RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 11 Life in Water

RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 11 Life in Water is part of RBSE Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 11 Life in Water.

TextbookSIERT, Rajasthan
ClassClass 5
SubjectEnvironmental Studies
ChapterChapter 11
Chapter NameLife in Water
Number of Questions48
CategoryRBSE Solutions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 11 Life in Water

Text Book Questions

Explore and answer the following (Page No. 61)

Question 1.
Which are the organisms you have seen in water?
Fish, crocodile, tortoise, snake etc. live in water.

Observe and answer the following (Page No. 61)

Question 1.
Which animals are seen on Page No. 61?
Fish, crocodile and tortoise are found here.

Question 2.
Out of them, which are the animals which live only in water?
Among them, only fish can live in water.

Question 3.
What are the animals that live both on land and water?
Tortoise and crocodile live both on land and in water.

Think and answer (Page No. 62)

Question 1.
Make a list of aquatic animals.
Crocodile, snake, fish, crab, tortoise, lichen etc. are some aquatic animals.

Question 2.
Why are some animals and plants able to survive in water?
Some animals and plants are able to survive in water due to their specific physical characteristics.

Points for discussion (Page No. 62)

Question 1.
The animals that live on land (dog, cow, buffalo) keep their head out of water while swimming. Why do they do so?
Dog, cow, buffalo etc. cannot respire in water. Hence, they keep their head out of water while swimming.

Question 2.
How do fish survive in water?
Fish can breathe in deep water. So, they can survive in water.

Question 3.
Whom does their shape look like?
The shape of the fish is like a boat.

Question 4.
Which organs are found in the fish which help them swim in water?
Fish can swim in water with the help of tail or fins.

Think and answer the following (Page No. 63)

Question 1.
Where is the algae found?
Algae is found where the water remains accumulated.

Question 2.
Make a list of the plants that live in water.
Singhara, lotus, water lily, jalkumbhi etc. are found in water.

Question 3.
If the aquatic plants that are found in water, taken out of water, what will happen to them?
If the aquatic plants are taken out of water, they will die.

Question 4.
If the plants that grow on the land, are grown in water, what will happen?
These plants will decay and die.

Explore (Page No. 63)

Question 1.
Why do the aquatic plants not decay in water?
The aquatic plants do not decay in water due to their special physical characteristics.

Points for discussion (Page No. 64)

Question 1.
Which are the plants completely submerged in water and how do their leaves look like?
Jalkumbhi is completely submerged in water and the leaves are round and green in colour.

Question 2.
How do the leaves of the plants in flowing water look like?
The leaves of the plants in flowing water look like ribbons.

Question 3.
How do the leaves of the plants floating on the surface of water look like?
The leaves of the plants floating on the surface of water look-like broad, oily and fleshy.

Question 4.
Why are the leaves of the lotus plants broad?
The leaves of the lotus plants are broad to give support to the lotus flower to float on the water.

Question 5.
Why are the leaves of the plants of flowing water, very narrow like a ribbon?
The plants do not allow the flowing water on the leaves. Hence the leaves of the slants of flowing water are narrow like ribbons.

Points for discussion (Page No. 64)

Question 1.
Which aquatic plant is shown in the pond?
Jalkumbhi is shown in the pond.

Question 2.
If the entire pond gets covered with jalkumbhi plant, what will happen?
No more water can be seen and other aquatic animals and plants will face problems.

Question 3.
What difficulties will the other aquatic animals and plants have if there is more growth of jalkumbhi plants?
Due to the excessive presence of the jalkumbhi plants, sunrays cannot reach deep into the water and as a result other aquatic animals and plants face problems to exist.

Learnt, understood and now tell (Page No. 65)

Question 1.
Name two aquatic animals?
Fish and tortoise.

Question 2.
Name two aquatic plants.
Jalkunibhi and lotus.

Question 3.
With the help of your teacher, observe any pond or stepwell in your nearby area and make a list of aquatic animals or plants found in it.
(a) Aquatic animals – Fish, frog, tortoise, snake, crocodile etc.
(b) Aquatic plants – Water lily, lotus, jalkumbhi, algae etc.

Other Important Questions

Objective Type Questions :

Question 1.
It is an aquatic plant.
(a) Jalkumbhi
(b) Rose
(c) Marigold
(d) None of these
(a) Jalkumbhi

Question 2.
It is an aquatic animal.
(a) Elephant
(b) Lion
(c) Fish
(d) Bear
(c) Fish

Question 3.
This animal lives both in water and on land,
(a) Lion
(b) Tortoise
(c) Fox
(b) Tortoise

Question 4.
This animal lives only on land.
(a) Dog
(b) Tortoise
(c) Fish
(d) Crocodile
(a) Dog

Fill in the blanks :

1 ………. is found where the water remains accumulated. (algae / rose)
2 ………. plant spreads very quickly. (lotus / jalkumbhi)
3. Fish are ………… organisms, (land / aquatic)
4. The leaf of the lotus plant is very …………(small / broad)
1. (algae)
2. (jalkumbhi)
3. (aquatic)
4. (broad)

State True or False :

Question 1.
Algae only grows in water.

Question 2.
The shape of the fish is round.

Question 3.
Fish can swim with their fins and tail.

Question 4.
Dog dips its face in water at the time of swimming.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the names of aquatic animals.
Fish, tortoise, dolphins, snake, crocodile etc.

Question 2.
Where does the bear live?
Bear lives in the snowy areas.

Question 3.
What protects the bear from very cold weather?
Its long hairs.

Question 4.
Give an example of an aquatic plant.

Question 5.
What is found in the places where water is accumulated?

Question 6.
What type of animal is a cow?
Terrestrial animal.

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
What is adaptation?
All the plants and animals develop their physical characteristics according to the surroundings, in which they live. This is known as adaptation.

Question 2.
What are the problems created with the development of jalkumbhi (Eichhornia plant) for the hydro plants and animals?
Why is the jalkumbhi plant removed from water time to time?
The Eichhornia plant (jalkumbhi) spreads very fast in the ponds and lakes etc. on its own without growing and covers the water surface of the entire pond, which disturbs the growing of other aquatic plants and animals. Due to this plant, the sunrays cannot enter the pond water and the quantity of oxygen of water decreases. So it is necessary’ to remove it from time to time.

Question 3.
Terrestrial animals cannot live in water. Why?
Terrestrial animals cannot find any favourable condition in water, as well as they do not have the special physical characteristics by which they can exist in water.

Question 4.
What kind of plants are grown in water?
Many types of plants grow in water, such as

  • Some of them remain completely submerged in water.
  • Some plants are half submerged, but their leaves float on the surface of the water.
  • Some of the plants also grow in flowing water.
  • Some grow in stagnant water.

Question 5.
Which types of plants are found in water and which are found on land? Make separate boxes.

Found in waterFound on land
Jalkumbhi (Eichhornia)Rose
Water chestnutMarigold

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