RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 10 Recreational and Educational Games

RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 10 Recreational and Educational Games are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 10 Recreational and Educational Games.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 9
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter 10
Chapter NameRecreational and Educational Games
Number of Questions Solved23
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 10 Recreational and Educational Games


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Which of the following is a popular folk dance of Rajasthan?
(a) Ghoomar.
(b) Ordiya.
(c) Heer Ranja.
(d) Sithania.

Question 2.
Dumbell, while standing in the position of attention should be
(a) On shoulder.
(b) In both the hands.
(c) Under the armpit.
(d) On the floor.

Question 3.
Which of the following is a rhythmical exercise?
(a) Laziasm.
(b) Dumbell.
(c) Both Laziasm and Dumbell.
(d) None of the above.

Question 4.
Which is NOT one of the Leap up games?
(a) Hit the Tin and Win.
(b) Stop and Watch.
(c) Throw on Wall.
(d) Lion of Lion’s.

Question 5.
“Banna Re, Banna Me Jhula Dalian, Mhari Banni’Ne” This is one of the folk songs popular in the
(a) Jaipur region.
(b) Udaipur.
(c) Marwari.
(d) Matsya region.

Question 6.
Lok geet and Lok dance
(a) demonstrate Indian sports.
(b) leave unhealthy impact of the Indian culture.
(c) form an inseparable part of the Indian culture ajid civilization.
(d) All the above.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How is singing a good exercise for lungs?
Singing is a good exercise for lungs. Its ascending and descending processes activate capacity of lungs to breathe in more oxygen. Folk songs too are an integral part of the Indian culture and civilization.

Question 2.
What should be done after strenuous work?
After strenuous work, relaxation can be had by means of games, dance, music and other activities. Relaxation from stress and strain after day’s hard labour, mental tension and worries to regain the energy lost in doing the strenuous activities.

Question 3.
Write any two lines of the most popular song of Marwar.
Ghoomar song: It is the most famous folk dance of the Marwar region. Women and girls of the Marwar community of Rajasthan sing this song and dance to it in chorus.

“Sagar Pannide Nai Jaya sa, Ho Nazar Lag Jaye;
Mhari Hinghri Teenko Ro, Rang urd Jaye;
Mhari Lahiraya Sari Ro, Rang urd Jaye; Sagar…..
Mhari Patali Kamar Dhola, Laari Lag Jaye;

Question 4.
What should be the position of the fists while holding Dumbells in the position of attention?
The fists should closed in front while carrying out the exercises in attention position.

Question 5.
What are the uses of Recreational activities?
Uses of Recreational Activities for students:

  1. Best utilisation of time by means of games, dance, music and other activities.
  2. Relaxation from stress and strain after day’s hard labour, mental tension and worries.
  3. Regaining the energy lost in doing the strenuous activities.
  4. Development of innate abilities and aptitudes.
  5. Means of internal happiness and pleasure.
  6. Necessary means of all round development of personality.

Question 6.
Name any four entertainment activities of the people living in urban areas.
In the urban areas the people recreate themselves through T.V, video film, computer as a hobby, cultural programmes, playing on different musical instruments, playing mini and club games.

Question 7.
What does the term “Folk dance” imply?
Folk dance is an identical way of recognizing a particular community regarding its habits, festivals, celebrations etc. Each community and each province has their own dance techniques. They are known by different names in different regions and provinces because of their peculiar styles and characteristics, as Bhangra in Punjab, Santhali in Bihar, Garaba in Gujarat, Ghoomar, Dandia-Ghair, Loor etc in Rajasthan. Rajasthan is known for its traditional art and culture.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the significance of learning and playing the Mini and Leap up games in the schools? Write about any two Mini or Indoor games with the rules of cautions of each game.
Games are generally, understood as the activities which are performed in the playground. There are certain activities which do not require the big grounds and they can be conducted in the class rooms, these are called the Mini or Indoor games. Games develop the physical as well mental personality of the children. They make them (children) physically vigilant, active, mentally proficient and socially adjustable, cooperative and tolerant. While playing, the children develop the spirit of mutual give and take, communal harmony and spirit of coordination and concentration of mind.
Some of the Mini-games:

  1. In-Out: Rules of game:
    All the students stand in a circle, its size depending upon the number of students. The teacher calls out odd and Even numbers as 1,2,3,4. The students move in at the call of odd numbers (1, 3, 5 ) and out at the call of Even numbers as 2, 4, 6 One who takes wrong direction will be out. This process is continued till the last student is left. He is the winner.
    Cautions of the Game:

    1. The students must keep on jumping or moving in the circle without pushing or hurting any one.
    2. The teacher will call out odd and even numbers only.
    3. Any one failing to follow the teacher’s command of odd or even number, will be turned out.
    4. Teacher should call out the number loudly and clearly.
    5. The only student left in the circle will be the winner.
  2. Passing the Stick:
    Students stand in the circle. As per the teacher’s decision one of them holds the stick which he passes to the student to his left, then to the next on the left and so on till the teacher commands-‘Stop’: The one who is found holding the stick will be declared ‘out’. Again, on teacher’s command the game of passing the stick starts and it continues for a specific period of time.
    Cautions of Game:

    1. Stick will be passed to the left side of the players.
    2. Only one hand is allowed to be used for holding and passing the stick.
    3. Passing of the stick will be stopped only on teacher’s command.
    4. The last player with no stick in hand is declared the winner.

Question 2.
What are the steps of third and fourth exercises of Laziasm?
Third and Fourth Exercises: Position: Opening feet apart with a jump.
Exercise 3:

  1. Stretching Laziasm to the right with waist bent in front and small rod facing the ground.
  2. Positioning the waist erect and producing rhythm with Laziasm.
  3. Opening the Laziasm to the left with waist bent in front.
  4. Positioning the waist erect and producing rhythm with Laziasm.

Note: Assuming the initial position with a jump, repeat the four steps to the count of 16.

Exercises 4:

  1. Opening or stretching of Laziasm in front of face.
  2. Producing rhythm with the Laziasm in front.
  3. Opening Laziasm by rotating hands over the head.
  4. Producing rhythm in front.

Note: Continue to the count of 16 from 1 to 4.

Question 3.
What is Dumbell? Write a note on the steps of the sixth (VI) exercise.
Dumbell exercise is a rhythmic exercise. Students perform Dumbell exercises by standing in a row in attention with Dumbell in their hands and the fists closed.
Exercise 6:

  1. Resting the right leg on the left toes by crossing it over the left leg and striking the Dumbells in front of left thigh, keeping the arms straight.
  2. Returning to the position of attention 3-4. Repeating steps 1 and 2 with the left leg on the right toes.

Note: Repeat the above four steps to the count of 16 i.e., 4 times.

Question 4.
Write a brief essay on any three Leap up Games.
Leap up Games:

  1. Hit the tin and Win:
    A circle of 2 mt radius is drawn in the centre of the field and a tin is placed in its centre. A simple line is drawn at the distance of about 20 mt from the centre of the circle. On teacher’s command each student, turn by turn, hits at the tin to throw it out, from the simple line drawn there. Each player is given three chances.
    Rules of game:

    1. If the tin is struck out of the circle, the player is awarded two marks.
    2. Running to hit at the tin, is not allowed.
  2. Stop and Watch:
    10 x 10 sq mt field is divided into two parts and the students of the class are also grouped into two. Players of each group remain in their respective parts. On teacher’s command a player from the one group enters the field of the other group. He moves around keeping his mouth closed and attempts to seek an opportunity to touch the students in the opponent group within specified time. Similar process is repeated by the other group.
    Rules of game:

    1. One mark is reserved for touching one student.
    2. In case the student who is attempting to touch opens his mouth or shows his teeth, one mark is awarded to the opponent group.
    3. The group awarded the highest marks is the winner. This is a group game.
  3. Throw on Wall:
    Students take their position in a row at the distance of 10 mt from the wall. 1 x 1 ft square is drawn on the wall at the distance of eight feet from the floor. On teacher’s command each student in turn, will be hitting the marked point on the wall with the volleyball without touching the ground, through upper hand pass. This process is continued for a specified period.
    Rules of game:

    1. Each player will throw the ball from the distance of 10 feet at the pointed place on the wall.
    2. Each individual player will be judged and awarded in his individual capacity.
    3. The player scoring highest marks is declared the best player.


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Which of the following is correctly matched?
(a) Santhali-Rajasthan
(b) Hoor-Punjab
(c) Bhagra-Punjab
(d) Garba-Bihar

Question 2.
Pick out the odd one.
(a) In and out
(b) Passing the stick
(c) Throw on wall
(d) Football

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write a few sentences about Laziasm.
Laziasm is a musical instrument made of 15 to 17 inches long wooden handle. To its both ends are attached an iron chain and in the centre of the iron chain is a 6-inch long rod for grip. In between each joint of the chain there is a iron plate of 2 to 2 ½ inches in diameter. These plates strike against each other and produce a pleasing sound, when played with the beat of the drum.

Question 2.
What are the uses of recreational activities for students?
Recreational activities result in best utilisation of time, relaxation, regaining lost energy, development of innate abilities, internal happiness and personality development.

Question 3.
What do you understand by mini and indoor games?
The games which are held indoors when it is not possible to organise games in the playground due to unsuitable weather conditions or any other reason. A few mini games are: In and Out, Passing the stick, Treasury, and Lion of Lions.

Long Answer Type Question

Question 1.
What is the meaning of Recreation? Write about some recreational activities in India.
Meaning of Recreation:
Recreation means amusement by performing or watching entertaining activities. The pleasure and amusement man achieves by different refreshing activities is called recreation.

It is a good utilization of time by playing games, dance, music and other activities. It results in relaxation from stress and strain after a day’s hard work. Recreation results in internal happiness and pleasure. It helps in developing innate abilities and aptitudes. Recreational activities in India: In India recreational activities in rural areas are mainly folk dance, folk songs, exercises like Laziasm and Dumbell. Through the music, ryhthm and beat they give pleasure and peace to the mind.

Dance regulates the working of the body system and also develops an ability for the expression of emotions and promotes peace and concentration. Dance creates enthusiasm, zeal and self-confidence.

Folk dance relates a particular community to its habits, festivals and celebration. Bhangra in Punjab, and Ghoomar, Dandia-Ghair, Hoor in Rajasthan are examples of folk dances. Folk song also accompany folk dances.
Rhythmic Dance and Exercise: Laziasm is a musical instrument to enact a rhythmic dance. Dumbells are used as a rhythmic exercise students do by holding the dumbells.

Hope given RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 10 are helpful to complete your homework.

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