RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Chapter 3 Ancient India and the World

RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Chapter 3 Ancient India and the World are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Social Science. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 3 Ancient India and the World.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 9
SubjectSocial Science
ChapterChapter 3
Chapter NameAncient India and the World
Number of Questions Solved47
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 3 Ancient India and the World


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Question 1.
Which country was called the Golden bird in ancient time?
(a) China
(b) India
(c) Egypt
(d) Greece

Question 2.
What is Nishk?
(a) Gold coin
(b) Silver coin
(c) Copper coin
(d) None of these

Question 3.
Who wrote Kumarasambhav and Raghuvansham Mahakavya?
(a) Kalidasa
(b) Kautilya
(c) Bharvi
(d) ishakhadutt

Question 4.
Where is rock or stone pillar situated, which is standing on the plain earth without support?
(a) In Sarnath
(b) In Delhi
(c) In Belur (Karnataka)
(d) In Mankuwar

Question 5.
Who wrote ‘Leelavati’ and ‘Siddhant Shiromani’?
(a) Bhaskaracharya
(b) Bodhayan
(c) Aiyabhatta
(d) Nagarjuna

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Where is Angkorvat temple located?
Kamboj (Cambodia)

Question 2.
What is the ancient name of Vietnam?

Question 3.
In which region of Greater India (Vrihattar Bharat), the name of the towns were similar to the name of Indian towns?
Kamboj (Cambodia)

Question 4.
What was trade organization called?
Shreni or Gan

Question 5.
Which is the first university of the world?

Question 6.
Where is Iron Pillar located?
Delhi (in the premises of Qutub Minar).

Question 7.
Who calculated the exact value of “pi”?

Question 8.
Who has introduced the Pythagoras theorem?

Question 9.
Who explained the concept and causes of solar and lunar eclipse?

Question 10.
Name two main astrologers of ancient India.
(a) Aiyabhatta
(b) Bhaskarachaiya

Question 11.
Which is the most ancient treatment of the world?

Question 12.
Who had discovered the chemical treatment?

Question 13.
Who has been considered to be the first surgeon of the world?

Question 14.
What was the ancient name of Thailand?

Question 15.
In which direction of India Tibet is located?
In North

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the foreign trade in Greater India.
In ancient time India was a prosperous nation. It was famous as a golden bird. Indian villages were economically independent. From different corners of the world traders came to India to purchase its goods. Foreign trade was done through water ways and land routes. Trade relations in East were progressed through land routes with Tibet and China while in West with Iran and Arab.
In east Tamralipti sea port was main, traders went to China, Lanka, Java and Sumatra, etc. through this seaport. Foreign traders brought with them gold, silver, ruby, diamonds and jewellery with them. In place of these items they took from India cotton, silk and zari clothes, etc. From western countries sweet wine and silk from China and wool from Nepal were imported. Cloves and sandalwood were exported to Sri Lanka and from there these things were exported to Western nations.
Pearl, precious stones, fragrances, clothes, spices, indigo, medicines and coconuts were chief exports. In place of them,things like gold coins were imported from foreign countries.

Question 2.
Which were the main industries in Greater India? Illustrate.
Indian industries were in advance state in Greater India. Cloth production industries were much developed in India. Cloth were of vivid colours. Textile mills were established at Banaras (Varanasi), Madura (Madurai), Bengal, etc.
Second chief industries were metal industries. Different utensils,arms, ornaments and idols had been made by metals. Gold, diamond and other precious stones over there were used to make ornaments.
Besides them, wooden, leather, sugar, indigo, etc. were in a developed condition.

Question 3.
Why are pillars the examples of glorious architecture of India?
Pillars are excellent examples of Indian architecture. There are 30 pillars found in different parts of India built by king Ashoka. Indian and foreign archaeologists have considered these Ashoka pillars as the best wealth of Indian architecture. These pillars are thin at upper part and thick from bottom. They are heavy and long. Having length about 40 to 50 feet, they are built from one piece of stone. A special type of paste is used on these pillars. The smoothness, polish and brightness of them make people surprised. Their polish shines like glass even today.

Question 4.
Describe the Indian achievements in the field of astrology and astronomy.
Astrology was progressed in ancient time on the basis of arithmatic. Aiyabhatta was an astrologer as well as mathematician. He propounded the principle, “The earth rotates on its axis around the sun from west to east, by finding planets and satellite. He explained the phenomenon of solar and lunar eclipse. By observing the rotation of moon around the earth and the rotation of the earth, Indian astrologers explained about the twelve zodiac sign stars, 27 nakshatras, 30 days of a month phase, a year of 12 months and to add one more month in every third year to maintain the difference between solar and lunar year. Besides Aryabhatta, Varahmihir, Kanad, Nagarjuna, Banabhatta were some other main Indian astrologers and astronomers.

Question 5.
In ancient India which works were made in Sanskrit literature?
Mudrarakshas, Kirataijuniam, Swapnavasavadattam, Arthashastra, Shringarshatak, Nitishatak, Kumarsambhava, Raghuvansham, Ritusamhara, Abhigyan Shakuntlam, Vikramorvashiyam, etc.

Question 6.
Name the centres of Indian culture and civilization in Greater India.
Central Asia: Khotan, Kucha, Karashahar, Afghanistan, China and Tibet.
South east islands: Burma, Cambodia, Champa, Malaya, Siam, Java, Sumatra, Bali, Borneo, Luvdesh

Question 7.
In which language Buddhist and Jain literature was written?
Buddhism: Pali and Sanskrit
Jainism: Sanskrit, Prakrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, etc.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is Vrihattar Bharat or Greater India? Describe.
In ancient India, geographical and political bbundaries were expanded. Today Afghanistan in the North-west of India was the part of India. In whole central Asia the lifestyle and culture was spread. In the east of India, its geographical boundaries were spread up to Burma (Myanmar) at present in South east of India from Bay of Bengal, Malaya, Java, Borneo, Burma, Sumatra, Bali, Champa, China, Indonesia, Siam, Cambodia, Surinam, Island and Sri Lanka were parts of India. People living in these islands led the life like Indians.

During ancient to 10th century BC, the condition in reality was that from land of south middle Asia to Burma in the east, islands of East Asia and in North from Tibet to Sri Lanka in the south, Indian culture has seen in every phase of life. Then India had spread over a large area. In Sanskrit, big is called Vrihattar’ hence historians called this part Vrihattar Bharat or Greater India. In short, under the term Vrihattar Bharat or Greater India those countries are included with Indian land where India had its poltical, cultural and geographical impact.

Question 2.
Explain the form of Vrihattar Bharat or Greater India?
In the past, it was believed that India had no relations with other nations in ancient times, but historical and archaeological facts show that ancient India had deep relations and cultural contacts with other nations from Indus-Sarsawati civilization to 10th century BC. India’s trade and cultural were closely related to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and the European countries. After Harshvardhana, Chola dynasty came into existence in South India to the 10th century BC. India was recognized as Greater India (Vrihattar Bharat).

Under the term Greater India, those countries were included with India where India had its political, cultural’ and geographical impact. Geographical and political boundaries of India were vast. Afghanistan was the part of ancient India which is presently situated in north-west direction of India. In whole central Asia the lifestyle and culture was spread. In the east of India, its geographical boundaries were spread up to Burma (Myanmar) in South-east of India, from Bay of Bengal, Malaya, Java, Borneo, Burma, Sumatra, Bali, Champa, Indonesia, Siam, Cambodia. Surinam Islands and Sri Lanka were parts of India. People living in these islands led the life like Indians.

Question 3.
Describe the art of ancient India.
Art of Ancient India:
Architecture: The monuments of architecture are found in three forms:

  1. Pillars
  2. Stupas and buildings
  3. Rock-cut caves.

Pillars are excellent examples of Indian architecture. There are 30 pillars found in different parts of India built by king Ashoka. Indian and foreign archaeologists have considered these Ashoka pillars as the best wealth of Indian architecture. These pillars are thin at upper part and thick from bottom. They are heavy and long. Having length about 40 to 50 feet, they are built from one piece of stone. A special type of paste is used on these pillars. The smoothness, polish and brightness of them make people surprised. Their polish shines like glass even today.
Stupas and Bhawans (Buildings):
Stupas are like high mounds ‘Gumbavdar’ monuments made up of bricks or stones. Among stupas in central India near Bhopal, Stupa of Sanchi is the most famous. By observing beauty and art of monuments and buildings, the Chinese traveller Fa-Hien had written that these buildings can’t be built by man of this world, they might be built by Gods.
Rock-cut caves:
They have their own importance. By cutting hard rocks of mountains, dwelling places, worship places and meeting places were built which is a unique style of Indian architecture.
Art of Sculptor:
Ancient India’s sculptor art is the best in Bhava, Spiritualism, Aura, Naturality, posture and beauty. In ancient sculptors, Varahavatar, statue of Udaigiri, Krishna’s birth sculptors of Pathari. In Devgarh temple, idol of Vishnu lying on bed of Sheshnaga and in Mandor (Jodhpur) idols having glimpses of the life of Lord Krishna are very attractive. Stone idols of Buddha at Sarnath and Mankuwar, a big copper idol of Buddha of Sultanganj, idols of four lions on pillar of Sarnath built by king Ashoka are the best examples of ancient Indian sculptor art.
The idols of Greater India- Saraswati, Ganesha, Laxmi, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma have attractive form.
The best examples of Indian picture art are cave paintings of Ajanta, Gwalior and Bagh caves. By observing the paintings of Ajanta, it can be said that Indian artists have not left any part of man’s life. In paintings different types of body postures, face impressions, Bhav Bhangima, costumes (Vesh Bhusha), hair style, beauty and complexion are beautifully painted. Trees, plants, leaves and different scenes of Buddha’s life are painted. These paintings are so beautiful that no one can follow them.
Art of Music:
Under the shelter of kings, the three organs of music- Gayan (singing), Udan (playing) and Nritya (dancing) flourished. Many centres of music prevailed in ancient India.
Art of Impression: In coins of ancient rulers, a combination of Indianism, Nationalism, Artism and beauty is seen. Rulers, according to their style, manufactured the coins of gold and silver.

Question 4.
What is the contribution of India in the field of Arithmatic? Illustrate.
Invention of zero is the greatest contribution of India in the field of arithmatic which was used by the Aryabhatta in 5th century. To express whole number with fraction use of decimal is a revolutionary base of the presentation of decimal system to develop arithmatic. In fact, decimal system invented in India and then spread in whole world through the medium of scriptures. After 7th century these were translated in Arabic language from Sanskrit.
Arybhatta has given the knowledge of square root, cube root, triangle, circumference of a circle, formulas to find out area, diagonals, perpendicular and their use, parallel, etc. Knowledge about all these was described in Aryabhatta. In the 7th century, the text of Aryabhatta had been translated into Latin language. In ancient time, Bhaskaracharya, an Indian scholar, had given the knowledge that any positive number divided by zero gives the remainder of ‘infinity’. The books such as Lilawati and Siddhant Siromani are world famous, which were written by him. In 500 BC, Acharya Ladadev had made the first to determine the date and time of the world.
The Pythagoras theorem, which is at present very famous in the field of mathematics, was discovered by Baudhayan, 2700 years ago, which was known as ‘Chiti Parimaiy.’ Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna of Puri discovered Vedic mathematics after deep study. Therefore, India’s contribution is important in the field of mathematics.

Question 5.
Explain the achievements of India in the field of Science and Medical Science.
In the ancient time, India was much developed in the field of science and technology. For example, Iron Pillar is situated in Delhi from last 1600 years. It is not affected by rust even today.
Iron Pillar at Qutub Minar, Delhi, is an evidence of ancient India in field of high knowledge in metallurgy. It is surprising to see 24 feet long and 180 tonnes weight pillar of Iron hundred of years tolerating the sun and rain without rust. In Belur (Karnataka), 40 feet high and 20 thousand kg weighted stone pillar is an example of high knowledge in the field of gravitational force and physics. This pillar is standing on a levelled land without support and buried under the earth. In this way, we can say that India had enough knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry and botany : in ancient time.

Medical Science:
Ayurveda is the oldest medical.method of the world. Dhanvantri is called the father of Ayurveda.
In medicine and chemical science, India was foremost in the world. In India purification of metals, formation of metal ashes, preparation of medicines through Jadi-Booti (plants, roots and stems), and preparation of many natural colours etc. have been progressed from ancient time.
Nagarjuna had knowledge of many chemical reactions. In the field of medical sciences Sushruta is considered as the first surgeon (Shalya chikitsak). He had knowledge of Anesthesia, surgery of cataract, organ transplantation stone, etc.
He has described more than hundered tools used in surgery. In medicine science, Charak had an important place.

Question 6.
Describe the trade and commerce in Greater India.
Trade: In ancient times, from different corners of the world traders came to India to purchase its goods. Foreign trade was done through, water and land routes. Trade relations in East were progressed through land routes with Tibet and China while in West with Iran and Arab. In east Tamralipti seaport was main, traders | went to China, Lanka, Java and Sumatra, etc. through this seaport. Foreign traders brought with them gold, silver, ruby, diamonds and jewelleiy with them. In place of these, they took from India cotton, silk and zari clothes, etc. From western countries sweet wine and silk from China and wool from Nepal were imported. Cloves and sandalwood were exported to Sri Lanka and from there these were exported to Western nations.

Pearl, precious stones, fragrances, clothes, spices, indigo, medicines and coconuts , were chief exports. In place of them, things like gold coins were imported from foreign countries. Internal trade was also at its peak in India. There was proper
arrangements of state ways and waterways for internal trade. Waterways was more : appropriate and convenient in trading point of view. Ganga, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri rivers were used for trade, and for this large boats were made.

Commerce and economic Institutions:
In the beginning of ancient India, trade was done through Barter system. Later coins took place of goods. There were gold, silver and copper coins were in trend. Gold coins were called ‘Nishk’, silver coins
were called ‘Dharan’ and copper coins were called ‘Mashak’. The work of moulding coins was done in the state mint.
In ancient India, trade unions were called Shreni or Gan. These unions protected their individual trade benefits. They used to perform the work of modern banks, gave loans and interest and kept Hundis and ornaments as mortgage. Therefore, trade and commerce in ancient India were at their height.

Question 7.
Describe the expansion of Indian culture in Kamboj (Cambodia).
Kamboj: Kamboj or Cambodia was called Phunan earlier. Here in 1st century BC an Indian named Kodinya established his empire. He got married with Sobha a girl belonged to Nagi caste. He made learn people of here to wear clothes. During the rule of descendants of Kodinya, Cambodia progressed a lot and Indian culture spread over here. In the beginning of 9th century in the dynasty of Jai Verma and his successors, Indian language like Sanskrit, philosophy, literature, arithmatic and astrology were spread here. The king Surya Verma-II of this dynasty built the famous temple named Angkorvat of Lord Vishnu here. This temple is a pattern of Indian architecture. Inscription and historical remains proves that the names of towns of Combodia were similar to India.

For example, Tamrapur, Adhyapur, Vikrampur etc. Yajanas (yagyas) were in trend in Combodia. Education was given in Ashrams like ancient schooling system of India. Worship of Shiva, Vishnu, Uma, Brahasma, Saraswati, Ganga, Chandi, Laxmi, Ganesha, etc. was in practice. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vedas, Puranas, were studied. In ancient temples of Cambodia lots of Vishnu and Shiva idols are found.


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Question 1.
What is Mashat?
(a) Gold coin
(b) Silver coin
(c) Copper coin
(d) Iron coin

Question 2.
Who started a calender called ‘Saka’?
(a) Fa-Hein
(b) Ashoka
(c) Kanishka
(d) None of these

Question 3.
Which of the following was are of the important centres in Greater India (Vrihattar barat)?
(a) Turfan
(b) Khotan
(c) Kucha
(d) All of these

Question 4.
Which was the official language of Champa (Vietnam)?
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Pali
(c) Prakrit
(d) Tamil

Question 5.
Who is regarded as the father of Ayurveda?
(a) Bhaskarachaiya
(b) Dhanvantari
(c) Manu
(d) Bodhayan

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which three languages were spoken in ancient India?
Sanskrit, Prakrit and Pali

Question 2.
What was special about Java, Bali, Sumatra, Bali, Borneo and Lhasa?
There was a great influence of Indian culture in Java in Indonesia, Bali, Sumatra, Borneo and Lhasa.

Question 3.
Which country’s name is written in Maharshi Valmiki’s Ramayana?
Sri Lanka

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
India and Sri Lanka has relations right over the ancient time. Explain it briefly.
India and Sri Lanka has relations right from the ancient time. It is firstly illustrated in Valmiki Ramayana when Lord Rama had got victory over Lanka (Sri Lanka). From history of Mauiyan periods, it is proved that king Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghmitra to Sri Lanka to preach Buddhism, then the king of Sri Lanka Tirsa accepted Buddhism.

Question 2.
Describe the art of music in ancient India.
It was developed just like other different forms of art. Under the shelter of Kings, the three organs of music i.e., Gayan, Udan and Nritya flourished. Many centres were prevailed in ancient India. Pictures of violin, drum, trumpet, etc. were found on the coins of Harappa civilization which are a great evidence of emphasis upon music. Music or songs in the form of ‘Kawwali’ was began by Amir Khusro in medieval time and classical songs as a branch of music had been developed. Folk music was also developed.

Question 3.
What do you know about ancient Afghanistan?
It was a part of India in ancient time. In Rigvedic period, Indian settlements were spread upto here. In Mauryan period also it was a part of India. In fact, it was a part of North India where people speak language of central India. Buddhism was flourished here. Beside Buddhism, Hinduism was also spread here.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What were the ancient names of Vietnam and Malaysia? Throw light a these two countries.
(a) It was also a colony of India in ancient times. The first king of Champas was a Hindu king named Shrimar. Many Hindu kings ruled over here for a long period. Among them Gangraj, Pandurang, Bhrigu and Hari Verma were main. By seeing historical remains of ancient Champa, it is proved that as Indian varna system prevailed there. The marriage ceremony was also like India and there was a tradition of wearing Yagyopaveet.
In Rajkuls, Sati Pratha existed. Widows lived a simple life. Indian festivals were celebrated there. The state language of Champa was Sanskrit. Indian Grammar, philosophy, and literature were studied there. Shaiv cult was more in tradition. In Combodian temples, Chalukyan, a style of architecture, was followed.

(b) Malaya Islands which is now called as Malaysia. Many Hindu states were developed here in ancient times. Among them Karmrang, Kalashpur Katah and Pahang were main. In many parts of this island, remains of ancient temples, idols, and inscriptions engraved in Sanskrit are found.
It proves that this state had influence of Indian culture. Here names of kings like Gautam, Samudra Vijayavarman, etc. were similar to Buddhism was spread and stupas were built. Still here Brahamin families are existing whose ancestors went there from India and settled. Rajendra Chola-I, a brave king of Chola dynasty of southern India, had trade control over this island.

Question 2.
Describe the India’s contribution in the fields of science, arithmetic, astrology and astronomy.
(a) Science:
Ancient India’s advancement in metallurgy and technology has its great evidence in Iron Pillar situated in Delhi from last 1600 years, which is a great attraction for tourists all over the world.
(b) Arithmatic:
Invention of zero is the greatest contribution of India in the field of arithmatic which was used by the Aryabhatta in 5th century. To express whole number with fraction use of a decimal is a revolutionary base of the presentation of decimal system to develop arithmatic. In fact decimal system invented in India, and spread in whole world through the medium of scriptures. After 7th century these were translated in Arabian language from Sanskrit.
(c) The two scriptures Leelavati and Sid- dhant Shiromani of Bhaskarachaiya are Amulya Nidhi (treasure) of the world. In arithmatic, at present use of Pythagorus theorem was propounded by ‘Bodhayan’ 2500 years ago which is known as Chitti Prameya.
(d) Astrology and Astronomy:
Astrology was progressed in ancient times on the basis of Arithmatic. Aryabhatta was an astrologer as well as mathematician. He propounded the principle “The earth rotates on its axis around the sun from west to east, by finding planets and satellite. He explained the phenomenon of solar and lunar eclipse. Varahmihir, Kannad, Nagarjuna, Banbhatta were some other main ancient Indian astrologers and astronomers.

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