RBSE Class 10 English Model Paper 4

RBSE Class 10 English Model Paper 4 are part of RBSE Class 10 English Board Model Papers. Here we have given RBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 4.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 10
Paper SetModel Paper 4
CategoryRBSE Model Papers

RBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 4

Time: 3.15 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions to the Examinees :

  1. Candidates must first write their Roll Nos. on the question paper.
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. Write the answer to each question in the given answer-book only.
  4. For questions having more than one part, the answers to those parts must the written together in continuity.
  5. Write the correct serial number of each question mentioned in the question paper.

Section – A


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : [7]
An old philosopher friend of mine grew very cautious from experience, and carefully avoided any contact with such people. He had a thermometer to show him the temperature, and a barometer to show when the weather was likely to be good or bad. Since there is no instrument, however, to discover an unpleasant disposition in a person at first sight, he made use of his legs. One of his legs was remarkably handsome, the other, by some accident, was crooked and deformed. If a stranger looked at his ugly leg more than his handsome one, he doubted him.

If he spoke of it and took no notice of the handsome leg, my friend had sufficient reason not to bother with him any longer. Not everyone has this two-legged instrument but everyone, with a little attention, may observe signs of that kind of fault-finding disposition and make the same resolution to avoid those infected with it. I therefore advise those critical, argumentative, discontented, unhappy people that if they wish to be respected and loved by others, and happy in themselves, they should stop looking at the ugly leg

Question 1.
What did the old philosopher friend do?

Question 2.
Is there any instrument to discover an unpleasant disposition?

Question 3.
What does the author say about the stranger and his ugly leg?

Question 4.
What isn’t with everyone?

Question 5.
Find words in the passage which mean-
(a) An instrument used in forecasting weather
(b) Degree of heat or cold.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions : [7]
There are two types of people in the world. Although, they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes miserable. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons and events and the resulting effects upon their minds. In whatever situation men can be placed, they may find conveniences and inconveniences. In whatever company, they may find persons and conversations more or less pleasing. At whatever table, they may find meat and drink of better and worse taste, dishes better or worse prepared. In whatever climate, they may find good and bad weather.

Under whatever government, they may find good and bad laws, and good and bad administration of these laws. In every poem or work of genius, they may see beauties and faults. In almost every face and every person, they may discover fine features and defects, good and bad qualities. Under these circumstances, the people who are to be happy fix their attention on the conveniences of things, the pleasant parts of conversation, the well-prepared dishes, the goodness of the wines, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the contrary things.

Question 6.
How many types of people are there?

Question 7.
What kind of persons are unhappy?

Question 8.
Of what does an unhappy persons think and speak only?

Question 9.
What do the persons who are to be happy do?

Question 10.
Find words from the passage which means
(a) Very unhappy
(b) State of one’s affairs.

Section – B


Question 11.
You are Sarika living in Bikaner. Last month you went to Jaipur. Write a letter to your friend Radhika describing her how you enjoyed this trip. You may take help of the following points [5]
(i) With whom did you go to Jaipur?
(ii) Where did you stay?
(iii) Duration of the trip.
(iv) What places did you visit there?
(v) What things did you buy?
Recently you have read the news on “Ban on the Use of Plastic Bags in Jaipur”. Write a letter to the editor of Rajasthan Patrika to publish your views. Imagine that you are Kavita from Jaipur.

Question 12.
Write a short paragraph in about 60 words on any one of the following: ‘Rising Prices’. [4]
Write a short paragraph in about 60 words with the help of the outline given below
‘Quiz Competition/ Contest’.
Date ……………….. place …………….. time ……………… topic ………………… eligibility …….. number of rounds………….reward .. ……………….. winner.

Question 13.
Look at the steps in making a phone call and write down the steps in the form of instructions in about 75 words. [5]
RBSE Class 10 English Model Paper 4 1

Section – C


Question 14.
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets : [8 × ½ = 4]
(i) Please avoid ………. (talk) here. It is library.
(ii) Hemant ……………. (come) here every weekend.
(iii) If you ran fast then you ……………… the train. (board)
(iv) We ……………… you tomorrow at same time. (meet)
(v) If Sheetal …………………… (invite) me, I would have attended her party.
(vi) There ……….. a big snake on the ground while we were cleaning it. (be)
(vii) As soon as the Sun …. …. the birds begins to chirp. (rise)
(viii) She …. in prison for few days while I was in her lap. (live)

Question 15.
Join the following sentences using the relative pronouns/adverbs given in brackets- [2 × ½ =3]
(i) She said to me. She went to Kota by car. (how)
(ii) She said to me. I walk 5 k.m. for daily. (how far)

Question 16.
Change the following sentences into passive voice — [2 × 1 = 2]
(i) He should have reported the matter to the police.
The matter …………….
(ii) Shut all the doors
Let all the doors …………..

Question 17.
Rewrite the following sentences by changing them into indirect speech- [4 × 1 = 4]
(i) My father said to me, “Don’t go out side.”
My father forbade me ………
(ii) Reeta said to Reema, “Who broke this window?”
Reeta asked Reema ……………..
(ii) The customer said to the shopkeeper, “How much is the price of this toy?”
The customer asked the shopkeeper ………………
(iv) The doctor said to the patient, “What did you eat in breakfast yesterday?”
The doctor asked the patient …………….

Question 18.
Fill in the blanks choosing suitable modals from bracket (can, must, shall, will) [2 × 1 = 2]
(i) Then, ………….. I accept Bishamber’s proposal?
(ii) The meaning of the code ……….. slowly unfold before you.

Section – D

Text Book

Question 19.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [4 × 1 = 4]
But a new world is necessary. A new culture is necessary. The old culture is dead, buried, burnt, exploded, vapourised. You have to create a new culture. A new culture cannot be based on violence. The new culture depends on you because the older generation has built a society based on violence, based on aggressiveness and it is this that has caused all the confusion, all the misery. The older generations have produced this world and you have to change it. You cannot just sit back and say, “I will follow the rest of the people and seek success and position.”

If you do, your children are going to suffer. You may have a good time, but your children are going to pay for it. So, you have to take all that into account, the outward cruelty of man to man in the name of god, in the name of religion, in the name of self-importance, in the name of the security of the family. You will have to consider the outward cruelty and violence, and the inward violence which you do not yet know.

(i) What are the drawbacks of old culture?
(ii) How can we remove violence from the society?
(iii) What kind of society has been built by old generation?
(iv) Write the opposite word of ‘violence from the passage.

Question 20.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : [4 × 1 = 4]
For Swami events took an unexpected turn. Father looked over the newspaper he was reading under the hall lamp and said, ‘Swami, listen to this—“News is to hand of the bravery of a village lad who, while returning home by the jungle path, came face to face with a tiger……” The paragraph described the fight the boy had with the tiger and his flight up a tree where he stayed for half a day till some people came that way and killed the tiger.

After reading it through, father looked at Swami fixedly and asked. What do you say to that? Swami said, “I think he must have been a very strong and grown up person, not at all a boy. How could a boy fight a tiger ?’

‘You think you are wiser than the newspaper?’ Father sneered. ‘A man may have the strength of an elephant and yet be a coward; whereas another may have the strength of a consumptive, but if he has courage he can do anything. Courage is everything, strength and age are not important.? Swami disputed the theory. ‘How can it be, father? Suppose I have all the courage, what can I do if a tiger should attack me?

(i) What did father tell to Swami?
(ii) What did father ask from Swami after telling him the story of the boy of fighting against a tiger?
(iii) What is important according to the opinion of the father?
(iv) Write from the passage the word which means—bravery”.

Question 21.
Answer any one of the following two questions in about 60 words : [1 × 3 = 3]
(i) What did the gentleman say to the stranger at the end of the story? (A Man’s True Son)
(ii) What do you learn from this tale? (The Tale of Bishnois)

Question 22.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 30–40 words : [1 × 3 = 3]
(i) What did the books teach in twentieth century? (The Book That Saved The Earth)
(ii) Why are books referred as man’s best friend?

Question 23.
Explain any one of the following stanzas with reference to the context : [1 × 4 = 4]
(i) To laugh is to risk appearing the fool,
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.

(ii) Give me a flower delicious as the rose
And stately as the lily in her pride.
But of what color? — ‘Rose-red’? Love first chose,
Then prayed—No, lily-white-or, both provide.

Question 24.
Answer any two of the following questions in about 30–40 words : [2 × 2 ½ =5]
(i) What is the greatest hazard in life? (Risks)
(ii) Why did cupid come to flora? (The Lotus)
(iii) What did the people say about the man? (An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog)

Question 25.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words : [1 × 5 = 5]
(i) “Growing up is all about a matter of individuality”. Discuss. (Growing up Pains)
(ii) Explain how Uttanka managed to fulfill the wish of his mistress? (Uttanka’s Gurudakshina)

Question 26.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 30-40 words : [1 × 3 = 3]
(i) “Anil was the most trusting person.” Discuss. (The Thief’s Story)
(ii) What did the old man say at the end? (Old Man at the Bridge)

Question 27.
Answer any one of the following questions in about 20–25 words : [1 × 2 = 2]
(i) Why was the scientist wandering in the street? (Foot Prints without Feet)
(ii) How was the kite of Rashida different? (High Maharaja)

Question 28.
Write a short speech on the ‘Importance of Traffic Lights’. [1 × 4 = 4]

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