RBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Grammar Indirect Speech Questions and Answers can be a valuable resource for students from an exam point of view. You can download the RBSE Solutions for Class 7 English free of cost and clarify your doubts alongside understanding of concepts. Students are advised to solve these solutions in order to attempt the exam well and score good results.
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 7 English Grammar Indirect Speech
वक्ता के कहे हुए शब्दों को प्रकट करना Narration कहलाता है। Narration दो प्रकार के होते हैं : Direct Narration iR Indirect Narration. Direct Narration में वक्ता के शब्दों को ज्यों का त्यों व्यक्त किया जाता है। जैसेHe said, “I am going to Mumbai.” उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में वक्ता He है और He के कहे हुए शब्दों को ज्यों का त्यों Inverted commas (” “) में लिखा गया है। Direct Narration को Direct Speech भी कहते हैं । Indirect Narration में वक्ता के शब्दों को ज्यों का त्यों न कहकर उसका भाव प्रकट किया जाता है। जैसेHe said that he was going to Mumbai. इस वाक्य में I को he में तथा am को was में बदलकर लिखा गया है। इस प्रकार Direct Narration को Indirect Narration में बदल दिया गया है। Direct Narration के दो भाग होते हैं :
(i) Reporting Part
(ii) Reported Speech.
Inverted Commas के बाहर के भाग को Reporting Part तथा इसमें प्रयोग की गई क्रिया (Verb) को Reporting Verb कहते हैं। जो भाग Inverted Commas के अन्दर लिखा जाता है उसे Reported Speech तथा Reported Speech की क्रिया (Verb) को Verb of Reported Speech कहते हैं
Reporting Verb Reported Speech
He said, “I am going to Mumbai.”
उपर्युक्त वाक्य में ‘said’ Reporting Verb है तथा “I am going to Mumbai.” Reported Speech है।
Direct से Indirect में बदलने के सामान्य नियम
- Indirect. Speech में Inverted Commas “………” का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
- Reporting Verb के बाद Comma (,) का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
- Reporting Verb का tense कभी नहीं बदलता है। यदि Reporting,Verb के बाद कोई Object (कर्म) आया हो तो said to को told में बदल देते हैं। परन्तु told के साथ to का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं । यदि said के बाद कोई . Object (कर्म) न हो तो said का said ही रहता है।
- Reporting Verb के पश्चात् आवश्यकतानुसार उचित Conjunction जैसे that, if या whether लगाते हैं। कभी-कभी Conjunction लगाने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती।
1. Tenses में परिवर्तन सम्बन्धी नियम
(Rules for the Change of Tenses)
नियम 1.
यदि Reporting Verb, Present (वर्तमान काल) अथवा Future (भविष्य) Tense में हो तो Reported Speech के verb के Tense में किसी प्रकार का परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। जैसे –
Direct – Ram says, “Hari is not well.”
Indirect – Ram says that Hari is not well.
Direct – He will say, “Asha is very intelligent.”
Indirect – He will say that Asha is very intelligent.
नियम 2.
यदि Reporting Verb, Past Tense (भूतकाल) में हो तो Reported Speech के Tense में परिवर्तन निम्न प्रकार किया जाता है।
(a) Simple Present Tense को बदल कर Simple Past Tense किया जाता है। जैसे –
Direct – Mohan said. “Rakesh tells a lie.”
Indirect – Mohan said that Rakesh told a lie.
(b) Present Continuous of Past Continuous में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : Sohan said to me, “Ram is writing a book.”
Indirect : Sohan told me that Ram was writing a book.
(c) Present Perfect Tense को Past Perfect Tense में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : Sohan said, “Sandhya has completed her work.”
Indirect : Sohan said that Sandhya had completed her work.
(d) Present Perfect Continuous को Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : He said, “It has been raining since morning.”
Indirect : He said that it had been raining since morning.
(e) Simple Past Tense को Past Perfect Tense में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : He said, “The horse died in the night.”
Indirect : He said that the horse had died in the night..
(f) Past Continuous Tense on Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct – He said, “The students were learning their lessons.”
Indirect – He said that the students had been learning their lessons.
(g) Past Perfect Tense 281 Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : They said, “Usha had won the match.”
Indirect : They said that Usha had won the match.
Direct : She said, “Asha had been reading for two hours.”
Indirect : She said that Asha had been reading for two hours.
(h) यदि Reporting Verb भूतकाल (Past Tense) में हो तो Reported Speech में आने वाले shall will को that clause के Subject के अनुसार should अथवा would में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : I said, “I shall play.”
Indirect : I said that I should play.
Direct : Anshu said, “Radha will see the picture.”
Indirect : Anshu said that Radha would – see the picture.
(i) यदि Reporting Verb भूतकाल (Past Tense) में हो तो Reported Speech में आने वाले ‘can’को ‘could’ में तथा ‘may’ को ‘might’ में बदल देते हैं। परन्तु ‘must’, ‘ought’, ‘could’,’ would’, ‘might’ तथा ‘used to’में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है जैसे –
Direct : I said, “I can jump into the river.”
Indirect : ‘I said that I could jump into the river.
Direct : He said, “The boy may go.”
Indirect : He said that the boy might go.
Direct : The teacher said, “Ram must take part in games.”
Indirect : The teacher said that Ram must take part in games.
Direct : He said to me, “We should respect elders.”
Indirect : He told me that we should respect elders.
Tense सम्बन्धी नियम के अपवाद (Exceptions) निम्नलिखित दशाओं में Reporting Verb केPast tense में होते हुए भी Reported Speech का Tense नहीं बदलता है
(1) जब सदा सत्य रहने वाली बात (Universal Truth) कही जाये ; जैसे –
Direct : He said, “The sun rises in the east.”
Indirect : He said that the sun rises in the east.
(2) जब कोई आदत सम्बन्धी तथ्य (Habitual fact) कही जाये ; जैसे –
Direct : Hari said to Ravi, “Dogs bark at strangers.”
Indirect : Hari told Ravi that dogs bark at strangers.
(3) जब कोई कहावत (Proverb) कही जाये ; जैसे –
Direct – He said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
Indirect – He said that honesty is the best policy.
(4) जब किसी ऐतिहासिक घटना (Historical fact) का जिक्र हो जैसे –
Direct – The history teacher said, “Samudragupta is called the Napoleon of India”.
Indirect – The history teacher said that Samudragupta is called the Napoleon of India.
Exercise 1
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
निमन लिखत वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलिए :
- Ram says, “Mohan is a naughty boy.”
- Gopal will say, “Hari is a good player.”
- He said, “The horse died in the night.”
- Mahesh said, “Mira is reading a book.”
- The clerk said to me,”Mr Gupta has been ill for the last two days.”
- Pratibha will say, “Ram writes a letter.”
- My father said, “Honesty is the best … policy.”
2. Pronouns के Persons
में परिवर्तन सम्बन्धी नियम
Pronouns के तीन persons होते हैं –
(i)First Person
(ii) Second Person
(iii) Third Person, वाक्य में इनका प्रयोग तीन रूपों में होता है
(i) Subject के रूप में
(ii) Object के रूप में
(iii) Possession (अधि कार) प्रकट करने के लिए। इनके प्रयोग को भली-भाँति समझने हेतु निम्नलिखित तालिका का अध्ययन करें :
Pronouns में परिवर्तन
नियम 1.
Direct से Indirect बनाते समय Reported Speech at First Person के Pronoun (I, my, me, mine, we, our, us, ours) को Reporting Verb Subject (कर्ता) of Person, Number और Gender अनुसार बदल देता है। जैसे –
Direct : I said, “I do not like that book.”
Indirect : I said that I did not like that book.
Direct : Sita said, “I read my book daily.”
Indirect : Sita said that she read her book daily.
नियम 2.
Direct से Indirect में परिवर्तन करते समय Reported Speech में आये हुए Second Person के Pronouns (you, your, yours, yourself) को Reporting Verb के Object (कर्म) के Person, Number और Gender अनुसार बदल देता है। जैसे –
Direct : He said to me, “You are happy.”
Indirect : He told me that I was happy.
Direct : He said to you, “You are a fool.”
Indirect : He told you that you were a fool.
Direct : Ram said to him,”You are not doing any work.”
Indirect : Ram told him that he was not doing any work.
Direct : He said to them, “You are very sad.”
Indirect : He told them that they were very sad.
नोट : यदि Reporting Verb के बाद किसी Object का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है तो Reporting Verb के पश्चात First Person के Pronoun का प्रयोग करके Object बना देते हैं। तथा उसी के अनुसार Reporting Speech में प्रयुक्त Second Person के Pronoun को First Person में बदलते हैं। जैसे
Direct : Ram said, “You should work
Indirect : Ram told me that I should work hard.
यदि वाक्य से यह स्पष्ट होता है कि you का प्रयोग किसके लिए है तो उसके Person के अनुसार बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : The old man said, “You can go to your house; Anand.”
Indirect : The old man told Anand that he could go to his house.
नियम 3.
Direct से Indirect Narration में परिवर्तन करते समय Reported Speech में आये हुए Third Person of Pronouns (he, she, it, they, his, her, its, their, him, them, himself, herself, themselves, hers, theirs) में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : Suresh said, “He is a clerk.”
Indirect : Suresh said that he was a clerk.
Direct : I said, “She is not a good player.”
Indirect : I said that she was not a good player.
Note – (i) Noun को सदैव Third Person में मानते
(ii) अगर Reporting Verb के कर्ता और कर्म दोनों Third Person it same Gender में हों तो Indirect में परिवर्तन करते समय उनके सामने कोष्ठकों में उन व्यक्तियों का नाम लिख देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : Nirmala said to Mira, “I shall always help you.”
Indirect : Nirmala told Mira that she (Nirmala) would always help her (Mira).
(iii) यदि Direct Speech में I या we के साथ shall हो और Indirect बनाते समय के स्थान पर he या she तथा we के स्थान पर they का प्रयोग किया गया हो तो shall के स्थान पर should का प्रयोग न करके would को प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
3. समय या स्थिति के निकटता-सूचक शब्दों। को बदलने के नियम
नियम –
Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त समय अथवा स्थिति – के निकटता-(Nearness of time or position) सूचके शब्दों को दूरी प्रकट करने वाले शब्दों में बदल देते हैं। जैसे –
Direct : He said to them, “I will leave you now.”
Indirect : He told them that he would leave them then.
Direct : Mohan said to Ram, “I cannot go with you till next Monday.
Indirect : Mohan told Ram that he (Mohan) could not go with him (Ram) till the following Monday.
Direct : He said to me, “I came here yesterday.”
Indirect : He told me that he had gone there the previous day.
Note: लेकिन यदि this, here तथा now किसी ऐसे स्थान, वस्तु या समय का संकेत करें, जो कहते समय वक्ता के सामने हों तो Indirect बनाते समय इनमे परिवर्तन नहीं होगा। जैसे –
Direct : He said, “I slept here.”
Indirect : He said that he had slept here,
- Ram says that Mohan is a naughty boy.
- Gopal will say that Hari is a good player.
- He said that the horse had died in the night.
- Mahesh said that Meera was reading a book.
- The clerk told me that Mr Gupta had been ill for the last two days.
- Pratibha will say that Ram writes a letter.
- My father said that honesty is the best policy.
Exercise 2
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
निमन लिखत वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलिए :
- He said, “I shall do my work.”
- Mohan said to them, “You are good players.”
- He said to you, “You can go home.”
- He said, “I have passed the examination.”
- “I have brought three letters for you,” Ravi said to Hari.
- He said to me, “It has been raining since morning.”
- He said to his mother,” I shall do it tomorrow.”
- Kamla said to her father,” I visited the Zoo yesterday.”
अर्थ की दृष्टि से वाक्यों को निम्न प्रकारों में विभाजित किया जा सकता है।
(A) Assertive Sentences
(B) Interrogative Sentences
(C) Imperative Sentences
(D) Exclamatory Sentences
Narration में इन भेदों का ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है। वाक्य के प्रकार को पहचानने पर ही उसे नियमानुसार बदला जा सकता है।
नोट – यहाँ पर चारों प्रकार के Sentences में से Statements (Assertive Sentences) तथा Interrogative sentences का विवरण दिया जा रहा है।
Statements (Assertive Sentences) सामान्य कथन
नियम 1.
इन वाक्यों में Reporting Verb के बाद यदि कोई Object हो तो say to, says to, said to को tell, tells, told में बदल देते हैं और यदि कोई Object न हो तो नहीं बदलते हैं। tell, tells व told के पश्चात् ‘to’ नहीं लगाते।
नियम 2.
Inverted commas (“—“) को हटाकर Reported Speech प्रारम्भ करने के लिए Conjunction ‘that’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
नियम 3.
यदि Reporting Verb, Present Tense या Future Tense में हो तो Reported Speech के Verb के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता। यदि Past Tense में हो तो उसके अनुसार ही Reported Speech के verb का tense बदल जाता है।
नियम 4.
Reported Speech में First Person के Pronouns को Reporting Verb के Object के Person के अनुसार बदलते हैं। Reported Speech के Third Person के Pronouns नहीं बदलते हैं।
नोट – Tense तथा Pronouns के परिवर्तन का प्रारम्भ में विस्तार से वर्णन किया जा चुका है।
नियम 5.
यदि किसी वाक्य में कोई व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा सम्बोधन कारक (Vocative Case) में हो तो Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित करते समय संज्ञा को told का Object बना देते हैं। जैसे
Direct : Father said, “Sarla, you have become lazy.”
Indirect : Father told Sarla th t she had become lazy
नियम 6.
would , might, could, should, must, ought to को Indirect Speech में ज्यों का त्यों रहने SH –
Direct : He said, “I would like to become a doctor”.
Indirect : He said that he would like to become a doctor.
Direct : He said to Sita, “You must work hard”.
Indirect : He told Sita that she must work hard.
Direct : She said to us, “You ought to go to Nainital in summer”.
Indirect : She told us that we ought to go to Nainital in summer.
Direct : Mohan said, “Sita should take care of her health”.
Indirect : Mohan said that Sita should take care of her health.
- He said that he would do his work.
- Mohan told them that they were good players.
- He told you that you could go home. He said that he had passed the examination.
- Ravi told Hari that he (Ravi) had brought three letters for him ( Hari).
- He told me that it had been raining since morning.
- He told his mother that he would do it the next day.
- Kamla told her father that she had visited the zoo the previous day.
Exercise 3
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
निमनलिखत वाक्यों को Indirect Speech बदलिए :
- The doctor said to me, “The condition of your father is serious.”
- The students said, “Our examinations will begin on March 18.”
- Anil said to his teacher, “Satish has topped the list of the successful candidates this year.”
- The fruit-seller said, “I am selling mangoes twenty rupees a kilo.”
- Meera said to her mother, “I visited my . uncle yesterday.”
- You said to me, “I will give you a book.”
- Neerja said, “My younger sisters do not know how to cook food.”
Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative Sentences से प्रश्न का बोध होता है। इस प्रकार के Sentences को Indirect में बदलते समय निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए :
नियम 1.
Reporting Verb ‘said to’ को asked या enquired of में बदल देते हैं।
नियम 2.
Interrogative Sentences में ‘that’ Conjunction का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता।
नियम 3.
Indirect में प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य को साधारण वाक्य (Assertive Sentence) बना देते हैं। प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न (?) हटा दिया जाता है और उसके स्थान पर Full Stop (.) का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे
Direct : He said to me, “Where is she ?”
Indirect : He asked me where she was.
नियम 4.
Reported Speech के Pronoun, Verb तथा अन्य शब्दों को साधारण वाक्यों के नियमों के अनुसार बदलते हैं
नियम 5.
जब Reported Speech किसी Auxiliary Verb (सहायक क्रिया), जैसे- is, are,am, was, were, do, does, did, shall, will, has, have, had, can, may, आदि से शुरू हो तो Indirect Speech बनाते समय Reported Speech को Connective word ‘if’ या ‘whether’ से आरम्भ किया जाता है । इसके पश्चात् Subject, फिर Verb का प्रयोग करते हैं । जैसे
(1) Direct. : Hari’ said to me, “Are you reading a book ?”
Indirect : Hari asked me if I was reading a book.
(2) Direct : Raju said to Hari, “Will you” go to school today?”
Indirect : Raju asked Hari if he would go to school that day.
नियम 6.
अगर Reported Speech में सहायक क्रिया do या does हो और उसके बाद not न हो तो Indirect बनाते समय उनको हटा देते हैं और मुख्य क्रिया को Simple Past में बदल देते हैं। जैसे
Direct : She said to me, “Do you know Sunny ?”
Indirect : She asked me if I know Sunny.
नियम 7.
अगर Reported Speech में do या does के बाद not हो तो do या does के स्थान पर did कर दिया जाता है और उसके साथ Verb की First Form का प्रयोग करते हैं । जैसे
(1) Direct : Father said to me, “Do you not obey me ?”
Indirect : Father asked me if I did not obey him.
नियम 8.
अगर Reported Speech में did, helping Verb हो तो उसे हटाकर had + verb की III form में बदल देते हैं । जैसे
Direct : He said to me, “Did you lend me your book ?”
Indirect : He asked me whether I had lent him my book.
नियम 9.
यदि Reported Speech प्रश्नवाचक शब्द (What, Who, Which, Whom, Whose, When, Where, Why, How, आदि) शुरू होता है तो Indirect Speech में कोई अन्य Connective नहीं लगाया जाना चाहिए । ये शब्द ही स्वयं Connectives का कार्य करता है इनके बाद Subject, पीर Verb का प्रयोग करते हैं जैसे –
(1) Direct : I said to her, “Who are you and where are you coming from?”
Indirect : I enquired of her who she was and where she was coming from.
(2) Direct : The teacher said to Hari, “Why did you not come to school yesterday ?”
Indirect : The teacher asked Hari why he had not come to school the previous day.
- The doctor told me that the condition of my father was serious.
- The students said that their examinations would begin on March 18.
- Anil told his teacher that Satish had topped the list of the successful candidates that year.
- The fruit-seller said that he was selling mangoes twenty rupees a kilo.
- Meera told her mother that she had visited her uncle the previous day.
- You told me that you would give me a book.
- Neeraja said that her younger sisters did not know how to cook food.
Exercise 4
Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech:
निमन लिखत वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलिए
- She said to him, “Where does Ram live ?”
- Mohan said to Dr Sharma, “Will you tell me what a computer is ?”
- Sandeep said to Dr Sharma, “What are the main parts of a computer ?”
- She said to him, “Was the examination paper very difficult ?”
- My mother said to me, “When will you go to market?”
- Hari said to Ram, “How can you say that I am a fool ?”
- He said to her, “What do you want ?”
- The officer said to me, “Have you typed all the letters ?”
- Gopal said to me, “Are you going to see the fair ?”
- The teacher said to the children, “Why are you making a noise ?”
- Sarita said to him, “May I use your telephone?”
- He said to me, “Do you know how to swim?”
- She asked him where Ram lived.
- Mohan asked Dr. Sharma if he would tell him what a computer was.
- Sandeep asked Dr Sharma what the main parts of a computer were.
- She asked him whether the examination paper was very difficult.
- My mother asked me when I would go to the market.
- Hari asked Ram how he (Ram) could say that he (Hari) was a fool.
- He asked her what she wanted.
- The officer asked me whether I had typed all the letters..
- Gopal asked me if I was going to see the fair.
- The teacher asked the children why they were making a noise.
- Sarita asked him if she might use his telephone.
- He asked me whether I knew how to swim.
Exercise 5
(Based on the Text Book) Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech :
निमन लिखत वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में बदलिए :
- Janki Lal said, ‘Are you ready, Manghu?’
- Janki Lal said to Gauri, “I don’t know how to manage all this.”
- Mr Sharma said to Sugan, “Who is there?”
- Kartik said to Dashrath, “What do you serve for lunch ?”
- Kartik said to Dashrath, “Don’t you have some light tiffin too ?”
- King asked, “What is it?”
- The king said to the minister, “I am going to forest.”
- The minister asked anxiously, “Is there going to be any competition?”
- He said to the king, “All the pots are beautiful.”
- The king asked Vikram, “Why is there no plant in the pot?”
- Dr Garasiya said to Ramesh, “What do you want to ask?”
- Ramesh said to Dr Bhatnagar, “I go for a monthly planning.”
- Ramesh asked Dr Bhatnagar, “Will it build confidence in me?”
- Dr Garasiya said, “What is your question, Mumal ?”
- Rahim said to Dr Bhatnagar, “ I still want to know.”
- Janki Lal asked Manghu if he was ready.
- Janki Lal told Gauri that he didn’t know how to manage all that.
- Mr Sharma asked Sugan who was there.
- Kartik asked Dashrath what he served for lunch.
- Kartik asked Dashrath if he didn’t have some light tiffin too.
- King asked what it was.
- The king told the minister that he was going to forest.
- The minister asked anxiously if there was going to be any competition.
- He told the king that all the pots were beautiful.
- The king asked Vikram why there was no plant in the pot.
- Dr Garasiya asked Ramesh what he wanted to ask.
- Ramesh told Dr Bhatnagar that he went for a monthly planning.
- Ramesh asked Dr Bhatnagar if it would build confidence in him.
- Dr Garasiya asked Mumal what her question was.
- Rahim told Dr Bhatnagar that he still wanted to know.
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