RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Science. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention.

Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention

ClassClass 8
ChapterChapter 8
Chapter NameOur Health, Diseases and Prevention
Number of Questions Solved44
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Textbook Questions Solved

I. Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.

  1. Leprosy is caused by:
    (a) Vims
    (b) Bacteria
    (c) Protozoa
    (d) Amoeba
  2. An example of infectious disease is:
    (a) Cholera
    (b) Anaemia
    (c) Joint pain
    (d) Cancer
  3. Vims that transmits chicken pox is:
    (a) Varicella zoster
    (b) Rhinovims
    (c) Plasmodium
    (d) E.Coli
  4. In body anaemia results in the deficiency of:
    (a) Blood
    (b) Vitamin
    (c) Water
    (d) Mineral salts


  1. (a)
  2. (a)
  3. (a)
  4. (a)

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks

  1. Polio is transmitted by and
  2. solution is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
  3. Cold is caused by
  4. tablet is helpful in treatment of round worm infection.


  1. Food, water
  2. ORS
  3. Rhinovirus
  4. Albendazole

Question 3.
Match the following:

Column IColoumn II
Swine fluBlood deficiency
Worm infectionORS solution
DiarrhoeaTemi flu


Column IColoumn II
AnaemiaBlood deficiency
Swine’ fluTemiflu
Worm infectionAlbendazole
DiarrhoeaORS solution

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Draw the diagram of H.I.V.
RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention 1

Question 2.
What is the function of vaccine?
Vaccine acts as antibody which destroy the disease microbes and protect the body from disease.

Question 3.
Write the symptoms of swine flu.
Difficulty in throat, cold, fever, shivering.

Question 4.
Write the precaution of AIDS.
Precautions :

  1. Be determined that shared blade should not be used while shaving.
  2. Test of HIV before giving blood to patients.
  3. Needle of injection and syringe should be destroyed after use.
  4. Adopting disciplined life style.

Question 5.
Give the symptoms of cancer.
Place in the body where cell division is uncontrolled, cyst develops in initial stage and painless. At advanced stage cyst is very painful it could be develops on tongue, neck, bone, blood, lungs, uterus, etc.

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the cycle of worm infection. Write in detail the harmful effects of worm infection in children, methods of prevention and benefits of worm control in children.
Worm infection cycle:
RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention 2
Harmful effect of worms on children’s health:

  • Tiredness and giddiness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Stomach ache vomiting and dysentery.
  • Blood in stool, anemia, malnutrition.
  • Swelling in stomach, continuous coughing.
  • Loss of weight.

Precaution from worms:

  • Wash hands before eating and after toilet.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • Drink clean or boiled water, wear shoes.
  • Keep nails small and clean.
  • Use toilets, keep cleanliness around toilets.

Advantages of worm controls:

  • Children can go to Aanganbadi or school daily. –
  • They remain active and their immunity increase.
  • Their development occur fast.

Question 2.
Explain in detail the following.
(a) Haemophilia
(b) Food poisoning
(c) Naru disease
(d) Anaemia
(e) Leprosy
(a) Haemophilia: It is a hereditary disease. It’s genes are found in male sex chromosomes (x) and transfer from generation to generation by females.
Symptoms: In this disease bleeding do not stop even on a small injury, blood do not clots, death occur due to excess bleeding.
Treatment: by providing blood in time.
(b) Food poisoning : Micro organism through contaminated food
Symptoms: uneasyness, vomiting.
Cause: micro organism produce a poisonous substance in contaminated food which makes the food poisonous.
Precautions: Avoid contaminated food.
Treatment: Taking advice of doctor in time.
(c) Naru Bala (Guinea Worm): Spread through water.
Micro-organism- Cyclops enters in a healthy body through water.
Cause: Use of unclean water of well, pond or bavdi, drinking unfiltered water.
Symptoms: Scars on skin of legs or hand, female worms grow in muscles. Fever if worm is not taken out of the body then it releases the poisonous subtsance which convert into nodules.
Precautions: Drink filtered water or boiled water.
(d) Anaemia Cause:  Deficiency of iron element in body, deficiency of haemoglobin. Symptoms: complexion of face become white, body becomes weak, tiredness, giddiness, white blisters on tongue.
Precautions: Intake nutritive diet, sprouted grains, cereals, leafy vegetables, figs, beet root, brinjals, sesame till etc.
Treatment: Iron tablets.
(e) Leprosy: Spread through bacteria.
Cause: Continuous contact with patient.
Symptoms: Scars on skin, these scars have loss of sensation, no feeling occurs of injury, burning, pain in these scars. These organs do not work, fingers become deformed.
Precautions: Clothes and belongings of patient should be kept separate. Clothes should be washed with dettol.
Treatment: Surgery, vaccine, multi drug therapy, transplant of organ which damaged.

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Additional Questions Solved

I. Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The vector of malarial parasite is:
(a) Mosquito
(b) Fly
(c) Dog
(d) House fly

Question 2.
Which of these is an acute disease?
(a) Common cold
(b) Elephantiasis
(c) AIDS
(d) Jaundice

Question 3.
Mosquito is not vector for disease from following:
(a) Malaria
(b) Typhoid
(c) Dengue
(d) Elephantiasis

Question 4.
The causal organism of typhoid is:
(a) Plasmodium
(b) Leishmania
(c) Salmonella
(d) Virus

Question 5.
Uncontrollable cell division causes:
(a) AIDS
(b) Cancer
(c) Typhoid
(d) Cough-cold

Question 6.
Viral borned disease is:
(a) Polio and Dengue
(b) Measles and cholera
(c) Rabies and tetanus
(d) Hepatitis and typhoid

Question 7.
A chronic disease is:
(a) Typhoid
(b) Eye flu
(c) Common cold
(d) Hypertension

Question 8.
Which one is an infectious disease?
(a) Malaria
(b) Cancer
(c) Jaundice
(d) Rabies

Question 9.
The public health programme of childhood immunisation for preventing infectious diseases include administration of:
(a) Antibiotics
(b) Vaccines
(c) Medicines
(d) Blood transfusion

Question 10 .
Which one of the following is bacterial diseases:
(a) Poliomyelitis
(b) Malaria
(c) Tetanus
(d) Hepatitis

Question 11.
Which is not controlled by vaccination?
(a) Tuberculosis
(b) Hepatitis
(c) Cancer
(d) Small-pox

Question 12.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by:
(a) Bacterium
(b) Virus
(c) Protozoa
(d) Malnutrition


1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (d)
4. (c)
5. (b)
6. (d)
7. (d)
8. (a)
9. (b)
10. (c)
11. (c)
12. (a)

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1
What is the ability to resist a disease called?
The ability to resist a disease is called immunity.

Question 2.
What are micro-organisms?
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and multicellular organisms like worms.

Question 3.
The immediate causes of many diseases are not infectious. Name any two such diseases.

  1. Diabetes
  2. Cancer

Question 4.
Name one disease each caused by virus,bacteria and protozoa.
Virus – polio, Bacteria – typhoid Protozoa – Malaria

Question 5.
Name two diseases spread by mosquitoes.

  1. Malaria
  2. Dengue

Question 6.
Which chronic disease is associated with respiratory system.
Tuberculosis of lungs.

Question 7.
Name any two groups of microorganisms from which antibiotics can be extracted.

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi

Question 8.
Which two diseases are transmitted by contaminated food and water?
Cholera and Hepatitis A.

Question 9.
What is the purpose of vaccination?
The purpose of vaccination is to induce the production of specific antibodies to confer immunity against subsequent infection.

Question 10.
Expand DPT and BCG.
DPT = Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus, BCG= Bacillus Calmette-Guerin.

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the symptoms when following organs are targeted by microbes.
(a) Lungs
(b) Liver
(c) Brain
(a) If the lungs are infected, the symptoms are cough and breathlessness.
(b) If liver is infected, the symptoms are fever, vomiting, loss of appetite and yellowish urine.
(c) If brain is affected by a microbe, the symptoms are headache, vomiting and unconsciousness.

Question 2.
Differentiate between infectious and non infectious diseases.
Differences between infectious and non-infectious diseases:

Infectious or communicable diseasesNon-infections or Non-communicable diseases
(i) These are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person.(i) These are not transmitted from an infected person to the healthy person.
(ii) These are caused by pathogens e.g., viruses, bacteria etc.(ii) There is no role of pathogens.
(iii) These are brought about by extrinsic or external factors.(iii) These may be brought by intrinsic or internal factors.
(iv) Community hygiene can reduce the incidence of infectious disease.(iv) Community hygiene is in effective in reducing the incidence of non- infectious diseases.

Question 3.
List the names of three diseases
Disease caused by virus and their caused by virus stating their mode of mode of communication,
communication in each case.
(a) Jaundice- Contaminated food and water.
(b) Rabies- Saliva of infected animal
(c) AIDS- Through sexual contact, blood transfusion, contaminated needle from mother to foetus.

Question 4.
Describe in detail the concept of vaccines. Name four diseases which vaccines are available in the market.
(i) Vaccines is a product in the form of weakened or inactivated pathogens or proteins which are used to provide protection against a disease.
(ii) (a) Polio, (b) Hepatitis, (c) Measles, (d) Small-pox, (e) Diphtheria, (J) Tetanus, (g) Whooping cough, etc.

Question 5.
Name diseases which are caused by- (two for each).
(a) virus
(b) bacteria
(c) protozoa ,
(a) Virus: AIDS and polio are caused by virus.
(b) Bacteria: Typhoid and Tuberculosis are caused by bacteria.
(c) Malaria and Diarrhoea are caused by protozoa.

Question 6
Which type of diseases cause more damages to our body – acute or chronic and why?
Chronic disease lasts for long time so it is more harmful than acute disease. For example cough and cold, viral fever are acute diseases which do not affect our health badly and we become well within a week or so while tuberculosis, which is a chronic disease affects health drastically and has a long time effect on body.

Question 7.
Write a short note on Smt. Savitri Bai Phule?
Smt Savitri Bai Phule was born in Nai village of Satara district of Maharashtra. She was married at the early stage of 9 years. At that time untouchability was prevailing in India. But still Savitri Phule managed to provide water to all from her well. She strongly opposed the untouchability, casteism, etc. When plague was spread as an epidemic, Savitri Phule came forward to help and she organised various medical camps for four peoples. She was one of the important female leaders of the modern India. She struggled for the rights of the women.

Question 8.
AIDS is a fatal disease. Explain why.
In AIDS, immune system of the body is highly weakened and body suffers from severe infections repeatedly which lead to death of the individual. Hence, it is a fatal disease.

Our Health, Diseases and Prevention Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain bacterial diseases of human beings with their factors, symptoms, preventive measures and treatment.

  1. Tuberculosis (T.B.)
  2. Cholera
  3. Typhoid
  4. Diarrhoea and dysentery

Disease causing microbes

  1. Bacteria- Microbacterium Transmitted through wind.
  2. Bacteria- Vibrio cholerie Transmitted by contaminated water and food
  3. Bacteria- Salmonella typhii Transmit¬ted through water
  4. Bacteria- E. coli Transmitted – by toxic food/water.


  1. Loss of appetite, loss of weight, weakness, continuous cold and cough, fever at low temperature, blood in the spit, chest pain, breathing problem after long walk, swelling in the lymph nodes, effect on alimentary canal, bones, lungs.
  2. Vomiting, loose motion (diarrhoea) dehydration, fever, thirst, drying of tongue, muscular cramp, sukening of eyes, infection in stomach and intestine.
  3. Infection in small intestine, daily occurrence of fever and headache, higher fever in the second week, less fever in third and fourth week, body pain, constipation, low heart beat, red spots on the upper surface of tongue,
  4. Secretion of a sticky substance with the faeces, vomiting, recurrent
    infection in intestine, frequent diarrhoea, dehydration, stomach ache, headache, weakness, intense thirst.

Preventive measures

  1. Isolation of TB patient, keeping his things separate, vaccination at proper time, preventing spitting at anywhere, covering mouth during coughing.
  2. Personal hygiene and good habits eating properly cooked food, drinking boiled water, vaccination, proper methods of discharge faeces and rotten things, maintain distance with the patient.
  3. Keeping food and water clean, discharge of faeces and other contaminated things at proper place, protecting the food from the flies, (vaccine A, and B should be applied)
  4. Keep the toilets clean, keep the eatables covered, maintain hygiene, use boiled and filtered drinking water, wash the fruits with hot water before use, don’t let patients faeces or vomit open.


  1. Sputum test, chest X-ray, use of M.D.T. as the doctor suggests, be under the control of DOTS.
  2. Use of ORS solution and proper medicines.
  3. Full rest to the patient on fever, treatment with antibiotics, taking medicines under the doctor’s supervision.
  4. ORS solution, electoral, medicines on doctor’s advice.

Question 2.
Explain viral diseases of human beings with their factors, symptoms, preventive measures and treatment.

  1. Polio
  2. Rabies (Hydrophobia)
  3. Chicken pox
  4. Measles
  5. Cold

Disease causing microbes

  1. Virus – Polio virus Transmitted by air/ water
  2. Virus Transmitted – infected dog, monkey, Fox, jackal, whose saliva contains rabies virus.
  3. Virus Varicella zoster Transmitted – by air/ direct contact.
  4. Virus Transmitted – by air
  5. Virus Rhinovirus Transmitted – by air.


  1. Effect on spinal cord, brain, legs, fever, contraction of muscles development of affected limbs are slow, headache, vomiting, pain in the neck, affected limbs doesn’t work due to damage of nervous system,. Children of 6 months to 3 years may be affected by polio.
  2. High fever, headache, restlessness, blockage of throat, hydrophobia.
  3. Light/medium fever, backache, apprehension, skin lesions on the whole body, first on neck, then on face and on the legs in the last, healing of lesions after 4-7 days.
  4. Red rashes on the body, itching, burning sensations.
  5. Infection in the mucous membrane of respiratory tubule, nose and throat, watery discharge from the eyes and nose.

Preventive measures

  1. By giving Polio drops.
  2. Control of stray dogs and cats, vaccination of pet and stray animals.
  3. Separating the patient from others, keeping his things isolated.
  4. Cover mouth while sneezing or coughing, use of clean handkerchief.


  1. Operation as directed by the doctors, use of Jaipur foot, physiotherapy.
  2. Keep distance from infected animals. Washing the injured area with soap and water, use of anti-rabies injection is under the guidance of doctor.
  3. Applying special oilment/coconut oil on the lesions, using appropriate medicines.
  4. Applying antiseptic cream, using medicines under the guidance of the doctor.
  5. Doctors advice, increase in intake of Vitamin C, taking steam.

Question 3.
What is Dengue Fever? Write transmitted, its causes, symptoms and preventive measures.
It is a viral disease caused by one of the four types of dengue viruses.
It is transmitted through female Aedes aegypti mosquito from an infected person.

  1. Due to growth of mosquitoes in the dirty water.
  2. Due to growth of insects.
  3. Due to mosquito bite.
  4. Due to decrease in blood count platelets.
  5. Due to growth of mosquitoes in the cooler water.
  6. Due to unhygienic conditions.
  7. Due to deficiency of blood.

After 3 to 14 days of infected mosquito bite, the symptoms of dengue fever appear. They are as follows:

  1. Fever after shivering.
  2. Headache.
  3. Pain in the eyes.
  4. Body ache or joint pain.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Nausea, vomiting.
  7. Diarrhoea.
  8. Red rashes on the skin.
  9. Bleeding from eyes and nose in severe conditions.

Prevention methods:

  1. Do not allow water to stand in and surrounding your house.
  2. If a container always has water, then wash it properly with soap and water so as to remove the mosquito eggs.
  3. Spray insecticides in the house.
  4. If not in use then drain out the cooler water and dry it completely.

Question 4.
Define the national health programme conduct by government of India to control and eradicate different diseases?
(a) National Malaria eradication programme:
This programme was started in India as National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in 1953. In 1958 it was renamed as National Malaria Eradication Programme. The aim of this programme is to eradicate the diseases with community cooperation. In this program workers of Primary Health Centre and department of Malaria collects blood sample of the person suffering from fever and test them, if patient reported malaria positive then drug are distributed through health workers and members of Panchayat Samiti. Insecticides are also sprayed to control malaria.
(b) National leprosy eradication programme:
This programme was started in 1955. The aim of this program is to identify the patient in early stage and treat them with multidrug therapy and rehabilitation for them. For this purpose leprosy control Centre established.
(c) National Tuberculosis Eradication programmes:
This programme was started in 1962. Under this scheme diseases eradication programme is run under the leadership of leader ship of district tuberculosis – disease incharge. In this program patient examined, identified, treated and educated.
(d) Pulse polio vaccination campaign:
To eradicate polio this programme was stated on 9th December 1995. The aim of this programme is to replace natural poliovirus VIT vaccinated virus so that the diseases can be eradicated.

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