RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 13 Let’s Play with Water

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 13 Let’s Play with Water is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 13 Let’s Play with Water.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnvironmental Studies
ChapterChapter 13
Chapter NameLet’s Play with Water
Number of Questions48
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 13 Let’s Play with Water

Text Book Questions

Observe and write the answers of the following (Page No. 71)

Question 1.
In which glass a very less quantity of the sugar is visible or not visible at all?
The glass in which sugar is stirred with water, there sugar is visible or not visible at all.

Question 2.
Why is the sugar in one glass less soluble?
Because the water is not stirred by adding sugar in the glass.

Question 3.
Wlw is the sugar in another glass, soluble at a faster rate?
When we stir water, the mobility of water molecules increases and as a result the solubility increases.

Observe and answer the following (Page No. 71)

Question 1.
In which glass, the sugar dissolves fast and in which one, the dissolution is slow?
Sugar quickly dissolves in hot water glass and slow in the cold water glass.

Think and write the answer of the following (Page No. 72)

Question 1.
By performing all the above activities (Page No. 72), what have you understood about the solubility of substances? Write in your notebook.
Regarding dissolving the things in the above activities, we realise that things dissolve quickly in hot water than in cold water, and also on stirring the water, the things dissolve quickly.

Points for discussion (Page No. 73)

Question 1.
In the first chance, does the pen sink?
No, the pen does not sink in first chance.

Question 2.
When the pen, its refill and its cap were put into the water separately, which object floats and which sinks?
When the pen, its refill and its cap were put into the water separately, only the empty pen and its cap floats while the refill sinks.

Question 3.
In which condition does the empty pen sink? Try to find out, why did this happen?
The empty pen sinks in inclined position because since water enters the pen, its weight increases.

Observe and answer the following question (Page No. 73)

Question 1.
Does the oil dissolve in water?
Oil does not dissolve in water.

Question 2.
Where do you see the oil in water?
The oil floats in the upper layer of water.

Question 3.
You must have seen oil on the surface of cooked vegetables and pulses. Why does it happen?
Oil is lighter than water and does not dissolve in it. Hence, the oil is seen on the surface of cooked vegetables and pulses.

Points for discussion (Page No. 73)

Question 1.
It is a saying that “friendship should be like milk and water”. Why is it said so?
When milk and water are mixed, together they look like the same colour and shape. So, friends should look similar in the same way and then only friendship can last for long time.

Explore and write the answers of the following (Page No. 74)

Question 1.
Which things weighed in kilogram are brought to your home?
Things weighed in kilogram are brought to my home are vegetables, pulses, besan, rice, wheat flour etc.

Question 2.
Which things measured in litres are brought to your home?
The things which are measured in litres and brought to our home are milk, water, ghee,
oil, buttermilk etc.

Things to do (Page No. 74)

Question 1.
Take 3-4 different empty utensils. Pour water from 1 litre bottle in each of them and observe how many litres of water gets filled in each utensil?

Name of the utensilsHow many litres of water gets filled
Kadai1 litre
Large bowl2 litres
Pan1 litre
Jug½ litre
Bucket5 litre

Question 2.
Fill a bucket half with water. Put a pin in the water and see what happens. Now, put the same pin on a piece of newspaper and place it carefully on the surface of water. Watch it for sometime. What happens? You can remove the piece of newspaper with the help of another pin, if you want.
On placing the pin in bucket of water, the pin sinks. When placing the pin on a piece of newspaper and gently laying it on the surface of the water, then, after a while, the paper melts and it sinks in water.

Learnt, understood and now tell (Page No. 74)

Question 1.
Make a table in your notebook and write the names of 10 things for each of the following – things that dissolve in water, float on water and sink in water.

S.NoThings that dissolve in waterThings that float on waterThings that sink in water
1.SaltPiece of paperRubber ball
3.Dust of sugarScaleTable chair
4.ButtermilkPlastic ballChair
6.Food colourPlastic bottleKey
7.SodaPaper boatCoin
8.GlucoseSpongePiece of glass
9.Soft drinksMatch stickPiece of iron
10.milkoilPiece of copper

Other Important Questions

Objective type Questions

Question 1.
Which of the following floats on water?
(a). Screw
(b). Pin
(c). Key
(d). Cap of a pen
(d). Cap of a pen

Question 2.
Which of the following sinks in water?
(a). Empty plastic bottle
(b). Cap of a pen
(c). Screw
(d). Flower
(c). Screw

Question 3.
Which one is not soluble in water?
(a) Sugar
(b) Salt
(c). Soda
(d). Sand
(c). Soda

Question 4.
Which substance is measured in litres?
(a) Sugar
(b) Salt
(c) Oil
(d) Wheat flour
(d) Wheat flour

Fill in the blanks :

1. We cannot ……… sugar separately in water.But this water becomes sweet in taste. (see / hear)
2. The liquid substances like milk, oil, kerosene etc. are measured in ………. (kg/ litres)
3. The solid substances like wheat, rice re measured in ………. (kg / litres)
4. Empty pen sinks in water in the ……….. position. (straight / inclined)
1. (see)
2. (litres)
3. (kg)
4. (inclined)

State True or False :

Question 1.
Powder of chalk is soluble in water. (Model Paper)

Question 2.
Sugar dissolves quickly in hot water.

Question 3.
All-pins do not sink in water.

Question 4.
The plastic ball does not sink in water.

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
Match stick floats or sinks in the water?

Question 2.
A lemon floats or sinks in saline water?

Question 3.
What is the unit of measurement of liquid substances?

Question 4.
Name two substances which are measured in litres.
Milk and oil.

Question 5.
Name two substances which are measured in kg.
Rice and wheat.

Question 6.
How can we separate oil and water from each other?
To separate the oil from water, keep it for a minute without stirring it. After sometime you can separate off the oil from water surface.

Question 7.
Why do we stir the milk after adding sugar to it?
So that the sugar dissolves in the milk.

Question 8.
In which state of milk does the sugar dissolves quickly – cold or hot?
Hot milk.

Question 9.
How should the friendship be?
Like milk and water.

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
Take a small bottle of glass or plastic, which is transparent. Half fill it with water and put few drops of oil in it. Close the lid. Shake well now. Look what is going on inside. Now move the bottle without stirring. Look what happens? Did the oil dissolve in water? Where do you find the oil?
Oil does not dissolve in water. Oil is also lighter than water and hence floats’ on water.

Question 2.
Why do the sugar dissolve quickly in hot milk than cold water?
Micro particles of hot water are more dynamic than cold water. ‘Due to the high speed of the water molecules, the sugar in the hot water dissolves faster than cold water.

Question 3.
Why does sugar dissolve quickly on stirring it in water?
By stirring sugar in a glass of water, the sugar particles start to rub each other and it quickly dissolves in water.

Question 4.
Put flowers, cap of pen, pin, match stick, pencils, rubber, empty bottles of plastic and a plastic bottle filled with water etc., in water one by one. Write what you see.

S.NoThings that first floats and then sinks in waterThings that float on waterThings that sink in water
2.PaperCap of penPin
3.Match stickEraser
5.Empty plastic bottlePlastic bottle with water

Question 5.
Choose 5 things from given list which are floating and sinking and write them in the given table. (Model Paper)
Stone, pieces of glass, wooden piece, feather, coin, bangle, chalk, pencil, leaf, paper.

Floating items/thingsSinking items/things
PaperPiece of glass

Question 6.
Which of the following dissolves in water and do not dissolve in water.
Oil, salt, colour, alum, ghee, wood, milk, sugar, chalk dust, soil particles.

Things which dissolves in waterThings which do not dissolve in water
SugarChalk dust
colourSoil particles

Question 7.
Which objects float on the surface of water and why?
When an object is inserted into the water, then it should remove equal amount of water as per its volume. If the weight of the water removed by that object’ is more than its weight, then the object floats oh water.
Application : Screw, key, piece of stone, bricks etc. sinks in water whereas match stick, empty plastic bottle, pencil etc. floats on the surface of water.

Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Sometimes by seeing and sometimes by tasting we tell what is put in dal, vegetables or sweets. Why is it So?
Few substances dissolves in water and few are not. That is why insoluble particles can be seen. Some substances are colourful even after dissolving in water. Hence, they change the colour of the food.

Question 2.
Prove by an experiment that sugar is soluble in water. How will you do this experiment? Write the steps. (Board Paper)
(i) We will take a glass.
(ii) Fill it with half of water
(iii) Now put one teaspoon of sugar in it.
(iv) Now stir with a spoon.
(v) We see that the sugar dissolves in water and cannot see it.
It is thus clear that sugar dissolves in water.

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