready to go for defecation in the open?
(a) Bhabi
(b) Ganga
(c) Grandfather
(d) None
(a) Bhabi

Class 5 Science Chapter 4 Question 3.
From where Ganga’s brother and Bhabi returned?
(a) Ahmedabad
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Jodhpur
(c) Chandigarh

Class 5 Evs Chapter 4 Question 4.
Who collects garbage from our home?
(a) Shopkeeper
(b) Teacher
(c) Doctor
(d) Cleaner
(d) Cleaner

RBSE Solution For Class 5 Evs Question 5.
Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated in every year on
(a) 2nd November
(b) 2nd October
(c) 2nd January
(d) 10th October
(b) 2nd October

Fill in the blanks :

Class 4th Evs Chapter 4 Question Answer Question 1.
We should use ………… after coming from toilets. (soap / soil)

4th Class Evs Solution Question 2.
We should not use the bags of ………. (paper / plastic)

Class 5 Science Chapters Question 3.
We should use ……… for keeping daily garbage.(dustbin / bags)

Our Government Class 5 Question 4.
We should use ………. for defecation. (toilets / open place)

State True or False :

Question 1.
Cleanliness is the main objective of the mission Clean India.

Question 2.
We are celebrating Gandhi. Jayanti on 8th October.

Question 3.
Defecation in open place spreads diseases.

Question 4.
Maintaining cleanliness is the responsibility of Government only.

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
When do we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti?
2nd October.

Question 2.
What should we use to clean hands after coming from toilets?

Question 3.
Why was Ganga very happy?
Ganga was happy because her brother and Bhabi brought many gifts for her from the city

Question 4.
What did bhabi say about toilet?
Bhabi said tnev follow Parda system .in and outside their home and how is it possible to go in the open nere.

Question 5.
How should we dispose the garbage?
By recycling method.

Question 6.
What is the first daily duly in Gandhi Ashram?
When a person enters the Gandhi Ashram for the rmt tune, he has to clean the toilets.

Question 7.
What s the right place for defecation?
We should use toilets.

Question 8.
What is the main objective of Clean India Mission?
The main objective of this mission is to clean the roads, streets and public places of our country.

Question 9.
When was the campaign of ‘Clean India Mission’ launched?
2nd October 2014.

Question 10.
Who started the ‘Clean India Mission’ programme?
By die Government of India.

Question 11.
‘Clean India Mission’ this campaign started at which level?
On a national level.

Question 12.
Wfiose responsibility is to keep the society clean from garbage?

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
What is the main view of Gandhiji about the awareness on cleanliness?
Whenever anyone went to Gandhiji’s Ashram, at first he was given the work to clean the toilets as a part of daily work. If he completed that work satisfactorily, only then any other work was assigned to him. The reason for the same is that Gandhiji always gave importance to the cleanliness and tidiness.

Question 2.
What is the opinion of Ganga’s Bhabi about size of the house?
According to Ganga’s Bhabi, it does not matter whether the house is small or big. The most important thing is to maintain cleanliness.

Question 3.
According to Gandhiji everyone can do all types of works. Write your opinion what type of changes can be made by us.
If a person does different types of works, inequality in the society’ can be reduced. There will be no difference between higher and lower class. Every member of the family should work hand in hand. Exploitation of females should be decreased as well as inequality between sex can be removed.

Question 4.
What steps should be taken for the development of cleaners?
(i) To provide educational facilities to them.
(ii) Social discrimination should be reduced.
(iii) Decreasing poverty.
(iv) Respect them and encourage to engage in another work.

Essay Type Questions :

Question 1.
(a) Make a list of those things which can be reused from the rubbish or garbage of your house. (Model Paper)
(i) Making a dustbin from the empty cardboard box used for packing.
(ii) Making dusters, ropes, mats from old clothes.
(iii) Papers from newspapers.

(b) Sanitation campaign (Swachhata Abhiyan) is to be organised by the students of class 5. Make work plan for this campaign. (Model Paper)
(i) Work plan for sanitation campaign (Swachhata Abhiyan)—
(ii) Different groups of students to be formed.
(ii) Each group should be given separate work and responsibilities, such as, cleaning the roads, painting the classrooms, cleaning the toilets, selling old scraps, cleaning school garbage etc.
(iii) Requesting the teachers to observe the campaign. :
(iv) Dumping the garbage at one place.
(v) All of the above works should be repeated at regular intervals.

Question 2.
What type of resolution Ganga took to make cleanliness, on the basis of her brother’s wife? ‘
After hearing about all the facts fro n her Bhabi, Ganga and her friends made some resolution to make cleanliness their habit.

  1. Not throwing papers, pencil savings, wrappers of toffees etc. m the class.
  2. Not writing on the walls, floor or furniture and make tnem dirty.
  3. Neither spitting nor spreading litter everywhere.
  4. Taking a bath daily and putting on clean and tidy clothes.
  5. Not making use of plastic bags
  6. To contribute in making cleanliness in streets, colonies, home and public places.

Question 3.
What did you learn from this lesson?
(i) Cleanliness is necessary’ to remain healthy.
(ii) We should maintain our cleanliness ourselves.
(iii) Cleanliness should not be maintained to impress someone, instead, it must become our habit.
(iv) We should use toilets and should not go for open defecation.

Question 4.
Your headmaster asks you to prepare a beautiful garden in your school. How will you prepare the garden with the help of your friends? Write in details. (Board Paper)
I will do the work by this process

  • I wiii arrange my classmates and make different groups.
  • Different groups will do their specific works such as cleaning the ground, dumping the garbage at one place etc.
  • Two groups will prepare soil in the garden, two wiii plant grasses and the last groups will do the planting at specified places.
  • Planting trees at the edges of the garden.
  • Constructing trails between the middle of the. roads.
  • Laying the pipelines for irrigation.

We hope the RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Let’s Clean Together will help you. If you have any query regarding Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4 Let’s Clean Together, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.