RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 4 Life Science and Yoga

RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 4 Life Science and Yoga are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Physical Education. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 4 Life Science and Yoga.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 9
SubjectPhysical Education
ChapterChapter 4
Chapter NameLife Science and Yoga
Number of Questions Solved17
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 4 Life Science and Yoga


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The father of Ashtanga Yog is
(a) Ved Vyas.
(b) Maharishi Pathanjali.
(c) Lord Krishna.
(d) Rishi Vashishtha.

Question 2.
The air retaining capacity of the lungs is-
(a) 5 litre.
(b) 7 litre.
(c) 6 litre.
(d) 8 litre.

Question 3.
It is not the part of the Yoga
(a) Niyama.
(b) Yama.
(c) Shatkarma.
(d) Pranayama.

Question 4.
This is not one of the exercises of Pranayama
(a) Closing the eyes.
(b) Lying on the ground.
(c) Inhaling and Exhaling.
(d) Keeping spine straight.

Question 5.
Which asana is performed by the shloka Om Suryaya Namaha?
(a) Hasthasana.
(b) Parvatasana.
(c) Padahasthasana.
(d) Bhujangasana.

Question 6.
According to Bhagvad Gita the word Yoga’ means
(a) To join.
(b) To perform action or deed,
(c) To pray to God
(d) To wait for the result.

Question 7.
Head and feet are raised up simultaneously in case of
(a) Matsayasana.
(b) Hatasana.
(c) Sarvangasana.
(d) Uttanapadasana.

Question 8.
The best remedy to be relieved of tension is
(a) Gyan Kendra Preksha.
(b) Intoxication.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Kayotsarga.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the benefits of Surya Namaskara?
Benefits of Surya Namaskara are:

  1. All the organs of the body become strong, and stout.
  2. Body in general, becomes energetic and the spine becomes flexible.

Question 2.
Write any two advantages of Padmasana.

  1. It gives physical and mental stability, concentration and awareness.
  2. It has good effect on the nervous system of the body, which keeps mind calm and serene.

Question 3.
What is the literary meaning of the word Yoga?
Term Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuf which means union or to join. In other words, Yoga means unification of ‘Atma’ with ‘Parmatama’. Yoga stresses on the concepts which promote physical, mental, moral and spiritual values.

Question 4.
What does Shavasa Preksha mean?
Shavas Preksha is directly related with breathing, which is the most vital function of our body. We do not breathe as required. We breathe 15-20 times a minute. It needs to be controlled, regulated and changed. Shavas Preksha is one of the means to regulate and control our breathing process.

Question 5.
What is Life Science?
Life science is the systematic research and scientific survey and study of main organs of the body regarding their growth and development manifested in the balanced and coordinated development of man’s personality.

Question 6.
Which precautions should be taken in Halasana?

  1. Pause your body at each angle.
  2. Do not support your trunk with hands while moving legs back.
  3. Do not give jerk to your body while moving legs forward.

Question 7.
Name the four asanas of Surya Namaskara with one advantage in each case.
Name the four asanas of Surya Namaskara with one advantage in each case.



(i) Pranayamasana

Mind is relaxed.

(ii) Hastha Uttanasana

Increase in height

(iii) Padahastasna

Flexibility of spinal chord

(iv) Ashva Sanchalanasana

Spine becomes straight and flexible.

Question 8.
How does deep breathing help us to remain healthy?
Deep breathing causes respiratory system and nervous system of the body to function normally and smoothly which keeps mind calm and serene. It gives physical and mental stability, concentration and awareness.

Question 9.
What is the technique of Yoga Mudra? Also write its two benefits.
Sit in the position of Padmasana. Grip hands at the back, bend slowly forward and touch the ground with the head. Hold in this position for a few seconds or as long as you can. Come to the original position slowly, bringing hands forward and extending the feet in the original position.

Question 10.
Which asana helps to increase vision? What should be the position of body in this asana?
Matsyasana is the asana which helps to increase vision. Position of the body for Matsyasana is sitting in the position of padmasana.

Question 11.
In which three positions can Kayotsarga be done? What Yoga exercise should be done prior to Kayotsarga?
Kayotsarga can be done in standing, sitting and lying positions. Before practising kayotsarga there is a need to to Tadasana.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the technique and benefits of Surya Namaskara.

  1. Step I-Pranayamasana:
    (Chant-OM Mithraya Namaha). Stand up straight and join both the feet together. Fold the hands and place’them on the chest. Close the eyes and pray to lord Suryadeva.
  2. Step II-Hastha Uttanasana:
    (Chant-OM Ravaye Namaha). Inhale slowly, raise the hands keeping palms upward and then slowly bend backward forming an arch. The legs should be firm and straight.
  3. Step III-Padahastasana:
    (Chant-OM Suryaya Namaha). Exhale slowly and come forward with hands raised up. Slowly bend forward and place the hands on the ground beside the feet. The legs should be straight and stretched well.
  4. Step IV-Ashva Sanchalanasana:
    (Chant-OM Bhanuve Namaha). In hale slowly pressing ground with the palms of both the hands, stretch the left leg backward to the maximum. Hold the head high and look straight.
  5. Step V-Parvatasana:
    (Chant-OM Kagaya Namaha). Exhale and move both the legs backward, raise the buttocks up and extend both the hands forward. Hold the head looking up towards knees.
  6. Step VI-Asthanga Namaskara:
    (Chant-OMPushne Namaha). Here bring, slowly the head, chest and knees down so that the entire body should be close to the ground but keep buttocks and waist a little raised up.
  7. Step VII-Bhujangasana:
    (Chant-OMHiranya Garbhaya Namaha). Inhale slowly and straighten the hands and at the same time, move the chest and head up projecting chest forward and bending the back to the maximum.
  8. Step VIII-Parvatasana:
    (Chant-OM Marichaya Namaha). Repeat the process of Step V.
  9. Step IX-Ashva Sanchalanasana:
    (Chant-OM Adithyaya Namaha). Repeat the process of Step IV.
  10. Step X-Padhasthasana:
    (Chant-Om Savithre Namaha). Repeat the process of Step III.
  11. Step Xl-Hastha-Uttanasana:
    (Chant-OM Arkaya Namaha). Repeat the process of Step II.
  12. Step XII-Pranamasana:
    (Chant-OM Bhaskaraya Namaha). Repeat the process of Step I.

Advantages of Surya Namaskara:

  1. All the organs of the body become strong, and stout.
  2. Body in general, becomes energetic and the spine becomes flexible.

Question 2.
What does Pranayama mean? Write the technique of Pranayama with its advantage.
Pran refers to the cosmic energy that we also call as breath. Ayama means to control the prana i.e., practice of deep breathing. How to control prana i.e., breath is the essence of Pranayama.
Technique: Take in deep and long breath through both the nostrils so as to fill both the lungs fully. Leave the breath out slowly through the nostrils. Concentrate on breathing process. Time consumed in inhaling and exhaling will be the same. It can be continued for 1 to 3 minutes or 10 to 15 times.


  1. It gives physical and mental stability, concentration and awareness.
  2. It has good effect on the nervous system of the body, which keeps mind calm and serene.
  3. It helps to cure stiffness of the knees and joints and also cures rheumatic pains.
  4. Respiratory system functions normally and smoothly.

Question 3.
What symptoms are generally found in the drug addict? How can you help him to get rid of this habit of intoxication?
Symptoms found in the drug addict are as follows:
Missing of small but valuable goods at home, unusual change in their behaviour as borrowing, telling lies, losing temperament for no big cause, missing school, loss of weight, demand for more pocket money, frequent visits of unknown persons and trying to leave house at odd hours, watering of eyes, nose etc in the early hours, unstable walk, loss of memory, self-control and concentration, vomitting, giddiness, pain in the body, blood spots on clothes, injection scars on the body, excessive sweating, laziness, disappointment, loss of sleep, uneasiness etc.

Those who adopt this practice must be taken into confidence and told the evil effects of intoxicants. The children very especially, should not be scolded but should be made aware of its after effects through documentary films, constructive attitude towards life and so on. This practice however, can be eradicated by doing the below given exercise.
Exercise to avoid addiction:

  1. Sit in Sukhasana or any other comfortable asana.
  2. Keep spine and neck straight and mind free of tension.
  3. Close the eyes gently.


  1. Practise Kayotsarga to make your body still and calm.
  2. Concentrate on the centre of ear and visualise green colour.
  3. Feel the green colour molecules revolving around you.
  4. Concentrate your mind on the external, middle and internal parts of your ear and feel the presence of bright green colour.
  5. Alternate your concentration on right and left ears for at least five minutes in each case and visualise green colour.
  6. Take two to three deep breaths.

Question 4.
What are the common causes of losing memory? Write about the Smarana Shakti Vikasak exercise.
Causes for the loss of memory:

  1. Constipation and Phlegm.
  2. Excess of sleep and laziness.
  3. Devotion of more time to means of entertainment as T.V, cinema etc.
  4. Adopting negative attitude: “Cannot remember, my memory has become weak”.
  5. Failure to revive the old happenings.
  6. Under developed brain or lack of awareness.
  7. Habit to sit in a hunchbacked posture.
  8. Failure to self study.
  9. Getting lost in day-dreaming.

Smaran Shakti Vikashak or Gyan Kendra Preksha:
Position of the Body-Stand in the position of attention.

  1. Concentrate your mind at the centre of learning (Gyan Kendra) in the brain.
  2. Form an image of yellow colour in you mind.
  3. Concentrate on that imaginary yellow colour and give auto suggestions as: ‘My learning centre has been revived, it has been reactivated, I have regained my memory’.
  4. Repeat quietly Mantra….Namo Nanasy” at least 21 times.

Therapeutic advantages:

  1. Memory is revived.
  2. Knowledge is easily attained.


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Before practicing Kayotsarga there is a need to do
(a) Deep breathing.
(b) Tadasana
(c) Padmasana
(d) Shavas Preksha

Question 2.
Which of the following position of the body is correct for Shavas Preksha?
(a) Stand in attention
(b) Bend on your knee
(c) Sit in the Sukhasana position
(d) Bend your neck towards right

Question 3.
The mantra which is recited repeatedly in Gyan Kendra Preksha is
(a) Namo Nanasy
(b) Om Arkaya Namah
(c) Namo Sidhebhya
(d) Om Hirannya Garbhaya Namah

Question 4.
Old age is delayed by which asana?
(a) Pranayamasana
(b) Hastha Uttanasana
(c) Padahastasana
(d) Bhujangasana

Question 5.
Padahastasana is responsible for which of the following?
(a) Increase in height.
(b) Increase in vision.
(c) Improves breathing process.
(d) Brightness and bloom on face.

Question 6.
Which of the following therapeutic advantage is not because of Paschimothanasana?
(a) Removes obesity
(b) Tones up the spine
(c) Removes indigestion
(d) Strengthen the muscles of knees

Question 7.
Which of the following is not among the four-tier dimensions of personality development?
(a) Find solution to problems
(b) Arousing innate talents
(c) Caring for others
(d) Attaining success

Question 8.
Fundamental basis of personality development are
(a) Language
(b) Yoga
(c) Work culture
(d) Age

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the position of body during Shavas Preksha.
Position of the body:

  1. Sit in the Sukhasana position. Assume Braham Mudra.
  2. Keep your neck and spine straight.
  3. Relax your body.
  4. Close your eyes gently.

Question 2.
Give the ill effects of intoxicants.
Moral downfall, wastage of money, evil effect on health and body, loss of energy and strength, worst economic condition of the family and harmful effect on the children in the family, slow poisoning leading ultimately to death.

Question 3.
What are the eight fold path of yoga?

  1. Yama: It symbolises self discipline. There are five Yama i.e., non-violence, satya, astay, brahmacharya and Aprigrah.
  2. Niyama: There are five rules
    1. Purity of mind and body
    2. Contentment
    3. Self-evaluation
    4. Devotion or complete surrender to God
    5. Rigorous penance.
  3. Asana (yogic postures)
  4. Pranayama (regulated breath)
  5. Pratyahara (sense detachment)
  6. Dharama (inner abstraction)
  7. Dhayana (meditation)
  8. Samadhi (state of bliss)

Question 4.
What are the common requirements of yoga? ‘
Common Requirements of Yoga:

  1. Basic knowledge.
  2. Time and place.
  3. Food and habits.
  4. Cleanliness.
  5. Guidance.
  6. Relaxation.

Question 5.
What precautions must be kept in mind while doing Sarvangasana?
Do not bring your legs down with a jerk. Patients of high blood pressure and heart problems should not perform this asana.

Question 6.
Give therapeutic advantages of Dhanurasana.

  1. It provides flexibility to the spinal cord and strengthens the nervous system. iii) It strengthens the navel point.
  2. It strengthens and makes the muscles of knees, elbows, arms, shoulders and feet stout and strong.
  3. It removes all abdominal and intestinal disorders.

Question 7.
What precautions should you follow during Pranayama?
Do not swell out your belly while breathing in. In other words, only the lungs should expand and contract during inhaling and exhaling process.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is personality development and its fundamental basis?
The concept of personality comes from the word ‘Person’. When we talk of personality it means manifestation of person’s external as well as internal traits. External aspect is related with a person’s perceptible physical appearance and the internal aspect becomes perceptible only through his behaviour, temperament, lifestyles etc. Personality development means manifestation of person’s overall development.

Fundamental Basis of Personality Development are:

  1. Language:
    Language is the medium of exchange of views. Its innovation helped the man to coin vocabulary and give an expression to his innate abilities which otherwise would have died with the man in the absence of language.
  2. Dress and Costume:
    One chooses the dress according to the weather conditions, circumstancial factors, economic condition etc. The dress and the style of wearing develop confidence in the person which is the major basis of personality development.
  3. Expression of feelings:
    A person expresses his feelings through his behaviour and manners. In other words, he establishes his inner self by way of his dealings with others.

Question 2.
Describe the technique of Tadasana. Explain how it can be done in three positions viz., standing, sitting and lying positions?
Technique of Tadasana:

  1. Stand firmly and keep both the feet together. Keep the knees straight and hands tight and firm. Concentrate on a particular abject and keep the mind calm and relaxed.
  2. Lift the hands slowly and perform salute, keeping head and chest firm and straight.
  3. Start with deep inhalation and lift the heels slowly: Stay for a few seconds and then exhale slowly and bring down heels to the normal position and relax for a few seconds.

Standing Position:

  1. Stand erect keeping the feet apart at the distance of 6 inches from each other.
  2. Keep both the hands on the sides, close to the body, the neck little bent and chin four to five fingers above the chest and eyes closed gently.

Sitting Position:

  1. Sit in the position of Sukhasana or any other comfortable posture. Close the eyes gently and keep neck and spine straight.
  2. Place hands below the navel in the Brahma Mudra i.e., left hand palm on the right hand palm and the thumb over each other. Both the palms should be facing the sky.
  3. Breathe slowly and peacefully.

Lying Position:

  1. Lie straight on the back keeping distance of about one hand between the feet.
  2. Keep arms parallel to the body with palms facing the sky.
  3. Close eyes softly. Relax neck and breathe normally.

Question 3.
Write about position of the body and technique for Matsyasana and Uttanapadasana. Which asana among the two asanas reduces the fat in the body?
(i) Matsyasana:
Position of the body:  Sit in the position of Padmasana.
Inhale slowly and lie down on the ground. Fold the legs at the knees and bring the heels near the hips. Inhaling slowly drag the head back and hold the thumbs of the feet with both the hands and increase the back arch. Stay in this position for a few second and slowly rest the back and head on the ground and come back to the Padmasana position.

(ii) Uttanapadasana:
Position of the body:  Lie flat on back on the floor keeping body straight from head to feet and breathing normally. Keep the arms by the side of the body.
Keep your hands beside the hips. Raise slowly your head and feet together to the height of about one foot. Remain in this position for a few seconds or as long as you can and then come back to the normal position. While holding the head up, concentrate on the navel point.

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