RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 11 Historical Development, Measurement and Rules of Different Games are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 11 Historical Development, Measurement and Rules of Different Games.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 9 |
Subject | Physical Education |
Chapter | Chapter 11 |
Chapter Name | Historical Development, Measurement and Rules of Different Games |
Number of Questions Solved | 32 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 11 Historical Development, Measurement and Rules of Different Games
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
A standard track measures
(a) 100 mts.
(b) 200 mts.
(c) 400 mts.
(d) 800 mts.
Question 2.
The shot must fall within the lines formed by an angle of:
(a) 40°.
(b) 45°.
(c) 50°.
(d) 60°.
Question 3.
Measurement (Length and Breadth) of the Volleyball ground is
(a) 18 x 19 mts.
(b) 18 x 9 mts.
(c) 19 x 10 mts.
(d) 19 x 9 mts.
Question 4.
Raider can give raid for the duration of
(a) 50-60 seconds.
(b) 30-35 seconds.
(c) 10-20 seconds.
(d) 40-50 seconds.
Question 5.
Peri ‘O’brien style is one of the techniques of
(a) Discus Throw.
(b) Javelin Throw.
(c) Shot Put.
(d) Hammer Throw.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is athletics? Who is called an athlete?
Sporting activities that involve running, jumping and throwing events are called as atheltics. The word Athletics is derived from the Greek word ‘ATHLON’ which means competition and those who participated in such competitions came to be known as ‘Athletes’.
Question 2.
Name the different kinds of Kho-Kho.
Simple Kho-Kho, Advance Kho-Kho and Pole Kho-kho.
Question 3.
Who is the Libro player in the game of volleyball?
Libro player is the Defence player in the team of 12 players. He is one of the twelve and wears dress of different colour. He is mainly for the defence purpose. His name is recorded as the Defence player (Libro) in the score sheet.
Question 4.
What does sprint race mean?
Sprint and Short Distance Race: (100 mt, 200 mt and 400 mt races): Sprinting means trying to cover a specified distance at optimum speed.The need for maintenance of peak speed for the entire duration of the race is of utmost importance.
Question 5.
How much is the weight of ‘Shot’ in shotput for men and women?
In the early stages of throwing competitions there was no specification for the weight of the shot, but these days the shot should be of the specific weight; 7.258 kg for men and 4 kg for women.
Question 6.
Name the different kinds of throws.
Throwing Events: Discus Throw, Javelin Throw, Hammer Throw, Shot Put etc.
Question 7.
What are the rules for Long Jump?
Rules of Long Jump:
- Track for long jump should not be less than 40 metres long and about 1.22 to 1.25 mt broad.
- Take-off board should be 1.22 mt long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm deep.
- Colour of the Take-off board should be white.
- If the number of jumpers is more than eight, three chances are given to each jumper. Out of them eight best are taken and each of them is again given three chances and then the final decision is taken.
- The landing pit should be 50 cm deep and filled with clean sand to the ground level.
- The landing area should be 2.75 x 9 mts.
- Judgement is based on the distance covered by the jumper.
- If the number of jumpers is less than six, each of them is given six chances and the decision is taken accordingly.
Question 8.
What are the basic skills of Kho-Kho? Name a few of them.
Skills of the Kho-Kho game:
- Simple Kho:
The active chaser gives Kho to the sitting chaser in an ordinary style. - Late Kho:
Kho is given late by the active chaser, watching the movements of the runner because it is done to break his speed. Kho is given from the back. - Advance Kho:
Kho is given by the active chaser, going ahead of the runner who is playing the double chain. - Pole-Kho:
t is an advance technique. The active chaser uses this technique on the pole. It is used by two methods.- Standing Pole Drive.
- Running Pole Drive.
Question 9.
How many players and innings are there in Kho-Kho?
Each team consists of 12 players i.e., 9 in the ground and 3 substitues.
Each inning shall have four running and four chasing turns. The two innings are for touching and two for running.
Question 10.
If both the teams have equal points after the second half in the Kabaddi match, how will the decision be taken?
If both the teams have equal points after the second half, two extra times of 5-5 minutes will be given to them. If the tie still persists, the rule of Sudden death will apply.
Question 11.
What message do yellow, green and red cards play in the games competitions?
Green Card Warning.
Yellow Card Out of the match or out for some time.
Red Card Out of tournament.
Question 12.
What are the types of starts in the sprint or short distance races?
Types of Start: There are two types of starts used by runners in different races:
- Standing Start.
- Crouch Start
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain the skills of volleyball.
1. Service:
By service we mean putting the ball into play by the right hand back line player. Service has to be done within eight seconds of the whistle by the referee. The player hits the ball with his hand either open or closed or any other part of arm in such a way that the ball passes over the net to the opposite court. The service should be done from the fixed place. A player will continue to serve until a fault is committed by any player of his team. In the case of fault both the score and service are passed to the opponent team. As long as the player goes on doing service without committing any fault, the service remains with the same team and scores are also awarded to the team. Service can be done by under Hand, Over Hand Floating, Side Arm, High Spin, Tennis service etc.
2. Passes:
The following techniques are adopted to return the ball to the opponent’s court:
- Under Hand Pass: With both the hands joined, feet kept apart parallel to the width of the shoulders, a little bent at the knee joint, the ball is rolled with the lower end of the elbow and hit with hand from the back in the direction of the opponent’s court.
- Finger Pass (Upper Hand Pass): 60% of this pass is used in placing the ball in the court from where the other player tosses the ball up in the air and hits over the net.This pass is played with the fingers and thumb.
3. Smash:
All the players present in the court can hit the ball over the net with a jump.
The three players of the line can hit the ball from any place in the court but the players of the back line can hit the ball with a jump from behind the Attack line’.
After hitting the ball they may fall in the front line. It is considered a foul if the players hit the ball by crossing the Attack line and the score will be given to the opponent team. The Libro player cannot smash.
4. Blocking:
Blocking is that activity by which, as soon as the ball crosses the net, the attack by an opponent is attempted to be stopped with any upper part of the body, above the abdomen. Blocking is done by the players of the first line. Players of back line are not allowed to do it. Blocking is done, at a time, by the one player or jointly by two or three players. If two or three players together do blocking it is called Joint Blocking. While doing Blocking the Blocker can neither touch the net nor block the service. The opponent team will be awarded the score if the ball goes out of the court after touching the Blocker’s hands.
Question 2.
How did the game of Kho-Kho become popular gradually? Write the rules of the game.
The Indian Kho-Kho Association was formed in 1955. In 1960 the first Kho-Kho National for men was organised. In 1961, Nationals for women were also organized at Kohlapur.
In 1982 the Kho-Kho match was played during the 9th Asian Games held at Delhi.
In 1985 Kho-Kho was included in the National Games conducted by the Indian Olympic Association at Delhi. In 1985 the Indian women Kho-Kho team demonstrated its skills at Leningrad city of the Soviet Union. India has played many friendly Kho-Kho matches with Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Singapore and Sri Lanka.
Rules of the Game:
- No part of an active chaser’s body should touch the centre line and centre lane.
He cannot cross the centre line by jumping from within the posts. - The decision to be a chaser or runner is made by toss.
- After having played the active chaser takes the place of the sitting chaser whom he has given the Kho. Giving Kho and sitting shall be done simultaneously.
- The Chaser should sit in such a way that he does not obstruct the runner. If a runner is out because of any such obstruction he shall be declared out.
- The face of the runner should be in the direction of running.
- If a Kho is to be given it shall have to be given from behind a sitting chaser.
- Without having given the Kho, the Chaser cannot get up.
- The runner cannot touch a sitting chaser. If he does so he is given warning once.
If he does so even after the warning he is declared out. - If the runner goes out of the court, he shall be deemed to be out.
- If the runner is touched by a chaser, he shall be considered out. ;
- The runner declared out will take his place by passing from the lobby.
- After having taken the direction the active chaser can attack again in the cross line and it shall not be considered a foul.
- Any part of the body of the chaser shall not touph the centre line and also will not be kept out of the cross line. He will have to sit in the area of 30 x 30 square cms.
- The runners get their names and numbers entered with the scorer. In the beginning only three runners play in the ground and the other three are sent when the first three runners are declared out.
Question 3.
Clarify the game of Handball regarding its rules, fouls and techniques.
Rules of the Game:
- Throw in:
If the ball goes out of touch line throw is given to the team which did not touch the ball before it went out. - Comer Throw:
If the ball crosses the goal line after touching any player of the defending team, the attacking team gets a corner throw. - Goal throw:
If any player of the attacking team throws the ball out from the goal line, the defence team is given throw in on the goal line. When the ball reaches the opponent teams goal through this throws-in or goal throw, it is considered as a goal. - Free-Throw:
A free throw is given to the team when any member of the opponent team behaves indecently or obstructs the play. - Penalty Throw:
A Penalty throw is given if:- a player makes a serious foul in his court.
- the Defence player excluding goal defender enters his goal for defending goal.
- the Defence player gives, intentionally, ball to his goal defender and the ball goes to the goal defender, only Free throw is given.
- a player starts functioning in the place of goal keeper without the permission of the umpire when the corner throw is being taken.
- the defence player makes foul in any part of the ground to save goal.
In the above situations the Penalty Throw is given. The player using penalty throw must keep his one foot or both the feet on the ground behind the penalty line.
Fouls of the game:
- Catching the opponent player.
- Jumping on the opponent player.
- Pushing the opponent players.
- Hitting the opponent player while running.
- Throwing ball, intentionally, on the opponent player.
- Snatching ball from any player.
- Catching the opponent player with any part of the body.
- Touching any part of the body from knee to foot, with the goal.
- Going to the opponent area without ball.
- Forcing the opponent player to go to his goal area.
- Aggressive attack on the player holding the ball in his hands.
- Taking more than three steps at a time with ball.
Techniques of Handball to be learnt are:
- Throwing ball by sitting, bending or lying on the ground.
- Stopping, Catching, throwing, dropping, hitting or giving pass to the ball with any part of the body above knees.
- Passing ball from one hand to another.
- Trying not to retain the ball for more than three seconds.
- Not to walk more than three steps at a time with ball.
- Giving pass to the fellow players.
- Using both the hands or arms while taking paes.
- Shooting ball with full force while doing goal.
Question 4.
Explain the salient features of the standard track.
Salient features of a standard track:
- The standard track should be laid in the North-South direction.
- It should be 400 mt with at least 8 lanes of 1.22 to 1.25 mt width.
- All races should finish on one straight line.
- Straggers for 200 mt, 400 mt and 800 mt races should be properly marked.
- Areas for jumping and throwing should be separately marked.
- There should be separate place inside the track to the left for the judges and out at the finish for the time keeper.
- Place for Javelin throw and Discuss throw should be safe.
Question 5.
Explain how the game of handball is played.
Number of Players in the Handball Team:
Each team has 12 players including five reserved players. Seven players on each side of the team can play at a time but in the beginning of the play there must be at least five players. But later the number can be reduced. The attacker can give pass to the ball and can throw ball in the goal. The player scoring more goals is declared the winner.
It measures 40 mt long and 20 mt broad and a centre line runs through its centre. Its length is the side line and to the breadth is the goal line. On the goal line are drawn the semi circular goal region line, circular free throw line and a goal.
Beginning of the Play:
Captains of the teams take decision through toss to choose side or throw of. It is must to take throw of within three seconds of umpire’s whistle. All other players will remain in their respective areas and they will maintain distance of at least three meters from the throw of player.
Duration of the game:
For men 30-10- 30 minutes and for women 25-10-25 minutes.
If the match ends in draw, 5-5 minutes more time is given. In case no decision is reached, the match is replayed.
Question 6.
Name the different kinds of throws and explain briefly the game of shot put.
In the early stages of throwing competitions there was no specification for the weight of the shot, but these days the shot should be of the specific weight: 7.258 kg for men and 4 kg for women.
The techniques used in putting the shot are:
- Orthodox Style.
- Peri O’brien Style.
- Disco-Put Style.
- The shot is thrown from the circle of 2.135 mt diameter. The Angle of throwing sector should be 40°. If the shot touches the sector line it will be deemed foul.
Question 7.
Explain all the three positions of start in the sprint race.
Crouch Start: Crouch Start meant for the sprints, are of the following types:
- Bunch Start.
- Medium Start.
- Elongated Start.
The Athlete uses the type of start according to his height and convenience. For a Bunch start the distance between the front and the rear feet should be 6 to 11 inches, for the Medium start between 16 to 21 inches and for Elongated start between 22 to 26 inches.
The starting blocks when used should be adjusted according to the style adopted by the runner. Before the start of race the athletes stand in their respective lanes at the assembly line. When the runners take their position, the starter takes the charge of the race with the command: ‘On your Marks’.
Question 8.
Write a note on the fouls and rules of long Jump.
- Track for long jump should not be less than 40 metres long and about 1.22 to 1.25 mt broad.
- Take-off board should be 1.22 mt long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm deep.
- Colour of the Take-off board should be white.
- If the number of jumpers is more than eight, three chances are given to each jumper. Out of them eight best are taken and each of them is again given three chances and then the final decision is taken.
- The landing pit should be 50 cm deep and filled with clean sand to the ground level. The landing area should be 2.75 x 9 mts.
- Judgement is based on the distance covered by the jumper.
- If the number of jumpers is less than six, each of them is given six chances and the decision is taken accordingly.
Question 9.
What are the official signals used in the game of Kabaddi?
Official Signals:
- When the match begins: Raising hands simultaneously, whistling long but low and bringing hands down to start stop watch.
- Hinting with one hand infront of face in case of Losing cant.
- Making T with one palm facing down and the other hand’s finger touching it horizontally in case of Time Out.
- Substitution: Circulating both the hands in front.
- Technical Point: Keeping hand parallel to the shoulder and pointing down with the thumb.
- Bonus Point: Keeping one hand parallel to the shoulder and pointing up with the thumb.
- Half-Time: Making cross with both the hands in front of chest.
- Point Out: Pointing out with the fingers raised towards the team whose players are out. Number of fingers raised is equal to the number of players out.
- Score: Pointing to the scoring team with the hand in that direction, keeping hand parallel to the shoulder.
- Use of Scissor or any unwanted technique: Pointing with the fingers of both the hands joined in front of Chest.
- Entry in Lobby without struggle: Raising the close by leg and pointing with hand towards the entry of Lobby.
- Warning Signals: Pointing with finger and showing card.
Green Card Warning
Yellow Card Out of the match or out for some time.
Red Card Out of tournament.
The above signals are meant to be used by the officials in the different situations.
Question 10.
Explain the meaning of the following in the case of Kho-Kho:
- Square,
- Free Zone,
- Centre Line,
- Cross Line,
- Cross Lane.
- Square:
The area of 30° x 30° made by the intersection of the centre line and the cross line is called square. Distance between each square is 2.30 mt for seniors and 2.10 mt for juniors. - Free Zone:
Area left on both the sides of the rectangular court is called free zone.
In the free zone the chaser and the runner are not bound to follow any rule or regulation. It measures 2.75 x 16 mt. - Centre Line:
There is a centre line in between two poles. It is 23.50 mt long and 30 cms | broad. It divides the ground into two halves. - Cross Line:
Cross line in the ground is 16 mt long and 30 cm broad. It is divided into two halves by the centre line.There are seven cross lines in the ground. It crosses the centre line at right angle (90°) making 30° x 30° square where the chaser sits.
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Pick out the odd one from the following:
(a) Raider
(b) Anti Raider
(c) Pursuit
(d) Smash
Question 2.
Which of the following terms are associated with Handball?
(a) Corner throw
(b) Raider
(c) Pole
(d) Pursuit
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Who is called Raider in the game of Kabaddi?
The player who enters the opponent’s side reciting ‘Kabaddi’clearly and continuously (cant) is called the raider. The raider must start cant before entering the opponent’s court.
Question 2.
Mention the three styles of shot-put.
There are three styles of shot-put.
- Orthodox style
- Peri O’ Brien style
- Disco-put style
Long Answer Type Question
Question 1.
Discuss in detail the features of the Kabaddi game.
Rules of the game of Kabaddi.
- The toss winning team exercises its first option for raid or the court.
- If the Raider and Defender both leave the court during struggle, both are out.
- Players are revived in the same order in which they were put out.
- Only one raider is allowed to raid at a time.
- The raider who loses his cant in the opponent’s court is declared out.
- Lona (two points) are given to the opponent team if all the players of the other team are. out.
- If a raider caught by the opponent team manages to free himself and return safe to his court he is awarded one point.
- If a raider returns to his court without crossing the touch line, he is given out.
- A raider must start his cant before entering the opponent’s court.
- A raider can raid for 30-35 seconds. After that he will be given out.
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