RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Rajasthan General Introduction

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Rajasthan General Introduction

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Rajasthan General Introduction are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 2 Rajasthan General Introduction.

ClassClass 8
SubjectSocial Science
ChapterChapter 2
Chapter NameRajasthan General Introduction
Number of Questions Solved18
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board Class 10 Science Textbook Questions Solved

Question 1.
Choose the correct option:

  1.  In how many physical divisions is Rajasthan divided?
    (a) Four
    (b) Five
    (c) Three
    (d) Two
  2. Mount Abu in Rajasthan is the coldest because of its:
    (a) Plateau surface
    (b) Height
    (c) rainfall
    (d) Water resources


  1. (a)
  2. (b)

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Climate of Rajasthan is directly influenced by the climate of India.
  2. Sand dunes are kown as in the local dialect.
  3. Most of the underground water of the Thar desert is
  4. The highest peak of the Aravali mountain in Rajasthan is


  1. Monsoon
  2. Dhore
  3. Saline
  4. Gurushikhar

Question 3.
What is Loo? Explain.
Extremely hot and sandy winds blowing in Rajasthan in the summer season is called ‘Loo’. They blow sometime at the speed of 140 km per hour.

Question 4.
What is Mawath? What are its benefits to us?
Rainfall in the winter season in India is known as Mawath. The cyclones arising from the Mediterranean Sea bring rainfall in the North-West India including Rajasthan. It is good for the wheat crops.

Question 5.
Where is Badland Topography found? What are its main characteristics?
Bad Land Topography is found in the Eastern plains of Rajasthan.
Its main features are:

  1. It is extremely rugged and uneven extending from Kota to Dhaulpur along the river Chambal.
  2. It is the most fertile land of Rajasthan and is densely populated with about 40% population of Rajasthan.

Question 6.
How can expansion of deserts be checked?
Rapid expansion of deserts can be controlled by planting more and more trees and checking the reckless cutting of trees and vegetations.

Question 7.
Discribe the Seasons of Rajasthan.
Seasons in Rajasthan

  1. Summer Season    (March to June)
  2. Rainy Season       (July to September)
  3. Winter Season   (October to February)

1. Summer Season:
Temperature normally, above 30 to 40 degree and in the Western Rajasthan districts such as Jaisalmer, Barmer, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Sriganganagar and Churn temperature are above 40 to 45 degrees. The Thar desert is the hottest region of Rajasthan due to sand because sand gets heated faster and cool faster, hence there is a great difference in day and night temperature. The coldest place in Rajasthan is Mount Abu because of its height.

2. Rainy Season:
The monsoon winds bring 90% to 95% rains in Rajasthan in the monsoon season between the months of July to September. Monsoon winds arise both from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea but the Bay of Bengal Monsoon winds shed more rains mainly in the Eastern Rajasthan. The Arabian sea monsoons shed more rains in the southern Rajasthan. Jhalawar district of Rajasthan gets the highest amount of rainfall (about 100cm). Jaisalmer district gets the least rainfall (about 10cm), Mount Abu gets the maximum rainfall i.e. 150cm. As proceeding towards North-West of Rajasthan from the South-East part, amount of rainfall decreases. The eastern Aravalis receive more than 50cm rains whereas the western part gets less than 50cm. Hence along Aravali equal rain line divides the Rajasthan into two parts.

3. Winter Season:
Temperature of Rajasthan decreases gradually in the winter months in Rajasthan, touching O’Centigrade in the Western Rajasthan. Mount Abu remains comparatively cold, due to its height. The sky remains clear. Cold winds coming from the Himalayas are called ‘Cold Waves’.

Question 8.
Name the physical features of Rajasthan and write the main characteristics of each one of them.
Physical Features of Rajasthan:

1. Thar Desert:
It Extends from the Pakistan boundary to the West of India till Aravali hills in the Western Rajasthan. It is spread over 61% part of 12 districts of Rajasthan, is inhabited by 40% population of Rajasthan. It comprises Barmer, Jaisalmer and Bikaner and is known as the Great Indian Desert. Sand domes found here are known as ‘Dhore in the local dialect. It is dense in desert vegetation and main trees found here are Rohida, Khejari and Pilu, and the bushes are Kair, Aak, Thor, Laana, Fog, Aarna etc.

2. Aravali Mountain:
It is spread over 9% part of Rajasthan from South-West to North-East in the central of Rajasthan. It is one of the most ancient hills of the world. It divides Rajasthan into the Eastern Rajasthan and the Western Rajasthan. Aravali region is the highest region in Rajasthan. The highest peak of the Aravali mountain is Gurushikhar (1722 metre) located in the Sirohi district.

3. The Eastern Plain of Rajasthan:
The most fertile and the densely populated (40% population of Rajasthan) is drained by the Chambal, the Banas, the Banganga rivers and their tributaries. Area around the river Chambal is rugged and uneven and is popular known as Badland Topography extending from Kota to Dhaulpur.

4.The Hadauti Plateau:
It is spread over about 7% area of Rajasthan. Its black soil is very fertile. Other plateaus of Rajasthan are Uriya, Abu, Bhorat, Messa, Upparmal and Lasariya.

RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Additional Questions Solved

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
What is the rank of Rajasthan in India in view of area?
(a) first
(b) second
(c) seventh
(d) none of these

Question 2.
What is the number of the districts in Rajasthan?
(a) 32
(b) 33
(c) 40
(d) 44

Question 3.
Boundary of Rajasthan joins with which only nation?
(a) Pakistan
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) none of these

Question 4.
The………….district of Rajasthan is considered the most humid.
(a) Kota
(b) Bundi
(c) Jaipur
(d) Jhalawar

Question 5
…………. branch of monsoon causes more rainfall in Rajasthan.
(a) Bay of Bengal
(b) Arabian Sea
(c) Both
(d) None of these

Question 6.
Which part of Rajasthan receives the highest rainfall?
(a) Hadauti
(b) Mount Abu
(c) Mewar
(d) Marwar

1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (d)
5. (a)
6. (b)

RBSE Books Solutions Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is famine?
Famine is a condition when scarcity of fodder occurs for animals, drinking water and grain for men, due to no rainfall for couple of years.

Question 2.
What do you know about Plain of Mahi and Plain of Chappan?
The plane formed by the river Mahi and its tributaries in southern part of Banswara and Pratapgarh districts of Rajasthan is called plain of Mahi. In this plainy region a group of Chappan villages and Chappan rivers and drains is located, it is called plain of Chappan.

Question 3.
Why is Aravali called the lifeline of Rajasthan?
Aravali is called the lifeline of Rajasthan because:

1. Mineral resources of the state.
2. Control over spread of desert in eastern direction.
3. Origin of the most rivers.Abundance of vegetation.
4. Presence of medicinal herbs.
5. Checks monsoon and causes rainfall in eastern and southern Rajasthan.

Question 4.
Which part of India is called the great Indian desert? Why?
The desert region found in Barmer, Jaisalmer and Bikaner is called the Great Indian desert of India because in this region sandy soil and sand dunes are found which keep on shifting their places along blowing air. These sand dunes are called sand stupas or in local language ‘Dhore’. Here vegetation of desert type is found.

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