RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 24 Our Pride

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 24 India Our Country are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 24 India Our Country.

Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 24 Our Pride

ClassClass 8
SubjectSocial Science
ChapterChapter 24
Chapter NameOur Pride
Number of Questions Solved12
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board Class 8 Social Science Textbook Questions Solved

Question 1.
Vrikshayurveda Granth was created by:
(a) Sutradhar Mandan
(b) Chakrapani Mishra
(c) Maharishi Sushruta
(d) Shanghai

(b) Chakrapani Mishra

Question 2.
Match the following

AuthorTitle of the Book
1. Chandbardai(a) Shishupalvadham
2. Brahmagupta(b) Vastumanjari
3. Maharishi Sushruta(c) Krishi Parashar
4. Mahakavi Magh(d) VishwaVallabha
5. Sutradhar Mandan(e) Brahmsfut Sidhant
6. Maharishi Parashar(g) Sushruta Samhita
7. Chakrapani Mishra(h) Prithviraj Raso

1. (g)
2. (e)
3. (f)
4. (a)
5. (b)
6. (c)
7. (d)

Question 3.
Fill in the Blanks:

  1. …………….. is believed to be born in Bhinmal.
  2. India’s knowledge of Maths and Astronomy went to Arab and afterwards to the ……… .
  3. …………….. is known as the first surgeon who has given a scientific system to the surgery.
  4. A bachelor’s degree has been conferred upon ………..on the basis of his research articles without appearing in the examination.
  5. ……………. Became poor due to his philanthropic nature
  6. ……………… was the “Darbari” pandit of Maharana Pratap.
  7. Maharishi ……………….. was born in Pushkar.


  1. Brahmagupta
  2. Western countries.
  3. Maharishi Sushruta
  4. Srinivasa Ramanujan
  5. Mahakavi Magh
  6. Chakrapani Mishra
  7. Parashar

Question 4.
1. Who was the poet court of Prithviraj Chauhan?

2. Who has started plastic – Surgery in the field of Medical science?
Maharishi Sushruta.

3. What was the contribution of Brahmagupta in the field of Maths and Astronomy?
Brahmagupta was a great astronomer. At the age of 30 years he wrote the great composition named Brahmasphutsiddhanta in 628. Besides he also wrote Khanda- Khadyakam which includes the basic mathematical rules. He explained how to find the cube and cube-root of an integer and laid rules facilitating the computation of square and square roots. He gave the solution of the general linear equation. He is considered the first to formulate the concept of Zero. He dedicated a substantial portion of his work to geometry.

4. What do you know about the famous mathematician Ramanujan?
Ramanujan was born on 22nc* December 1887 in the Erod city of Tamil Nadu. His mother was a religious lady. From his early childhood he was very inquisitive and intelligent and had a great interest in Mathematics. He passed his high school examination in 1904 and for his good rank he was given scholarship. On Id**1 Jan, 1913 Ramanujan wrote a letter including 120 universal statements to G.H. Hardy, the famous Mathematics Prof of Cambridge University. G.H. Hardy was so impressed by his genius that he called him in London. On 14th April, 1914 he reached London and there he did research work with Prof. Hardy.

Within a year Prof. Hardy and Ramanujan published nine research works. Ramanujan was awarded graduation degree in March, 1916 without appearing in examination on the basis of his research work. On 27th March, 1919 he came back to India and on 29th April, 1920 he breathed his last, at the age of 33 years. He was so spendthrift that he used to solve his mathematical problems on slate and then write the final result on his note book.

He was decent in culture and civilization. During his stay in London he cooked his own food and did his own personal works. Despite all this he continued studies, research and written works till the last moment of his life.

5.Which Granthas were created by Sutradhar Mandan?
Sutradhar Mandan’s works were:

  • Devatamurti Prakaran.
  • Prasadamandnam.
  • Vasturajvallabham.
  • Vastu Shastra.
  • Vastumandanam.
  • Vastusaar.
  • Vastumanjari.

6. What is the contribution of Maharishi Parashar in the field of Agriculture?
He wrote Krishi Parashar describing the ancient concept of cow worship on “Padava” falling after Deepawali. He used to say that human life is based on grains (food) and it cannot possible without agriculture. This is how he made realised the significance of agriculture. His Krishi Prashar is recognised as a great work and Maha Rishi Prashar is remembered as the propounder of the Krishishastra. In his Krishishastra Prashar has given forecasts about rain. This work was rewritten in the 10th century. It is treated as “Krishi Panchang” (Calender). It gives knowledge on many agriculture related principles as when to start farming, which crop and when to grow it; how to treat the animals used for farming works etc., besides imparting knowledge about heavy and scarce rains, cows and their maintenance, behaviours of animals and birds, direction of winds etc.

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Additional Questions Solved

Question 1.
The famous and foremost name in surgery is-
(a) Tulsi
(b) Charak
(c) Sushruta
(d) Gangadhar

Question 2.
The great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on-
(a) 22 December 1887
(b) 21 December 1887
(c) 23 December 1887
(d) 20 December 1887

Question 3.
Brahama Gupta wrote his Grantha Brahamashuta sidhanta in the age of-
(a) 20 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 35 years
(d) none of these

1. (c)
2. (a)
3. (b)

Question 4.
What was the name of Chandbardai father?
Rao Vain

Question 5.
Name the place where Chandbardai born?

Question 6.
Name the famous creation of Chand¬bardai?
Prithviraj Raso

Question 7.
Name the epic wrote by Magha?
Shishupal Vadham

Question 8.
Name the wife of Magha?
Malhan Devi.

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