RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium

RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium are part of RBSE Class 12 Economics Board Model Papers. Here we have given RBSE Class 12 Economics Sample Paper 4 English Medium.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 12
Paper SetModel Paper 4
CategoryRBSE Model Papers

RBSE Class 12 Economics Sample Paper 4 English Medium

Time: 3.15 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions to the Examinees

  1. Candidate must write his/her Roll No. on the question paper compulsorily.
  2. All the questions are compulsory.
  3. Write the answer to each question in the given answer book only.
  4. For questions having more than one part, the answers to those parts are to be written together in continuity.
  5. Write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.
  6. SectionQ. NosMarks per questionWord limit of answer
    A1-10110 Words
    B11-18220  Words
    C19-27430-40 Words
    D28-306250-300 Words
  7. Question Nos. 28,29 and 30 have internal choices.


Question 1.
Give the definition of economics. [1]

Question 2.
Write any one point of importance of macro economics. [1]

Question 3.
When was the book “The General Theory” associated with macro economics published? [1]

Question 4.
What is meant by short run production function? [1]

RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium

Question 5.
What is meant by marginal cost? [1]

Question 6.
What is meant by domestic market? [1]

Question 7.
What is meant by stock? [1]

Question 8.
What is the name given to the calculation of national income done on domestic basis? [1]

Question 9.
Describe the relationship between NDP and NNP with the help of an equation. [1]

Question 10.
When does trade deficit take place? [1]

RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium


Question 11.
“Micro and macro economics are complimentary to each other.” Explain this statement. [2]

Question 12.
Explain the effect of change in income on the demand curve with the help of a graph. [2]

Question 13.
Write the meaning of monopoly. [2]

Question 14.
What is meant by monetary flow? [2]

Question 15.
Calculate national income with the help of the following data- [2]

ItemsIn crore rupees
1. Operating surplus200
2. Wages and Salaries700
3. Net factor income from abroad-10
4. Social security scheme of the employee100
5. Rent and Royalty50

Question 16.
If Average Propensity to Consume (APC) is 0.2, 0.4, 0.7 then calculate Average Propensity to Save (APS). [2]

Question 17.
Give two arguments in favour of floating capital exchange rate. [2]

RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium

Question 18.
What do you understand by the term AEPS? [2]


Question 19.
Why is the budget line downward sloping? Explain. [4]

Question 20.
Complete the following table- [4]

Quantity of Goods (q)Total Revenue (TR)Marginal Revenue (MR)Average Revenue (AR)

Question 21.
Differentiate between monopolistic competition and oligopoly. [4]

Question 22.
Show the effect of shift in the demand curve on equilibrium price and quantity with the help of graph. [4]

Question 23.
What is meant by Personal Income? [4]

Question 24.
What is the difference between Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)? [4]

RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium

Question 25.
Explain aggregate demand in open and closed economy. [4]

Question 26.
Complete the following table- [4]

Income (Y)Saving (S)Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC)Average Propensity to Consume (APC)

Question 27.
Calculate the balance of account of Balance of Payments. Is the remainder of the Balance of Payments account balanced? [4]

ItemsAmount (in Rupees)
1. Capital account balance400 crore
2. Value of exports150 crore
3. Value of exports450 crore
4. Unilateral transfers100 crore
5. Visible trade balance200 crore


Question 28.
Clarify the limitations of the Law of Equi-marginal Utility. [6]
Describe the various determinant factors of demand.

Question 29.
Describe the various conditions of Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product in detail. [6]
Differentiate between short run and long run production function and describe them in detail.

RBSE Class 12 Economics Model Paper 4 English Medium

Question 30.
Clearly explain savings bank account and current account. [6]
Which functions are performed by the Reserve Bank of India? Explain

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