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Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6 The Brave Lady of Rajasthan
RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 6 The Brave Lady of Rajasthan Questions and Answers are designed by the subject experts based on the latest syllabus. Students can access all Chapter 6 The Brave Lady of Rajasthan topics preparation material like Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English online from the links available over here & ace up your preparation.
Summary of the Lesson
This story is about a brave lady of a small village in Rajasthan. Our country was attacked by the enemy. The battalion of the enemy was ordered to kill everyone whosoever comes in their way. To avoid the open encounter with the Indian soldiers the battalion selected the desert area to make a move. Yet some homeguards noticed the movement of the enemy and hence the nearby villages were Vacated well in time. When the battalion reached the village they noticed no movement, complete silence and saw nothing. Hence the battalion was told to be alert by the Commander. When they moved further in a lane, they found bags of wheat and other eatables of which Some were still smoking though all of them were spread here and there deliberately so that the enemy could not consume it. All the soldiers of the enemy battalion were very hungry and thirsty but they could not find anything to eat or drink. So they went in anger to kill the village people but could not find any as the village was already vacant. They suddenly heard cries coming from the huts, they dispersed here and there hoping they will get some food or water. The cries were of a one-year-old baby who was in the lap of a young woman. She was dragged to the Commander.
One of the soldiers told the Commander that they found that lady who was with an old man, completely paralyzed. The lady was in Rajasthani costume and was pale and in fear. The Commander asked the lady why she was alone. The lady replied boldly in anger that she had to stay back to take care of the paralyzed man, his grandfather. Then Commander asked that why all the villagers had left. The lady answered angrily why the Commander did not know this. They left because they would be killed by the enemy. Then Commander enquired about the burnt chapatis, wheat and milk. She replied that so that the enemy could not find anything to eat or drink. Sudden shouts of joy were heard now. The soldiers came with some eatables. These eatables were found from the underground hole which was covered by straw bed on which the paralyzed man was lying. The Commander was very happy but then he recalled that all the wells and tanks were being poisoned. He enquired about the same. It was saved by the lady for themselves.
The Commander further asked about her husband who was in heaven as he sacrificed his life for his motherland. The soldiers asked the Commander to consume the eatables as they were dying of hunger and thirst. But the Commander was suspicious. So he told the lady to drink the milk and to make her child also drink the milk. The lady did the same without any hesitation. Then the Soldiers also consumed the eatables. Suddenly the child, and later the lady, turned white and foam came out the child’s mouth. The Commander realised that the lady had poisoned them. All the soldiers began to fall on ground. When the war was over people came to know about the heroic deed of the brave lady. All of them applauded her sacrifice. Long live the martyrs who fought for their country! Long live our motherland!
पाठ का सार
यह कहानी राजस्थान के एक छोटे-से गाँव में रहनेवाली एक बहादुर महिला की है। हमारे देश पर दुश्मनों द्वारा आक्रमण किया गया था। दुश्मन की पलटन को राह में आने वाले हर व्यक्ति को मार डालने का आदेश दिया गया था। भारतीय सैनिकों से सीधा सामना ना हो इसलिए दुश्मन की पलटन ने आगे बढ़ने के लिए रेतीला रास्ता चुना। मगर फिर भी होमगाड्र्स ने दुश्मनों को भाँप लिया था, इसलिए आस-पास के गाँवों को पहले ही खाली करवा दिया गया था। जब पलटन गाँव में पहुंची तो उन्हें कुछ भी न मिला सब तरफ शांति (सन्नाटा) थी। इस कारण पलटन को सतर्क रहने को कहा गया। जब वे आगे बढ़े तो उन्हें गेहूं के कुछ बैग व अन्य खाद्य सामग्री इधर-उधर बिखरी पड़ी मिली ताकि दुश्मन उसे प्रयोग में न ला सकें। कुछ सामग्री में से अब भी धुंआ निकल रहा था। दुश्मन की टुकड़ी भूख और प्यास से बेहाल थी परंतु उन्हें कुछ भी न मिला। नतीजन वे क्रोध से गाँव वालों को मारने के लिए दौड़े मगर उन्हें कोई न मिला क्योंकि गाँव पहले ही खाली करवाया जा चुका था। सहसा पास की झोपड़ियों से रोने की आवाज सुनाई दी। वे सभी इधर – उधर बिखरे गए कि शायद उन्हें अब कुछ खाने को मिल जाएगा। रोने की आवाज एक साल के बच्चे की थी जिसे एक युवा महिला ने अपनी बाँहों में उठा रखा था।
दुश्मन उसे घसीटते हुए अपने कमांडर के पास ले गए और उसे बताया कि उन्हें वह महिला मिली है जो एक पूरी तरह लकवाग्रस्त आदमी के साथ थी। वह महिला राजस्थानी कपड़ों में थी जो पीली पड़ी हुई थी तथा डर से कांप रही थी। कमांडर के पूछने पर कि वह यहाँ अकेली क्यों रह गई थी. उसने निडरतापूर्वक बताया कि उसे उस लकवाग्रस्त आदमी, जो कि उसके दादाजी थे, की देखभाल करने के लिए रुकना पड़ा था, जब कमांडर ने बाकी गाँव वालों के बारे में पूछा तो उसने बताया जैसे कि वह जानता ही कि नहीं हैं कि गाँव वाले क्यों चले गए। वे सभी अपने प्राण बचाकर गाँव छोड़कर चले गए। फिर कमांडर ने जली हुई रोटियां व अन्य सामग्री के बारे में जानना चाहा तो उसने बताया कि दुश्मन उस सामग्री का प्रयोग न कर सके, इसीलिए वह सामग्री जानबूझ कर नष्ट कर दी गई थी। अचानक खुशी के ठहाके सुनाई दिए। दुश्मन सैनिकों को खाद्य सामग्री मिली थी जिसे उन्होंने जमीन के नीचे भूसे के विनर के नीचे, जिस पर वह कमांडर बहुत खुश हुआ लेकिन तभी उसे याद आया कि लकवाग्रस्त आदमी लेटा हुआ था, उसे ढूंढ निकाला था। सभी कुँओं और टंकियों में जहर मिला दिया गया था। उसने महिला से इस बारे में पूछा। उसने बताया कि उसने वह सामग्री अपने लिए बचा रखी थी। कमांडर ने उसके पति के बारे में पूछा। उसने बताया कि उसके पति स्वर्ग में हैं।
जिन्होंने अपने प्राण अपनी मातृभूमि के लिए न्योछावर कर दिए। तब दुश्मन सैनिकों ने कमांडर से खाने-पीने की आज्ञा देने के लिए कहा क्योंकि वह भूख-प्यास से मर रहे थे। परंतु कमांडर को संदेह था। उसने उस महिला को तथा बच्चे को दूध पीने को दिया। उस महिला ने बिना किसी झिझक के वह दूध पी लिया तथा अपने बच्चे को भी पिला दिया। उसके बाद कुछ ही देर में सैनिकों ने भी वह खाद्य सामग्री समाप्त कर डाली। अचानक महिला का बच्चा झाग उगलने लगा तथा महिला भी ज्यादा देर खड़ी न रह पाई। कमांडर को अब तक पता चल चुका था कि उस महिला ने खाने की सामग्री में जहर मिला दिया था। जब तक वह कुछ समझ पाते, सभी सैनिक एक के ऊपर एक जमीन पर गिरने लगे। जब युद्ध समाप्त हुआ तो लोगों को उस बहादुर महिला के त्याग के बारे में पता चला। उन्होंने उसकी बहुत सराहना की। वह बहादुर महिला अमर रहे! वे सभी शहीद जिन्होंने अपने प्राण अपनी मातृभूमि पर न्योछावर किए, हमारी मातृभूमि दीर्घायु हो!
Invade : to attack
Battalion : a large group of soldiers to face
Encounter : a dangerous opposition
Reign : to rule for a period of time
Provisions : food, drink and other supplies
Vengeance : revenge
Disperse : go away in different directions
Shrug : to raise and lower your shoulders to show rejection
Discovery : an act or the process of finding something or somebody learning about something that was not known before
Infant : a very young child, a baby
Feeble : very weak, not showing energy
Applaud : clap, to show your approval
Gallant : brave, heroic
Sacrifice : giving something very important or valuable
The Brave Lady of RajasthanText Book Questions Solved
Activity – I
A. Tick the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प पर निशान लगाइए।
Question 1.
The soldiers went in different directions in order to:
(a) search out some food or water
(b) find out only water for themselves
(c) discovered a soldier who had lost their way
(d) attack the enemy
सैनिक अलग दिशाओं में गए :
(अ) भोजन और पानी की तलाश में
(ब) अपने लिए केवल पानी ढूंढने
(स) अपने भटके हुए सैनिकों को खोजने
(द) शत्रु पर हमला करने
Question 2.
All of you will soon die and go to hell it shows …………
(a) firm determination and patriotism of young woman.
(b) feeling of sympathy towards enemies.
(c) weakness of young lady
(d) her disappointment
“तुम सभी जल्द ही मर जाओगे और नरक में जाओगे’ दिखाता है ……….
(अ) युवा महिला की दृढ़ता तथा देशभक्ति
(ब) दुश्मन के प्रति दया-भावना
(स) युवा महिला की कमजोरी
(द) उसकी निराशा
1. (a)
2. (a)
B. Say whether the following statements are True or False.
बताइए निम्न कथन सही है अथवा गलत। |
Question 1.
The brave young lady was a great patriot. ….
बहादुर युवा महिला महान देशभक्त थी।
Question 2.
The enemy wanted to kill everybody whoever they encounter. ……..
दुश्मन मुठभेड़ में सभी को मारना चाहते थे।
Question 3.
The brave young lady was frightened when she saw the soldiers…………
बहादुर युवा महिला दुश्मन को देखते ही डर गई।
Question 4.
The soldiers found the provisions which were put aside the old man on the ground.
सैनिकों को बूढ़े आदमी के पास जमीन पर रखी खाद्य सामग्री मिली।
Question 5.
The enemy battalion advanced for an open encounter with the Bhartiya Jawans………
शत्रु पलटन ने भारतीय जवानों से सीधी मुठभेड़ के लिए कूच किया।
Question 6.
The Brave young lady did not know the provisions were poisoned………..
बहादुर युवा महिला को यह नहीं पता था कि खाद्य सामग्री में जहर मिला हुआ है।
Question 7.
Just as the soldiers drank and ate, they learnt that the provisions have been poisoned. ……………
जैसे ही सैनिकों ने खाया-पिया, वैसे ही उन्हें समझ आया कि सामग्री में जहर मिला हुआ है।
Question 8.
The Rajasthani lady was very proud of her husband’s sacrifice. ……….
राजस्थानी महिला अपने पति कस त्याग पर गर्वित थी।
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True.
C. Answer the following questions in 10 to 20 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 10-20 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
What was the unexpected discovery?
अप्रत्याशित खोज क्या थी?
The unexpected discovery was some sweets, several pots of water and cans of milk and curds.
अप्रत्याशित खोज थी-कुछ मिठाईयाँ, पानी के अनेक बर्तन, दूध के डिब्बे और दही।
Question 2.
Where did the soldiers find things to eat?
सैनिकों को खाने का सामान कहाँ से मिला?
The soldiers found things to eat from an underground hole which was concealed by straw bed.
सैनिकों को खाने का सामान भूमिगत गड्ढे से मिला जिसे भूसे के बिस्तर से छिपाया गया था।
Question 3.
What did the women say before dying?
मरने से पहले महिला ने क्या कहा?
The woman, before dying, said “Yes, I have poisoned you. All of you will soon die and go to hell.”
मरने से पहले महिला ने कहा, हाँ, मैंने तुम्हें जहर दिया है। तुम सब जल्दी ही मर जाओगे और नरक में जाओगे।
Question 4.
Who did the soldiers take to the Commander?
सैनिक अपने कमांडर के पास किसे ले गए?
The soldiers took a young woman to their Commander who was sitting beside an old paralyzed man.
सैनिक अपने कमांडर के पास एक युवा महिला को ले गए जो एक वृद्ध, लकवाग्रस्त आदमी के पास बैठी हुई थी।
Question 5.
What did the people do to save themselves?
लोगों ने स्वयं को बचाने के लिए क्या किया?
The people vacated the village and went to a safe place to save themselves.
लोगों ने स्वयं को बचाने के लिए गाँव खाली कर दिया और किसी सुरक्षित स्थान पर चले गए।
Question 6.
Why did the enemy march towards a little village?
दुश्मनों ने छोटे से गांव की ओर कूच क्यों किया?
The enemy marched towards a little village to avoid an open encounter with Indian JawAnswer.
भारतीय जवानों से सीधा सामना न हो, इसीलिए दुश्मनों ने छोटे से गाँव की ओर कूच किया।
Question 7.
Who were there with the woman?
महिला के साथ कौन-कौन था?
Her one-year-old baby and old paralyzed grandfather were there with the woman.
महिला के साथ उसका एक वर्षीय बच्चा तथा वृद्ध लकवाग्रस्त दादाजी थे।
D. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 30-40 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Why did the young women stay back?
युवा महिला वहीं क्यों रुकी रही? ।
The young woman stayed back to look after her old paralyzed grandfather. As he could not move with others to a safe place, the woman also stayed back for him.
युवा महिला अपने वृद्ध लकवाग्रस्त दादाजी की देखभाल करने के लिए रुकी रही। वे दूसरों के साथ सुरक्षित स्थान पर जाने में असमर्थ थे, इसलिए वह महिला भी उन्हीं साथ वहीं रुकी रही।
Question 2.
What was her plan to kill the enemies?
दुश्मनों को मारने की उसकी क्या योजना थी?
The woman drank the glass of milk containing poison without any hesitation and made her child also drink the milk. It was her plan so that the enemy could trust that the provisions were safe for consumption though it was poisoned.
महिला ने उसे दिया गया दूध का गिलास, जिसमें जहर मिला हुआ था, बिना हिचकिचाहट के समाप्त कर दिया और अपने बच्चे को भी पिला दिया। यही उसकी योजना थी कि दुश्मन उस पर विश्वास करके खाद्य सामग्री का उपयोग करें जिसमें जहर मिला हुआ था।
Activity – II
A. Write the words opposite in meaning to the words in brackets or underlined.
I. The old man became ……… (strong).
II. We are prepared to fight if the ………. attacks us. (friend)
III. The police ………. the thief and he answered.
IV. We have read in the Bible about hell and…….
I. weak
II. enemy
III. questioned
IV. heaven.
B. Fill in the blanks with the help of the words given in the box below.
marching, sacrifice, heroic, troops, costumes
On 26 January the parade began. The ……………. came ……………… in colourful …………….. then we recollected the days of ………………..deeds and great …………….. of brave bold Bhartiyas
who died for the nation.
I. troops
II. marching
III. costumes
IV. heroic
V. sacrifice
C. Read the following words and use them in your own sentences so as to bring out their meaning.
sand — Children like to play in sand.
send — Shreya will send a gift for me.
dying — The beggar was dying of thirst.
dyeing — Dyeing hair is not good for health.
here — Sapna will come here in evening.
hear — The teacher asked, “Can you hear me?”
of — The jug is made of glass.
off — Switch off the light when not in use.
desert (n) — Rajasthan is synonymous with desert.
dessert — We often have dessert after dinner.
whole — Whole syllabus will come in exam.
hole — There is a hole in shirt.
deep — The well is very deep.
dip — Some people dip biscuits in tea before eating.
reach — We will reach Delhi tomorrow.
rich — Geeta is very rich.
but — Naman searched his room but he could not find his book.
butt — Birthday bumbs are given on butt.
so — He could not catch the bus, so he was late.
sow — Farmers sow different seeds in different seasons.
Activity – III
A. Read the following sentence from the text and notice the use of ‘as soon as’.
“As soon as the soldiers satisfied themselves, after all their toil and facing dangers, that no water
or refreshment was to be obtained, they roared with rage but no vengeance was within reach.”
‘As soon as’ is generally used to say that something happened after something or ‘no sooner’ something had happened ‘than’ the other thing took place. “As soon as’ is interchangeable with ‘no sooner ………….. than’
Change the following using! ‘no sooner …….than’.
Example: As soon as Raju realized his mistake, he sat about correcting it.
No sooner did Raju realize his mistake than he sat about correcting it.
Question 1.
As soon as the panchayat results were declared, people garlanded him.
No sooner were the panchayat results declared than people garlanded him.
Question 2.
As soon as it started to rain heavily, people went inside their houses.
No sooner did it start to rain heavily than people went inside their houses.
Question 3.
As soon as it rained, the farmers began to plough their fields.
No sooner did it rain than the farmers began to plough their fields.
Question 4.
As soon as the teacher entered the class, the class became silent.
No sooner did the teacher enter the class than the class became silent.
Question 5.
As soon as it grew dark, the gates of city were closed for the night.
No sooner did it grow dark than the gates of the city were closed for the night.
Question 6.
As soon as tiger rushed at me, I fired a shot.
No sooner did the tiger rush at me than I fired a shot.
Question 7.
As soon as Prashant saw his mummy, he ran to touch her feet.
No sooner did Prashant see his Mummy than he ran to touch her feet.
Question 8.
As soon as Krishna saw Sudama, he hugged him and began to weep.
No sooner did Krishna see Sudama than he hugged him and began to weep.
Question 9.
As soon Ram asked Hanuman to seek Sita, he set out immediately.
No sooner did Ram ask Hanuman to seek Sita than he set out immediately.
B. Read the following sentences carefully.
You should come in uniform. You may join the parade.
You should come in uniform so that you may join the parade.
You should come in uniform in order that you may join the parade.
‘so that’ is used to talk about purpose. It is usually followed by a modal auxiliary verb such as can or will, may (more formal). Sometimes ‘in order that is used instead of ‘so that’ especially in informal style.
Now use ‘so that’/’in order that and the modal auxiliaries discussed above in the following sentences.
Question 1.
Jaya has been working hard to get better marks than earlier.
- Jaya has been working hard so that she may get better marks than earlier.
- Jaya has been working hard in order that she may get better marks than earlier.
Question 2.
Pramod takes exercises everyday to keep himself physically fit.
- Pramod takes exercises everyday so that he can keep himself physically fit.
- Pramod takes exercises everyday in order that he can keep himself physically fit.
Question 3.
Anurag is studying regularly to improve his English language.
- Anurag is studying regularly so that he may improve his English language.
- Anurag is studying regularly in order that he may improve his English language.
Question 4.
Kamal ran fast to catch the thief.
- Kamal ran fast so that he might catch the thief.
- Kamal ran fast in order that he might catch the thief.
Question 5.
Jyoti drove fast to reach home in time.
- Jyoti drove fast so that she could reach home in time.
- Jyoti drove fast in order that she could reach home in time.
Activity – IV
Pronounce each pair of words twice-in each pair the vowel sound of the first word is long and that of the second is short.
Question 1.
You must have heard about the valour and sacrifice made by the great Queen ‘Padmini of Chittor?. Ask your teacher to acquaint you with the glorious history of ‘Mewar’and the valour of the lady. On the basis of the tips supplied by the teacher, write a paragraph on the queen
“Padmini of Chittor”.
Padmini, also known as Padmavati, was a legendary 13th-14th century Indian queen. She was an exceptionally beautiful princess of the Singhal Kingdom. Ratan Sain, the Rajput ruler of Chittor, married her and brought to Chittor. Alauddin Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi, also heard about her beauty and attacked Chittor to obtain her. Meanwhile, Ratan Sen was killed in a combat with Devpal, the king of Kumbhalner who was also enamoured with Padmavati’s beauty. Before Alauddin Khilji could capture Chittor, Padmavati and her companions committed Jauhar (self-immolation) to protect their honour.
The Brave Lady of Rajasthan Additional Questions And Answers
A. Tick the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प पर निशान लगाइए।
Question 1.
Who was ordered to march and kill everyone?
(a) battalion
(b) children
(c) males
(d) females
किसे आगे बढ़ने और सबको मारने का आदेश दिया गया था।
(अ) पलटन
(ब) बच्चे
(स) पुरुष
(द) महिलाएं
Question 2.
The battalion marched towards the little ……….
(a) school
(b) village
(c) building
(d) boy
पलटन एक छोटे से ………. की तरफ बड़ी।
(अ) विद्यालय
(ब) गाँव
(स) इमारत
(द) लड़के
Question 3.
The battalion was avoiding an open encounter with………
(a) lion
(b) villagers
(c) Indian jawans
(d) children
के साथ सीधे सामना नहीं करना चाहती थी।
(अ) शेर ,
(ब) ग्रामवासी।
(स) भारतीय जवान
(द) बच्चे
Question 4.
The soldiers were……….of thirst and hunger.
(a) dying
(b) dyeing
(c) playing
(d) happy
सैनिक भूख-प्यास से ………. रहे थे।
(अ) मर
(ब) रंगना
(स) खेल
(द) खुश
Question 5.
All the ………. had run away.
(a) dogs
(b) children
(c) inhabitants
(d) cows
सभी ………. भाग गए थे।
(अ) कुत्ते
(ब) बच्चे
(स) रहने वाले
(द) गएँ
Question 6.
The soldiers thus dispersed in hope of finding ………….
(a) cloths
(b) guns
(c) sweets
(d) food or water
सभी सैनिक ………. की आशा में इधरउधर फैल गए।
(अ) कपड़े
(ब) बंदूकों
(स) मिठाईयो
(द) भोजन-पानी
Question 7.
The soldiers were dragging her to their ………..
(a) Commander
(b) country
(c) car
(d) village
सैनिक उसे (महिला को) घसीटते हुए अपन ……… के पास ले गए।
(अ) कमांडर
(ब) देश
(स) कार
(द) गाँव
Question 8.
The old man was …………
(a) happy
(b) sad
(c) dead
(d) paralyzed
वृद्ध आदमी ………. था।
(अ) खुश ।
(ब) दुखी
(स) मरा हुआ
(द) लकवाग्रस्त
Question 9.
The commander recollected that wells and tanks were .
(a) poisoned
(b) filled
(c) empty
(d) dry
कमांडर को याद आया कि कुएँ और टंकियाँ ………. थे।
(अ) जहरीले
(ब) भरे
(स) खाली
(द) सूखे
Question 10.
The lady’s husband died for the ……..
(a) food
(b) water
(c) motherland
(d) jewellery
महिला का पति ………. के लिए मृत्यु को प्राप्त हुआ।
(अ) भोजन
(ब) पानी ।
(स) मातृभूमि
(द) आभूषण
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (c)
4. (a)
5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (a)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (c).
B. Answer the following questions in 10 to 20 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 10-20 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
By whom our country was invaded?
हमारे देश पर किसने हमला किया था?
Our country was invaded by the enemy.
हमारे देश पर शत्रु ने हमला किया था।
Question 2.
Why did the battlalion march towards a little village?
पलटन छोटे-से गाँव की तरफ क्यों गई?
The battalion marched towards a little village because they wanted to avoid open encounter with Indian Jawan.
पलटन छोटे-से गाँव की तरफ इसलिए गई क्योंकि वे भारतीय जवानों से सीधी मुठभेड़ से बचना चाहती थी।
Question 3.
What did the battalion notice on reaching village?
गाँव पहुँचने पर पलटन क्या ध्यान दिया?
The battalion noticed no movement and heard no noise on reaching village.
गाँव पहुँचने पर पलटन ने देखा कि गाँव में कोई हलचल अथवा शोर नहीं था।
Question 4.
Whom did the women carry in her arms?
महिला ने बाँहों में किसे लिया हुआ था?
The woman carried her one-year-old child in her arms.
महिला ने बाँहों में अपने एक वर्षीय बच्चे को लिया हुआ था।
Question 5.
How was the paralysed old man related to the woman?
लकवाग्रस्त वृद्ध आदमी का महिला से क्या संबंध था?
The paralyzed old man was the women’s grandfather.
लकवाग्रस्त वृद्ध आदमी महिला के दादा थे।
Question 6.
What did the Commander give the woman and her child to drink?
कमांडर ने महिला तथा उसके बच्चे को पीने को क्या दिया?
The Commander gave milk to the woman and her child to drink.
कमांडर ने महिला तथा उसके बच्चे को पीने को दूध दिया।
C. Answer the following questions in 20 to 30 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 20-30 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Where was the provision hidden?
खाद्य-सामग्री कहाँ छिपाई गई थी? ।
The provision was hidden in an underground hole in the earth which was concealed by the straw bed that old man was lying on.
खाद्य-सामग्री को एक भूमिगत गड्ढे में छिपाया गया था जिसके ऊपर भूसे का बिस्तर बनाकर वृद्ध को लिटाया गया था।
Question 2.
Why was the village vacant?
गाँव खाली क्यों था?
The movement of the enemy force was noticed by some of the homeguard well in time and hence the village was vacated.
कुछ होमगार्डस ने दुश्मन की आहट को भांप लिया था, अत: गाँव को समय रहते खाली कर दिया गया था।
Question 3.
What did one of the soldier ask commander about the provisions?
एक सैनिक ने कमांडर से खाद्य-सामग्री के बारे में क्या पूछा?
One of the soldiers asked the Commander to allow to consume the provision as they were very hungry and thirsty and could not control their hunger anymore.
एक सैनिक ने खाद्य-सामग्री को ग्रहण करने के बारे में पूछा क्योंकि वे सभी भूख और प्यास से बेहाल थे और अब उनसे रहा नहीं जा रहा था।
Question 4.
What did woman say when the Commander asked about her husband?
कमांडर द्वारा उसके पति के बारे में पूछने पर महिला ने क्या कहा?
When the Commander asked about her husband the woman said that he is in heaven as he died for his motherland. She further told that she had no relation except her child.
कमांडर द्वारा उसके पति के बारे में पूछने पर महिला ने कहा कि उसके पति स्वर्ग में हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने अपनी मातृभूमि के लिए अपने प्राणों की बलि दी। उसने आगे बताया कि उसका उस बच्चे के अलावा कोई नहीं था।
D. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 30-40 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Why sudden shouts of joy were heard?
अचानक खुशी के ठहाके क्यों सुनाई दिए?
Sudden shouts of joy were heard because a group of soldiers appeared carrying some sweets, several pots of water and cans of milk and curds. They discovered all this from an underground hole concealed with a straw bed.
अचानक खुशी के ठहाके इसलिए सुनाई दिए क्योंकि सैनिकों का एक समूह कुछ मिठाइयां पानी के अनेक बर्तन, दूध के कैन तथा दही लेकर आया जो उन्हें एक भूमिगत गड्ढे से मिले थे जिसे भूसे के बिस्तर से छिपाया गया था।
Question 2.
What happened when the war was over?
युद्ध समाप्त होने के बाद क्या हुआ?
When the war was over, the heroic deeds of young women became known to the people. All the countrymen applauded her gallant sacrifice. She will be remembered forever for her sacrifice and bravery.
युद्ध समाप्त होने पर उस युवा महिला के साहसिक कार्य के बारे में सभी लोगों को पता चला। उन्होंने उस के बलिदान और बहादुरी की प्रशंसा की। उस बहादुर महिला को उसके त्याग और बहादुरी के लिए सदैव याद रखा जाएगा।
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