RBSE Class 12 English Board Paper 2018

RBSE Class 12 English Board Paper 2018 are part of RBSE Class 12 English Board Model Papers. Here we have given Rajasthan RBSE Class 12 English Board Paper 2018.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 12
Paper SetBoard Paper 2018
CategoryRBSE Model Papers

Rajasthan RBSE Class 12 English Board Paper 2018

Time: 3 ¼ Hours
Maximum Marks: 80


  1. Candidates must first write their Roll Nos. on the question paper.
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. Write the answer to each question in the given answer-book only.
  4. For questions having more than one part, the answers to those parts are to be written together in continuity.
  5. This paper is divided into three Sections A, B and C. All sections are compulsory.
  6. Separate instructions are given for each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
  7. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
One summer day in 1955, on a beach near the village of Opononi, New Zealand, 13 year old Jill Baker waded into the water to join a friend, one of the strangest playmates the world has ever known. A torpedo like body streaked towards her and swam between her legs, spilling her into the surf. She put her arms around the huge creature, got on its back and took a ride. Later Jill tossed a beach ball to her playmate. Rising from the water, huge mouth spread in a grin, the creature batted it back with its nose. As the game progressed, people gathered on the beach staring in amazement. Jill Baker’s playmate was a porpoise.

The ancients, who called the porpoise a dolphin, knew him as friendly. “He is the only creature who loves man for his own sake”, wrote Plutarch. “Some land animals avoid man altogether and the tame ones such as dogs and horses are tame because he feeds them. To the dolphin alone, nature has given what the best philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage”. Pliny the Elder wrote of a wild porpoise that took a boy for a ride at Hippo, a Roman settlement in Africa; Roman coins of 74 B.C. show such a scene.

Everything about the porpoise could be written in superlatives. Not a fish but an air-breathing mammal, he swims incredibly fast, kills sharks, communicates with his own kind, herds fish. He may have the world’s best sonar equipment. One scientist believes that his brain is so similar to a human being’s that he might even be taught to talk.

Question 1.
“Jill Baker waded into the water to join a friend………..” Who was Jill Baker’s friend? [1]

Question 2.
What has nature given to the porpoise alone? [1]

Question 3.
How did the huge creature react when Jill tossed a beach ball to the creature? [1]

Question 4.
What did Jill Baker do when a torpedo-like body swam between her legs? [1]

Question 5.
What type of a scene is shown in Roman coins? [1]

Question 6.
Why did people gather on the beach? [1]
Find out words from the passage which means:

Question 7.
hit [1]

Question 8.
colony [1]

Question 9.
any of the class of animals which feed their young with milk from their breast. [1]

(Q. 10–11)
Read the passage given below and answer the questions
This problem of the art of living is one which for two thousand years has interested and perplexed the world’s philosophers……….. Most people would agree that, apart from the eternal verities, the art of living consists in the achievement of happiness and in the avoidance of unhappiness.

Happiness has little to do with enjoyment or even pleasure; it is something for more reputable than self-indulgence. Happiness can only be found in the free and successful expression of one’s own personality. I shall now examine that phrase and therefore repeat it. Happiness or the art of living, consists in the free and successful expression of one’s own personality, what do I mean by that? I mean something for more than selfishness of self-seeking. People who are selfish or self-centred or conceited have not begun to learn the art of living; They have not mastered even the ABC of the art. Of all the miserable people in the world, there are none so miserable as those who only think of themselves and whose every motive is self-seeking motive.

You see every man or woman born into this world is given certain personal virtues and cursed with certain personal defects. If he or she seeks to express his or her own personality, which I hold to be the art of living, he must strive always to express his virtues and to suppress his defects. He must not express the worst in himself; he must express the best in himself. He will never be happy if he falls into the dreary round of selfishness.

Question 10.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and subheadings. [4]

Question 11.
Write a summary of the passage and suggest a suitable title. [2]


Question 12.
You are Gobind/Charru studying in Govt. Sr. Sec. School Kota. Your school is organising a blood donation camp in your locality. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing the students of Class XII. [4]


You are Ajay/Sunita. You have received an invitation from your friend Chitra to join her birthday party. But as you have an urgent work you are unable too attend it. Write an informal reply to decline the invitation. [4]

Question 13.
Write a report in about 100 words on the topic “Science and Culture Fair”. [7]


Write a factual description in about 100 words “A Road Accident”. [7]

Question 14.
You are Suresh/Malti. Write an application with bio-data, Manager Personnel, ICICI Bank, Ajmer for the post of a cashier. [7]


You are Nikunj/Rani. Write a letter to the editor, The Hindustan Times commenting on “The Influence of TV and internet on students”. [7]

Question 15.
Write a speech in about 100 words on the topic “Child Labour”. [7]


Write an article to be published in the Times of India in about 100 words on “Healthy Body has a Healthy Mind”. [7]


(Q. 16–17)
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Hope Kills negativity inside
And fills us with calm and quiet
Hope makes the bird fly,
In search of food for young ones,
And materials to build their homes.
Is it the hope that makes a bud,
Stay on the branch and bloom.

Question 16.
What does hope Kill? Who fills us with calm and quiet? [2]

Question 17.
Who fly in search of food? Why is material required? [2]


Because I set no snare
But leave them flying free
All the birds of the air
Belong to me.
From the blue-tit on the sloe
To the eagle on the height

Question 16.
Name the birds from the passage. Where is the blue-tit sitting? [2]

Question 17.
Who belongs to the writer? Why does they belong to the writer? [2]

Question 18.
Answer any three of the following questions In 30-40 words each.

  1. Write the qualities of lily? (The Nobel Nature) [2]
  2. What does the man do in the fifth span of life? (The Seven Ages of Man) [2]
  3. Where does the poet search the rabbit and why? (The Snare) [2]
  4. What are the different names given to hope? (The Hope) [2]

(Q. 19–22)
Answer the following questions in 30–40 words each :
Question 19.
What was the writer’s first emotion on facing Antarctica’s expansive white landscape? (Journey to the End of the World) [2]

Question 20.
How did British landlords compel the poor peasants? (Indigo) [2]

Question 21.
Why was Mrs. Malik furious? (A Room 10′ x 8′) [2]

Question 22.
What a young man should be disciplined for? (On Reading In Relation to Literature) [2]

Question 23.
Answer the question in about 125 words. What are the various measures suggested to check soil erosion and why? (Water) [7]


Discuss purity in different areas and its merits. (Purity is Power) [7]

Question 24.
Answer the following question in about 125 words. How was the hundredth tiger found and killed? (The Tiger King) [7]


On what basis was the princess finally be able to choose her husband? (Swayamvara) [7]

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each,
Question 25.
Why did the King come to Holmes for help? (Trouble In Bohemia) [2]

Question 26.
How did the crofter behave with the peddler after opening the door? (The Rat Trap) [2]

Question 27.
What did the grandmother do on the evening of the author’s return from abroad? (The Portrait Of A Lady) [2]

Question 28.
What were the two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which Jim and Della took mighty pride? (The Gift of the Magi) [2]

We hope the given RBSE Class 12 English Board Paper 2018 will help you. If you have any query regarding Rajasthan RBSE Class 12 English Board Paper 2018, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.