RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Antonyms / Opposites is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English.Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Antonyms / Opposites.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 5 |
Subject | English Vocabulary |
Chapter Name | Antonyms / Opposites |
Number of Exercises | 4 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 English Vocabulary Antonyms / Opposites
Antonyms / Opposites
Meaning (अर्थ) :
जब एक language (भाषा) का एक Word (शब्द) उसी language के किसी अन्य word से ठीक विपरीत/विलोम अर्थ देता है तो उसे opposite (विलोम) शब्द कहते हैं।
विलोम-शब्द बनाने के कुछ नियम
Opposite Words For Class 5 RBSE Solution Rule : 1
कुछ शब्दों के आरम्भ में dis- लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Opposite Words In English For Class 5 Rule : 2
कुछ शब्दों के आरम्भ में mis- लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Antonyms For Class 5 Rule : 3
कुछ शब्दों के पहले un – लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Opposite Word For Class 5 Rule : 4
|जिस शब्द के आरम्भ में p अथवा m हो तो आरम्भ में im- लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Hindi Opposite Words For Class 5 Rule : 5
जिस शब्द के आरम्भ में r– हो तो आरम्भ में ir– लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Opposite Words Class 5 Rule : 6
कुछ शब्दों के आरम्भ में in– लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Opposite Words In Hindi And English Rule : 7
जिस शब्द के अन्त में -ful हो तो -ful को हटा कर -less लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Opposite Word Class 5th Rule : 8
यदि किसी शब्द के आरम्भ में l- हो तो प्रायः il- जोड़ देने से विलोम शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Word Opposite For Class 5 Rule : 9
कुछ शब्दों के प्रारम्भ में लगे हुए उपसर्ग (Prefix) को बदल कर विलोम-शब्द बनाया जाता है, जैसे
Opposite Word In English For Class 5 Rule : 10
कुछ शब्दों के पहले non- लगा देने से विलोम-शब्द बन जाता है, जैसे
Class 5 Opposite Words Rule : 11
कुछ मूल शब्दों को बदल कर विलोम शब्द बनाया जाता है, जैसे
समीप पाठ्यपुस्तक में प्रयुक्त शब्दों सहित महत्त्वपूर्ण शब्दों के opposites
Opposite Words In English Class 5 Exercise : 1
(Based on the textbook)
Fill in the blanks with opposites of the words given in brackets
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों के रिक्त स्थानों में कोष्ठकों में दिये गये शब्दों के विलोम शब्द भरिए
1. In ……….. parts of India, Ramleela is organized during Navratris. (few)
2. One day, Shivam and Nitin got up ……….. (late)
3. Some rats were also ……….. (born)
4. The elephants laughed thinking how ……….. rats could help them. (big)
5. Boys, at first be ……….. and listen to me patiently. (noisy)
6. You all are ……….. students. (bad)
7. The boy who writes the word on the board first, will ……….. a point. (spend)
8. All of his friends go to school ……….. (rarely)
9. One day a lonely boy named Pankaj, ……….. a lamp. (lost)
10. When Seema drinks…………water, she feels pain in her teeth. (hot)
11. When ……….. shines upon, the stars show their little light. (everything)
12. The princely states were ……….. to the British (disloyal)
13. The state police went to Rastapal village to ……….. the school. (open)
14. Roshanlal ……….. ars. (hated)
15. They went to the park for a ……….. walk. (evening)
Opposite Words For 5th Class Exercise : 2
Fill in the blanks with the opposites of the underlined words
रेखांकित शब्दों के विलोम से निम्न रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति करें।
1. The camel is a big animal but the goat is a s ……….. animal (Model paper)
2. An elephant is a big animal but a fox is a s ……….. animal
3. The well is deep but the pond is S ………..
4. The mat is clean but the doormat is d ………..
5. You should be busy all the time. you should not sit i ………..
6. It is warm in the room but it is C ……….. outside.
7. poor people want to be r ………..
8. I have sold my old house; so I have b ……….. a new one.
9. If you speak loudly everyone can hear but if you speak S ……….. ,no one can hear it poperly.
10. My house is not far from here, it is very n ………..
Opposite For Class 5 Exercise : 3
Fill in the following blanks with the opposites of the underlined words
रेखांकित शब्दों के विलोम से निम्न रिक्त स्थानों की
1. Iron is heavy but cotton is ………..
2. Ram is my friend but Ravan is my e ………..
3. In exams students write an answer of aq ………..
4. The sun is big but stars are s ………..
We need both sunshine and s ………..
6. There are good and b ……….. people in this world.
7. Top is the opposite of b ………..
8. Major and m ……….. .minerals are found in Rajasthan.
9. There are brave and c ……….. people.
10. We take right and w ……….. decisions in life.
Opposite Words For Class 5 In English Exercise : 4
write the opposites of the following words
निम्नलिखित शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए
1. buy ………..
2. question ………..
3. first ………..
4. biggest ………..
5. bless ………..
6. fortunate ………..
7. near ………..
8. believe ………..
9. outside ………..
10. empty ………..
11. liked ………..
12. modern ………..
13. true ………..
14. supply ………..
15. wet ………..
16. selfishly ………..
17. birth ………..
18. front ………..
19. never ………..
20. quickly ………..
21. open ………..
22. black ………..
23. bad ………..
24. give ………..
English Opposite Words For Class 5 Exercise : 1
1. many
2. early
3. killed
4. small
5. quiet
6. good
7. earn
8. daily
9. found
10. cold
11. nothing
12. loyal
13. close
14. loved
15. morning
Opposite Word For Class 5th Exercise : 2
1. small
2. small
3. shallow
4. dirty
5. idle
6. cool
7. rich
8. bought
9. slowly
10. near
Opposite Word In English Class 5 Exercise : 3
1. light
2. enemy
3. question
4. small
5. shade
6. bad
7. bottom
8. minor
9. coward
10. wrong
Opposite Words For Class 5th Exercise : 4
1. sell
2. answer
3. last
4. smallest
5. curse
6. unfortunate
7. far
8. disbelieve
9. inside
10. full
11. unliked
12. ancient
13. false
14. demand
15. dry
16. unselfishly
17. death
18. behind
19. always
20. slowly
21. close/ shut
22. white
23. good
24. take
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