RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning, Importance and Objectives of Physical Education

RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning, Importance and Objectives of Physical Education are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning, Importance and Objectives of Physical Education.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 9
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter 1
Chapter NameMeaning, Importance and Objectives of Physical Education
Number of Questions Solved25
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 1 Meaning, Importance and Objectives of Physical Education


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Physical Education promotes the development of
(a) Body
(b) Mind
(c) Neuro-Muscles
(d) Wholesome personality

Question 1.
Physical Education develops the spirit of
(a) Jumping
(b) Walking
(c) Tolerance
(d) Running

Question 3.
Physical Education is not related with the development of
(a) Mind
(b) Body
(c) Neuro-Muscles
(d) Marketing ability

Question 4.
It is the latent aim of the physical education to inculcate in man
(a) Vices and evils
(b) Virtues
(c) Civic sense
(d) None of the above

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What does physical education mean?
Physical education means to provide the knowledge to an individual regarding staying physically fit.

Question 2.
What is the aim of physical education?
The aim of physical education is wholesome development of man i.e., to make everyone physically, mentally and emotionally fit.

Question 3.
What is the difference between the aims and objectives of physical education?
The aim of physical education is to produce superior citizens and its objectives are to keep them physically healthy, to inculcate good habits in citizens, to provide them the traits of good character.

Question 4.
How is physical education related to the general education?
Both physical education and general education have same objectives i.e., development of man. To make a complete man i.e., development of both mind and body it requires both the physical and general education.

Question 5.
Define physical education according to A.R. Wayman.
According to A.R. Wayman, physical education is that part of the education which has to do with the development and training of the whole individual through physical activities.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define physical education. What are its objectives?
Physical education is that part of education in which different activities are performed to favour the physical and mental development of the students, accelerate their interest in the recreational activities as well as evolution of community spirit, game spirit and regard for others in them.
Objectives of physical education are as follows:

  1. Physical development objectives: Physical development by making the body strong, healthy and attractive.
  2. Mental development objectives: Mental alertness, relieve from metal stress and tension.
  3. Motor development objectives: Better and coordinated relationship between nervous system and muscular system that helps in making efficient movements.
  4. Social development objectives: Develop qualities like leadership, tolerance, boldness, sportsmanship etc.

Question 2.
What does the concept of physical education imply?
The concept of physical education has its roots since ancient period. The people of Rome and Greece adopted this concept in the form of physical activities, as they thought it is essential to survive. The people of Greece mainly emphasised on the physical education and practised music and gymnastics as the means of development of man. Even in ancient India, physical activities were the essential part of man’s life. Our ancient Rishi-Munis, Vedas and Puranas laid a great stress on physical training in terms of yogic exercises for mental relaxation and physical development.

Question 3.
Elaborate the importance of physical education.
Importance of physical education is described as follows:

  1. In this machine age which has made the man work like a machine and muscles are not put to any use, physical exercises are must to keep the body fit.
  2. The urbanised life has brought all the pleasures of life at the doors of youth thus, physical education is essential for them to prevent laziness and other physical inertness.
  3. Inclusion of physical education in school curriculum is necessary to make children physically and mentally fit.
  4. It is the source of proper utilisation of leisure time.
  5. It helps in mental and emotional development.
  6. It creates community spirit by promoting sense of discipline, tolerance and communal amity.

Question 4.
How does physical education help in the total development of man?
Physical education helps in the total development of man by fulfilling the following four objectives:

  1. Physical development objectives:
    By taking active part in games like running, weight lifting, catching, jumping, climbing up and down etc. which make the body strong, healthy and attractive.
  2. Mental development objectives:
    Children are trained to think properly and enable them to solve many intricate problems. They learn to face difficult situations, develop confidence and take independent decision.
  3. Motor development objectives:
    The activities provide better neuro-muscular coordination which help in making efficient movements.
  4. Social development objectives:
    The activities develop qualities like leadership, tolerance, cooperation, fair play, courtesy, boldness, discipline, sportsmanship etc.

Question 5.
What are the misconceptions about physical education?
Physical education is related with merely physical activities or exercises by most of people. They consider it as physical training, drill, games and sports, gymnatics, source of recreation, body building and so on. It is considered as wastage of money and time. Also, they blamed it for creating indiscipline. The general education is considered to be superior over it.

However, if good prevails and due place is given to it in our education system then India can surpass the people of many progressive countries like Russia, America, France and Japan. It has to understand that the physical education is not merely a physical activity like body building but it has a wider aim of total development of an individual i.e., physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual development.

Question 6.
Prove that physical education is an integral part of general education.
Man’s development is not possible by separating mind from body. Education in its real sense can be acquired by uniting both mind and body. It is not merely the formal classroom teaching which can make the complete man. General education devoid of physical education is meaningless. It would make man’s life monotonous and dull. Physical education inculcates those qualities in man which ensure his total development. Thus, physical education is an integral part of general education.


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
In ancient India, physical education was adopted in terms of
(a) Yogic exercises
(b) Running
(c) Jumping
(d) Gymnastics

Question 2.
When drill is done on mass level, it is known as
(a) Group drill
(b) Combined drill
(c) Mass drill
(d) Team drill

Question 3.
“Physical education is the sum of changes in the individual caused by experiences centering in motor activity.” This definition is given by
(a) J.B. Nash
(b) A.R. Wayman
(c) Rosalind Cassidy
(d) Kennedy

Question 4.
Which of the following quantity is not developed through social development objectives of physical education?
(a) Cooperation
(b) Confidence
(c) Courtesy
(d) Boldness

Question 5.
The body building exercises comes under the category of
(a) Drill
(b) Physical culture
(c) Mass drill
(d) Gymnastics

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What does physical training mean?
Physical training means the training to keep an individual physically fit, healthy, strong and energetic.

Question 2.
Define physical education according to J.B. Nash.
According to J.B. Nash, physical education is that phase of the whole field of education that deals with big muscle activities and their related responses.

Question 3.
Comment on the statement, ‘Sound mind dwells in sound body”.
The statement means that mind and body are not two separate identities. All the internal forces in man i.e., spiritual, social, mental and physical work in coordination. It is their joint venture which steers smoothly the wheels of life.

Question 4.
What is the aim of physical education according to ‘National Planning of Physical Education’?
The aim of physical education must be to make ‘every child physically, mentally and emotionally fit and also to develop in him such personal and social qualities as will help him to live happily with others and build him up into a good citizen.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
What are the consequences of misconception about physical education? How it is beneficial for us if these misconceptions are removed?
Misconception about physical education is that it is merely concerned with physical activités or exercises. It is considered as wastage of time and money. Thus, physical education teachers are not treated at par with the other teachers. The consequence of this is that individuals who do not get physical education are dull and weak.

If these misconceptions are removed and physical education is added to school curriculum in a proper way then Indians can surpass the people of many developed countries like Russia, America, France and Japan. It should be understood that aim of Physical Education is not merely body building by physical activities, but it has a wider aim of hormonious development of an individual. This includes physical development, mental development, emotional development and spiritual development.

Hope given RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 1 are helpful to complete your homework.

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