RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 12 Contaminated Water Spreads Diseases

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 12 Contaminated Water Spreads Diseases is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 12 Contaminated Water Spreads Diseases.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnvironmental Studies
ChapterChapter 12
Chapter NameContaminated Water Spreads Diseases
Number of Questions59
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 12 Contaminated Water Spreads Diseases

Text Book Questions

Think and answer the following questions (Page No. 66)

Question 1.
What is the difference between river water and the water accumulated in a pit?
The water of the river generally is very fresh. No diseases or impurities are found in this water. But in stagnant water, many small organisms or insects are there and mosquitoes are seen sitting on the surface of water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. So, this water is very harmful for us.

Question 2.
Where do you see stagnant water in your nearby area?
In our nearby area, we see stagnant water in ponds, pits and drains.

Question 3.
Why is there a foul smell, from the water accumulated in a pit?
The water accumulated in a pit makes a foul smell because the water is very dirty there.

Question 4.
Why is there no foul smell in the flowing water of rivers/streams?
The water of the river flows continuously and hence it does not remain dirty any time. Hence, there is no foul smell in river water.

Observe and give answers to the following (Page No. 67)

Question 1.
What do you see in the glass filled with the water collected from the pit?
The glass of water collected from the pit is full of insects and baby mosquitoes.

Question 2.
Can you see small organisms or insects in it?
Yes, we can see larvae mosquitoes and other small insects in it.

Think and answer the following (Page No. 67)

Question 1.
Why did Mohit suffer from malaria?
Mohit played regularly in the evening in the garden. There, the mosquitoes troubled a lot by stinging. So, Mohit suffered from malaria.

Question 2.
What are the symptoms of malaria?
The symptoms of malaria are fever, chills, body ache, headache, backache, pain in the muscles and joints, vomiting and rashes etc.

Explore and answer the following (Page No. 68)

Question 1.
Which mosquitoes cause malaria?
Female anopheles mosquito causes malaria.

Think and give answers of the questions (Page No. 68)

Question 1.
Which measures should be adopted to control the increase in the number of mosquitoes?
(i) Not to allow accumulation of stagnant water in drains, pits, tanks, pots etc.
(ii) Spraying of medicines from time to time
(iii) Keep the surrounding areas clean
(iv) Using of mosquito nets and mosquito repellents in home.

Question 2.
Where does the water get collected in an open space?
The water gets collected in an open space like drains, pits, tanks, pots, ponds etc.

Question 3.
Do the mosquitoes flourish in this water?
Yes, the mosquito flourishes in the stagnant water.

Question 4.
With the help of any doctor, nurse or any other health worker, collect the posters containing information about protection from the disease. Discuss about it in your class, that in order to remain heathy, what should do and what should not be done.
(i) We should not let the contaminated water accumulate in our nearby area.
(ii) We should maintain cleanliness in our surroundings
(iii) We should use medicines from time to time to destroy mosquitoes
(iv) We should use we mosquito nets and repellents
(v) We should attach mosquito nets in doors and windows
(vi) We should take pure water and healthy food and avoid outside food which may cause diseases.

Look at the above table (Page No. 68) and answer the following questions

Question 1.
Which diseases are caused by contaminated water and food?
Jaundice, diarrhoea, worm infestation and polio etc. are caused by contaminated water and food.

Question 2.
How will you identify that a person is suffering from jaundice?
The symptoms of jaundice are diarrhoea with yellow urine, yellow tinted eyes and nails, vomiting.

Question 3.
Which disease’s symptoms are fever along with spasms in hands and legs?
Fever along with spasms in hands and legs are the symptoms of polio disease.

Explore (Page No. 69)

Question 1.
If there is any sick person in your nearby area, then what are his sufferings?
A person in our nearby area who is suffering from the disease of diarrhoea with yellow urine, yellow tinted eyes and nails, vomiting etc.

Question 2.
Based on the symptoms, from which disease is he suffering?
These are symptoms of jaundice.

Question 3.
Discuss and try to know, which disease is diagnosed by the doctor.
The doctor diagnoses him with the disease of jaundice.

Think and answer the following (Page No. 69)

Question 1.
What do you do to purify the water at home?
Many diseases are caused by contaminated water. The drinking water should be cleaned by boiling it. Nowadays, filters are also installed in the houses to purify the water.

Learnt, understood and now tell (Page No. 69)

Question 1.
Which mosquito causes dengue disease?
The aedes mosquitoes grow in clean water which cause dengue.

Question 2.
Write the names of the methods used for purifying water. .
Many diseases are caused by contaminated water. The drinking water should be cleaned by boiling it. Nowadays, filters are also installed in the houses to purify water.

Question 3.
Which diseases are caused by contaminated water?
Jaundice, diarrhoea, worm infestation, polio etc. are the diseases caused by contaminated water.

Question 4.
Why should we not allow dirty water to accumulate at any place?
(i) In stagnant water, many small organisms or insects are there and mosquitos are seen sitting on the surface of water. By the biting of mosquitoes people suffer from malaria, chickengunia dengue etc.

(ii) We should remove the stagnant water from our locality. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in this water.

(iii) Many diseases are caused by contaminated water. The drinking water should be cleaned by boiling it.

Other Important Questions

Objective Type Questions :

Question 1.
Female anopheles mosquito causes this disease.
(a) Malaria
(b) Dengue
(c) chikungunya
(d) Influenza
(a) Malaria

Question 2.
Aedes mosquito bites cause this disease.
(a) Malaria
(b) Dengue
(c) Worm infestation
(d) Polio
(b) Dengue

Question 3.
Which animal Hari Mohan took for grazing?
(a) Cow
(b) Sheep
(c) Buffalo
(d) Goat
(b) Sheep

Question 4.
Spasm in hands and legs and later paralysis in the legs are the main symptoms of this disease.
(a) Polio
(b) Malaria
(c) Jaundice
(d) Dengue
(a) Polio

Fill in the blanks :

Question 1
……….. do not come from the flowing water of the river. (bad odour / good odour)
bad odour

Question 2.
Mosquitoes lay eggs in ………. water. (flowing / accumulated)

Question 3.
Yellow tinted eyes and nails are main symptoms of ………. disease, (jaundice / polio)

Question 4.
Spasms in hands and legs, later paralysis of legs are symptoms of ……….. disease. (jaundice / polio)

State True or False

Question 1.
Female anopheles mosquito cause malaria.

Question 2.
Nowadays, filters are also installed in the houses to purify ithe water.

Question 3.
The baby mosquito is called larvae.

Question 4.
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in flowing water.

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
Diseases occurring from contaminated water.
Jaundice and diarrhoea.

Question 2.
Diseases are spread by mosquitoes.
Malaria, dengue.

Question 3.
In which type of water does an aedes female mosquito grow?
It grows in clean water of home.

Question 4.
At what time do the female aedes mosquitoes get active?
In day time.

Question 5.
Which types of diseases are caused by aedes mosquitoes?
Aedes mosquito causes chikungunya – and dengue.

Question 6.
In which disease, red rashes, pain in muscles with high fever occurs?
In chikungunya fever.

Question 7.
Which mosquito spreads malaria disease?
Female anopheles mosquito.

Question 8.
What is the later formation of baby mosquito (larvae)?
The larvae converts into an adult mosquito.

Question 9.
What are the symptoms of malaria?
The symptoms of malaria are fever, chills, body ache, headache, backache, pain in the muscles and joints, vomiting and rashes etc.

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
Read the symptoms of the diseases given in the table and write the disease names. (Model Paper)

S.NoSymptomsName of diseases
1.Yellowness in nails and eyes, discharge of yellow urine
2.Dysentry (more than 4-5 times a day), stomach ache
3.Loss of appetite, stomach ache

1. Jaundice
2. Diarrhoea
3. Worm infestation

Question 2.
Read the symptoms of diseases given in the table and write the disease names.

S.NoSymptomsName of disease
1.Fever, headache, spasms in hand and leg, later paralysis in the legs
2.More than 4-5 motions in a day, cramps in the stomach
3.Loose motion and white colour vomiting with diarrhoea with yellow urine

1. Polio
2. Diarrhoea
3. Jaundice.

Question 3.
Write the reason for its spread in front of the name of the disease given in the following table:

S.NoName of the diseaseReason for spreading of the disease

1. Female anopheles mosquito
2. Aedes mosquito
3. contaminated water and food.

Question 4.
Read the following incomplete statements and complete them.

1.Malaria caused by
2.Dengue caused by
3.Symptoms of malaria

1. Female anopheles mosquito
2. Aedes mosquito
3. Feeling of very cold, chills with high fever.

Question 5.
Where does the mosquito lay their eggs?
In stagnant water, many small organisms or insects are there and mosquitoes are seen sitting on the surface of water. They lay their eggs in this water.

Question 6.
How does .the mosquito spread the malaria disease?
The anopheles mosquitoes grow in dirty water. Female anopheles mosquitoes causes malaria. This female anopheles mosquito sucks blood of a malaria affected person and later, on biting a healthy person, spreads this disease in cyclic order.

Question 7.
What protective measures should be taken to save ourselves from mosquitoes?
The following measures should be taken to prevent ourselves from mosquitoes :
(i) Not to allow accumulation of stagnant water in drains, pits, tanks, pots etc.
(ii) Spraying of medicines from time to time
(iii) Keep the surrounding areas clean
(iv) Using mosquito nets and mosquito repellents in home.

Question 8.
In which season does malaria fever spread mostly?
In the rainy season the malaria fever spreads mostly because this disease is caused by contaminated rain water.

Question 9.
What is the prevention of diseases caused by contaminated water?
Drinking contaminated water leads to many diseases. One way to avoid this is to drink pure and clean water. For this, water is purified by boiling and filtering. Now-a-days, water is purified by putting filters in houses. Thus, diseases caused by contaminated water can be avoided.

Question 10.
What are the main symptoms of dengue fever?
The symptoms of dengue are fever, chills, body ache, headache, backache, pain in the muscles and joints, vomiting and rashes etc.

Question 11.
Given below are the names of the diseases and the reasons for their occurrence. Make a table and arrange it properly.
Malaria, jaundice, dengue, chikungtmya, contaminated water and food, female aedes mosquitos, female anopheles mosquito.

A. Name of the diseasesCauses of the diseases
MalariaFemale anopheles mosquito
JaundiceContaminated water and food
DiarrhoeaContaminated water and food
DengueFemale aedes mosquito
ChikungunyaFemale aedes mosquito

Essay Type Questions :

Question 1.
What precautions are necessary to avoid malaria, dengue and chikungunya?
(i) Do not let the water accumulate in the empty bins, pots; tire-tubes and around the pits of the house. Close the pits.

(ii) Keep the water tank and coolers cleAnswer: Dry them every week.

(iii) Use mosquito nets and fit nets in the doors and windows of the houses.

(iv) Sprinkle kerosene in accumulated water.

(v) Use mosquito repellents.

(vi) Dress light’ v with covered hands and feet.

(vii) If there is any fever, contact the doctor immediately.

Question 2.
How is dengue fever spread and what are its symptoms?
Answer: Dengue fever is caused by biting of female aedes mosquito. Dengue suddenly happens with high fever. There is headache, vomiting, fatigue, body ache etc. in dengue. There are red rashes on the skin along with sharp pain in the muscles.

Question 3.
Make a chart of different types of symptoms of diseases which are caused by contaminated water and food.

S.NoName of the diseaseCause of the DiseaseSymptoms of the disease
1.JaundiceContaminated water and foodDiarrhoea with yellow urine, yellow tinted eyes and nails, vomiting.
2.DiarrhoeaContaminated water and foodMore than 4-5 motions a day, cramps in die stomach, dryness of the tongue and lips, reduced frequency of urination.
3.Worm infestationContaminated water and foodReduced appetite, yellowing of the face, paininfestation and food in the stomach.
4.PolioContaminated water and foodFever, headache, sneezing, vomiting, spasms in hands and leas, later Daralvsis in the leas.

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