RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Rajasthan Adhyayan Chapter 6 Water Conservation: Need of Today are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 9 Rajasthan Adhyayan. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Rajasthan Adhyayan Chapter 6 Water Conservation: Need of Today.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 9 |
Subject | Rajasthan Adhyayan |
Chapter | Chapter 6 |
Chapter Name | Water Conservation: Need of Today |
Number of Questions Solved | 35 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 9 Rajasthan Adhyayan Chapter 6 Water Conservation: Need of Today
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Maximum use of water in Rajasthan is made for the following sector
(a) Agriculture
(b) Industry
(c) Domestic use
(d) None of the above
Question 2.
What is the percentage of potable water of the total water on earth?
(a) 1%
(b) 0.007%
(c) 3%
(d) 7%
Question 3.
Which country of the world has maximum number of tube wells?
(a) China
(b) India
(c) America
(d) Australia
Question 4.
Water Day is celebrated on
(a) 5th June
(b) 24th October
(c) 10th December
(d) 22nd March
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How much quantity of water is required, per individual, per day according to the Indian Standards?
According to the Indian standards each Individual requires 85 It. water per day.
Question 2.
What is the best way of raising the level of underground water?
The best way of raising the level of underground water resources is the Rain Water Harvesting system.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write the method for accumulating rain water.
Accumulation of Rain Water: Rain water can be collected for use by various ways as-
- Collecting rain water in a tank so as to use it directly.
- Let the roof top rain water percolate into the ground through pipes, hand pumps, wells etc.
- Constructing trenches to hold rain water and to let it seep into the underground water reserviors.
- Constructing the mounds to hold the rain water in the farms and then to use it to recharge underground water resources (Rain water harvesting)
- Holding the Water in the streams by making Nala plugs and any other barricade.
- Bawadis, dams, are also the best means to hold rain water.
Question 2.
How can Industrial units conserve Water?
Industrial units use about 15-20% pure water and they throw out impure water which if used judiciously, can help in water conservation. By treating this impure water it can be used for cooling plant and machinery, for the maintenance of lawns, cleanliness and production of power and energy. Rain water harvesting system should be made compulsory for the industrial units. Such industrial technologies should be adopted, which may consume less of water.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
How is water misused at the domestic level? Suggest remedies to check it.
Water is domestically misused for various activities as:
- Liberal flushing of toilets.
- Brushing teeth with full speed tap running.
- Cleaning floors by opening the tap.
- Use of bath tubs and showers for bathing.
- Washing utensils and clothes directly by keeping the tap running.
- Liberal use of water in washing vegetables and other accessories.
Suggestions to check misuse of water at domestic level:
- Use a mug of water rather than running tap while brushing teeth.
- Use of mugs and buckets for bathing instead of bath tubs and shower.
- Use of small bucket of water for toilets rather than opening flush every time.
- Wash or wipe the vehicle by holding water in the bucket instead of using pipe.
- Recycle kitchen and bathroom water and use it for garden.
- Plant the saplings in the garden, which need less water.
- Avoid the culture of having lawns because grass needs more water for maintenance.
- Mop the floor instead of washing it.
- Use a mug of water to shave.
- Do not use a fresh tumbler every time to drink water.
- Do not wash hands under running water.
- Wash vegetables, fruits etc. in a water filled bucket rather than under the running tap.
- Repair the leakage if any; without delay.
- Collect the rooftop rain water in a tank or let it percolate underground through pipes.
Question 2.
How can the students contribute to the Water Conservation?
Students’ Contributions in the Conservation of Water:
Students form a big chunk of the society and they are well aware of their surroundings. If a student himself knows about the necessity of water for life on earth he can make aware his family members, neighbours, village or town residents, of the need for tree- plantation, keeping clean the surrounding, of the water resources and prevent of misuse or excessive use of water, water pollution etc.
He can be of a great help to the community by sharing with the people his knowledge gained at the school and through communication means, in a simple and convincing way. He can, easily set his own example before the people and lead the others in making the water conservation campaign a success. It is the students whose constructive and positive contributions can go a long way in saving the water through their access to the neighbours, friends, children, seniors and various communities.
Question 3.
Explain the causes of scarcity of Water.
Causes of Scarcity of Water are:
1. Increase in Population:
Speedy increase in population means more use of water for various activities at domestic, agricultural and industrial levels.
2. Unequal Distribution:
Rain water is not equally distributed over the land. Some parts get heavy rains whereas others remain dry and become the Victims of drought and famine.
3. Dams and Anicuts:
For the use of water for industrial and agricultural purpose, Dams and Anicuts are made to collect water but due to lack of proper maintenance, the silt deposits reduce the water holding capacity of the dams and at some places a great havoc is caused due to breach in the dams.
4. Excess use of Water:
Water is not judiciously used for many day to day activities as brushing, flushing toilets, cleanliness, fountain and tub bath etc. A lot of water goes waste due to improper use of water.
5. Water Pollution:
Industrial wastes and domestic pollutants are thrown into the water resources and they make the water unfit for drinking and other purposes. With the cessation of use of water of such polluted resources, the water scarcity is caused.
6. Wastage of Rain Water:
The rain water remain unused and is not collected for use through different means. It flows into the sea.
All these above factors besides the environmental factor as Global Warming are responsible for causing water scarcity.
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Cantour farming is popular in
(a) Plains
(b) Hilly areas
(c) Sandy land
(d) None of the above
Question 2.
The Planet known as the Blue Planet is
(a) Saturn
(b) Pluto
(c) Earth
(d) Jupiter
Question 3.
has 16% population of the world but availability of water is only 4%
(a) Rajasthan State
(b) India
(c) Australia
(d) None of the above
Question 4.
The National Drinking Water Mission was set up in
(a) 1986
(b) 1984
(c) 1994
(d) 1990
Question 5.
It is one of the basic necessities for the survival of life on earth
(a) Glaciers
(b) Ice
(c) Water
(d) Clothing.
Question 6.
River banks can be protected by making
(a) Dams
(b) Anicuts
(c) Parapets
(d) Vegetation Cover
Question 7.
Main cause of scarce water resources is
(a) Urbanisation
(b) Industrialisation
(c) Increasing Population
(d) All of the above
Question 8.
What is the number of Dark Zones in Rajasthan?
(a) 236
(b) 140
(c) 27
(d) 28
Question 9.
How much percentage of earth has water?
(a) 29%
(b) 75%
(c) 70%
(d) 77%
Question 10.
How much percentage of the total water evaporates?
(a) 2.5%
(b) 5.2%
(c) 4.5%
(d) 5.3%
Question 11.
Rain water harvesting is one of the schemes of
(a) Industrialisation
(b) Removal of water pollutants
(c) Water Conservation
(d) All of the above
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is Water Conservation?
Water conservation means judicious and proper use of water.
Question 2.
Give two remedial measures for water conservation.
Two remedial measures for water conservation:
- Recharging of rain water.
- Recycling of water
Question 3.
How much water is required per individual according to the UNO standards?
According to the UNO standards each individual requires minimum of 50 It. water per day.
Question 4.
Mention any two causes for scarcity of water.
Two causes for the scarcity of water are:
- Wastage of rain water.
- Increasing population.
Question 5.
Which system of irrigation can be used in agriculture to save water?
Sprinkler and Drip irrigation system can be used for irrigation in agriculture.
Question 6.
For which sector is the maximum of water used?
Maximum of water i.e. 60%-70 is used for agriculture sector.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What are the adverse effects of scarcity of water?
Evil Effects of the scarcity of water:
All the aspects related to human life, as irrigation, agriculture, production of foodgrains, industries, construction, tourism, culture and ways of living are affected adversely by the scarce availability of water. Life whether biotic or abiotic becomes impossible without water. Survival on earth is not .possible in the absence of water. About 60-70% water is used for agriculture, 15-20% in industries and remaining for the domestic purposes.
Question 2.
What is the analysis of the consumption of water per day/per individual?
Analysis of Consumption of Water:
1. | Brushingh teeth | 12 to 8 It |
2. | Flushing toilets | 15 to 40 It |
3. | Leakages of taps | 10 It |
4. | Washing hands in running taps | 2 to 8 It |
5. | Washing utensils | 10 to 20 It |
6. | Shower/Bath tub | 20 to 200 It |
7. | Washing Clothes | 20 to 40 It |
8. | Drinking Water | 3 to 6 It |
9. | Cleaning | 15 to 20 It |
10. | Other uses | 10 It |
Normal use | 100 It | |
Rich people/Bath tub culture | 360 to 400 It |
Question 3.
As regards water resource the geographical conditions of Rajasthan are not favourable? Explain.
Geographically, Rajasthan does not have very favourable conditions. Annual average rainfall is the minimum and there is a dearth of the perennial rivers and the Western Rajasthan is desert and is prone to drought and famine for years together. Underground water resources have either no water or very limited quantity of water. About 90% population of Rajasthan depends upon ground water resources and about 60-70% water used for agriculture comes from ground resources. Reckless exploitation of water for years together has emptied the reserves of water.
Question 4.
Write any five important facts regarding water conservation?
Five Facts are:
- About 2.5% of total water is lost through evaporation.
- India has 22- lakh tubewells; the maximum in the world.
- 22nd March is celebrated as the World Water Day.
- In Rajasthan 27 districts have excessive saline water, 30 districts have excessive flouride and 28 districts have excess of Iron elements.
- Out of 236 blocks of Rajasthan, 140 Zones have been declared Dark Zones and 50 Zones as Grey Zones.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What efforts should be made for the water conservation in the agricultural sector.
Efforts to be made in the agricultural sector for the water conservation:
- The farmer should collect water in his farm by constructing Kacha or bricked tank, and should apply rain water harvesting techniques as:
- Seeping water directly into underground reservoir or
- Percolating water collected in the trenches, into the ground or
- By piping it into wells or
- Pushing water into the tubewells with filters fixed atop, through pipes.
- Collecting the rooftop or farm rain water directly in the tanks.
- He should grow the crops needing less of water, depending upon the situation in the state.
- The cash crops like wheat, rice, sugarcane etc. need more water. The farmer should avoid growing them so far as possible in the areas with less water and should replace them by growing crops needing less of water to grow.
- He should use Sprinkle and Drip irrigation systems.
- As far as possible he should experiment the new research techniques in his farm to better the agricultural production with judicious use of water.
Question 2.
Suggest the measures to be adopted by the Local self-administration for water- conservation.
Local Self Administration should adopt the following measures to conserve water:
- Crores of liters of water in the urban areas flows into the Sewerage. The local administration can recycle and retreat it to be used for watering plants, cleaning of floors and utensil, washing clothes etc.
- Construction of tanks or rain water harvesting system should be made compulsory before giving approval for the multi-storeyed buildings.
- Strict punishment should be given to those installing booster to draw more water, taking illegal connections, using the larger sized water pipe than legally approved etc.
- Leakage from the pipelines should be immediately checked.
- Efforts should be made to renovate and rejuvenate the old water resources by adopting new techniques.
- Wells and tanks should be regularly cleaned apd they should be cleared of the silt and mud deposits.
Question 3.
What steps are required at the government level for the water conservation?
What has been done by the Rajasthan Government?
I. Steps for Water Conservation at the Government level:
It is the primary duty of the government to make available pure drinking water as a part of public welfare schemes. For this purpose in 1986 the National Drinking Water (Potable) Mission was established confirming the Government priority to make water available for drinking, agriculture, hydro-electricity, water- transportation, industries etc.
- For conservation of water it is necessary that government should make timely repairs of water bodies like dams, canals etc, renovate and rejuvenate them, increase their storage capacity, make accessible the new techniques of recharging ground water.
- Strict laws should be passed and enforced to check the wastage and excessive use of water in the urban areas.
- Proper means should be assured and ascertained to check the pollution of water and to recycle and retreat the industrial wastes.
- Effective measures should be taken to improve agricultural and horticultural production.
II. The Rajasthan government:
It has made it compulsory for all the government buildings to collect rain water, as a part of its Water Conservation Programme, and has at the same time accelerated its rain water harvesting plans for the recharge of water in the water reservoirs. The roof top rain water is collected in a trench and is piped directly into the ground or the rain water is collected in a tank. The roof water can be percolated into the ground through hand pump, and wells.
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