RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Felling of the Banyan Tree

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Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Felling of the Banyan Tree

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Felling of the Banyan Tree Questions and Answers are designed by the subject experts based on the latest syllabus. Students can access all Chapter 4 The Felling of the Banyan Tree topics preparation material like Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English online from the links available over here & ace up your preparation.

About the Poem
This poem describes the love of the poet for trees and nature. He is sad about the cutting down of the trees in his Own house. He compares it with that of murdering any human being. He is against cutting down the trees and building concrete jungle instead.

Summary of the Poem
The poet says that his father told all the tenants to leave their house so that all those houses could be demolished. All the houses other than the house in which the poet’s family resident resided and a banyan tree, which was considered sacred by his grandmother were demolished. All the trees were also cut down in the process which included many sacred and medicinal trees. But cutting down the huge Banyan tree which stood so tall with roots surrounded here and there so deep, was a big problem. Yet the poet’s father had given order to cut the Banyan tree also.

That tree was three times bigger than the poet’s house. It’s trunk had a circumference of fifty feet. Its aerial roots were thirty feet thirty feet long, touching the ground. So first of all the branches were shredded. As a result insects and birds started to leave the tree. Fifty men chopped the fat trunk of the tree continuously. Everybody got to see the rings of the Banyan tree showing its age around two hundred years. The poet along with other people witnessed this slaughter in terror and fascination. The poet further expresses that soon after this they moved to Bombay from Baroda, where there were no trees. If there was any, it were in dream only, looking forward to turn into reality to touch the ground which was being converted into concrete buildings.

कविता के बारे में
यह कविता कवि के प्रकृति प्रेम को दर्शाती है। कवि अपने ही घर के वृक्षों के काटे जाने से बहुत दुखी हैं। वे इसे (पेड़ों को काटना) किसी व्यक्ति की हत्या के समान मानते हैं। वे पेड़ों को काटकर उस जमीन पर कंक्रीट के जंगल (बहुमंजिला इमारतें) खड़ा करने के विरोधी हैं।

कविता का सार
कवि कहते हैं कि उनके पिता ने सभी किराएदारों को, जो उनके घर के पास पहाड़ी के आसपास के घरों में रहते थे, जगह खाली करने के लिए कह दिया था। उसके बाद उन सभी मकानों को ढहा दिया गया। केवल कवि का घर तथा एक विशालकाय बरगद का पेड़ ही इस प्रक्रिया में बच पाया था क्योंकि कवि की दादी उस पेड़ को पवित्र मानती थी। अन्य सभी पेड़ इस प्रक्रिया के तहत बलि चढ़ चुके थे केवल विशाल बरगद का पेड़ अभी भी सीना ताने समस्या की तरह खड़ा था, जिसकी जड़े बहुत दूर तक फैली हुई थी।

परंन्तु फिर भी कवि के पिता द्वारा उस पेड़ को काटे जाने का आदेश दिया जा चुका था। वह पेड़ कवि के घर से तीन गुना ऊंचा था। उसकी हवाई जड़े, जो तीस फुट लंबी थी, जमीन पर इधर-उधर फैली हुई थी। सबसे पहले शाखाओं को काटना शुरु किया गया। फलस्वरुप पक्षियों और अन्य कीटों ने उस पेड़ को छोड़कर जाना शरु किया। पचास आदमियों ने। उस पेड़ के मोटे तने को कुल्हाड़ियों से लगातार काटा। तब का पेट भो भने यो काटियों में लगातार सभी ने पेड़ के वलयों को आश्चर्य से देखा जो उस के दो सौ वर्ष से भी पुराने होने के गवाह थे। कवि आगे कहते हैं। कि इसके बाद ही वे बडौदा को छोड़कर बॉम्बे (अब मुंबई) चले गए जहां पेड़ों का नाम-ओ-निशान ही न था, अगर था तो केवल सपनों में जहां से पेड़ों की जड़ें हकीकत की जमीन को छूने के लिए प्रयासरत थीं।

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Felling of the Banyan Tree 1

Tenant              : a person who pays rent for the use of room, building, land etc. to the person who owns it
Demolish          : to destroy something totally
Sacred              : holy; very important and treated with great respect
Massacre          : destroying in a cruel way
Scraggly           : growing in a way that looks uneven and in bad condition
Chop                : cut
Mythology       : set of ancient myths, ideas that people have but they may or may not be true
Seethe             : to be extremely angry about something but not to reveal it
Slaughter         : (here) cutting of trees cruelly
Circumference : measurement around the outside of a circle

The Felling of the Banyan Tree Textbook Questions Solved

Activity – I
A. Say whether the following statements are True or False.
बताइए निम्न कथन सही है अथवा गलत।
Question 1.
It was taught to poet by his grandmother that trees are very important and holy.”
कवि को उसकी दादी ने सिखाया था कि पेड़ बहुत जरूरी तथा पवित्र होते है।

Question 2.
Poet’s father cut trees mercilessly.
कवि के पिता ने क्रूरता पूर्वक सभी पेड़ काट दिए।

Question 3.
The banyan tree was as big as poet’s house.
बरगद का पेड़ कवि के घर जितना बड़ा था।

Question 4.
They started cutting branches first because the tree was small.
उन्होंने पहले शाखाएं काटनी शुरू की क्योंकि पेड़ छोटा था।

Question 5.
Fifty men chopped the tree.
पचास आदमियों ने पेड़ काटा।

Question 6.
The only tree remained was in his dreams.
एकमात्र पेड़ उसके सपनों में था।

1. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True.

B. Answer the following questions.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
Question 1.
Why did the poet’s father want to demolish the old structures?
कवि के पिता पुराने ढांचे क्यों ढहाना चाहते थे?
The poet’s father wanted to demolish the old structures so that new buildings may be constructed.
कवि के पिता पुराने ढांचे इसलिए ढहाना चाहते थे ताकि उस जगह नर्ह इमारतें बनाई जा सकें।

Question 2.
Describe the huge banyan tree in your own words.
विशाल बरगद का वर्णन अपने शब्दों में कीजिए।
The Banyan tree was very huge whose roots were very deep. It was three times taller than the poet’s house. The circumference of the trunk was fifty feet. Its aerial roots were spread all over the ground. It had ring which showed its age of about two hundred years.
बरगद का पेड़ अत्यंत विशाल था जिसकी जड़े बहुत गहरी थी इसकी ऊंचाई कवि के घर से तीन गुना ज्यादा थी। इसके तने का घेरा पचास फुट था। इसकी आकाशीय जड़े जमीन पर फैली हुई थी। पेड़ केवल वलय उसके दो सौ वर्षों से भी प्राचीन होने का प्रमाण थे।

Question 3.
What was a crime according to the grandmother?
दादी के अनुसार क्या अपराध था?
According to the grandmother cutting down of trees was a crime as all the trees have some sacred value.
दादी के अनुसार पेड़ों को काटनी अपराध था क्योंकि सभी पेड़ों की अपनी पवित्र महत्ता होती है।

Question 4.
Which trees were cut down first?
पहले कौन से पेड़ काटे गए?
The Sheoga, the Oudumber the Neem trees were cut down first.
पहले शियोगा, अदुंबर और नीम के वृक्ष काटे गए।

Question 5.
How was the banyan tree cut at last?
अंततः बरगद का वृक्ष कैसे काटा गया?
Firstly the branches of the Banyan tree were cut. The people took seven days to do so. Then fifty people cut the huge trunk with their axes.
सबसे पहले बरगद के वृक्ष की शाखाएं काटी गई। लोगों को ऐसा करने में सात दिन लगे। फिर पचास आदमियों ने इसके विशाल तने को अपनी कुल्हाडियों से काटा।

Question 6.
Where does the banyan tree still exist?
बरगद का वृक्ष अब भी कहाँ मौजूद है?
Answer.The Banyan tree still exists in the memory of the poet.
बरगद का वृक्ष अब भी कवि की स्मृति में मौजूद है।

Activity – II
A. Insert the missing letter in the blanks.
I. It is the duty of every civilian to keep their houses and surr_undings neat and clean.
II. My grandmother told me many interesting stories from Hindu mythol_gy.
III. Destroying forest is a type of crim_.
IV. The programme was very nice and we watched with fascin_tion.
V. A b_nyan tree is considered s_cred.
I. surroundings
II. mythology
III. crime
IV. fascination
V. banyan, sacred.

B. Write opposites of the following words.
huge, raw, sacred, deep, reveal, massive, problem
huge – tiny
raw – ripe
scared – unscared
deep – shallow
reveal – conceal
massive – small
problem – solution

C. Find out and write the synonyms for the following words.
fell, sacred, huge, demolish
fell – cut
scared – holy, pious
huge – gigantic, large
demolish – annihilate

Activity – III
Read the following sentences carefully.
1. The tenants who lived in the surrounding houses have left.
2. I have a banyan tree whose roots are much deeper.
3. This is a banyan tree which has aerial roots.
4. This is the village where every body is literate.

Relative clause
Relative clauses beginning with relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that, etc.) and relative adverbs (when, where, why) are often used to modify nouns and some pronouns to identify people and things places and time and to give more information about them. Clauses used like this are called Relative clauses.
Use the suitable relative pronouns in the blank spaces:
I. Shambhu, ………. elder brother is a principal, is the Sarpanch of the Village.
II. The Ramayan, ………. is the scripture of the Hindus, is loved and liked in Bharat and abroad.
III. Do you know Rita, ………. lives near Gulabbag?
IV. Deshnok, ……… the temple of Karnimata is situated, is a town in Rajasthan.
V. Raksha Bandhan is the day ………. sisters tie Rakhies to their brothers.
I. whose
II. which
III. who
IV. where
V. when

Question 1.
“Trees are said to be green gold.” Keeping this in view, discuss the (important of ‘trees’ in keeping the environment pollution-free and healthy. (Importance of trees-Refer Additional Question Q – IV)
Do it yourself.

Read and enjoy the following poem:

They didn’t tell us What is would be like
Without trees.
Nobody imagined
That the whispering of leaves
Would grow silent
Or the vibrant jade spring
Pale to grey death
And now we pile
Rubbish on rubbish
In this dusty landscape
Struggling to create
A tree.
But through the space is right
And the nailed branches
Lean upon the wind
And plastic leaves
Lend colour to the twigs.
We wait in vain
For the slow unfurling of buds.
And no amount of loving
Can stir our weary tree
To singing

Activity – V
Question 1.
Draw different types of trees found in your locality and name them.
Do it yourself.

The Felling of the Banyan Tree Additional Questions For Practice

A. Tick the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प पर निशान लगाइए।
Question 1.
Father told the ………. to leave.
(a) tenants
(b) grandmother
(c) poet
(d) all above
पिता ने ……. को जाने को कहा |
(अ) किराएदार
(ब) दादी
(स) कवि
(द) उपलिखित सब

Question 2.
One by one the structures were …
(a) constructed
(b) demolished
(c) left
(d) cleaned
एक-एक करके सभी ढांच …………
(अ) बताए गए
(ब) ढहाए गए।
(स) बच गए।
(द) साफ किए गए

Question 3.
Trees are sacred my ………. used to say.
(a) grandfather
(b) father
(c) grandmother
(d) mother
वृक्ष पवित्र है मेरी ………. कहा करती थी।
(अ) दादा
(ब) पिता
(स) दादी
(द) मां

Question 4.
But the huge Banyan Tree stood like a ……….
(a) solution
(b) man
(c) monster
(d) problem
किंतु विशाल बरगद का पेड़ ………. की तरह खड़ा था।
(अ) समाधान
(ब) आदमी ।
(स) दानव
(द) समस्या

Question 5.
The Banyan tree was ………. time as tall as our house.
(a) three
(b) four
(c) five
(d) six
बरगद का पेड़ हमारे घर से ………. गुना बड़ा था।
(अ) तीन
(ब) चार
(स) पाँच
(द) छः

Question 6.
It’s trunk had a ………. of fifty feet.
(a) circumference
(b) area
(c) length
(d) width
इसके तने की ………. पचास फुट थी।
(अ) परिधि
(ब) क्षेत्र
(स) लंबाई
(द) चौड़ाई

Question 7.
Insects and birds began to ………. the tree.
(a) water
(b) leave
(c) plant
(d) decorate
कीटों और पक्षियों ने पेड़ को ………. शुरू कर दिया।
(अ) पानी देना
(ब) छोड़ना
(स) उगाना
(द) सजाना

Question 8.
……….. man with axes chopped and chopped.
(a) thirty
(b) forty
(c) fifty
(d) sixty
………. आदमियों ने पेड़ को कुल्हाड़ी से काटा।
(अ) तीस
(ब) चालीस
(स) पचास
(द) साठ

Question 9.
The great tree revealed it’s ………. of two hundred years.
(a) rings
(b) necklace
(c) earring
(d) bangles
विशाल वृक्ष ने अपने दो सौ वर्ष प्राचीन ………. प्रदर्शित किए।
(अ) वलय/छल्ले
(ब) कण्ठी
(स) कर्णफूल
(द) कड़े

Question 10.
Soon afterwards we left ………. for Bombay.
(a) Delhi
(b) Kanpur
(c) Jaipur
(d) Baroda
इसके बाद ही हम ………. से बाँम्बे चले गए।
(अ) दिल्ली
(ब) कानपुर
(स) जयपुर
(द) बड़ौदा

1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (c)
4. (d)
5. (a)
6. (a)
7. (b)
8. (c)
9. (a)
10. (d)

B. Answer the following questions in one sentence.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक वाक्य में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Who told the tenants to leave.
किराएदार को निकलने के लिए किसने कहा?
The poet’s father told the tenants to leave.
किराएदार को निकलने के लिए कवि के पिता ने कहा।

Question 2.
What did grandmother use to say?
दादी क्या कहती थी?
Grandmother used to say that trees are sacred and to cut them is a crime.
दादी के अनुसार पेड़ पवित्र होते हैं और उन्हें काटना एक अपराध है।

Question 3.
Who ordered to cut the Banyan tree?
बरगद का पेड़ काटने का आदेश किसने दिया।
The poet’s father ordered to cut the Banyan tree.
बरगद का पेड़ काटने का आदेश कवि के पिता ने दिया।

Question 4.
According to the poem, what is the age of the Banyan tree?
कविता के अनुसार बरगद के पेड़ की आयु क्या है?
According to the poem the Banyan tree was two hundred years old.
कविता के अनुसार बरगद के पेड़ की आयु 200 साल है।

C. Answer the following questions in 20 to 30 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 20-30 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Name of few trees with medicinal values.
औषोधीए गुण वाले पड़ों के नाम लिखिए।
Some tree with medicinal value are – Neem, tulsi, aloe-vera, curry leaves, papaya.
औषधीए गुण वाले कुछ पेड़ों के नाम – नीम, तुलसी, घृतकुमारी (aloe-vera), करी-पत्ता, पपीता।

Question 2.
Explain how trees are helpful to the mankind.
वृक्ष मनुष्यों के लिए किस प्रकार सहायक हैं। वर्णन कीजिए।
Trees are helpful in various ways to the mankind. They provide life giving oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide. They provide food, wood, shade etc. to us. From roots to leaves, stems to fruits, trunk to flowers every part of a tree is useful in a one or the other way. Without trees it is impossible to imagine the survival of all the living beings on this planet.
वृक्ष मनुष्यों के लिए अनेक प्रकार से सहायक हैं। वे हमें जीवनदायिनी ऑक्सीजन देकर कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड को सोख लेते हैं। इसकी जड़ों से लेकर पत्तों तक, शाखाओं से फलों तक, तने से फूलों तक सभी भाग हमारे किसी-न-किसी काम आते हैं। वृक्षों के बिना इस ग्रह पर सभी प्राणियों की जीवन की कल्पना करना असंभव है।

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