RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
ChapterChapter 6
Chapter NameThe Dussehra Festival
Number of Questions24
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Solutions Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival

Textual Activities

Activity – I
A. Question 1.
Choose the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प चुनिए।
1. Which festival is also called Vijayadashmi?
(a) Deepawali
(b) Holi
(c) Dussehra
(d) Rakhi ( )

2. Dussehra is the festival of……..
(a) victory of good
(b) victory of evil
(c) victory of immoral
(d) victory of rakshsas ( )
1. (c)
2. (a)

B. Question 1.
Write ‘Yes’ in brackets if you agree or ‘No’ if you don’t agree with the following statements.
निम्न कथनों से आप सहमत हों तो कोष्ठकों में ‘Yes’ अथवा अगर असहमत हों तो ‘No’ लिखिए।
1. Dussehra comes in Krishna Paksha. ( )
2. Ramleela describes the story of Ram. ( )
3. Dussehra is celebrated on Ashwin Shukla Dashmi. ( )
4. We should follow ‘good’ and give up ‘evil’. ( )
5. Hanuman’s get-up attracts children. ( )
1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

C. Answer the following questions.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
Question 1.
Why do we celebrate Dussehra?
हम दशहरा क्यों मनाते हैं?
We celebrate Dussehra in honour of Ram’s victory.
हम दशहरा राम की जीत के सम्मान में मनाते हैं।

Question 2.
What is Ramleela? Which scenes are enacted on the stage?
रामलीला क्या है? कौनसे दृश्यों को रंगमंच पर अभिनीत किया जाता है?
Ramleela describes the story of Ram in the form of a drama. Every day many scenes of Ram’s life such as Narad Moh, Ram Janm, Ram Vivah, Ram Vanvas, Tadka Vadh, Panchvati scene, Seeta Haran, Hanuman Milan, Burning of Lanka, Setu Nirman and Ram-Ravan Yuddh are enacted on the stage. रामलीला राम की कहानी का एक नाटक के रूप में वर्णन करती है। प्रत्येक दिन, राम के जीवन के अनेक दृश्यों जैसे कि नारद मोह, राम जन्म, राम विवाह, राम वनवास, ताड़कावध, पंचवटी दृश्य, सीता हरण, हनुमान मिलन, लंका दहन, सेतु निर्माण तथा राम रावण युद्ध रंगमंच पर अभिनीत किये जाते हैं।

Question 3.
How do children enjoy on Dussehra?
बच्चे दशहरा पर कैसे आनंदित होते हैं?
Children enjoy on Dussehra by playing the roles of various characters like Ram, Hanuman and Rakshasas.
बच्चे दशहरा पर अनेक पात्रों जैसे राम हनुमान तथा राक्षसों की भूमिकाएँ निभाते हुए आनंदित होते हैं।

Question 4.
What was Ravan’s fault?
रावण का दोष क्या था?
Ravan’s fault was that he had kidnapped Ram’s wife and taken her to Lanka.
रावण का दोष था कि उसने राम की पत्नी का अपहरण किया तथा उसे लंका में ले गया था।

Activity – II
A. Question 1.
Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blanks.
बॉक्स से सही शब्द चुने तथा रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival image 1
1. We explode ……………. on Deepawali.
2. Actors come on the stage and ……………. their act.
3. Children like to wear ……………. of their favourite characters.
4. India got …………….. over Pakistan in the Kargil War.
5. Arjun aimed his ……………. at the bird’s eye.
1. crackers
2. perform
3. masks
4. victory
5. arrow

Activity – III
A. Look at these pictures and observe the position of the mouse and the owl.
इन चित्रों को देखिए तथा चूहे और उल्लू की स्थिति का ध्यानपूर्वक निरीक्षण कीजिए।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival image 2
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival image 3
In the first image….

  • The mouse is under the box.
  • The mouse is over the box.
  • The mouse is in the box.

In the second image….

  • The owl is on the block.
  • The owl is under the block.
  • The owl is next to the block.

पहले चित्र में…

  • चूहा बॉक्स के नीचे है।
  • चूहा बॉक्स के ऊपर है।
  • चूहा बॉक्स के अन्दर है।

दूसरे चित्र में…

  • उल्लू ब्लॉक के ऊपर है।
  • उल्लू ब्लॉक के नीचे है।
  • उल्लू ब्लॉक की बगल में है।

These underlined words are called “prepositions’. They are used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time method and other types of relationships between two nouns or pronouns.
इन रेखांकित शब्दों को ‘prepositions’ कहा जाता है। इनका प्रयोग किसी संज्ञा या सर्वनाम से पहले ‘स्थान, स्थिति, समय सिद्धान्त तथा दो संज्ञाओं या सर्वनामों के बीच के दूसरे प्रकार के सम्बन्धों को दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है।

B. Question 1.
Now look at the image below and fill suitable preposition in the given boxes.
अब नीचे के चित्रों को देखें तथा दिए गए बॉक्सेज में उपयुक्त preposition भरो।
RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 6 The Dussehra Festival image 4

Question 2.
Now write a sentence for each image. First one has been done for you.
अब प्रत्येक चित्र के लिए एक वाक्य लिखें । पहला वाक्य आपके लिए दिया हुआ है।
1. The ball is in the box.
2. ……………………..
3. ……………………..
4. ……………………..
5. ……………………..
6. ……………………..
7. ……………………..
1. The ball is in the box.
2. The ball is on the box.
3. The ball is under the box.
4. The ball is next to the box.
5. The ball is behind the box.
6. The ball is in front of the box.
7. The ball is between the boxes.

Activity – IV
Question 1.
The teacher will divide the class into two groups and name those groups after great personalities like Vivekanand group, Subhash group. Now the teacher calls one student from each group and he/she will get ready with a chalk or marker in his / her hand. The teacher speaks out a word from the lesson. The boy/girl who writes the word on the board first, will earn a point for his / her team. Then the other pair comes. In this way, every team member from each team, will come and write words spoken by the teacher. In the end, the team with higher score will be declared winner.

अध्यापक कक्षा को दो समूहों में विभाजित करेंगे तथा उन समूहों के नाम महान् व्यक्तित्व वाले व्यक्तियों के नाम जैसे विवेकानन्द समूह, सुभाष समूह पर रखेंगे। अब अध्यापक प्रत्येक समूह से एक विद्यार्थी को पुकारता है और वह अपने हाथ में एक चॉक या मार्कर के साथ तैयार रहता/रहती है। अध्यापक पाठ में से एक शब्द बोलता है। वह लड़का/लड़की जो उस शब्द को सर्वप्रथम बोर्ड पर लिखता है, अपने दल के लिए एक अंक ले लेता/लेती है। फिर अगला जोड़ा आता है। इस प्रकार से, प्रत्येक दल का प्रत्येक दल सदस्य आयेगा तथा अध्यापक के द्वारा बोले गये शब्दों को लिखेगा। अन्त में, अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने वाले समूह को विजेता घोषित किया जायेगा।
[Note : Class Activity]

Activity – V
Question 1.
Write a note on how you celebrated Dussehra last time. In your description, you may write about your visit to the Ramleela ground where you saw the burning of the effigies of Ravan, Meghnad and Kumbhkaran, visit to the fair, etc.

आपने पिछला दशहरा किस प्रकार से मनाया, पर एक लेख लिखिए। अपने वर्णन में आप रामलीला मैदान के अपने भ्रमण के बारे में भी लिख सकते हो जहाँ आपने रावण, मेघनाद तथा कुम्भकरण के जलते हुए पुतलों को देखा, मेले में भ्रमण किया आदि।
It was the tenth day of ‘Ashwin month’ ‘Shukla Paksha’. I went to Dussehra fair of Beed Ramchandrapura. There were many people. They were in fine dresses. It was the last day of Ramleela when Ram was about to kill Ravan. It was a scene of fierce battle between Ram and Ravan. We were amazed to see the characters’ performance. It was a great clapping scene.

Then we went to the open ground. The large effigies of Ravan, Meghnad and Kumbhkaran were erected. Those effigies were stuffed with fire crackers. At sunset Ram and Lakshman came in a chariot and shot arrows at the effigies. The effigies caught fire and burnt to ashes. It was the symbol of victory of good over evil.

यह ‘आश्विन महीना’ के शुक्ल पक्ष’ का दसवाँ दिन था। मैं बीड रामचन्द्रपुरा के दशहरा मेले में गया। वहाँ अनेक लोग थे। वे अच्छी पौशाकों में थे। यह रामलीला का अन्तिम दिन था। जब राम, रावण को मारने वाला था। यह राम-रावण के बीच भीषण लड़ाई का दृश्य था। हम पात्रों के अभिनय को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हो गये यह एक बहुत तालियों से भरा हुआ दृश्य था। फिर हम खुले। मैदान में गये रावण, मेघनाद तथा कुम्भकरण के बड़े-बड़े पुतले खड़े किए गए थे। उन पुतलों में छोटे पटाखे ढूँसे गये थे। सूर्यास्त पर राम तथा लक्ष्मण एक रथ में आये तथा उन्होंने तीरों को पुतलों पर चलाया। पुतलों ने आग पकड़ी तथा वे जलकर राख हो गये। यह बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का प्रतीक था।

Comprehension Passages

Read the following passages and answer the questions given below:
Passage : 1
On this day Lord Ram got victory over Ravan, the king of Lanka. He kidnapped Ram’s wife Sita and took her to Lanka. This led to a fierce battle between Ram and Ravan which ended with the defeat of Ravan and his army. Dussehra is celebrated in honour of Ram’s victory. In many parts of India, Ramleela is organized during Navratris, from Ashwin Shukla Pratipada to Dashmi. Ramleela describes the story of Ram in the form of a drama.
1. This passage is about.
(a) Ram
(b) The Dusselira Festival
(c) War
(d) Ravan ( )

2. (i) When did Lord Ram get victory?
(ii) Who kidnapped Sita ?

3. (i) Why is Dussehra celebrated ?
(ii) When is Ramleela organized ?

4.(i) What does Ramleela describe?
(ii) How is it described ?
1. (b) The Dussehra Festival
2. (i) Lord Ram got victory on Dashmi.
(ii) Ravan kidnapped Sita.
3. (i) Dussehra is celebrated in honour of Ram’s Victory
(ii) Ramleela is organized during Navratris, from Ashwin Shukla Pratipada to Dashmi.
4. (i) Ramleela describes the story of Ram.
(ii) It is described in the form of a drama.

Passage : 2
Fairs are organized at various places on this auspicious occasion. Children enjoy themselves in many ways. They play the roles of various characters like Ram, Hanuman and Rakshasas using handmade paper arms and masks. At sunset Ram and Lakshman come in a chariot with vanar Sena. Ram shoots arrows at the effigies.
1. The passage is about :
(a) fairs on the occasion of Ram’s victory
(b) masks
(c) children’s enjoyment
(d) shooting arrows ( )

2. (i) on which occasion are fairs organized ?
(ii) How do children enjoy themselves?

3. (i) Which roles do the children play?
(ii) What type of arms do the children use ?

4. (i) When do Ram and Lakshman come?
(ii) Who comes with Ram and Lakshman ?
1. (a) fairs on the occasion of Ram’s victory.
2. (i) Fairs are organized on this auspicious occasion.
(ii) Children enjoy themselves in many ways.
3. (i) Children play the roles of various characters like Ram, Hanuman and Rakshasas.
(ii) Children use handmade paper arms and masks.
4. (i) Ram and Lakshman come at sunset in a chariot.
(ii) Vanar sena comes with Ram and Lakshman.

Passage : 3
At sun set Ram and Laxman come in a chariot with Vanar Sena. Ram shoots arrows at the effigies. The effigies catch fire and burn to ashes. Fire works and crackers explode in the air. People in some areas of Rajasthan go to greet each other. Dussehra is a symbol of victory of good over evil.
1. This passage is about :
(a) chariot
(b) Vanar Sena
(c) effigies
(d) Dussehra ( )

2. (i) How do Ram and Laxman come ?
(ii) Who comes with Ram and Laxman ?

3. (i) Who shoots the effigies ?
(ii) What happenes after shooting the arrows?

4. (i) What do people do in some areas of Rajasthan on Dussehra ?
(ii) What is Dussehra a symbol of ?
1. (d) Dussehra
2. (i) Ram and Laxman come in a chariot.
(ii) Vanar Sena comes with Ram and Laxman.
3. (i) Ram shoots the effigies.
(ii) After shooting the arrows, the effigies catch fire and burn to ashes. Fire works and crakers explode in the air.
4. (i) People in some areas of Rajasthan go to greet each other on Dussehra.
(ii) Dussehra is a symbol of victory of good over evil.

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