Are you pursuing class 8 and seeking for the English RBSE Solutions PDFs? You have stepped into the correct place. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar Passive Verb Forms Questions and Answers. So, students can make use of this RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Grammar Passive Verb Forms Pdf at any time and anywhere for better preparation. After practicing all the questions from Rajasthan Board Solutions, you’ll definitely crack the class 8 English board exams with high scores.
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Passive Verb Forms
1. Introduction (परिचय)
Passive verb forms में हमेशा सहायक क्रिया + क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म’ (helping Verb + third form of the verb) को प्रयोग होता है। विद्यार्थियों को वाक्य में दिये गये ‘समय’ या ‘अन्य सूचना’ से Tense को पहचान कर उसके अनुरूप helping verb के प्रयोग को जानकर, सही विकल्प का चुनाव कर लेना है। जिन Tenses में Passive verb forms का प्रयोग होता हैं। उन्हें निम्न प्रकार समझें ।।
2. Simple Present Tense
1. पहचान-नित्यप्रति होने वाले कार्य (routine actions) या आदतन कार्य (habitual actions) वाले वाक्य में is/are/am सहायक क्रिया तथा क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग होता है । ‘Is’ का प्रयोग Third Person Singular Subjects (He/She/It/Thing/Person etc.) के साथ होता है। ‘Are’ का प्रयोग Plural Subjects के साथ होता है। ‘An’ का प्रयोग ‘T’ के साथ होता है, जैसे1.
Question 1.
Books ………… on every Monday in Plural Subject routine action our school
(a) is issued
(b) are issued
(c) am issued
(d) was issued
(b) are issued (क्यों कि Subject बहुवचन है तथा वाक्य routine action का है।)
Question 2.
An apple ………. by the Singular or Subject daily habitual action
(a) are taken
(b) is taken
(c) am taken
(d) were taken
(b) is taken (क्योंकि Subject एकवचन है। तथा वाक्य habitual action )
Question 3.
I ………. time to time by my friends.
‘I’ Subject routine action
(a) were helped
(b) is helped
(c) are helped
(d) am helped
(d) am helped (क्योंकि Subject आई (I) है तथा वाक्य routine action 1)
3. Present Progressive Tense
Question 1.
पहचान-कार्य (actions) जो बोलते समय (at the time of speaking) या इन दिनों (these days) जारी (continue) हैं, वाले वाक्य में is/are/am सहायक क्रिया (helping verb) + being + क्रिया की तीसरी फोम (third form of the verb) का प्रयोग होता है जैसे-
1. The lesson ……….. today, Singular continue at the Subject time of speaking
(a) am being revised
(b) are being revised
(c) is being revised
(d) were being revised
(c) is being revised (क्यों की Subject एकवचन है तथा वाक्य में कार्य, बोलते वक्त जारी है)
Question 2.
Answers …………….. now Plural Subject continues at the time of speaking
(a) is being written
(b) are being written
(c) am being written
(d) was being written
(b) are being written (क्यों की Subject बहुवचन है तथा बोलते वक्त कार्य जारी है।)
Question 3.
I ………. these days. Subject ‘T’ continue these days
(a) am being guided
(b) is being guided
(c) are being guided
(d) were being guided
(a) am being guided (क्यों की Subject आई (‘I’) action इन दिनों जारी है)
4. Present Perfect Tense
1. पहचान कार्य केपूर्ण (Complete action) वाले वाक्य में has been/have been सहायक क्रिया तथा क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग होता है। Has been का प्रयोग Third Person Singular Subjects (He/ She/I/Thing/Person etc.) के साथ होता है। Have been का प्रयोग Plural subjects तथा ‘I’ के साथ होता है, जैसे
Question 1.
The Course ………………. already ……………. by me. Singular Subject complete action
(a) has been completed
(b) have been completed
(c) were been completed
(d) are been completed
(a) has been completed (क्यों की Subject एकवचन है तथा कार्य पूर्णता है।)
Question 2.
Books ……….. not ……………. Yet. Plural Subject complete action
(a) has been issued
(b) have been issued
(c) is been issued
(d) was been issued
(b) have been issued ( क्योंकि Subject बहुवचन है तथा नकारात्मक कार्य पूर्णता है।)
Question 3.
The order …………. recently, Singular Subject complete action (हाल ही में)।
(a) have been issued
(b) has been issued
(c) are been issued
(d) were been issued
(b) has been issued (क्यों की Subject एकवचन है तथा कार्य पूर्णता है।)
5. Past Simple Tense
1. पहचान-कार्य के भूतकाल में पूर्ण होने वाले वाक्य में was/we सहायक क्रिया तथा क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग होता है। was का प्रयोग singular subjects के साथ तथा were का प्रयोग Plural Subjects के साथ होता है, जैसे
Question 1.
The lesson ……………… yesterday. Singular Subject past time
(a) were taught
(b) was taught
(c) is taught
(d) are taught
(b) was taught (क्योंकि Subject एकवचन है। तथा yesterday’ भूतकाल को इंगित करता है।)
Question 2.
The teachers …………….. last week Plural Subject past time
(a) were informed
(b) was informed
(c) is informed
(d) are informed
(a) were informed (क्योंकि Subject बहुवचन है तथा ‘last week’ भूतकाल को इंगित करता है।)
6. Past Progressive Tense
1. पहचान-कार्य (action) भूतकाल में किसी समय जारी (continue) था, चाहे बोलते समय (at the time of speaking) या उन दिनों (those days/at that time) में, ऐसे वाक्य में was/were सहायक क्रिया + being + क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग करते हैं। Singular Subjects के साथ was तथा Plural Subjects के साथ were का प्रयोग करते हैं, जैसे
Question 1.
Extra classes ……………… at that time. Plural Subject past time continuity
(a) were being held
(b) was being held
(c) are being held
(d) is being held
(a) were being held (क्योंकि Subject बहुवचन है तथा at that title (भूतकाल में) कार्य जारी होने को इंगित करते हैं।)
Question 2.
A book …………….. those davs by me, Singular Subject past time continuity
(a) were being written
(b) are being written
(c) have been written
(d) was being written
(d) was being written (क्योंकि Subject एकवचन है तथा those days भूतकाल में कार्य जारी या को इंगित करते हैं ।)।
7. Past Perfect Tense
1. पहचान-ये वाक्य भूतकाल में किसी निश्चित समय तक कार्य की पूर्णता की सूचना देते हैं। इसमें had been सहायक क्रिया तथा क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग होता है। बड़े वाक्य में दो कार्य पूर्णता हो तो पहली कार्यपूर्णता में Past Perfect तथा दूसरी में Past Simple का प्रयोग करते हैं, जैसे
Question 1.
Thet match …………… by that time. भूतकाल कार्य पूर्णता
(a) had been won
(b) has been won
(c) have been won
(d) is won
(a) had been Won (क्योंकि भूतकाल कार्य पूर्णता है।)
Question 2.
The injured ………. to the hospital before the Emergency Van reached there.
(a) had been carried
(b) has been carried
(c) have been carried
(d) is carried
(a) had been carried (क्योंकि यह बड़ा वाक्य है, इसकी पहली कार्य-पूर्णता में Past Perfect आया है।)
8. Future Simple Tense
1. पहचान-ये वाक्य भविष्य में होने वाले कार्य की साधारण सूचना देते हैं । इसमें सहायक क्रिया shall be (I व We के साथ) तथा will be (शेष सभी कर्ता के साथ) तथा क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग किया जाता है, जैसे
Question 1.
I …………….Tomorrow. future
(a) shall be informed
(b) shall inform
(c) shall be inform
(d) will be inform
(a) shall be informed (क्योंकि Subject ‘आई’ (I’) है तथा ‘tomorrow’ भविष्य की सूचना है।)
Question 2.
Players ……………. by the next trial.
(a) shall be selected
(b) will be selected
(c) shall be select
(d) will be select
(b) will be selected (क्योंकि Subject, Players है तथा ‘next भविष्य की सूचना है।)
9. Future Perfect Tense,
1. पहचान-ये वाक्य भविष्य में किसी निश्चित समय पर कार्य के पूरा हो जाने की सूचना देते हैं। इनमें shall have been (1 तथा We के साथ) व will have been (शेष सभी कर्ता के साथ) प्रयोग होते हैं तथा क्रिया की तीसरी फोर्म का प्रयोग होता है, जैसे
Question 1.
We …………… computer by next month. future reference
(a) shall have been learnt
(b) will have been learn
(c) shall have been learn
(d) shall be learnt
(a) shall have been learnt (क्योंकि कर्त We है तथा by next month भविष्य की सूचना)
Question 2.
The course …………… by the teacher by next week. future reference
(a) shall have been completed
(b) will have been completed
(c) shall be completed
(d) will be completed
(b) will have been completed (क्योंकि Subject ‘course है तथ by the next week भविष्य की सूचना देते है)
Exercise: 1
(Based on the textbook)
Choose the correct answer:
Question 1.
The movement of the enemy forces ………. at last.
(a) are noticed
(b) were noticed
(c) am noticed
(d) was noticed
(b) were noticed
Question 2.
Very late at night, the blankets …………… to his house.
(a) was brought
(b) is brought
(c) were brought
(d) am brought
(c) were brought
Question 3.
Adhi Shri ………. by Sangeeta on that day.
(a) were saved
(b) was saved
(c) are saved
(d) am saved
(b) was saved
Question 4.
The whole amount ………. from the account on that day.
(a) was withdrawn
(b) were withdrawn
(c) are withdrawn
(d) have been withdrawn
(a) was withdrawn
Question 5.
Information …………. last night.
(a) are uploaded
(b) am uploaded
(c) were uploaded
(d) was uploaded
Question 6.
Beautiful nests ……….. by the birds at the Curlew Island in that story.
(a) were built
(b) built
(c) is built
(d) was built
(d) was built
Question 7.
Steps ………… to avoid water crisis in the past.
(a) was taken
(b) were taken
(c) is taken
(d) has been taken
(a) was taken
Question 8.
Amal …………. by his friend when he was
(a) am helped
(b) were helped
(c) was helped
(d) am being helped
(b) were helped
Question 9.
Sangeeta ……….. for her act of bravery last year.
(a) were awarded
(b) is awarded
(c) was awarded
(d) are awarded
(c) was awarded
Question 10.
Anushka ……….. in a K.G.B.V. last week.
(a) were admitted
(b) are admitted
(c) is admitted
(d) was admitted
(d) was admitted
Exercise: 2
(Based on the textbook)
Choose the correct answer :
Question 1.
Animals ………….. by the visitors in the zoo in that story.
(a) was troubled
(b) were troubled
(c) is troubled
(d) am troubled
(b) were troubled
Question 2.
Kuldeep ……….. by his affectionate brother Kuldeep in that story.
(a) were financed
(b) are financed
(c) am financed
(d) was financed
(d) was financed
Question 3.
A letter ………. to Anushka by her mother last week.
(a) was written
(b) were written
(c) is written
(d) are written
(a) was written
Question 4.
At that moment, sudden shouts of joy …………
(a) was heard
(b) is heard
(c) were heard
(d) are heard
(c) were heard
Question 5.
The provisions ……………. in an underground hole concealed by the straw.
(a) are discovered
(b) will be discovered
(c) was discovered
(d) were discovered
(d) were discovered
Question 6.
The woman ……… in the peasant costume of Rajasthan at that time.
(a) is dressed
(b) were dressed
(c) was dressed
(d) are dressed
(c) was dressed
Question 7.
A frugal feast ………. to the bhikshu on that day.
(a) is served
(b) has been served
(c) will have been served
(d) was served
(d) was served
Question 8.
The robbers ……………… to surrender the theft that night
(a) have been compelled
(b) are compelled
(c) will have been compelled
(d) were compelled
(d) were compelled
Question 9.
Sangeeta ……………….. for her act of bravery on that day.
(a) is praised
(b) was praised
(c) were praised
(d) am praised
(b) was praised
Question 10.
A cheque book ……………….. to the author at that time.
(a) were issued
(b) was issued
(c) are issued
(d) am issued
(b) was issued
Exercise: 3
(Based on the textbook)
Choose the correct answer :
Question 1.
Still, Chittor …………. by its people.
(a) was loved
(b) were loved
(c) is loved
(d) are loved
(c) is loved
Question 2.
The trees ……….. carelessly these days too.
(a) were being felled
(b) have been felled
(c) will be felled
(d) are being felled
(d) are being felled
Question 3.
Proper attention …………….. not …….. yet to save water.
(a) have been paid
(b) has been paid
(c) are been paid
(d) had, been paid
(b) has been paid
Question 4.
Copies of books ……… by Chanakya for house-keeping expenses.
(a) was being prepared
(b) were being prepared
(c) is being prepared
(d) are being prepared
(b) were being prepared
Question 5.
Sudeep ………. to Jaipur to study art.
(a) were sent
(b) are sent
(c) is sent
(d) was sent
(d) was sent
Question 6.
The enemy soldiers ……….. before they knew it.
(a) has been poisoned
(b) have been poisoned
(c) had been poisoned
(d) was poisoned
(c) had been poisoned
Question 7.
The brave lady ……….. forever.
(a) were remembered
(b) shall be remembered
(c) will be remembered
(d) are remembered
(c) will be remembered
Question 8.
Computer operations ………. by the students by the next month.
(a) shall have been learnt
(b) will have been learnt
(c) will learn
(d) shall learn
(b) will have been learnt
Question 9.
Glory of Rajasthan ……… by the poet.
(a) were sung
(b) was sung
(c) are sung
(d) am sung
(b) was sung
Question 10.
Painting The Praying Hands ……….. by Sudeep
(a) was sketched
(b) were sketched
(c) are sketched
(d) am sketched
(a) was sketched
Exercise: 4
Choose the correct answer :
Question 1.
Medical treatment ………… last year.
(a) was given
(b) were given
(c) has been given
(d) is given
(a) was given
Question 2.
Books ………. when the payment was made.
(a) was bought
(b) were bought
(c) have been bought
(d) are bought
(b) were bought
Question 3.
The calender ……….. after the ‘wall had been nailed.
(a) is hung
(b) has been hung
(c) was hung
(d) were hung
(c) was hung
Question 4.
The dishes ………. before the meal was served.
(a) were washed
(b) was washed
(c) are washed
(d) have been washed
(a) were washed
Question 5.
Special guidance …………. to the meritorious students last month.
(a) were given
(b) is given
(c) are given
(d) was given
(d) was given
Question 6.
Notices …………. yesterday.
(a) have been issued
(b) were issued
(c) was issued
(d) are issued
(b) were issued
Question 7.
Our country ………. by the enemy last year.
(a) is invaded
(b) was invaded
(c) will be invaded
(d) has invaded
(b) was invaded
Question 8.
The science club ………… by Dr. Subhash last month.
(a) is inaugurated
(b) was inaugurated
(c) is being inaugurated
(d) inaugurated
(b) was inaugurated
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