RBSE Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 4 World: Population Structure

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 4 World: Population Structure

Introduction :

  • All the economic activities of human are related to natural resources and population.
  • Under population structure, age structure, gender ratio population, literacy, occupation, rural and urban population, etc. aspects are studied.
  • The main factors of population composition are age structure, sex ratio, population composition, literacy and occupation structure etc.

Age Structure :

  • Age structure represents the number of people of different age groups, o Under the age structure, population of a country is divided on the basis of their age group for proper studies.
  • Under the age structure, total population is divided into three main groups. 0 – 14, 15 – 64 and above 65, out of which the people of age group 0 – 14 and above 65 are called the dependent population and the age group 15 to 64 is known as working people, o 6.8 per cent of the world population is old. The largest number of old people are in Japan with 18.27 percent.
  • 35.2 per cent of the world population are youth. The African continent stands first in youth-population with 44.71 per cent.
  • Unbalanced age structure effects the economic conditions of a country adversely.

Sex Ratio :

  • Sex ratio is used to describe the number of females per 1000 males.
  • Generally, the ratio of the population of males to the population of females is called the sex ratio.
  • Female foeticide, female infanticide, domestic abuse and death during the childbirth are some of the reasons of unbalanced sex ratio.
  • The average sex ratio in the world is 985 women per 1000 males.
  • The highest sex ratio is found in Europe continent which is 1072 while lowest is in the African continent which is 957 women per 1000 men.
  • There is a difference in sex ratio of urban and rural areas in the world. In Western countries, male population in rural areas is larger than females but in Asian countries the situation is just opposite.
  • On the basis of sex ratio, the world can be divided into four parts : countries with female surplus, countries where females are excess, countries with male surplus and the countries where males are excess.

RBSE Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 4 World: Population Structure

Population Composition :

  • In population composition, rural and urban population ratio of any country is considered.
  • The age-sex composition, occupational structure, population density and level of development in rural and urban regions is found to be quite different.
  • On the basis of urban population, world can be divided into three parts : Highly urbanised, medium urbanised and low urbanised.

Literacy :

  • By literacy, study of qualitative aspects of population is made and it is an indicator of social and economical development.
  • Literacy effects reproduction, birth and death rates, progress and occupations or economic activities of the population.
  • Literacy is affected at large scale by factors such as level of economic development, urbanisation, life style and living standard, social status of women in the society, facilities provided and policies adopted by the government, etc.
  • Developed and urban economic standards show high rate of literacy and high level of education.

Occupational Structure of Population :

  • Occupational structure of population represents the working population of a country. It may be related to services or own business or own economic activities.
  • Occupational structure of a country refers to the distribution or division of the population, according to different occupations.
  • Occupations are generally classified as primary, secondary and tertiary.
  • The age group of working population is 15 to 59, while the age group of 0 – 14 and over 60 is known as dependent population.
  • Working population ratio is more involved in secondary and tertiary occupations of world’s developing economies.

Glossary :

  1. Population : The number of living persons in a region is called the population.
  2. Resource : Every material found on the earth or any other planet which is useful for mankind is called resource.
  3. Literacy : The total percentage of the population of an area at the particular time aged seven years or above who can read and write with understanding and who are capable to perform arithmetical calculations.
  4. Population Structure : The composition of a population according to age groups and gender is known as the population structure. It includes the age, sex, marital status, language, religion, occupation, etc.
  5. Sex Ratio : Generally, the ratio in the population of the males to the population of females is called sex ratio. It is used to describe the number of females per 1000 of males.
  6. Age Structure : Age structure represents the number of people of different age groups.
  7. Working Population : The age group of 15 – 59 of the population is called the working population.
  8. Death Rate : Death rate is the term used to define the number of deaths in population during a certain time in a certain area.
  9. Migration : The movement of a person or group of persons from their, permanent residence to another temporary or permanent residence.
  10. Agriculture : The science or practice of farming including cultivation of the soil for growing of crops and rearing of animals.
  11. Industry : The manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, carried out by a country, region or individual.
  12. Occupational Structure : It refers to the aggregate distribution of occupations in society classified according to skill level, economic functions or social status.
  13. Population Density : Measure of the intensity of population, expressed as number of persons per square kilometer or square mile.
  14. Continent : The vast terrain rising up above the sea level and surrounded by great oceans are called continents. The continents of the world are : Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica and Australia.
  15. Population Growth : An increase in the number of population during a certain time. It may be positive, negative or zero.
  16. Rural Population : Number of persons living in the rural areas.
  17. Urban Population : Number of persons living in cities.
  18. Literacy Rate : The ratio between total population and literate population.
  19. Ranching : Ranching is the practice of raising herds of animals on large tracts of land. Ranchers commonly raise grazing animals such as cow, oxen, goats sheep and horses, etc.
  20. Transport : A process to carry the people or goods or animals from one place to another place.
  21. Communication : The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

RBSE Class 12 Geography Notes Chapter 4 World: Population Structure

RBSE Class 12 Geography Notes