RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 1 India Our Country are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 1 India Our Country.
RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 1 India Our Country
Board | RBSE |
Class | Class 8 |
Subject | Social Science |
Chapter | Chapter 1 |
Chapter Name | India Our Country |
Number of Questions Solved | 16 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board Class 10 Science Textbook Questions Solved
Question 1.
- Which country does not share its boundary with India:
(a) Nepal
(b) Bhutan
(c) Iran
(d) Myanmar - The second most populated country in the world is:
(a) China
(b) India
(c) America
(d) Japan
- (c)
- (b)
Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:
- As regards area India is the………..largest country in the world.
- In 2014 became the 29th state by bifurcating Andhra Pradesh ……………..
- Group of 36 islands in the Arabian sea is known as………………
- The Himalaya is the world’s highest and the………….. mountain range.
- Seventh
- Telangana
- Lakshadweep
- New or young fold mountains
Question 3.
Why is India known as the sub-continent? Give reasons.
India is known as the sub-continent because of its own peculiar physical identity. It is located in the southern Asian continent, flanked by the Kirthar, Sulaiman and Hindukush mountain ranges in the North-West, and the Himalayan mountain ranges stretched far to the north-east. The Arakanyoma mountains in the north east stretch along the Bay of Bengal Coast in Myanmar and proceed from South to North to join the Himalayas. These lofty and inaccessible mountain ranges separates the Indian sub-continent from the rest of Asia. The Southern India is a Peninsular plateau surrounded by water bodies as the Bay of Bengal in the East, the Arabian Sea in the West and the Indian Ocean in the south. As this Indian region of the southern Asia is impenetrable and inaccessible from all the sides it is known as the sub-continent and it has its unique geographical, cultural and environmental features.
Question 4.
Why are river valley projects known as the Multipurpose projects?
The River valley projects are known as the Multipurpose projects because they are the source of producing hydro-electricity, and are the means of irrigation and the source of drinking water for the densely populated cities of the mountainous region.
Question 5.
Identify the effects of the Himalayas on the climate of India.
The Himalayas and the Indian Climate:
They play an important role in lending a sub- tropical touch to the climate of India. The lofty Himalayas mountains form a barrier which affects the climate of India. It prevents the cold winds of North Asia from blowing into India. Thus protecting it from severely cold winters. It also traps the monsoon winds, forcing them to shed their moisture within the sub-continent. The mountain ranges also prevent Western wind disturbance from Iran from travelling further, resulting in snow in Kashmir and rainfall in parts of Punjab and northern India.
Question 6.
What are the major religions of India? Make list.
Major religions of India are listed below:
- Hinduism followed by the Hindus (78.8%).
- Islam by the Muslims (14.2%).
- Christianity by the Christians (2.3%).
- Sikkism by the Sikhs (1.7%).
- Buddhism by the Buddhists (0.7%).
- Jainism by the Jains (0.4%).
Question 7.
In how many physical regions is India divided? Write their characteristics features.
India is divided into six physical features such as:
- North and North-Eastern Mountain Region (The North Mountains)
- The Northern Plains or the Gangetic Plain
- The Southern Peninsular plateau
- The Coastal Plains
- Thar Deserts
- The Islands
1. North and North-East Mountain Region (The Himalaya Mountain):
The Himalayan range runs north-west to south east in 2500 kilometre long. Three of the world’s major rivers (the Indus, the Gangas and the Brahmaputra) originated from the Himalayas. The highest peak of the world i.e. the Mount Everest (about 8848 metre high from the sea level) is located in this region.
The Himalaya mountain from South to North has three parallel ranges:
- Siwaliks
- Himachal and
- Himadri.
The Himalayas have a profound effect on the climate of the Indian sub-continent and the Tibetan Plateau. They prevent frigid, dry winds from blowing into the subcontinent. It also forms barrier for the monsoon winds, keeping them from travelling northwards, and causing heavy rainfall in the Terai region. All the perennial rivers of the North and North-East India arise from the Himalayas. Almost all the river valley projects owe their origin to this Himalayan region. The region is abundantly rich in biological diversities. There are vast tea and fruit gardens in the Himalayan ranges, and the valleys are laden with flowers and vegetables. The Himalayas are home to a diversity of medicinal resource. There are many worth visiting tourist places. Thus, the Himalayas contribute to the economic and modem development.
2. The Gangetic or The Northern Plains:
The North Indian plain or the Indo-gangetic plain laying parallel to the south of the Himalayas stretches westwards. The greater part of the plains is made up of alluvial soil, deposited by the Ganga, the Satluj and the Brahmaputra rivers and their tributaries. It is the most fertile part of India and also known as the Granary of India. The plains mostly comprise flat land and there are four distinct relief features:
(a) Bhangar: It is that largest part of the plains where the flood waters scarcely reach and is rich in the old alluvial soil.
(b) Khadar: The Khadar belt is made of the newer deposits from the rivers. Contrary to Bhangar its soil is renewed often due to the annual flow of the flood water in the rivers.
(c) Bhabar: It is a pebble covered belt. It lies parallel to the Siwalik slopes.
(d) Terai: South of the Bhabar belt lies the Terai belt. The whole of this belt is marshy. The Northern
plains are thickly populated because of their plain surface, alluvial soil and favourable climatic conditions.
3. The Southern Peninsular Plateau:
The Deccan Plateau is a triangular landmass that lies to the south of the river Narmada. It is bounded by the Vindhya hills in the North, Aravali hills in the North¬West and Western Ghat hills in the West and the remains of the Eastern ghat hills in the east. The Western Ghats are higher than the Eastern Ghats. There are small plateaus as the Deccan plateau and the Chotanagpur plateau. The Deccan plateau is abundantly rich in minerals, and the fertile soil of Lava plateau of Deccan is the most suitable for the production of cotton. The Deccan Plateau is the largest, the most ancient, and the most stringent region of India. The oldest Aravali mountain ranges form the part of the Deccan Plateau.
4. Coastal Plains:
There are two coastal plains of the southern plateau region. The Eastern coastal plain and the Western coastal plain. The Mahanadi Godavari, Kaveri and Krishna rivers flow through these plains. Uncertainty and scarcity of rains in the interior parts of the plateau has affected adversely the agriculture. However, with the use of traditional methods of accumulating water, evolution of means of irrigation and the use of scientific technique of dry farming, dependence on rains for cultivation is gradually, declining. Some parts of the region have dense forests wealth. It is known for the cultivation of rubber, tea, coffee and spices. Most of the tribal population have their habitation in Vindhyachal, Satpura, Chhotanagpur and Sahyadari hills and in the forests.
5. The Islands:
The Indian Islands lie in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The group of 247 islands in the Bay of Bengal are known as the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Northern Islands are known as the Andaman Islands and the southern Islands are known as the Nicobar Islands. The only active volcano of India is in the barren island of Andaman. The Indira point in the Nicobar is the southern most island of India. The group of 36 islands in the Arabian sea are known as Lakshadweep island. Lakshadweep means one lac islands. It is the famous tourist resort.
Question 8.
Why is India known as a country of Amity in diversities’? Explain.
India is a land of religious, linguistic, caste and communal diversities. The people living in India speak diverse languages. There are 122 languages and 234 mother tongues. Similarly India is inhabited by the hindus, the muslims, the parsi, the sikhs and the Christians. Ways of living, food habits, religious belief, cultural traits also differ widely from North to South and East to West. In spite of all these diversities there is widespread unity as proved from time to time. Communal harmony is the basic trait which has kept all the Indians united in times of peace and war. To sum up Indian are the one socially, politically and culturally united among all the diversities.
RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Additional Questions Solved
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
India is located in in………….world.
(a) North-Eastern Hemisphere
(b) South-Eastern Hemisphere
(c) North-Western Hemisphere
(d) None of these
Question 2.
India is divided into……………states and union……………….territories.
(a) 27 States and 9 union territories
(b) 29 States and 7 union territories
(c) 30 States and 5 union territories
(d) None of these
Question 3.
29th State of India is……………….
(a) Mizoram
(b) Meghalaya
(c) Goa
(d) Telangana
Question 4.
The southern peninsular plateau of……………India is in shape.
(a) Quadrangular
(b) Triangular
(c) Rectangular
(d) Square
Question 5.
India’s only active volcano is situated in
(a) Andaman and Nicobar islands
(b) Lakshadweep Islands
(c) Barren Island
(d) None of these
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (d)
4. (b)
5. (c)
RBSE Books Solutions Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Why is India called a monsoon region?
Indian subcontinent is geographically a special region of Asian continent. Its geographical location and structure has given it a special monsoon climate. Due to this reason it is also called monsoon region.
Question 2.
Describe in brief the location of India on world map.
India is located in the north-eastern hemisphere, extending between 8°4′ N to 37°6′ North Latitudes from south to North and between 68°7′ to 97°25′ E longitude from West to East.
Question 3.
Why is Gangetic plain called the Granary of India?
Gangetic plain is formed of new alluvial soils brought down by Himalayan rivers. It is the most fertile part of India. In India most of the agriculture is done on this plain. Hence, it is called the granary of India.
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