RBSE Class 5 English Model Paper 3 are part of RBSE Class 5 English Board Model Papers. Here we have given RBSE Class 5 English Sample Paper 3.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 5 |
Subject | English |
Paper Set | Model Paper 3 |
Category | RBSE Model Papers |
RBSE Class 5 English Sample Paper 3
Time: 2.30 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions for the students :
- Question paper is based on the learning areas for the subject.
- The students must write their roll number on the question paper compulsorily.
- The answer to each question must be written in the space provided for it in the question paper.
- The answers to the internal sections of a question must be written all together in their places.
- The marks of all the questions are mentioned in front of them.
Lexical Items
Marks: 16
Question 1.
Choose the word which has a different sound of the underlined letter:
(रेखांकित अक्षर से उच्चारित होने वाला अलग ध्वनि का शब्द चुनिए:)
(a) loudly
(b) out
(c) should
(d) proud
Question 2.
Choose correct answer:
(सही उत्तर चुनिए)
We can meet an accident by driving in wrong ……….
(a) path
(b) vehicle
(c) lane
(d) none of the above
Question 3.
Write one word for the group of words given below :
(शब्द-समूह के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए:)
(i) The son of a king. = P…………
(ii) A person who treats patient. = D……..
Question 4.
Write the opposites of the following words :
(निम्नांकित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखो:)
(i) Black = ………
(ii) Empty = ……….
Question 5.
Write opposite of the underlined word :
(रेखांकित शब्द का विलोम शब्द लिखो)
Chittorgarh fort is situated on a high hill. (opposite)
Question 6.
Complete the sentences with appropriate words :
(उचित शब्दों से वाक्यों को पूरा कीजिए)
(i) We should use a seat b. …………….. while driving a car.
(ii) He plays with them for about an h……..
Question 7.
Arrange the following jumbled letters to make meaningful words:
(अक्षरों को सही क्रम में रखकर सार्थक शब्द बनाइए:)
(i) Grd a ne ………
(ii) C_0_p l m e e t
Question 8.
Fill in the blanks with the missing letters :
(रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए)
(i) m…….gz…….ne
(ii) ch…………….ot
Question 9.
Make a sentence using the word ‘Brave’.
(‘Brave’ शब्द का प्रयोग करते हुए एक वाक्य बनाइए)
Structural Items
Marks: 17
Question 10
Choose the correct answer and write it in the bracket.
(सही विकल्प चुनकर कोष्ठक में लिखिए।)
Look ! A man ………………………. after the bus. (run/running)
Question 11.
Tanya …………………… a new pen tomorrow. (will buy / shall buy)
Question 12.
Fill in the blanks using the correct form of verb given in brackets :
(कोष्ठक में दी गई क्रिया के सही रूप को रिक्त स्थानों में भरिए:)
(i) When …………………I (enter) the room my father ………….. type some letters.
(ii) ………………. (do) my homework at seven o’clock this morning.
(iii) The people in the house …………. (sleep) soundly when the thief …….. (break) into the house.
(iv) The show .. (go on) when I ……………… (enter) the theatre.
(v) When we ……………. (play) the match it suddenly ………………. (start) raining,
(vi) The boys ……………….. (listen) to the cricket commentry the whole morning yesterday.
Question 13.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in brackets :
(कोष्ठक से सही शब्द छाँटकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:)
(i) Shivam and Nitin went to … ……… park for a morning walk. (a / an / the)
(ii) Now, clean …………………. floor. (a/an/ the)
(iii) Kalibai was a Bheel teenage girl . ……………. lived at Rastapal village. (He, She, They)
(iv) Our servant Shyam does ……………… work very well. (his, her, their)
(v) Children are playing ………………….. the field. (in, on, to)
Question 14.
Choose correct connectives (and/but/or) to complete the sentence :
(i) The effigies catch fire …… ……… burn to ashes.
(ii) ………….. they studied in the different sections.
(iii) All of his friends go to school daily ……………….. he doesn’t go there.
Reading Comprehension
Marks: 31
Read the passage and answer the questions given below :
(गद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे लिखे प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए:)
Students are sitting. Raju, the class monitor, notices some bits of paper lying on the floor near Manjeet.
Raju: Manjeet! Who has thrown these bits of paper in the class?
Manjeet: I don’t know Raju. May be, some boy has thrown these scraps.
Raju: No, you are telling a lie. When I went out of the class, you were writing on a paper. I am sure these are the bits of that same paper.
Manjeet: I didn’t throw them here. I threw them in the dustbin.
Raju: (loudly) No! No! No! You threw them here. Now, clean the floor.
Manjeet: When I didn’t throw these bits of papers, why should I clean them?
Question 15.
The passage is about
(a) Manjeet
(b) Raju
(c) Cleanliness
(d) Class
Question 16.
(i) Who is the class monitor?
(ii) What does Raju notice on the floor?
Question 17.
(i) What did Raju ask Manjeet?
(ii) What did Raju call Manjeet?
Question 18.
(i) What did Manjeet say to Raju?
(ii) Who asked to whom to clean the floor?
Read the passage and answer the questions given below:
(गद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे लिखे प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए)
The effect of books is two-fold. They preserve knowledge in time and spread it in space. Suppose for example, that you think of an important idea. Unless you can write it down, your idea will probably die when you die. Even if you do write it down, it perishes as soon as the mice eat the paper, which they often do and do quickly. But it has been printed in book form, it does not matter, how soon you die or how many copies of what you had written, were eaten by mice, or so long as one copy remains, the idea can be made to last for as long as people choose to go on printing it. And so it will live long after you had died.
Question 19.
(i) What is the effect of books?
(ii) What do books do?
Question 20.
(i) How can we preserve ideas?
(ii) How does the idea perish?
Marks: 16
Question 21.
Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a Transfer Certificate.
(आपके स्कूल के प्रधानाध्यापकजी को स्थानान्तरण-पत्र (ट्रान्सफर सर्टिफिकेट) देने हेतु एक प्रार्थना-पत्र लिखिए।)
Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the present he sent to you on your birthday.
(अपने चाचाजी को एक पत्र लिखो जिसमें उन्हें आपके जन्म-दिन पर उपहार भेजने के लिए धन्यवाद दीजिए।)
Question 22.
Write a short paragraph on : My Friend.
(‘मेरा मित्र’ पर एक छोटा पैराग्राफ लिखिए।)
Outline- Mohan is my ………………. He reads in my …………….. He lives near …………. We go out for a walk ……………. We go to school ………………… Mohan is a good student. I am a weak student. He ……………… me in my study. We do ………………. together. Teachers like him. My mother ……….. much. He is a very good boy. He……………….. the truth. He is honest. He obeys his …………….. He is very simple. He …………….. clean clothes. He respects my father and …………. He loves my ……….
and sisters. Both of us play games at home. I like my……….. very much
Look at the given picture. Write four sentences on the picture with the help of the words given below :
(कोष्ठक में दिये हुए शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए दिये गये चित्र को देखकर उदाहरण के अनुसार वाक्य बनाइए:)
(Zoo, birds, animals, cages, ducks, crocodiles, pond, chillies, monkeys, banana, ice creams)
Question 23.
Rewrite the given sentences in your own handwriting, using capital letters, small letters and correct punctuation marks (,.?)
(आवश्यकतानुसार अर्धविराम, पूर्ण विराम, प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न, capital letters, small letters का प्रयोग करते हुए अपनी लिखावट में दिये गये वाक्यों को पुनः लिखिए।)
(a) Raju said i clean my room myself
(b) why are these so few students in the class
(c) will you play with me
(d) good morning children
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