RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society.

ClassClass 8
SubjectSocial Science
ChapterChapter 9
Chapter NameContemporary Indian Society
Number of Questions Solved8
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board Class 10 Science Textbook Questions Solved

Question 1.
Choose the correct option

  1. Working population of India is…..
    (a) 60.29%
    (b) 50.21%
    (c) 45.01%
    (d) 30%
  2.  Literacy rate of male in Rajasthan is…….
    (a) 79.02%
    (b) 62.15%
    (c) 40.12%
    (d) 34.12%

Answers :

  1. (a)
  2. (a)

Question 2:
Match the column ‘A’ with column ‘B’
RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society 1
Answer :
(i)  (c)
(ii)  (d)
(iii) (b)
(iv) (a)

Question 3.
Point out the reasons for change or shift in family and kinship relationships.
Answer :
Reasons for change in the close relationships:

  1. Urban lifestyle: It has broken up the nature of Joint family system. Single and small family system is getting impetus. Consequently the closeness in the relations is lost. Sense of intimacy and living together is gradually disappearing.
  2. Old and traditional: activities are changing fast. The concept of hereditary profession has almost lost its ground, mainly, because of higher literacy rate. The educated ones do not find jobs of their passion in their parental places and as such they have to move out to find better opportunities. Gone are the times when family professions like farming used to bind the family members in close relationships.
  3. Trend towards individualism: Most of the educated youths of today take their independent decision about their future. They are open to the activities of their own choice, may be related to entertainment, recreation and political, social, professional or educational spheres. Senior most member or head of the family has not a little role to play. Being away from the joint families, they prefer consulting their friends, neighbours or their co-professionals.
    Consequently, the close ties between the family relations are gradually loosing ground.

Question 4.
‘Commercialisation’ has brought a big change in the lifestyle of the people. Explain.
Concept of commercialisation is getting a great momentum. For example, the family functions like marriage are being managed by the marriage bureau. Gone are the days when the family members used to pass on the artistic and creative traits to the other members. Now there are various organisations or institutions working to overhaul the individual, cultural and artistic traits. For all such services they are charging the heavy amount of money.
Commercialisation is promoting consumerism. Overall lifestyle of the people such as styles of dressing sense, dinning, decorating their living places, celebrations, various programmes have changed rapidly. Markets for consumer goods are expanding rapidly. Even the so called aspects of the Indian culture such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Pushkar fairs etc are not left untouched by the impact of working of institutions in each and every field.

Question 5.
“The nature of Indian society is gradually being urbanised? Explain with example.
In the 20th century only 11% population was settled in the cities and now in the 21st century this figure has gone up to 31.16% because of various reasons as

  1. Agriculture based rural life style is changing fast to industries based urban life style.
  2. Agriculture (per census 2001) had more than 1/2 of the share in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of India, has come down to l/4th as per the 2011 census because the people in the villages do not take up farming as their profession.
    They are moving to the urban areas to work in different services such as transports, banking, construction works and many other services as engineering, medicines etc. The village folk are now more acquainted with the trend of urban style through various means as radio, television, newspapers etc. These means are largely responsible for creating a big gap between the rural and urban lifestyles, and as such trend towards urbanisation has increased.

RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Indian society is …………….
(a) religious
(b) full of diversity
(c) backward
(d) none of these
Answers :
1. (b)

Question 2
……….. per cent of Indian population was residing in cities in the beginning of 20th century.
(a) 11%
(b) 24%
(c) 12%
(d) 13%
Answers :
2. (a)

RBSE Books Solutions Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a short note on declining sex ratio in India.
Answer :
Presently India is one of the most young countries because about 60.29% of the total population India comprise of working class. As per 2011 population census sex ratio in India is 943 on per 1000 males, and in Rajasthan it is 928.
Such situation shows the discrimination towards female though the reason responsible for such situation is female infanticide. It is declared as punishable offence. The other effort are being done in this direction are ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ scheme, but for this there is a need of change in mentality of society. This was an analysis of contemporary attitude of Indian society. Indian culture will survive among westernization and modernization systems. We will go ahead with the feelings of pride for our glorious past, reality of present and ambitions for future.

We hope the given RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society will help you. If you have any query regarding RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Chapter 9 Contemporary Indian Society, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.