RBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Vocabulary Had better / Would rather Questions and Answers can be a valuable resource for students from an exam point of view. You can download the RBSE Solutions for Class 7 English free of cost and clarify your doubts alongside understanding of concepts. Students are advised to solve these solutions in order to attempt the exam well and score good results.
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 7 English Vocabulary Had better / Would rather
Had better
- इसका प्रयोग लोगों को सलाह देने के लिए किया जाता है।
- इसका अर्थ Present या Future में होता है न कि Past में।
- हमेशा ही had का प्रयोग किया जाता है न कि have का।.
- Had better के ठीक बाद verb की I form का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(i) He had better get up early.
(ii) You had better tell him in time.
Would rather
- जब हम किसी दूसरी चीज से ज्यादा एक चीज को करना चाहें।
- इसके ठीक बाद भी verb की I form का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है।
(i) I would rather stay at home than going out.
(ii) I would rather tell frankly than keeping quiet.
Would rather तथा had better दोनों की ही Contracted forms एक समान है परन्तु दोनों को rather या better की सहायता से ही पहचाना जाता है।
I’d rather = I would rather.
I’d better = I had better.
- She ……………….. stop taking so much tea. Look! She is still taking tea.
- I don’t want to go for a walk. I ……….take a rest and watch TV.
- She ……………. walk carefully, she has already had a fracture in her leg.
- He ……………. lie on one bench than sleep on a sofa.
- ………………… you son ………….. have a cat or a parrot ? A cat of course.
- Anil …………… not eat so much sweet.
- ……………. I ………… tell him the truth or wait for a while ?
- It’s time to go home……….. you ……….. give me a coffee first ?
- You ………….. stay here until she comes.
- I ……………. have a window seat, please.
- had better
- would rather
- had better
- would rather
- Would, rather
- had better.
- Had, better
- Would, rather
- had better
- would rather
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