RBSE Class 11 English Letter Writing Formal Letters

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Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 English Letter Writing Formal Letters

♦ Letter to the editor

विभिन्न विषयों पर विभिन्न प्रकार के विचार, सुझाव, शिकायत, धन्यवाद, ध्यानाकर्षण, प्रशंसा, आलोचना करने के लिए पाठक, व्यक्ति, समूह, संस्थान, संगठन, पेशेवर आदि समाचार पत्र के संपादक को समाचार पत्र में छापने/प्रकाशित करने के लिए पत्र लिखते हैं। इसे ही Letter to the editor कहते हैं।

ध्यान देने योग्य बिन्दु-

  1. पत्र लेखक अपना निवास स्थान का पता, ई-मेल का पता (यदि है तो), मोबाइल/लैन्डलाइन फोन नंबर आदि बाएं हाशिए के समीप, सबसे ऊपर लिखें।
  2. फिर, पत्र लेखन का दिनांक लिखें।
  3. फिर, संपादक का पता लिखें।
  4. इसके उपरांत, ‘विषय’ लिखें।
  5. इसके बाद, Sir/Madam लिखें।
  6. फिर, विषय-वस्तु लिखें।
  7. फिर, Thanking you लिखें।
  8. फिर Yours truly लिखें।
  9. फिर Signature व नाम लिखें।
  10. पत्र short व sweet होना चाहिए।
  11. पत्र की भाषा सरल व बोधगम्य होनी चाहिए।
  12. तथ्य व आँकड़ों का समावेश करने का प्रयत्न करें।
  13. वर्तनी व व्याकरण की त्रुटियों से बचें।

1. Format (प्रारूप)
Address ……………………………………………………………………
Date : ……………………………………………………………………….
The Editor
Sub. : …………………………………………………………………………
Communication ……………………………………………………..
Thanking you
Yours truly
Signature ………………………………………………………………….
Name ………………………………………………………………………..

2. Explanation (व्याखया)
संपादक को पत्र के सभी steps पूर्व में समझाये अनुसार करें, केवल subscription में Yours truly का प्रयोग करें क्योंकि strangers (अनजानों) के लिए इसका करते हैं।

Letters Giving Suggestions
Question 1.
Write a letter to the editor of any newspaper complaining about environment pollution by vehicles. Provide suggestions in your views.
Examination Hall
4 March 20 _ _
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub. : Environment pollution by vehicles
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the authorities and the public to the growing menace of environmental pollution by vehicles.

The emission of smoke by vehicles is increasing carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Consequently, the temperature is increasing. It disturbs the delicate environmental balance. It harms human beings in many ways. The hydrocarbons and other particles emitted by the vehicles add fuel to the fire.

‘Public Transport System’ should be made fast, frequent, comfortable and cheap. Metro rails and sky bus are helpful. Eco-friendly devices add green fuel should be used in vehicles. Overloadedness should be banned.

With thanks

Yours truly
Arti Gupta

Question 2.
Write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper on the state of unemployment in the country, giving your suggestions about tackling the problem.
213 Mansarovar
15 March 20 _ _
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi

Sub. : The problem of unemployment and suggestions for tackling it

The problem of unemployment has baffled the minds of the rulers as well as the ruled in India. A few from among a thousand get selection and the rest return to their homes with heavy hearts. A beginning can be made by providing technical education to those who show an aptitude for it. Along with it, let loans be made easily available to those who want to start small-scale industries in their hometowns.

Those who are interested in and show an aptitude for literary pursuits should be allowed to seek admission in a college. This way the problem of unemployment among the educated young men can be tackled to some extent.

Thanking you

Yours truly
Om Prakash Garg

Question 3.
You are Surajbhan living in Khatipura. You are pained by female foeticide. Write a letter to the editor of the Rajasthan Patrika giving some suggestions to aware public.
32 Gurjar Colony
8 March 20 _ _
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika

Sub. : Female Foeticide
Gap in the male-female ratio is widening year after year. Female foeticide is much observed these days. Obviously, conservative traditions, modem machines for diagnosis, government passiveness, women’s dependence, educational backwardness etc. have aggravated this problem.

Government should enact stringent laws and implement them effectively. The detection of sex of the foetus should completely be banned. Free education to the girls for whole life should be provided. Public awareness should be strengthened.

Thanking you

Yours truly

Question 4.
You are Secretary of Social Union. Write a letter to the editor of the Dainik Bhaskar to highlight ‘Child Abuse’ suggesting steps to be taken against it.
Social Union
Manya was
March 9, 20
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar
Letters—Class 11
Sub. : Child abuse in India

Media and newspapers have proved these days that ‘child abuse’ is a very common hidden crime in our society. This crime is committed mostly by any close or familiar person to the family. This closeness prevents the child to disclose the matter.

Serious steps are needful in this field. Especially for ‘child abuse’ strong laws should be imposed. Public awareness is necessary. Friendly behaviour of the family can encourage the child to open mouth.

Thanking you
Yours truly
Sheesh Ram Yadav

Question 5.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining of noise pollution in your locality giving suggestions as a solution.
Examination Hall
7 Dec. 20 _ _
The Editor
The Times of India
Sub. : Noise pollution in our locality

I am a resident of Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur. As this colony is situated on a national highway, it suffers from noise pollution in a big way. Thousands of trucks and other heavy vehicles pass on the nearby road with great noise of horns and engines. The students are the hardest hit. They fail to concentrate on their studies at night. The problem of noise is further aggravated by the loud-speakers that blare out ‘bhajans’ from the temples of colony.

The national highway should be shifted away from the colony. A ban must be imposed on the use of microphones at night.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 6.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views on the deteriorating law and order situation in your city. Give suggestions.
21 Ram Karan Nagar
B.B. Road
21 Feb. 20 _ _
The Editor
The Rajasthan Patrika
Sub. : Deteriorating Law and Order Situation in Banswara

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the authorities towards the deteriorating law and order situation in Banswara.

According to the survey by the Crime Record Bureau, an NGO, the cases of chain- snatching, vehicle-lifting, theft, murder, rape, teasing, molesting, robbing have increased up to 30%.

Police should be alert enough. Day and Night patrolling should be effective. Sufficient police staff should be availed. Modern weapons and good vehicles should be provided to the police. The public should help the police.

I appeal the authorities to take strict action to curb these.

Thanking you
Yours truly
Ram Karan Gurjar

Question 7.
Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the frequent breakdown of the water supply in your locality suggesting solution.
3/29 Mansarovar
15 March -20_ _
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar
Sub. : Frequent breakdown of the water supply in Mansarovar (Jaipur)

I want to bring it to the kind notice of the authorities through your prestigious newspaper, the fact that the water supply in Mansarovar is not regular. Sometimes, the supply of water is late and the children have to go to school without taking a bath. Sometimes the water supplied is unfit for drinking and small larvae can be seen swimming in it. This causes great trouble to the people.

Staff should be responsible, active and dutiful. Old pipelines should be replaced. The exactness of the time should be monitored by authorities. Careless staff may be removed.

We hope the concerned authorities will look into the matter and take corrective steps.

Thanking you
Yours truly
Rajkumar Agrawal

Question 8.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the necessity of a public park in your town. Give your suggestions.
Examination Hall
4 March 20_ _
The Editor
The Times of India
Sub. : Necessity of a public park

I want to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the need of public parks in our cities and towns in general and my town (Sanganer) in particular.

The houses are spreading only vertically with storeys after storeys climbing on top of each other. In such conditions, public parks are indispensable. They provide open-air spaces to the residents and playgrounds to the children. In fact, they function as lungs to the suffocated residential areas of our towns.

Sanganer is one such town. It is an industrial town with multi-storeyed buildings. The children have no place to play nor the old men to relax. A big public park is just the right thing that the people of this town need.

Government should search the free land to establish parks. The public should suggest for the options to the authorities.
I request the concerned authorities to develop a public park in the town.

With thanks
Yours truly
P.C. Agarwal

Question 9.
Write a letter to the editor of any newspaper complaining about the pollution caused by smokers. Give suggestions too.
Examination Hall
15 March 20_ _
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub. : Pollution caused by smokers

Despite a law against smoking in public places, one can see people smoking in buses, trains, hospitals, parks and other places of public utility. Unless a drive is conducted to make people aware of the dangers of passive smoking and the existence of a law against smoking in public places, this problem will continue.

Smokers should be charged penalty. People should oppose smokers in public places.

I hope the authorities will take strict actions to stop the pollution caused by smokers.

Thanking you
Yours truly
O.P. Garg

Question 10.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the bad roads and drains in your locality. Make some suggestions.
Examination Hall
15 March 20_ _
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar
Sub. : Bad roads and drains in Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur

I want to draw through your newspaper the attention of concerned authorities to the bad condition of the roads and drains in Gandhi Nagar.
The roads are in bad condition. There are pot-holes in them that invite accidents. Drains are mostly choked and the dirty water flows on the roads causing great inconvenience to the people and damaging the roads further.

Cleanliness of the drainages and sewerage should be cared for by authorities timely. Old pipes should be shifted. Sweepers appointed for road cleaning should do their work properly. Quick maintenance should be done.

We expect you to kindly highlight this problem through your prestigious newspaper and oblige.

Thanking you
Yours truly
Prakash Jain

Question 11.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper making suggestions on how to keep your city clean. (Imagine you are Rakesh/Rukmani of Sawai Madhopur.)
58 Ram Nagar Sawai
5 March 20 _ _
The Editor
The Hindustan
Times Sawai
Sub. : Suggestions to keep Sawai Madhopur clean

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to put some suggestions before the public and the authorities how to keep Sawai Madhopur clean.

Firstly, there should be door to door collection of garbage on contract on monthly charges basis. This collection by machines can be converted into compost. Secondly, garbage containers should be kept on both sides of the roads. Thirdly, drainage and sewerage systems should be underground. This wastewater should be recycled by machines. Fourthly, there should be mass awareness programme. Finally, strict actions should be taken against the offenders.

In this way, we can keep Sawai Madhopur clean.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 12.
Write a letter to the editor of the Times of India about child labour in India and suggest what the government should do about it.
45 RTO Road Sikar
7 Jan. 20 _ _
The Editor
The Times of India
Sub. : Child Labour in India

Child labour is banned in India by the government but still, we can see a lot of children working at many places. It’s a shameful condition of India that even after 65 years of independence these children have tools instead of books. Children can be seen in hotels, factories, industries, fields, farms, roads, streets, homes etc. working only to satisfy their hunger.

Government should implement the laws effectively. Regular monitoring of RTE should be done. Employers should be punished. Poverty eradication steps should be taken by the government. Parents and guardians should be provided sufficient employment to earn livelihood.

Newspapers and media should awaken public in this matter. Seriousness by all is needful.

Thanking you
Yours truly
Brahmanand Dadheech

Letters Giving Opinions

Question 13.
Recently you have read the news on ‘Rajasthan Government Approved Ban on Gutkha’. Write a letter to the editor of Rajasthan Patrika to publish your views. Imagine that you are Kavita from Jaipur.
21 Friends Colony
P.G. Road
11 March 20 _ _
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika
Jhalana Dungri
Sub. : Regarding a Right Step of Rajasthan Government to Approve Ban on Gutkha.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to thank the Government of Rajasthan for approving ban on Gutkha.

It is a right step. Gutkha causes mouth cancer which kills thousands of people every year. It also gives loss to the indigent people.

Thus, it is a welfare step.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question 14.
You are Pawan Kumar. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the use of Internet.
11 Triveni Nagar Jaipur
8 June 20 _ _
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika
Sub. : About the use of Internet

Globalisation has made the whole world like a small family. All countries, no matter how far they are, have become interdependent to each other.

Use of Internet has greatly helped globalisation. Today the whole world is interconnected through internet. This internet facility has become a source of every kind of information and matter. What cannot be found in books, lectures and libraries, can be found on computer screen with the help of internet. One can be updated every time through it. Google search has provided everything on internet in an easy way to access. One can know everything with its help. Banks have made tremendous changes through internet banking. All the offices use this fast service for taking and giving information and orders. It is not costly too. Today one can talk to any person of any comer of the earth like sitting in front of each other on computer/laptop screen with live visuals. People can maintain their contacts using free social sites like Facebook, Orkut, twitter, google+ etc. and e-mail services.

So, internet is making the world increasingly interdependent. It is very useful to everyone.

With thanks

Yours truly
Pawan Kumar

Question 15.
You are Sunil Kumar Sharma. Write a letter to the editor of the Indian Express about democracy with special reference to India.
68 Basant Vihar Jaipur
9 March 20 _ _
The Editor
Indian Express
New Delhi
Sub. : Democracy

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to highlight ‘Democracy’. Democracy has been accepted to be the best governing system in international thinkers on global level. It is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. People can make the government of their own choice.

India is the biggest democracy in the world. The election system of India has been praised by most of the countries. People are directly or indirectly involved in every election to form a government. There is no place for autocracy in democracy.

Thus, democracy is the best way to be governed for mankind. All countries should seek possibility for it.

Thanking you
Yours truly
Sunil Kumar Sharma

Question 16.
Write a letter to the editor of any newspaper about the international problem of terrorism.
15 Jyoti Vihar
10 March 20_ _
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub. : International problem of terrorism

The whole world is suffering from the problem of terrorism today. Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion, in the international community. The violent act which is intended to create fear is terrorism. Every country, whether that is developed, developing or undeveloped is facing this great problem.

Terrorists make their own organisations and groups to fight government. It has been proved by the investigating agencies that they secretly get high-level support. A nation uses it against others as a silent war.

Sometimes they prove to be more powerful than a government. A nation has to spend a large amount of budget to safeguard itself.
All countries should take collective steps against it.

With a lot of thanks

Yours truly
Sudesh Swami

Question 17.
Your residential area is facing sanitation problem as well as bad roads and drainage problem. Write a letter to the Editor of local newspaper complaining about it.
24 Pratap Nagar
21 March 20 _ _
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub.: Sanitation, bad roads and drainage problems at Pratap Nagar.

Through your prestigious newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the authorities to the sanitation, bad roads and drainage problems at Pratap Nagar, Alwar.

The cleaning staff has been absent for a week. There are heaps of garbage. The drains have choked. The dirty water is spreading. Consequently, the roads have broken and become rough. Mosquitoes, flies, insects etc. are thriving. There is danger of epidemic.

I do hope that the concerned authorities will take swift actions.

With thanks

Yours truly
Bharati Rani

Question 18.
Write a letter to the editor of a magazine describing a dance performance you have seen and an art gallery you have visited. Suggest something.
31 Kami Colony
R.K. Road
11 March 20 _ _
The Editor
The Indian Express
Ganeshji Road
Sub. : Description of a dance performance and of an art gallery

On 10 March 20, a group of Russian dancers gave a dance performance of the Rajasthani Ghoomer Dance. Their ghaghras were of 20 kilos. Their bending and encircling were remarkable. Everyone praised them.

On the same day, I visited the art gallery of the Jawahar Kala Kendra. The arts of the famous artisans and painters were shown. These were entertaining and instructive.

Organiser could make this programme better by using modem lighting system. Sitting arrangement needed more attention.
Please, publish it and oblige.

Thanking you

Yours truly
Pradeep Shekhawat

Question 19.
Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India, New Delhi about the problem of hackers prevailing these days.
129 Gopalpura By Pass
9 January 20 _ _
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Sub. : Problem of hackers

I want to draw the attention of the concerned through your newspaper to the problem of hackers these days. Today the use of computers has become so common that we cannot imagine the world without it. In almost every field we are using this facility.

A nation tries a lot to surpass others in this world. It uses hackers for it. A hacker is a person who secretly finds a way of looking at and/or changing information on somebody- else’s computer system without permission. A hacker steals details from other’s computers and use them personally. Sometimes the hackers corrupt the original dates and create problems for the original users. It can be called a silent attack by one on the other. Today this problem is increasing day by day. Though new software are used to protect from the hackers but they find new ways every time.

Only careful use of computers can protect us from this problem. Backup is necessary daily to be safe.

Thanking you

Yours truly
Chirau Vaishnav

Question 20.
Write a letter to the editor about the Olympic games.
15 C-Scheme Jaipur
14 June 20 _ _
The Editor
The Dainik Bhaskar
Sub. : About Olympic games

Health is wealth. Games are necessary for good health. Every country spends a huge amount on games and tries to get medals in Olympic games. Olympic games are conducted after every two years. The host for the next Olympic games is declared previously so that a country may prepare well for it.

India could not perform so well. Improvement in games is needful in India.

Every country should take part and try to get maximum medals.

Thanking you

Yours truly
Karmesh Vaishnav

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